THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Mo$t Widely Ctrcutaied Weekly Newspaper In Union County NINETY-SIXTH YEAR, NO. 43 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1986 Published 24 Pages—30 Cents Memorial Day Parade Board of Adjustment Denies Scheduled for Monday Store/Gas Station Combo A variance to allow the conver- Decision on a proposed multi- project said 60% of the business Westfield will once again honor of appreciation. A trophy will go American Legion, Westfield sion of an existing "gas only" its war heroes, living and dead, family development on Rahway would be used for office space, to the beat float and a plaque to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post operation into a mini- Ave. was delayed a second time 30% for the assembling of the , at its annual Memorial Day the best banner depicting a #6297, Memorial Post #10136 convenience store/gas station, Parade, Monday. by the board. The appeal of John hearing aids, and 10% for Memorial Day theme. Orange V.F.W., the town of Westfield and was unanimously denied by the Stroele, 701 Lawrence Ave., for research and development. The parade committee has an- drink will be available to all the the Westfield Jaycees. If there Board of Adjustment at Monday permission to construct a four The operation is presently in nounced that all plans are com- marchers at the entrance of Fair- are any questions regarding the night's public session because of unit condominium at 419-420 plete. All youth and civic view Cemetery after the parade. Union. Members of the board parade due to poor weather, insufficient parking. Rahway Ave. was postponed in asked to see the facilities before organizations are urged to par- In the event of rain, services Westfield citizens are requested ticipate in this year's tribute. If The appeal of Getty Petroleum order to allow the board to read making their decision. will be held at Roosevelt Junior to call the recreation department to convert the unused service transcripts from last any group wants to join the line of High School starting at 9:30 a.m. for a recorded message. The The appeal of Douglas Miller march but did not attend the bays at the 196 Rose Place loca- November's meeting when a dif- This observance is sponsored by phone number is 232-8041. tion provided four parking spaces ferent applicant proposed to and Carol Healy of Carleton Rd. planning meeting, the committee (Continued last page, this section) Martin Wallberg Post #3 instead of the required five. The build six condominium units on for permission to construct an ad- suggests that they show up at dition six feet from their property Hahne's west parking lot at 8 board indicated that if one of the the property. At that time, the Rose Place egresses was board allegedly asked whether or line was approved. The board' a.m. for placement in the parade. Parade Line of March also approved the appeal of The committee asks all organiza- eliminated, the space needed for not the applicant would settle for parking might be obtained. four units. The applicant said he Robert and Ann Fringline, 550 tions to be in the parking lot at 8 Hort St. to knock down an ex- a.m. 8 a.m. Units assemble at Hahne's Parking Lot (West) The board listened to could not and the application was 8:40 a.m. Units proceed to assemble around the W.W.I. Monu- denied. isting deck and build a 14' by 14' This year's parade will have testimony given by Officer Carl ment (Plaza) • V. Geis of the Westfield Police Also delayed was the appeal of deck with four foot wide steps, 21 antique cars, floats, banners and 9 a.m. Services over, parade proceeds to E. Broad, left on inches off the ground. more than 40 youth and civic Department's traffic bureau, Sieman's Hearing Instruments Elm, right on Orchard, right on Mountain, left on E. concerning traffic accidents in for permission to construct a The appeal of Susan Sisto and organizations. Westfield Colonial Broad up to Fairview Cemetery. (Appropriate silence Chorus will also be featured as the vicinity of the Ross Place building to house its offices, George Cusick of Watchung for or eyes right as groups pass Colonial Cemetery On operation. A total of 29 accidents research and development permission to extend an existing they sing "God Bless America" Mountain Ave.) '•:• during services at the W.W.I. were reported at or near the Cen- center and hearing aid manufac- second floor at 689 North Ave. Monument. They will also sing 10:40 a.m. V.F.W. Services at Fairview Cemetery i tral/South Aves. intersection, Of- turing operation, on Cardinal Dr. was approved, subject to fire along the parade route. All 11 a.m. Services and parade complete. ficer Geis reported, between Manufacturing is prohibited in code requirements. children participating in the (Note: in case of questionable weather call Recreation Depart- Aug. 11, 1985 and April 29 of this the zone. The appeal of Karen and Tom parade will receive a certificate ment for recorded message, 232-8041). year. A traffic expert for Getty Willi von Opbenbach, vice Holmes, 434 Tremont Ave. to testified that none of these ac- president of the operation, told knock down an enclosed porch cidents involved the Getty sta- the board that the proposed and construct a deck, bathroom tion; but that two accidents did facility would be the new national and den was delayed until the occur at the Exxon service sta- headquarters of the oldest hear- next meeting. The board asked DAR, SAR Plan Services for Monday tion at the corner of Central and ing aid company in the world. the Holmeses to rethink their ar- South Aves. Frank Stiene, architect for the chitectural designs. The West Fields Chapter, Sons Grace Presbyterian Church, He has served in churches in of the American Revolution, and Westfield, will give the memorial/*K§nasa, Ohio, South Dakota and the Westfield Chapter, Daughters address, and Mr. John Steuer- in Portland, Me. He joined the of the American Revolution, will nagel of the First Church of Orthodox Presbyterian .conduct their Memorial Day ser- Christ Scientist, Westfield, will Denomination in 1964 and has vice at the Colonial Cemetery, give the invocation and the bene- been the minister of Grace opposite the Presbyterian diction. Presbyterian Church since Church, at approximately 10 February. .: ,- .a.m., Monday. They will march The Rev. Sutton received a' in the Memorial Day Parade and B:A. degreT from Swarth'more Mrs. Johri'fr. Enders, Westfield stop at the cemetery while the College and has an M.A. degree DAR Regent and F. Clayton balance of the marchers continue from Wheaton College in Illinois Kynes, president of the West on to Fairview Cemetery. and a B.D. degree from Gordon Fields Chapter, SAR, will con- The Rev. Sutton, minister of Conwell Theological Seminary. duct the services. Photo by David Bannigan Otis Day at (he Microphone on state at the Westfield Armory Photo by David Bannigan kept Westfield kids rocking to the Just a few of the almost 800 kids at Westfield's first rock concert, Math Innovations Presented beat for 90 minutes without a sponsored by the Committee to Prevent Alcohol, Narcotics and Drug At School Board Meeting stop. Abuse. PANDA-Sponsored Rock Concert Teachers representing the and purchased kits in problem innovation which seems to be ef- elementary, junior high and solving to supplement current fective in the high school is the senior high schools' mathematics programs. use of the spiral technique where Termed "Huge Success" by Teens departments were introduced by The report from Hal Johnson students are constantly review- Almost 800 Westfield teenagers Drug Abuse, was made possible and tapes when its production Dr. Laurence Greene, and Stanley Ziobro on the junior ing material already taught as packed into the Westfield Ar- through donations of both time manager heard about the spon- superintendent, at Tuesday high changes in their math pro- they are being introduced to new mory Building Friday evening and money from all segments of sorship for the evening. Otis Day night's Board of Education gram reflect concern for the topics. for the first PANDA-sponsored the community. himself, in an interview with meeting. Representatives gave a High School Proficiency Test. A Following the math objectives evening activity — a rock concert Some 600 families in town sent journalism students from Edison brief presentation of recent skills packet based on test results presentation, personnel, cur- featuring the popular per- donations in response to a letter Junior High and Westfield High changes made in curricula. was developed and students in riculum and instruction, and formers, Otis Day and the several weeks ago explaining Schools, commended the (School board members present 7th and 8th grade were made finance issues were approved. Knights. that such events are expensive. organization and cautioned the were Gail Cassidy, James aware of what the test would de- The fall sports schedule was is The teens, most of whom spent Tickets sold for $8 and covered teenagers in town "not to get in- DiClerico, Alfonse Miele, mand. Efforts to intensify review approved, but Mr. Toriello re- •.• nearly two hours dancing andthe cost of the band. But, parent volved with substance abuse and Carolyn Moran, Susan Pepper, of material were, successful in quested the Dr. Foley, board clapping to the beat of Otis Day's donations, together with con- drinking." Thomas Taylor and George that "no parental complaints secretary, make a report to the music, were also treated to a tributions from a variety of com- Weimer).
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