North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 10-1953 The Register, 1953-09&10-00 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1953-09&10-00" (1953). NCAT Student Newspapers. 129. https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister/129 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Meet Me at Welcome Homecoming to all November 7 Freshmen 'The Cream of College News" VOL. XLVIX A. and T. College, Greensboro, N. C, Sept.-Oci., 1953 5 CENTS PER COPY 1000 FRESHMEN BEGIN COLLEGE CAREERS HERE Korean Vets Help TOPS LYCEUM Swell Enrollment GREENSBORO, N. C. — Miss By KENNETH KIRBY, '55 Margaret Tynes, leading soprano The office of the Registrar reveals with the New York City Opera that approximately 2,575 students en­ Company and a graduate of this rolled at A. and T. College during college, tops a list of outstanding the fall quarter registration. Of this artists to appear on the lyceum number, over 1,000 are freshmen. The series at A. and T. College for the final tabulations, however, have nol current school year. been completed. A native of Greensboro and The new students arrived at a time soloist with the famed A. and T. when the colleee is in the midst of College Choir, directed by War­ ils greating building program. Sev­ ner Lawson during the years 1937 eral million dollars have already been through 1941, Miss Tynes will sing spent for new buildings on the cam­ here on the evening of January 20. pus. Ready for use this year already Her appearance has been schedul­ are the new gymnasium, infirmary, ed just one month prior to her and dairy products building. All Town Hall engagement tentatively these buildings rank with the best r<nd listed for February 20. are of modern design. The library Other features of the lyceum se­ which is also under construction, will ries, all to be held in the college's cost over a million dollars alone and Harrison Auditorium, include: De is expected to be one of the finest in Paur Infantry Chorus, October 28; the state. The other building already Katherine Flowers Dancers, No­ under construction is the engineering vember 11; Euz Kadi, a program building. featuring Basque singers, dancers and musicians, Feb. 18; Players In­ New Nursing School corporated (two performances), Money has already been appropriat­ March 3; Robert McFerrin, bari­ ed for another boy's dormitory which tone and winner of the 1953 is expected to house more than 400 Metropolitan Auditions of the Air, boys. This will supplement Scott April 7. and the North Carolina Hall, one of the largest dorms in the Symphony, March 3. country, and houses 1,110 male stu­ dents. Another addition to the college this year is the nursing school. Actual training will not start until next year, Freshmen Show Shown above are three oi the freshman beauties that entered A. and T. College this year. The girls are Margaret but survey courses are being taught Viola Bell. Jackson, N. C: Josephine Currye, Hickory, N. C; and Evelyn Basket, Henderson, N. C. now. 0 Varied Talents In keeping with their theme of a Greetings "wishing well," the 1953 A. and T. High School Day AGGIELAND PREPS FOR By J. EDWARD MATTHEWS College freshmen showed more than As president of Ihe student govern­ their share of talent as they thrilled Great Success ing body here at the Agricultural and a capacity throng in Harrison Audi­ BIGGEST HOMECOMING Technical College of North Carolina, torium at the annual Freshmen Tal­ GREENSBORO, N. C. — Nearly I wish to congratulate first the mem­ ent Show. The program, which cli­ 6.000 students, guests at the annual bers of the Freshman class of 1953 maxed the freshmen orientation ex­ A. and T. College High School Senior upon choice of college and welcome ercises, included some 30 or more Day, swarmed over the campus Oc­ iOTC Cadets Aggies Await you to our college family. And sec­ students who combined songs, dances, tober 3 to get their first looksee at ondly, to those of you who are re­ recitations and instrumental numbers college life. Crucial Tilt to produce one of the best efforts in Get Commissions turning to resume studies in your Hundreds of buses and cars, from A. and T. College's Homecoming various fields, I too wish a most suc­ recent years. more than 150 school communities Outstanding on the program were GREENSBORO, N. C. — The celebration on November 7, promises cessful year. in North Carolina and Virginia be­ to be the biggest thing of its kind in Whether you are here to show off Navaree Faust, Denmark, South Caro­ gan arriving as early as 7:00 A. M., ROTC Corps for the current school year was formally established, last recent years. The gigantic event the new togs that you have bought lina; Caldonia Herring, St. Peters­ and the constant stream created a which annually attracts over 20,000 or whether it be out of true signifi­ burg, Florida; Sophronia Eddy, Mon­ mild traffic jam at the East Market week at A. and T. College, in a people to Greensboro's Memorial cance of education, you are apt to roe, North Carolina, and Juanita War­ Street entrance of the campus, con­ special program held in the college's Stadium, will find the Aggies facing obtain some knowledge to take you ren. Greensboro. tinuing to near noon. Harrison Auditorium on Thursday, the strong Florida A. and M. "Rat­ further in life by just being here. Albertha Lattimer, newly elected The scholastics had the time of September 24. Eighty-five cadet of­ tlers." It's difficult to associate one's self Miss A, and T.. and James Mat­ their lives in a planned program ficers were commissioned in cere­ with a particular environment and thews, president of the Student Coun­ which included a conducted tour of For more than one reason this not get a bit of the environment's cil, narrated the program. Howard the entire facilities at the college, in­ monies attended by the joint, Air could easily be booked as the clash of the year, but to the Bellmen it is taste in his system. But let's hope Pearsall of the music department was cluding classrooms, laboratories and and Army ROTC Corps at the col­ that the basic reason is out of mere dormitories, a concert by the famed lege. a determination to avenge a 19-13 chairman of the faculty committee defeat handed them by the Floridians interest and understanding of the im­ which directed the program. A. and T. College marching band Following the presentation of the portance of a formal education. T he and the concluding attraction, the last year. As usual the "Rattlers," 0 colors by the Cadet-Staff Color coached by Jake Gaithers, a product destiny of our people and the peoples football game featuring the A. and T. Guard, Maj. Roy Sorrell, professor of the world is grounded on under­ Aggies and Virginia Union University of our own coach Bell, are reported of Military Science and Tactics of to be a fine football club. Early sea­ standing of the things about us, our Greetings . of Richmond, Virginia, at Memorial the Army ROTC, presented certifi­ neighbors, our duty as citizens to Stadium. son triumphs indicate that fans are cates to 58 cadets, representing com­ in store for another thriller-diller as each other and to our country and the By ALBERTHA LATTIMER They were guests with the A. and missions in the cadet corps. Thirty- association of business with the busi­ T. students at lunch and supper, the one witnessed here in 1951 when The airish fall days mark the be­ seven Air cadets were given certifi­ the two clubs battled to a 7-7 tie. ness world. ginning of a new life for those of where their appetites were second on­ cates by Maj. Elmore M. Kennedy, ly to the enthusiasm for the whole Gone from the Aggie lineup are such We here at A. and T. have placed you who are freshmen, a life that professor of Air Science and Tactics, names as Boyers, Hunter, Statum, before us a challenge—a challenge can be just as rich and rewarding as show. The students warmly applaud­ who in turn, introduced the Cadet ed the band concert. and Gibson, and the visitors them­ that dares us to go out into the world you make it. In addition to a full Corps Siaff and commissioned lead­ selves have lost a couple of good and make ourselves as useful citizens schedule of class activities, '.here are By game time the kids were ad­ ers of the Air group. boys. A. and T. will attempt to as those who have gone before us. numerous other activities to broaden justed and comfortable in their new throw the book at them with its surroundings and turned out to be The following cadets were named lt is the sincere hope of the student your interest both academically and to head the joint Army-Air Corps quartet of quarterbacks. governing body of this institution that socially. mosl enthusiastic fans. They cheer­ ed themselves hoarse for their favo­ staff: Willie Alston, Warrenton, N.
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