Inside: Greek News P.6 Souer Team's First Winning Season Bryant College'" Sm ithf ield, Rhode Island P. 10 Frtday, October 18, 1974 * Volume 40. Number 6 As parlor his brief visit to going to have to come from legis­ :'Itudy_ So we've got to say, it's don't know any beUer. But now struggle. It's Just got Bryant. Ralph NadN held a pfl'SS lalion of Congress. For example, had its day. and we've reall y got with the papers full of thl'se cor· stopped or we're to d",l".y I (.'Onf(lrl'ncr ror members of lhl' if you were cht'ated by Sears and to develop a different structure. I porate crimes, with the Attorney a big part of the '~,~~~~~~;~~':~ I stud{'nl mt-dia pnor to hi1> lee­ Roebuck of eight dollars, you think that the cooperative struc­ Cene ra l calling for toughl'r havp a nuclear power lure. Questions w(>r(' nsked by oouldn't go to a lawyer. However, ture is the best fo rm of consumer enforcement against businl'SS on Lakl' Michigan, let's Carroll. Managing Editor of if th(>y ch,-,ated two-million cooperatives. For example: crimes, with thl' Watergatl' scan­ Detroit, you could ARC II WAY: Lisa Pesanello, people in a range of say between running th!'ir own food stores, dal showing thl' complicity of Detroit and make Lake M;,'h;""'1 Editor of THE ARCHWAY; two and twenty dollars, you running their own banks, and busmess and man~ of these activi­ unusable for 100 yeats as well Director of Nl'WS, could go to a lawyer and he their own service op(,r.Jtions. But til'S. such as cam paign contribu­ the land around it. For this and Pu blic Mfair:,; for would file' suit on your bf'half if wl"r!' going to takl' the tradi· tions, it is obvious that studl'nts want something to produce and Dan Landerl'in. Co­ and on behalf of two million tional corporalI.' !ttructure as it is, ought to be given more of an tTicity while we're wasting n of the Student people. Then you\'e ~ot a likeJi- UI!' elet"'tions are very, Vl'rl. \'ery, opportunity to determine a more mous amounts of electricity? Lt'cture Committ('('. one.sid£"d; and thl'y'r!' rigg('d. Can focused view of their own basic you imagine if you are a shan'­ Sll'nse of values as they arl' going Que~tion: Do ),011 lit'e all aitemu Cuuld yOIl J!it,~ .'lour holder, you callnot nominate lo apply them as th£"y go to work iil'f? to Iluc/rar pown' u/ corpora II n'~P/)II!lI' someonl' to your Board of Direc­ for theS{' companies. That is, at tors? You've got to choose b(>. what point are they going to say, Nader: Sure. ConM!'rvation and "I'm not going to obey any· tWl'en lhl' ones that IIrl' nomi­ cool under pollution ":;.~~;; I I~:~;:~,,,>~'ir;t and fun'lIlulot. COl­ nated fot you. Second, if you more," and "This company is until ""l' get solar I'nl'tgy ( I! arl' chronic violalnfS or want to put a rt'~olulion up for crook£"d," and "I'm not going to othpr forms of ('n('rg~ In fact. lav.. Thl'll' I~ a corporali' appronl. and you want to get the go on," What if they're not going W(' burnl'd our trash we could wave ~o;nJ;: on in th,!; majonty of the shall'holders to to go on-do the) havl' to quit or product more t>l(,ctricity now and this is finally bl'lug approve it. you have to go to can they fight from within, or lhan is twing producl'd by the 1"'pO,,,d 1.111 in lhl' nl·wspapers. exceptional lengths jllst to find with ouL~ide allies. And if they ell'ar powl'r plants in O(kration. ItIslanct" \'iolations of pollu­ out who thl' voters are bl'caUSI' do cllOO~ the laUl'r, can th!') b(' Paris bums its trash. laws. violations of job safi'ty they won't give yOU Ule shan.>· givl'n the protl'Nion of the la ..... so violatIon of prOplmy tax holders list. U's not d!'nlocratic at thl'Y ari' not arbitrarily dismiSSl'd \'10Ialion of campaign ti, aIJ-eVl'n according to their own without due procl'SS and proper QUl'slion: It lIa.~ b(>clI Ifotl:d nanl1." laws. and til(' continual standard~. grie\'ancl' procPdures. It'1 likl' you'd IIIle to sec the ed,,"olio'''''1 bribing or public orficials all over QUI'shon; \lhal /.I" /.lId Y"/.I :lQY G lhrowlng a (;bild into thl' rirt'_ ",,~(em Imprulrd. What do tilt' l'Uuntr~ which ha~ rt'~ulL,'d in bIt ,tw"·. ro/( 16 lit t ~hlch I~ like tr~.. mg to n-ach bU11- ...... II m fau/I> DQ ,. i.I and ,-'aIHIC- corporat<ll .fI~cl""II~ .... Ch ... 6 un In neas sludt'ots WIthout gi~ine them Ihlllk II ', lht' (;OU/'ltoCS Ih. Qlllfr, , ,!.t" ilOll /lite BrYO'11 Cul/ege, the opportunity in concrete caS{' tht' baSIC currlculum i Do you bilit~ mrans to llS,-;(:SS ..... hat the ... liich ,~ /t'ochlllR ... " hou' IQ pt'r­ studito' to think about th.l'~ thllllt it$ oilldo/('d' impact of thl' corporation's aeli­ hood of rc('()wry That's what form III the bu","" /.I'orld, and COIUSt''i f\uuming they get to the vities arr going to be all all pro. constitutes a cla~ action. 1.1 hal ,)oire/II'" ha ... 1d the) bt' company. it's usually too latl'. ~ader; Well, lhe basic pll'; nol just on lhrir customrn. 11~'mg lip (ar But you know, these compames that the knowledge as 'rhey should emphasize tJwir cus­ Question: Do YOII {et!/ that (J'e now have technologies wherl' npg­ very little relation to the tomers, obviously their customers are II consumer society? Nader: First of all , they're teach· lige nce can wipt' Ollt malOr areas ledge lh.at is nect'ssary to because that's who is using thl'ir ing you to be obedient and skill­ of the country , And you know stand and solve some producls and services. The people Nader: Yes. Much too much. (ul servants of the corporation_ it's not Just dealing wit h produc­ the- socIety Even in who have nothing to do wi th the They're not teachi ng you to criti­ ing chairs. but produeing automo· or trade schools the knowledge com pany, who aren 't buying its Question: Do you IIII11U thol we cally appraise thl' corporation. biles which pollu t!! vas t areas of may be applicable to transfer to products, rna)' com(> down with C(ln a({ord /0 conti/luc thai way1 No busi ness school is a center of th.e country. They're running nu­ your jobs with companies, but diS('ases or othl't due disabilities independent critical scholarship clear power plants which could the knowledge is not applicable because of the hazards of poilu. Na der: No, We-'v(> got to shirt of business performance. They're wipe out a city or produce a to trans(ering to your roles tion, which the company is r(>­ more into consu mption of ser­ 1.00 in terlocked wi th the business catastrophe, They're producing Citizens, You've got more sp <". ~ii b '. for. Furthermore, somt· \ict's which w£" all' in dire need of worl d_ The exposures about big drugs that i( they happen not to your work in life. ' may be paying marl' pro· and away fro m consumption of business have never come from be tested befotl' they're caught your citizen life art£"r you taxI's on their home be­ products that 8 1\: oftell extremely the business schools--and they can produce tens or thousands of the steel company or the wasteful- like our wastt" ful use of should. They're the ones that are casuali ties like the thal idomide work . But it you want to companies ar('n 't paying pro­ energy. A society which doesn't supposed to know all about it, drug which produced 10,000 citizen on the job and try taxes on their properties in hay!' "nough nursing services for They come from r!'porters and defor me d babies in Western change things it's not ve ry community, Third, it would its aged but has automobiles piled authors and congressional com· Europe twelve years ago. You 're vant to that. For example, you I providing represe ntation to up o n top of each other has got mittees; but never co me from the not dealing with "they leave us to a busineSS school When int('f{'sts. I think that ther{' something wrong in terms of its business schools, because the alone, we leave them alone," CM li nish at Bryant can you go be r(>presentation of t h~' prioritil's. But apart from that, business schools are appendages ne ve r leaves you alone. You . and analyze a property tax there shoul d t:-e repre· we are absorbing too much of t h£" of thl' corporate structure. Since breath their ai r every day. and determine whether thell' of the consum('rs, ther£" world 's resoure('s through too they're trade schools, they keep inequities in property tax representation of the lillie of Ihe population.
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