.\ REGD. GOA 5\ Panaji, 2nd February, 197B (Magha 13, lB99) SER!ES '" No.' 44 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GO~ DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU Home Department (General! Directorate of Transport Public Notice I - Applications have been received for grant of stage carriage permits to operate buses on the following routes in response to the public notice of this office published in local newspapers. 'Wi.'.;' .. , t' -' S. No. Date of receIpt Name and address of the applicant M. V. No. Partaji to Agasaim via St. Oruz and back (~ buses). 10 6-12-77 Mis. Empresa Tl'ansportes Agasaim Panjim Limited, Registered Office GDR 3088 Pilar-Goa. 2. 6-12-77 Mis. Empresa Transportes Agasaim Panjim Limited, Pilar-Goa. New Bus 3. 6-12-77 Shri Minguel GraCias, P. O. Agasaim, Malwara, Tiswadi-Goa. GDS 1555 4. 8-12-77 Mis. Triveni Travels, Betim, Bardez, Goa. GDS 1511 5. 8-12-77 Shri Laximan Yeshwant Palyenkar, H. No. 112, Porvorim, Bardez-Goa. GDT 2482 6. 12-12-77 Shri Kashinath S. Natekar, Ansa Bhat, Mapu~, Bardez-Goa. GDT 2383 I, 7. 12-12-77 Mis. Empresa Transportes Agasaim Panjim Limited, Registered Office GDR 3090 I Pilar~Goa.- 8. 12-12-77 Shri Mukund Narayan ,Mayenkar, H. No. 260, Neura, Mandur-Goa. GDS 1596 I 9. 15-12-77 Shri VaSsudev Shankar Vadkar, Prabhavati Niwas, 'St. Inez, Panaji-Goa.. 'Bus Ashok Leyland 10. 16-12-77 Shri Roghuvir D. Hoble, Merces-Wadi Post Santa Cruz, nhas-Goa. Ashok Leyland I Bus New r vehicle 11. 16-12-77 8hri Gurudas Ramnath Nalk, Mapusa-Goa. Ashok Leyland " Bus Mc>rpirla to Margao via Fat<>rpa &; back. 1, 6-12-77 Mis. Shantadurga Bus 'Service, Bencleavado, oCuncolim-Goa. GDS 1566 2. 12-12-77 Shri Kashinath Ranum Naik, H. No. E 139, Cuncollm, Salcete-Goa. GDS 1526 Panaji to Volvoi ana back in place of GDT 2286. 1. 12-12-77 Shri Shriniwas K. N. Ralkar, Ta.Iapwada, Cumbharjua, TIhas-Goa.. GDS 1557 Panaji to· Ramnathi via Ponda, Bandora (I{ashimath Road) I{evla and back4 1. 8-12-77 8hri Krishna Laximon Naik, Sidheshwer Transport Service, Post Kundai­ GDT 2455 -Goa. 2. 12~12-77 Tripti Transport Service, S. Pedro, Ribandar-Goa. GDS 1599 Sancoa'le (Birla Site) to Margao 'V'ia Muddair... Pale... Vel.sao... Cansaulim... Verna &; back-in place of GnT 1784. 1. Mis. Milan TraDsport, Cannona-Goa. Bus Colva to MargM and back (1 bu8). 1. 9-12-77 SWAC Transport, Colva Salcete~Goa. Tata Bus GDT 2478 474 SERIES III No. H S. No. Date of receipt Name and addrss of the applicant M. V. No. Panafi to Bambolim via St. Cruz, Alto St. Cruz, ·KakTa, Nauxim and back (1 bus). 1. 15-12-77 Shri Vassudev. Shankar Vadkar, Prabhawati Niwas, Santa Inez, Panaji­ Bus Ashok -Goa. Leyland 2. 16-12-77 Shri Gurudas Ramnath Naik, Mapusa-Goa. Ashok Leyland Bus Margao to CortaUm via Nuvem, Verna &; back in place of GDT 1"158 (1 bU8). 1. 9-12-77 Mis. Gonsalves Transport service, Neura Grande, TIhas-Goa. GDT 2381 2. 12-12-77 The Marlim'Transport Company Private Limited, Erasmo Carvalho Street, Margao-Goa. 3. 12-12-77 Shri Augusto Teofilo Sande Noronha, H. No. 219, Veroda, CWlcolim, GDT 2461 Salcete-Goa. 4. 12-12-77 Shri Kashinath Ranum Naik, H. No. E 139, Cuncolim, Salcete-Goa. GDS 1526 Morpirla to Vasco via Fatorpa, Margao, Cortalim & back (1 bus). 1. 6- 1-78 Shri Shashikant M. Naik. H. No.3, Bencleavado, Cuncolim-Goa. GDT 2402 2. 6- 1-78 Mis. Shantadurga Bus Service, H. No.3, Bencleavado, Cuncolim-Goa. GDS 1566 3. 7- 1-78 Ranumth Transport Service, -CuncoliIn, Salcete-Goa. GDS 1591 4. 10- 1~78 Shri Augusto Teofilo Saude Noronha, H. No. E-219, Veroda, CUncolim, GDS 1649 Salcete-Goa. 5. 10- 1-78 Shri Kashinath R. Naik, CWlcolim, Salcete-Goa. GDS 1526 Camurlim to Mapusa via Col'lJale &: back (1 bus) 1. 10- 1-78 Shri Chandrakant Bablo Porob, Barvanvaddo, Camurlim, Bardez, Goa. Ashok Leyland Bus II - Applications have been received for grant of renewal of stage carriage permits to operate on the following routes: Date Date Name and address of the applicant M. V. No. S. No. of receipt of expiry 1. 2-12-77 28- 4-78 Mis. Mandovi Transport Society, Porvorim, Bardez, Goa. Panaji-Mapusa GDT 2247 & vice versa. (Rene~al of GDPst/427/70). 2. 2-12-77 28- 4-78 Mis. Mandovi Tr8llSport Society, Porvorim, Bardez, Goa. Panaji-Mapusa GDT 1962 & vice ve.rs~.. (Renewal of GDPst/426/70). 3. 7-12-77 31- 3-78 St. Xavier Transport Service, Agasaim, Panaji Goa. Panaji-Agasairn, GDT 1805 & vice versa (Renewal of GDPst/178/67). 4. 15-12-77 30- 3-78 Shri Jose Francisco Rebello, H. No. 13, Betul, Baradi-Goa. Betul-Sanguem GDT 2076 via CUncolim, Ambaulim, Quepem, Sanvordem & vice versa. (Renewal of GDPst/544/75). 22-12-77 5- 5-78 Gourish Tr8llSport Service, CWlcolim, Salcete-Goa. Baradi (Betul) to GDT 2090 Sanguem via Assolna, Cuncolim, Acamol, Ambaulim, Quepem, Sanvor­ (Reserve bus No dem & back. (Renewal of GDPst/547/75). GDS 1523) 9- 1-78 30- 5-78 Mis. Dilip Travels, Ambekhand, _Betim, Bardez-Goa. Calangute-Panaji via GDT 2356 Candolim & vice versa. (Renewal of GDPst/184/67). III ---.: The following applications received late fop' renewal of regular stage carriage penirltS are treated as applications for .~ new permits to operate on the r~utes: Date - Date Name and address of the applicant M. V. No. s. No. of receipt of expiry 1. 26-10-77 29"12-77 Shri Shaik Yacub, H. No. 118, Bhatulem, Panaji-Goa. (1) Panaji-Durbhat; GDT 2231 (2) Panaji-Dabal; (3) Panaji-Qeula extended upto Gaunem & back. 2. 26-10-77 21-11-77 Shri Shaik Jainoddin, E/118, Bhatulem, Panaji-Goa. ,(1) -Panaji-Durbhat; GDT 2322 (2) Panaji-Dabal & (3) Panaji-Gaunem. 3. 8-12-77 15-12-77 Smt. Rosaria ~odrigues, Agasaim, Malvora, _llhas.,.Goa. Agasaim-Panaji .GDT 2060 & vice versa. 4. 13-12-77 27-~2-77 Shri Ramesh Waman--Chodankar, E-8, Carmona, Salcete-Goa. Cavelossim GDT 2131 to :Margao & vice versa. 5. 15-12-77 28· 2-78 Shri Augusto T. Saude Noronha, H. NO .. _.219, Veroda, CUncol:tm, Salcete, GDT 2387 Goa. Mormugao Harbour to Sadashivgad via Vasco, Cortallm, Margao, Canacona, Polem & vice versa. 6. 25-10-77 31· 1-78 Mis. Damodar Prasad Transport, Service, Porvorim, Bardez-Goa. Panaji GDT 2492 to Mapusa & vice versa. 7. 30-12-77 Smt. Rosalina Pereira, Batim, TIhas-Goa. Agasaim-Panaji & vice versa .. GDT 2020 2ND FEBRUARY, 1978 (MAGHA liJ, 1899) 475 IV - The following application received for grant of a regular extension is treated as an application for new permit. Sr. No. Dute ol receipt Name and addre.s~ of the applicant M. V. No. SadoZXem to V Meo da Ga'YIUL extended upto M orrnugao Harbour & back. 1. 7- 2-77 Mis. Ramnath Transport service, CWlcolim, Salcete, Goa. GDT 2417 The above applications will be considered by the state Applications of the applicants will be available for ins~ Transport Authority, Panaji, Goa, at its meeting to be held pection to any person or authority specified in Section 47 of in the Office of the Director of Transport, Panaji, Goa, the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 at the office of the undersigned together with any representations for or against or objections on receipt of a written request from such a person. The date, that may be submitted so as to reach the undersigned Within time and place for considering the applications by the State Transport Authority, Panaji, Goa, will be notified. fifteen days from the date of publication of notification in the Official Gazette. Copies of the representations unless sent to Panaji, 18th January, 1978. - The Director of Transport, the applicant will not be considered. N. D. Vengurlekar. ~------ Office of the District Magistrate prescribed form are liable to be rejected. The contractor . must produce income tax. clearance certificate before the tender is sold to him. Notification Panaji, 24th January, 1978. - The Executive Engineer, K. V. N adkarni. No. JUD/MV/MARGAO/78/93 In partial modification of this office notification No. JUD/ Works Division V - Pafiaji /MV /75/980 dated 1st March, 1975, the District Magistrate, Goa Panaji in exercise of his powers under Rule 7.2 of the Goa, Daman and ,Diu Motor Vehicles Rules 1965, hereby Tender Notice No. HI/Accts/F.61/19/77·78 notifies that the place "Hospital Margao" ceases to be a "bus stop" and instead of the following place is notified The Executive Engineer, Works Division V, FWD, Panaji as a bus stop on the route of Panaji-Margao for taking .Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed item up and' setting down the passengers. and percentage rate tenders from approved and eligible con­ tractors upto 14-2-1978 tm 2.30 p. m. for the below mentioned No stage carriage shall take up or set down the passen­ works. gers except at the place shown below as bus stop. Item Rate -Tenders: No stage carriage shall be halted at a bus stop' for ,longer than is necessary to take up such passengers as are await­ 1. Construction of Lift Irrigation Scheme at Vathadev­ ing when the vehicle arrives and to set down such passen­ i~ Bicholim Taluka. (Phase - III)., gers as wish to alight. 2. Construction ~i Lift Irrigation Scheme' at -S'anvorcem in Satari Taluka. ' <Narne·of the place Signboard 3. Construction of Lift Irrigation Scheme at Kudshem in At a distance of 30 metres away from the Bus stop Satari Taluka.
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