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Keene, Mr. Richard 1 Prince George's County, Maryland Prince George's Inventories 1758-1763 pp. 1-7 Taken: 30 September, 1 October 1754 Recorded: 28 March 1755 GS 1,i Cr 34,689-3 CM 809-6 KEENE54 Inventory of the Goods & Chattles of Mr. Richard Keene late of Prince Georges County Deceased taken and Appraised by the Subscribers on the 30th. Septem & 1st, October 1754 (along left margin -- "Store at Upper Marlbourough") 1 Doz hair Sifters £ 1.12. 0 3 Wire Riddles .13. 6 3 Ryeing Sieves .18. 0 2 Woms. saddles & 1 Cloth cover to Ditto 9. 0. 0 1 ps Welsh Cotton qt. 88 yds 6.12. 0 2 Mens Saddles 4.10. 0 2 Cloth Housings to Ditto 1.16. 0 2 half hunting whips .12. 0 3 womens hoop Coats .19. 6 1 Coarse yarn Rug .15. 0 2 pair Blanketts 1.13. 0 2 Duffle great Coats 2. 5. 0 1 Coth Ditto 3. 0. 0 11 Lawn Sifters 1. 0. 0 19 pair Wool cards & 2 pair Tow ditto 2. 1. 6 3 Curry Combs 5 Brushes to Ditto . 9. 9 3 Bed Bunts 3.19. 6 11 Doz horn Combs 2. 4. 0 4 Testaments & 2 Com Bibles .15. 0 5 Grammers & 4 Devotions .11. 6 5 Spelling Books & 6 Psalters .10. 0 4 Com prayers Gilt .16. 0 13 horn Books & 6 Primmers . 3. 8 14 Mens Caster hatts 8.11. 0 2 Boys felt hatts . 3. 0 14½ lbs Shoe thread 1. 9. 0 6 lbs Tow Candle wicke . 7. 0 5 Doz 11 Bed Cords 4. 3. 0 1 Pewter Gallon Pot & 2 half Gallon ditto 1.15. 0 (Page 2) 6 Quart 6 pint & 4 half Gill Ditto 3.19. 0 8 Bottle Jugs .15. 6 2 Chamber pots 6 Quart 5 pint brown mugs . 9. 0 9 2 quart Mugs & 4 half pint ditto .14. 6 6 Stone sauce pans, 2 doz 9 wine Glasses 1. 0. 6 4 Quart Earthen Bowls 3 small China ditto .12. 0 13 pair Mens pumps 4.19. 6 25 pair Mens turnup shoes 9. 7. 6 13 pair Boys shoes 2.10. 0 21 pr woms. Lea Shoes 4.12. 6 1 p Girls Ditto 4 P Childs Ditto .10. 8 3 pair woms. Lea Clogs .18. 0 21 pair woms. Callamanco shoes 7. 7. 0 7 pair mens Shoe Boots 1 pair Jack Ditto 8.16. 0 5 pair woms. silk Shoes 2.15. 0 2 Doz Scickles & 8 Tin Funnells 1.16. 4 2 Tin Kettles 2 Cullenders 2 Dish Covers .13. 0 2 Currying knives & Steels 2. 2. 0 2 Copper Coffee Pots .14. 0 George Mason's Gunston Hall Plantation - Mason Neck, Virginia 22079 http://GunstonHall.org Keene, Mr. Richard 2 Prince George's County, Maryland Prince George's Inventories 1758-1763 pp. 1-7 Taken: 30 September, 1 October 1754 Recorded: 28 March 1755 2 five foot X Cut Saws and rests 2. 2. 0 1 Walking Cane with Gilt head .15. 0 1 fire Shovel & Tongs 1 small spade . 6. 6 2 pair small Stillyards 1 plain Tea Chest 1.11. 0 1 Doz Small looking Glasses . 9. 0 10 pair HL Hinges 11 pair X Garnett Ditto 1.19. 6 1 Horse Bell 8 Carpenter Adzes 1.10. 6 2 Coopers Adzes 2 Ditto Howells .11. 0 4 Broad Axes 4 Joiners hatchetts 1.18. 0 7 falling Axes 10 weeding hoes 2. 6. 0 24 hilling hoes 1 Drawing Knife 3. 2. 0 1 Lathing 1 Claw hammer . 3. 6 3 Coopers Croze Bitts 1 Brass cock . 8. 0 30 Staples 12 hasps 5 firmers 4 Gouges .16. 0 3 Spigetts & faucetts 1 Stock lock . 4. 6 5 Bridle Bitts 1 Doz Knives & forks 1. 1. 6 11 Butchers Knives 7 dowelling Bitts . 7. 0 7 knives & forks 6 Clasp Knives . 7. 6 50 Aul Blades 15 X Cut saw files .10. 0 2 hand saw Ditto 2 large Buck hand knives . 2. 6 2 Scythe Stones 2 hand Mill pickers . 3. 6 14 pair Knee 2 pair shoe Buckles . 8. 6 7 pair Spectacles 3 Ivory hand penknives . 8. 0 14 pair Scizars 14 Ivory combs 1. 5. 0 1 pair Iron Snuffers 1 Cloth Brush . 2. 0 ½ Doz China Coffee Cups . 5. 0 (Page 3) 1 doz Mens black Gloves, 5 pair Buck Ditto 1.18. 0 2 pair Tand Ditto 2 pair yellow wash Ditto . 8. 0 2 pair woms. yellow wash ditto . 3. 0 10 pair woms. white Kid Gloves 10 pairs ditto mittins 2.10. 0 4 pair ditto Lamb mittins 1 pair Kid Ditto . 8. 6 4 pair ditto Kid Gloves 4 pair cold. Lamb mittins .16. 0 8 pair Mens white Kid ditto 1. 0. 0 4 velvet hoods 1 black silk ditto 1.17. 0 6 Silk hatts 16 pair Sleeve Butts. 5 p Silver ditto 3. 1. 8 11 Watch Keys 3 Scarlet cloaks 1.14. 6 8 Cloth coloured cloaks 3. 1. 0 90 printed handkerchiefs Linnen 6.15. 0 29 Cotton hand 4 Lungee ditto 2. 1. 6 1 pair Stays Girls .11. 0 5 pair Mens 1 pair woms. silk Stockins 4.10. 0 2 pair Mens very coarse worsted ditto . 6. 0 34½ Ells ¾ Check 13 Silk Caps 6. 1. 0 3 ps black crape 5 silk Laces 5½ lbs bro thread 10.12. 3 10½ doz Coat 9½ doz vest horn moulds . 5. 3 4 ps Chintz 3 ps. printed Callicoes Blue & wt 9. 3. 0 33 pewter Basons 52 ditto Dishes 6. 7. 6 10 ditto plates 2 yds printed Callicoe 1. 2. 8 1 yd. humhums 4 yds Cambrick 1.16. 6 2 ps Striped persian 6 yds ditto in Remnants 4.18. 0 94 lbs double refined Sugar 7. 1. 0 3 lbs Cotton Candle wicke 6 yds Shalloon .14. 0 30 lbs Iron pots 5½ lbs Copper Tea Kettles 1. 3. 6 5¼ yds broad Cloth & Trimmings 6.10. 0 6 yds Single Allopine 1 Quart decanter .19. 6 Sundry medicines in a box 2.10. 0 7 lbs Ballandine thread 19. quire writg. paper 1.18. 9 George Mason's Gunston Hall Plantation - Mason Neck, Virginia 22079 http://GunstonHall.org Keene, Mr. Richard 3 Prince George's County, Maryland Prince George's Inventories 1758-1763 pp. 1-7 Taken: 30 September, 1 October 1754 Recorded: 28 March 1755 70 yds half thick in Remnants 7. 0. 0 5½ yds Bug holland 4½ Ells sheeting wt 2.16. 6 13 Ells Dowlace 3½ yds Irish Linnin 1. 6. 6 14½ yds Irish Lin: 11½ yds finer ditto 3.14. 6 15½ yds fine ditto 11½ yds White Janes 5.11. 6 19½ Ells ¾ Check, 60 yds. brown sheeting 5.14. 6 163 yds brown holland, 2 Ells ¾ Check 18.19. 0 1 3/4 yds Irish Linnen 1 yd. brown holland . 5. 6 118 Ells oznabrig 46½ yds white flannell 10. 7. 5 27½ blistered Steel 24 German Ditto 1.11. 9 37 frying pans 3 pieces holland Tape 1.10. 9 25 yds Irish linnen 1 ps. Tundum Garlix 6.10. 0 6 doz Cotton Laces 1 piece Durants 3. 6. 0 11½ yds striped Muslin 5 yds plain ditto 3.13. 6 (Page 4) 13¼ lbs fig blue 26½ lbs Ginger 1.17. 0 3 lbs bohea Tea & Cannisters 14 lbs Coffee 2. 0. 6 34 lbs pepper, 7 lbs Rosin 10 yds fustain 4.17. 1 2 pair hors fleems ½ m pins . 2. 0 24 yds Durants 3 pr Childrens Stockins 2. 3. 0 27½ yds Red Callamanco 2.15. 0 1¼ lbs nutmegs 2 lbs Cinamon ¾ lb Mace 2.17. 0 ¼ lb Cloves ½ lb Bark 12 lbs Salt petre 1. 9. 6 41 yds Callamanco in Remnants 3. 1. 6 39½ yds Bimbazine 68½ yds plaid 15. 5. 5 5 lbs Allspice 13 lbs Allem 5 yds Tickin 1. 3.10 20 yds bro Padrisoy silk 9. 0. 0 9 lbs Raisins 4 lbs Currants 2 Butter potts .13. 6 2 ps. Striped Taffities ½ ps Wtt ½ ps bla plain ditto 13.10. 0 8 yds Buckram 1 ps white Callicoe 3. 2. 0 2½ yds black persian 1 pr Negro Shoes 1. 2. 0 16½ yds Welsh cotton 1½ lbs Wafers 1. 7. 6 9½ lbs pot iron 1 pail, 1 piggin . 6. 6 62½ Ells Osnabrigs 1 parcell Butts. & Mohair 4. 7. 6 9m 8 nails 1m 2d ditto 5½ 6d Ditto 4. 7. 6 40 lbs brown Sugar 9 Groce Corks 2. 3. 6 1 pr Brass Scales & lead weights .18. 0 2 pair money Scales & Weights .15. 0 1 m Sewing needles . 9. 0 162 yds Ribbond in pieces 8. 2. 0 24 yds broad bla do. 3 Ps ferrett in Rems. 2. 9. 6 14 yds. black Lace 1. 8. 0 At the Dwelling House Vizt. 282 Ells Osnabrigs 17.12. 8 296 yds Welsh Cotton 22. 4. 0 18¼ yds Irish Lin. 16 pair woms. bla Gloves 4. 2. 6 55 Ells Balck Allamode 8. 5. 0 13 bla Gauze hand 4 yds hatt Crape 2. 3. 0 6 pair Black Callamanca shoes 2. 5. 0 19 yds black Callamanca 1.18. 0 1¾ yds Irish Linnen 2 yds. Red Shalloon .14. 6 5 Setts shoe & Knee Buckles . 5. 0 37 pair Negroe Shoes 11. 2. 0 4 Small 4 larger lead window lights 1. 5. 0 Inner Room UpStairs Vizt George Mason's Gunston Hall Plantation - Mason Neck, Virginia 22079 http://GunstonHall.org Keene, Mr.

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