3 y G ; "'-Ti.-li K!C . ^ 5 5 5 : c o « ,: L A rE c I Th [ l l l j rs : :Twin Falls, Idsldaho/91st year, No.; • ______ Wcdncsdalay, August 28, 1996 50 cc:cents GoodmclORNING | ( W eather Coronler’s irQquesSt set ati SheoshorKle Today: Partly dou4udy with isolat* y iiW rlg h t. ed showers and thuthtmderstonns. ^ ^ ence to six ju ro r^ who willII dcddiber* . lwTlnie»Wew» ____________ _ West winds 10 to>20 21 mph. H ighs I!*! _______ P r o s e c:cutor calls pjpanel for Sep: p t 4 - e t"U)d issue a written decisionm 0on the ^ m u rdders. t Lincoln County CorC o ro n er intheIow80s.Lowows near 50. , SHOSHONE - A coroner's inqu nquest WiU proceeding to3 help 1 the community comee “I think the communit;nity has a need a nd Frand;ids Bergin will preside, likeI a judge,j Page A2 bee yheld to deb ate w h eth er a bi J bachelor to terms with^ g; p s in die evidence, a right to know what wasivas discovered dur- theheaiing. sharharecropper shot and killed fo I four chU- “I was hopiiling that all the questionss ing those investigation!ons,” Groom said. - J"®le county recently mailed letterslettt to drerrcn and their mother, Lincoln )In County would be ans\tswered at the end of thea “The evidence I don’tt believebt is condu- 30 Lin.incoln County residents, askinga: tosecutor Brit Groom annc agic all.L E Y ■ nnounced investigadon,”Groom said. “The fact iss sive, but that doesn’t m 1 to report for jury selectionon sat the M V U e ^ y . r t mean the jury or ' this is real life:e and diat only happens on1 thc public can’t draw acca condusion.” countyty courthouse at 9 a.m. odi Sept.Se 4, Groom said he scheduled theJ rarera legal TV.” During the inquest, GreGroom will present Pleaso see INQUEST.ff.PageA2 Pi cCurtainrisises today^onTwirn Falls G(bounty Fsair fbr 199'9 6 .NSfew exhibit sn;nakes ; ■ I Today’s fair itsts way into groi3unds schedule ■Pomorellefire:Crevrews spent a sec- 7iJB.F«lrctteioMfl. ond fighring a £ 9 UB. 441 rabbtt tim , north ofID Dili: ^ a fire near the fQ;br science exhillibit . StewRlDf. Pomeiaesldresoii»rt. 9 tjn. FA horte quaOty, Zatuithth . PageBl y Karen Tolkklnen Anna. ti • ■ »T1me>N«wi' ....................... , 10un.441hofMthOOTutshlp,<I,' I CentamUl Arena. ID «JL Nifaail cotofwLwDOlliaads.M d»_ -------- i AlifL’SunValle/si]"s new ski lifts '' FILERfi - W hat Val and Bobby 1; r M ly lack in person- I ’.'^ T ' *"fiDowa Iv in other wool breeds, ^ould be reacfy by'i^Thai^giv^ oiiwlity, they m ake up for in sinuouslUs grace,| Sheep Show Rbif. weekend. Starting today, they’ll wind allill oover their han- 10 ukOiNn d u e barrow ibow,f, Icrs, dcUghting or freaking oout ut fair-goers in SvineSliowRIrK. SICm Qower, produce and sdence« buildingb at the ' I ' U tjn. Draft horee haRer, north(Of ol I Tmw nr Falls County Fair and Rodeodeo. ■ M C.„ Dairy Stow RInc. Storts RosesRo and reptiles. Noon CamM open*, MeOcnaUilD Day «. I Noon Hereford v)d PoDed K «rv^TO, • — - -n Val,Vo a Columbian redtail boa coconstrictor, and ' BeefStowRbtf. Boblobby, a 10-foot albino Burmeselese python, are Noon Ffwldy Prez Show Khkly Land.mi. - ' . - thele newest1 additions to the fair,air, which starts lpAMontdalee,foOowedi)yelln day and ends Monday. W i'' other riieat breed* except SaffoDo,>Da, They belong to' the Califilifornia-bdsed Steep Stow RIne. aagination Gallery, a private non-profitno orga- 1 pjD. Jmlor Hereford Heifer ibow.JW, iation that conducts science3 showssl at fairs, Serf Stow Rlr* - ...... schnhool; and malls throughout thle e\ W e st I ^ “Bobby’s probably p rettier bu ut t I1 like Val, thc 2pjn. FreddyPrezShowKldtfyLaod.Laid. boa,^u ,” said college student Greg1 McFarland,Mt one 3 pjD. Draft hone performance forlor of’ thcth science exhibit demonstiistrators. “He’s cWee21,23,24,25tnd2S,' nailer and lighter. They’re extremelyext good Rodeo Amta. snakitakes, as far as snakes go.” 3 pA SbnmeRtal, Beef Show Rbig.n«. iron nicn: Hie Tmnfin Falls Bruins ThatTh: means they haven’t bittertten anyone yet. 3 pjrt. Qentiefflen iusfen entrancemce le/re also gentler, and twitch'ch' onlyi if some- toNddyland. gear up for tfie upccpcomingfoo^t- .4 pjn. Reddy Prez Stow Kiddy Lind.and. le smacks them in the head, iiee said.st , b a l l s e ^ a ; , Page Dl Me 4pjn.CharoUii,Saler«,Qelbv1eh,ft. McFarland’s booth was one of)f 223Z at the fair nednoRteee, Uraouiln and Maine • ; . thisis :year, said fair manajger.Jc‘.John Pitz.pn^ A140U, Beef Stow RlnC. ^ W _ Overtime:anui.ejrtra-inning I lesday, th e growl of tractors,'theth e w hhr of 5 pjtt. Lori J. HeiMl Sctod of Dance it .workers’ golf jrarts and que t. fin^Mond^,OakIJ i ^ d w e n t ' •' querying viiiccs. Free S ta te - - : led.the air, as partidp& ^ts h'urritirricdtomeetan SpjswQentiemen iBfl(len entnncemce ■ ■ ' baiiclo woric agains:inst Baltim ore ^ lyrly evening deadline to set u p .' - Electric inspectors had penisedsed the growcb itiqiie in Am^can Xi^gueme action. Ele ptabaMrCconteeteotrlet, In fronttmt P a g e D 2 r two days and thc telephoneae companyi for ; of R t ^ and Pantiy BuOdbi{. ree, Pitz said. A laptop crashe<>hed, taxing the 6 PA. Freddy Prez Show Land. Otherher computers which were prinprinting out fair 6 p jn. Seraniide by StMn BrowniFree Frt< ood on ides. The 4-H and draft horse bambai s were full, SU«e. F & H 3M E' s S’Sd thc goat bom was nearing maxnaximum capac- 7 pjn. Une dancer* Free Sti{e: VegetajrfandogsiPui 7 pjn. OentleinenJuceien entranceflce A . \ “What that’s telling m e is thatt peoplep£ ;vant to toKlddyUnd.- plantsj ■ . P a g e C l me back,” Pitz said. 7 pjn. OemoOtkn Oetty, Rodeo AniAnd they come for the first time, Arena. ne,asw eU . 8 pjn. Strlnfi AttKhed Free Staje. Learjam lngthe Workers at another first-timele exhibite - the •aauuMiT/TwnBMMn 8{ pjn. Freddy Prez Shew Kiddy Land.a . ' :omcy general’s consumer prote<3tection division McFa UMfbt CamNal and fair gate* tiadiade:Thisl8- Fartand of Imagination Gallery t^1^1 l be showing Bobby, a lOloot: albinoalb Burtnese python; ' Please see FAIR, Page A2 thb weekikatthefalf. sar^ld is cook- ‘ lg up a storm . ^einforcermentsjoiin battle against^ fi:iires in Idiaho, Wesist I Associated PfMS_______ ^_______ yearlyiilybakinga — Moe sQyed to help two of hhis is sons : —— G em bl w et dowswn the area around a log bamjam 120 ingl bo )lazes blackenn over 40,000:3 acres iuce. PageCl. 30ISE: — Temperatures cooo lcd feet fror•om his house. A section of pole[)olecor- Pag( Tuesdesday, but more Ughming andid strong: strikes Mondayy 1night on the high desert ing fires on more thanin :320,000 acres ral wostsoil he lost. windsnds kept th e h e a t on crew s fightingfig south of the dtjity had blackened almost across Idaho, Oregon;on, C a lifo rn ia , . “Wheiien I saw the flames comingng ata 30 ■ wUdfidfires that heavily damaged oneoneluxu- 40,000 acres, Washington, Nevada,3, IM o n tan a a n d feet higli ^ I f d t then th at wc werere g(going “ tics of home and forced the evacuatijation of Htmdrcds.ofif additional firefighters Wyoming. to lose; it.il But th e kids just didn’t ivantivai to Creative and crusty: ndreds. ' were called in,, butI with M much range Don Moe was among thothose ordered o ut ■ give up,ip, and thankfully they didn’t,’In't,” he pie with your producniversity a sisuspected human-caused blaziiloze that ond forest landI bburning ieUewhere in the of rural homes about 200 n:m iles southwest said, ‘BYU, today’s startcrted in the foothills just northJ of Boise West it was u nid d ear how many firefight- of Boisc as flames raceded through bone- “It wa^ras an experience Td gone throughthro PageA6 ands.3 several fires sparked by Iighlightning ers would be abl<3le to respond. dry cheat grass and sasagebrush late a coupLpie of times in California,1, andai I In all, some IE Monday. O pinion 18,000 people were fight- Please see RRES,,PagcA2 Pag It's not Berkley: Cri iBrigham Young Uni\^ S E C T IO N A {should let BYU b^B' Editorial Jardens.....;..2-5 V t D e m l o c r a t c: o n v e nI i t i o n , i t:’s ’ f a m i l y n i g hI i t ; )earAbby........5 C® = disagreements ’crover Clinton’s ection lillary brings welfare policy. S BYSS r a Hi V t ''. d o ' At times funny, lady cast Section A sarc own village ^ coNWffnoNUUCafQOA diifiant, the firstasachampi-' 1 Section D imilics who MM • Weather.........2 ■ Deai AMOclatfldPwM_________ __ Idahoans bii3y-A2, A President Clinton as Iports..........1-3- ------- on of working fami Nation...'..... M Mov ssuring that :HICAG0 — The Dem- Literacy plan - A4 understood “We ta»y_....4 CHI iih'anation " West..... ........6 Com ocratjiatic convention crackled responsible for assu Chelsea grows up-A<. children are raised talku about withh excitement Tuesday Opinion....... 6-7 A4 that doesn’t just actsta in ways ht as Hillary Rodham p Br... Mmm Worid............8 Se(Section E .- propel her husband’s renor------ family values, but a a nton promoted her hus- n °CUS-----------.J.
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