The Little Rose Newsletter The Voice of the Rose Ferron Foundation of Rhode Island Volume 3 Issue 3 June 2019 Here at the Rose Ferron Progress at Our Headquarters Foundation of Rhode Island, we Little Rose keep hearing the same question being asked around Woonsocket and surrounding areas: “Is Little Rose really moving back to Woon- Mary Rose Ferron was born on socket?” We always answer with a May 24, 1902 in Canada. Her parents smile and say, “She Never Left!”. came to Fall River, MA, in 1905. Rose It certainly is a very different became ecstatic about that time and state of transition for her, as now remained so until her death. she will have a much more spacious In 1925, Rose arrived in Woon- area to share her belief in Jesus, His socket, RI. In 1926, the stigmata of the Catholic Church and her love for flagellation appeared. In 1927, those of God. Blessings are continuing!! Much work continues fixing the drainage for the the hands and feet. In 1928, the stig- We want to report the success to be done in the archives courtyard which currently mata of the crown of thorns and then of our most recent fundraiser, held portion of the Annex Build- sits atop asphalt and is not in 1929, that of the heart. In 1930, the stigmata disappeared, but pains were at Savini’s Pomodoro on April ing. Many file cabinets effective. felt more intensely. 13th. A little under 100 attended have been put into place The Foundation hon- and are almost full as mate- ored Little Rose with prayer Ecstasy and stigmata are nothing the event. We do want to apolo- but charisms and in themselves do not gize for the technical difficulties we rial on Little Rose’s life is during the month of May. sorted and organized. Masses were offered in her sanctify. What sanctified Little Rose experienced with the sound of the was her virtuous life; she loved God A new heating/air con- name, prayer events were documentary film clips that was so intensely that she communicated shown. This is a new area for us ditioning unit is in the held and her grave decorat- her Charity when she spoke. Her soul and we will improve over time. A works to be installed, allow- ed with flowers as we re- was adorned with Christian virtues and heartfelt ‘Thank You’ goes out to ing the Annex Building to membered her birthday, the she practiced them with the heroism all who shared their moving testi- heat/cool more efficiently . day she died and the day of a true Victim. monies. Also in the works is she professed her Vows. To learn more, read “She Wears a Crown of Thorns”, available at our Words From the Foundation President Little Rose Book Nook. visit us. We are located at 339 Arnold curtains, depicting a multitude of thorns, to St. in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. We include prayers, scripted in a thorn pattern are open the first Sunday and third that is most unique. We are most pleased Saturday of each month. Plan a trip to with the results but also look forward to join us! We ask that you call ahead if the day when the Chapel, in its entirety can part of a large group. be displayed in one area. It has been a huge effort and work We continue our work efforts in this May was a very prayer-filled month, with of the heart to unpack all that has been area and are very thankful for all donations the Foundation Headquarters main Castle in storage for years now. The process and help we receive towards this goal. Building being opened each weekend. We has revealed that all was well worth Yours with “Little Rose,” enjoyed visitors, both new and old, some the efforts. Our latest addition to the local and some traveling quite a distance to Castle being the intricately designed David P. Ethier Friends are like Angels who lift us up to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. Page 2 Jean-Baptist Ferron The Little Rose Newsletter Jean-Baptist Ferron was the son of as a thing of the past and prepared her for Desire and Ademire Philomene Ferron something worse. On hearing him say and born on September 9, 1864, in Que- that it was possible for her father and bec Provence, Canada. On July 17, mother to turn against her, as others had, 1888 he married Rose Delima Syclimo- she immediately called them in. When ne Mathieu in St. Aime de Richelieu, they had come, she looked at Father Boy- Quebec, Canada, and together, they had er and said: “Please repeat what you 15 children. Typical size of a Canadian were saying.” Her parents were standing farming family in the 1800-1900 time around the bed facing Father Boyer, period. Just as in the United States, when he said “You know, it is possible large families were important in main- for her own father and mother to turn taining a farm. Everyone had a chore to against her. Those who have abandoned do to help the family survive. Rose, trusted in themselves as much as A hardy Canadian blacksmith who you do, they thought their affection was brought his family to the United States eternal, but it proved to be as human as for a better life in 1903. St-Germain-de yours is, and see where it has led them!” -Grantham was mostly farm country This comparison displeased them, they with a population of 2,300, situated on felt rather insulted by it, when Father the Canadian National train line at the Boyer added; “You are no better than the time of the move. Settling his family Apostles, they protested louder than you first in Fall River, MA, and in 1925 the statues; I watched him, as he took them do, and they all fled when their interest family moved to Woonsocket, RI, away one by one; at last, he came to the was at stake.” By that time, they had where in 1932 he was still listed in the Sacred Heart (it was the last one left in drawn closer to Father Boyer, the mother city directory as a blacksmith. the room); he looked at it as a last fare- was trying to squeeze in a word, but Rose’s father had the floor and he meant He was impulsive by nature, but well and finally sat down before it, and Continued on Page 3 endowed with Christian virtues. His began removing the nails that held the religion made him kind and his jovial pedestal to the floor. Before the third spirit gave him a sociable disposition, nail was out, a shout and a bang was but neither of those traits were ever heard, he threw down the hammer; the able to smother his impulsive nature; floor was still vibrating with the blow, he was not domineering, but was made when he leaped to his feet, repeating: self confident by the strength and vigor “Never!...Never!!”…and forgetting he acquired as a blacksmith. himself, he gesticulated and exclaimed: A man of clean morals, a man of “It is going too far!... That statue is go- prayer, a man of deep Faith. The fol- ing to stay here...here” And he muttered, lowing gives us an idea of his religion saying: “If it is all right to have statues and character. To please the icono- in churches, it can’t be wrong to have clasts or rather prevent their criticisms, them here” and he walked out of the he was induced by a priest to remove room determined that the statue of the all the statues from Rose’s room. He Sacred Heart would stay there.” And to explained a few days later, why that of his credit, the statue remained in Rose’s the Sacred Heart was still there: “You room, showing thereby that a Christian know it has long been a habit in my who loves Christ and has a deep faith in family, when the evening is over and Him, never despises His symbols, any the people are gone, to gather in Rose’s more than one who loves his country room and to say our night prayer before will despise its flag. the statue.” It was clear he wanted that On another occasion, Father Boyer statue to remain there. But Rose has a witnessed a scene that was no less inter- more detailed version of it; she drama- esting. Rose was in her room, having tized the incident and made a real story just emerged from the trials of being of it, “Father was slowly removing the abandoned and betrayed. He spoke of it Volume 3, Issue 3 Page 3 Continued from Page 2—Jean Baptist Ferron The Virtue of Faith to keep it, and he finally finished in a most emphatic way, saying: “Father, that cannot be . Faith provides us with deep convictions which greatly strengthen our will, and faith . I have not lost my head yet . Nor do I ever keeps before our eyes the eternal reward that will be the rich fruit of the suffer- intend to lose it. “ Father Boyer replied “That ings of the moment : Then with St. Paul, we say, “I reckon that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come,” and like him we rejoice, is true, you have not lost your head yet, but you even in the midst of tribulations, for each of these, if patiently borne, will earn for us a have too much of it!! .
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