i ao - EVENING HERALD. Fri., Dec. M, 1«79 Your Neighbors’ Views: What Is your Naw Yaar’s raaolutlon? Meadows fJ W ill Fight WANT AD lAk State Move S By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA possibility,” Fioccheta admitted there have llHtS Herald Reporter been problems at the home, "such as MANCHESTER - Officials of the deficient record keeping.” But he Meadows Convalescent Home on said the home has been working with Bidwell Street said Friday they will the state ”in good faith to correct / fight a move by Connecticut's this problem.” Brown Kelly Fregeau Kearns Reis Curtis Jov Department of Health to place the The state health code requires j vjorfls' 518-bed home in state receivership. nurses to chart vital signs and notify William J. Fioccheta, the po like to be a Cub Scout.” "I don’t have one. I don’t think I — "I don’t have one. You don’t a doctor of a significant change in a Surah Brown, Hartford — "I I Meadows’ 26-year-old administrator, Peggy Fregeau, Manchester — will have one either.” have any you get to be my age.” patient’s condition. There have been don't know. I would like the up-/ said charges of alleged health code "I would like to be nicer to David Reis East Hartford—”1 Chris joy, Bangor, Maine — several allegations in a Hartford coming year to be better for my violations and possible criminal everyone.” have no idea.” "Stay home and watch newspaper that this* record keeping neglect at the home are groundless husband and children.” Bob Kearns, East Hartford — Blanche Curtis, East Hartford television.” deficiency has been a factor in Chri« Krllv, Vernon— "I would and that tampering with home patient deaths. sre ciA L management would harm patient Fiocchetta said the record keeping f o b care. problem, “Does not merit a move for Investigation by state inspectors of placing the home in receivership. the medical records of 17 elderly The actual care rendered has not patients who died at the home been found lacking.” between Oct. 1978 and May 1979 in­ Fiocchetta continued his volleys at iiaurltpfitrr dicate the patients weren’t fed the state, charging it played foul ball properly and failed to receive some when News of the state’s bid for nursing services. receivership was given to the media Those inspections, which showed before it was given to the home. extremely low levels of fluid intake and failure to chart vital signs in all "If the state is truly concerned 17 cases and failure to notify a doctor with good patient care, why did they of serious changes in condition in five provide the media with details of the cases, led to the call for charges involved in their receivership. receivership bid when we who run However. Fioccheta said the state the Meadows cannot expect to 15(t Home DeliveredT] receive a copy until next week when Vol. XCIX, No. 76 • inspected the home in early December and concluded that, "The the state goes into Superior Court?” quality of care at the facility was Fiocchetta asked. excellent. He said the state’s call to When faced with Fiocchetta’s place the home in receivership oc­ question, Deputy Health Com­ curred, "because this has become a missioner Dennis F. Kerrigan said Tackle Crises Friday. ”1 met with Fioccheta, the political issue. ” "The health department, and home's director of nursing care, and specifically Commissioner Douglas the vice president of the firm owning Lloyd, has been under a lot of the home Oct. 4, 1979. We went over pressure and scrutiny as to what is, the specifics of the charges, which f o b Afghanistan and is not, being done at the home. they could not answer.” This call for receivership is a show Fiocchetta responded, "That for the media, to prove that they (the meeting was a pre-conference proval of economic sanctions. The president sharply criticized tions proposal before the U N. health department) are indeed doing hearing to revoke the home's licence, WASHINGTON (UPI) - President “1 think there's some optimism the Soviet-backed coup d'eUt in Security Council. something,” FioccheU said. it was not a preliminary hearing to Carter sent out two of its top that the Soviets will abstain. ” a diplomats Friday on missions to AfghanisUn, comparing it to the But one official said the United FioccheU was not the only party place the home in receivership. Soviet invasions of Hungary and SUtes would still be short of the nine White House official said. ”We also issuing serious charges. Fiocchetta added. "The judge will counter the Soviet Union’s "gross in­ feel optimistic about getting the terference ” in Afghanistan and make Czechoslovakia. Security Council votes needed for ap- Lloyd told a news conference after have to decide ” whether the home votes.” provided answers to questions raised Iran pay ”an increasingly higher "Such gross interference is a bla­ the receivership bid was filed the fin­ price” for holding U.S. hostages. tant violation of accepted inter­ ' / , dings raise questions about possible by the 17 deaths. f/j The state filed an action in state Carter, who cut short a holiday at national rules of behavior,” he said "criminal neglect ” Superior Court Friday calling for an Camp David because of the twin in a speech that followed a two-hour 'M m "There are questions about some crises, announced the new meeting with his top diplomatic and of the actions by professionals in the outside individual — a receiver — to diplomatic moves at a brief, miliUry advisers. home, the doctors and nurses, ” Lloyd run the home until the court is nationally broadcast address to the Carter, who has seen the rise of said. satisfied violations have been cor­ rected. State law requires a hearing nation. anti-American demonstrations in the Lloyd said the review of the The president said Secretary of Islamic world during the hosUge medical records raised, "a very in­ within 10 days of the filing. The receivership action is being State Cyrus Vance will fly to the drama, was quick to compare the teresting philosophical and ethical brought on the grounds of ’’habitual United Nations to press the U.S. case Soviet push in Moslem AfghanisUn issue" about society's attitudes violation” of the health code. The against Iran for holding 50 hostages to a Russian move against Iran three III toward the elderly and what care is health department contends that the at the American Embassy in Tehran. decades ago. 3 3 3 provided them. 18 cases constitute habitual violation He then sent Deputy Secretary of Calling the Soviet effort to justify "What one person would do for Afghan move as ”a perversion” of another human being appears was of nursing regulations. State Warren Christopher to Europe ^ ! to sound out America’s allies on a the U N. Charter, Carter said he dis­ not done," Lloyd said. Asked if he The Meadows is owned by Geri- Care Nursing Center of America, a possible joint response to the cussed the crisis earlier in the day thought the patients were deliberate­ subsidiary of Lifestyle Companies K rem lin's m uscle-flexing in with several other world leaders. ly allowed to die. he replied: “All of them agree this is a grave "Reasonable and prudent people Inc., owned by Dr. Sidney Nathans of Afghanistan. Springfield. RESIDENTIAL 'file president said Vance will cam­ threat to peace,” he said. have to at least suspect that it is a PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED Afghan President Hafizullah Amin paign for U.S. trade sanctions as part AND of a "thoughtful and determined was busted Thursdayin a coup d’eUt MISC. FOR SALE policy which makes clear Iran will reportedly backed by Soviet troops COMMERCIAL ADS 40 — Household Goods continue to pay an increasingly reinforced by a massive airlift into Carter Withdraws 41 — Articles for Sale higher price for holding the Kabul. (NON-CANCELABLE) 42 — Building Supplies hostages.” Carter had planned to remain at 6 4 3 -1 7 1 1 Carter, who has been preoccupied the Camp David retreat in Maryland 43 — Pets-Birds-Dogs 44 — Musical Instruments by Iran since the takeover of the U.S. through New Year’s Day. but a Airport at Kabul From Iowa Debate spokesman said the president would Embassy in Tehran Nov. 4, indicated WASHINGTON (UPI) - President non it was possible that during his 45 — Boats & Accessories Night 643-2718 sUy at the White House through the again that the United SUtes reserves On Dec. 6, a Dutch tourist made this photo of the airport at Carter Friday withdrew from a appearance at the debate some CLASSIFIED INDEX: 46 — Sporting Goods (PLEASE LEAVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER FOR VERIHCATION ON NIGHTLINE) coming holiday 47 — Garden Products the right to use force as a last resort Kabul, although it was strictly forbidden. At right side of photo nationallv broadcast debate with his "irresponsible " people in Iran could to free the hostages. The Afghan coup complicated U.S. two Democratic challengers because force another crisis. 48 — Antiques .efforts to gain Soviet support of — or is Russian welcome slogan and at top right is beginning of Rus­ “The United SUtes reserves the of the Iran hostage crisis and the "1 have made this decision reluc­ 49 — Wanted to Buy right to protect our citizens and our at least neutrality toward — United sian word starting with “Democratic.” The overthrow and revolt in Afghanistan. tantly, but with the firm belief that it ^MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD viUl interest in whatever way we Nations sanctions against Iran lor execution of pro-Communist Afghan President Hafizullah is in the best interest of our coun­ RENTALS holding American hosUges.
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