NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE JOINT CORE STRATEGY 2011-2031 JULY 2016 – MAIN MODIFICATIONS TO THE SUBMITTED PLAN AS RECOMMENDED BY THE INSPECTOR NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE JOINT CORE STRATEGY 2011–2031 CONTENTS OF THE JOINT CORE STRATEGY This version of the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) identifies proposed “Main Modifications” (MM’s) to the Plan that have been recommended by the Inspector following the Examination process. These are annotated throughout, with new text in italics and deleted text shown struck through. Modifications that relate to the same issue are given the same MM reference number. The rationale for each MM is set out in the Inspectors schedule of Main Modifications (Appendix 1) which is available on the JPU website at www.nnjpu.org.uk. Please note the wording of the JCS is as recommended in the Inspector’s schedule of main modifications. There may be some presentational differences in how the main modifications are shown within the JCS to assist the user. A clean version of the JCS is currently being prepared to incorporate formatting changes (formatting, layout, paragraph numbering, deletion of references to “draft” and “ consultation” etc. )and factual updates (including those on the JPU’s schedule of minor updates). This document will be published on the JPU web site as soon as possible. Hard copies of the adopted JCS will not be printed until the end of the legal challenge period (25th August). 1. INTRODUCTION 4 SECTION B – SPATIAL POLICIES 72 2. VISION & OUTCOMES 12 1. THE NETWORK OF URBAN & RURAL AREAS 74 Policy 11 The Network of Urban & Rural Areas 80 KEY DIAGRAM 34 Policy 12 Town Centres and Town Centre Uses 87 Policy 13 Rural Exceptions 90 Policy 14 Deenethorpe Airfield Area of Opportunity 93 SECTION A – CORE POLICIES 36 Policy 1 Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development 38 2. CONNECTIONS WITHIN AND BEYOND NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE 95 I. PROTECTING AND ENHANCING ASSETS 39 Policy 15 Well Connected Towns, Villages & Neighbourhoods 98 Policy 2 Historic Environment 41 Policy 16 Connecting the Network of Settlements 101 Policy 3 Landscape Character 45 Policy 17 North Northamptonshire’s Strategic Connections 104 Policy 4 Biodiversity & Geodiversity 50 Policy 18 HGV Parking 106 Policy 5 Water Environment, Resources & Flood Risk Management 54 3. THE GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE FRAMEWORK 107 Policy 6 Development on Brownfield Land & Policy 19 The Delivery of Green Infrastructure Land affected by contamination 56 Special policy areas 109 Policy 7 Community Services & Facilities 60 Policy 20 Nene and Ise Valleys 111 Policy 21 Rockingham Forest 113 II. ENSURING HIGH QUALITY DEVELOPMENT 61 Policy 8 North Northamptonshire Place Shaping Principles 64 4. DELIVERING ECONOMIC PROSPERITY 114 Policy 9 Sustainable Buildings & Allowable Solutions 68 Policy 22 Delivering Economic Prosperity 117 Policy 23 Distribution of New Jobs 119 III. SECURING INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES 69 Policy 24 Logistics 121 Policy 10 Provision of Infrastructure 71 Policy 25 Rural Economic Development and Diversification 123 Policy 26 Renewable Energy 127 Policy 27 Rockingham MRC Enterprise Area 131 5. DELIVERING HOMES 133 Policy 28 Housing Requirements & Strategic Opportunities 135 Policy 29 Distribution of new homes 139 Policy 30 Housing Mix and Tenure 147 2 JULY 2016 Policy 31 Gypsies and Travellers 150 NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE JOINT CORE STRATEGY 2011–2031 JOINT CORE STRATEGY 2011–2031 CONTENTS OF THE JOINT CORE STRATEGY SECTION C – DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES LIST OF FIGURES FOR STRATEGIC SITES 150 Figure 1 Plan making in North Northamptonshire 4 Policy 32 West Corby SUE 156 Figure 2 The review of the Joint Core Strategy 5 Policy 33 Rushden East SUE 161 Figure 3 Plan Area and adjoining Local Planning Authorities 9 Policy 34 Land at Cockerell Road, Corby 164 Figure 4 National Context 13 Policy 35 Land at Nene Valley Farm, Rushden 167 Figure 5 Network of settlements in North Northamptonshire Policy 36 Land at Kettering North 172 with populations of main towns 14 Policy 37 Land at Kettering South 177 Figure 6 Environmental Designations 17 Policy 38 Rothwell North Sustainable Urban Extension 181 Figure 7 Projected percentage growth in population 2012 – 31 18 Figure 8 Forecast change in age structure of North SECTION D – MONITORING & Northamptonshire population 2011-31 19 IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK 182 Figure 9 Commuting flows to and from North Performance Indicators and Targets for Monitoring 186 Northamptonshire 22 Figure 10 The spatial scales relevant to Place Shaping 32 APPENDIX 1 – POLICIES MAP 205 Figure 11 Components of the North Northamptonshire Spatial Strategy 33 Figure 12 North Northamptonshire Key Diagram 34 APPENDIX 2 – GLOSSARY OF TERMS Figure 13 Landscape Character Types 43 AND ABBREVIATIONS 210 Figure 14 Zero Carbon Hierarchy 67 Figure 15 Functional sub-areas of North Northamptonshire 75 Figure 16 Principal Sustainable Urban Extensions 76 LIST OF TABLES Figure 17 Green Infrastructure Corridors 108 Table 1 Spatial Roles 78 Figure 18 North Northamptonshire Housing Trajectory 134 Table 2 Place Shaping Principles 82 Figure 19 Planned growth in dwelling stock 2011-31 135 Table 3 Job Creation Targets 119 Figure 20 Planned distribution of new housing 2011-31 Table 4 Share of objectively assessed needs in the compared to recent pattern of Housing Market Area 135 development (2001-11) 136 Table 5 Housing delivery in named settlements 140 Figure 21 Forecast sources of Housing, 2011-31 137 Table 6 Required tenure as percentage of new housing 146 Figure 22 West Corby Sustainable Urban Extension Site 153 Table 7 Pitch Provision 2011-2022 148 Figure 23 Rushden East Sustainable Urban Extension Site 158 Table 8 Key Strategic Infrastructure Requirements 183 Figure 24 Cockerell Road Site, Corby 162 Table 9 Performance Indicators and Targets for Figure 25 Nene Valley Farm Site, Rushden 165 Monitoring the Implementation of JCS Policies 186 Figure 26 Kettering North Site 169 Figure 27 Kettering South Site 174 Figure 28 Rothwell North Sustainable Urban Extension 178 JULY 2016 3 NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE JOINT CORE STRATEGY 2011–2031 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS) is the strategic Part 1 Local Plan for Corby, East Northamptonshire, Kettering and Wellingborough. It outlines a big picture to be developed in more detail through the Part 2 Local Plans prepared by the District and Borough Councils and by Neighbourhood Plans prepared by Neighbourhood Planning Groups. The JCS is prepared by the Joint Planning Unit (JPU), reporting to the North Northamptonshire Joint Committee (JC) made up of elected representatives from the District, Borough and County Councils. Northamptonshire County Council is the minerals and waste planning authority. The Minerals and Waste Local Plan (adopted October 2014) forms part of the development plan. Figure 1: Plan making in North Northamptonshire 1.2 The first Core Spatial Strategy (CSS) prepared by the JC was adopted in 2008 and covered the period to 2021. It has been reviewed to take account of progress and to plan forward to 2031. The review has also responded to the Government’s reforms to the planning system, including the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the revocation of Regional Plans. These have given greater scope for the JCS to respond to local needs and aspirations, although it must still be based on sound evidence and meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements. Upon its adoption the JCS will supersede the 2008 CSS in its entirety. 4 JULY 2016 NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE JOINT CORE STRATEGY 2011–2031 JOINT CORE STRATEGY 2011–2031 Early engagement & options development (consultation on scope of Plan) September 2009 – March 2010 Consult on Issues February – March 2011 Consult on emerging draft policies July – October 2012 Consult on Strategic Sites and August – October 2013 elements of evidence Consultation on January – March 2015 Pre-Submission Plan Submit Plan Spring 2015 Examination Summer – Autumn 2015 Monitoring & Review Adoption Summer 2016 Figure 2: The review of the Joint Core Strategy 1.3 The review started in 2009. Early work involved a series of stakeholder workshops run in conjunction with the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and a Rural Workshop and Small Towns Workshop run with Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE). Wider engagement has included consultation on an Issues Paper, which involved events in each of the towns and activities aimed at engaging young people. This included a Youth Conference organised with Groundwork North Northamptonshire. Reports on all previous consultation are available on the JPU web-site www.nnjpu.org.uk (in the Publications section under Engagement and Participation). 1.4 A 10 week consultation was undertaken between August and October 2012 on an Emerging Plan which included draft policies and the strategic sites to deliver these. The detailed feedback received from this consultation has informed the development of the JCS, most notably refinements to the approach to housing targets, and amendments to a number of policies to aid clarity and reduce duplication. Further consultation was undertaken on strategic housing and employment sites and the development principles for these between August and October 2013. 1.5 Extensive technical work has been completed to ensure that the JCS is based on 1 To view the evidence robust evidence1 that justifies the choices made. As well as the evidence base prepared for base, see the 2008 CSS (much of which remains relevant) further studies have been completed on http://www.nnjpu.org.uk matters including population, transport, employment, housing, retailing, flood risk, strategic sites and the urban structure of settlements. The policies have also been subject to plan wide viability testing to ensure that the proposals are viable across the area. An Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) has informed the Plan and is published alongside this consultation. This, together with reports on technical work undertaken by or for the JPU, is available on the JPU web-site (in the Publications section under Evidence Base).
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