• . T HE ED ... 3fort£*5eY>etttb IReport OP THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE AND — J3enei)o(ent tfayium^ (INCORPORATED) WITH I'HE Financial Statement, List of Subscriptions KND DONATIONS, AND Statistical Table of Cases treated during the Twelve Months, ended Jane 80th, 1899, — -^4— (Seelottft: HENRY FRANKS & 00, PRINTERS, MALOP STREET MDCCOXCVIZ Ottiee-Beatfeps, 1899-1900 HON. SIDNEY AUSTIN", M.L.O. (Mayor of Geelong) G. MARTIN, ESQ. C. SHANNON, ESQ. J. W. SAYER, Eso, REV. CANON GOODMAN, M.A. HUMBLE, W. ESQ., REV. E. O'BRIEN JACOBS, S. ESQ. REV. A. DAVIDSON JULLIEN, E. L. ESQ. REV. S. KNIGHT MUNDAY, J., ESQ. REV. A. WEBB NICOL, J. ESQ. BRADLEY, W. W.; ESQ. POTTER, W. H. ESQ. 'BROWN, H. BLOMFIELD, ESQ. PURDIE, J., ESQ. FAULKNER,, G. S., ESQ. SMALL, DK. J. GARDINER, W., ESQ. VINES, J., ESQ. HIGGINS, W., ESQ ^imu %ammiittt: GARDINER, W., ESQ. JULLIEN, EL, ESQ HUMBLE, W. ESQ. MUNDAY, J. ESQ. NICOL J., ESQ. ^itttwt*. €ammxitu: BRADLEY, W. W., ESQ. HIGGINS, W., ESQ. BROWN, H. BLOMFIELD, ESQ. KNIGHT, REV. S. VINES, J., ESQ. 'Sjtmomtt tesirjjhtjj ^Iftlikd §9xtttz: CROKER, P. A., ESQ., M.B., CH.M. SMALL, J., ESQ., F.R.O.S, ED,; Iflwjmfsrjr l$j:bieal ©FFTAW: KENNEDY, T, J. M., ESQ, M.B., CH.B NEWMAN, F. J., ESQ,, M.B., CH.B. MARWOOD, A. W., ESQ., L.R.O.S., P.ED., L.F.P.S.G. McCALLUM, G., ESQ , M.B., CM. 8etuixt$ wir SujftriBitHbtnt: A. J. REILLY. KNIGHT, G. A., ESQ., M.B.B.S. MCPHEE, R. G., ESQ, M.B.B.S. foiise ^ittaii ana- %wpxm : Uatrow : A. E. S. VERNON. Miss I. BOLTON; MRSSES. WHITFIELD AND YOUNG. WM. H. HUDSON. Geelong Infirmary . AND . Benevolent Asylum (INCORPORATED) The FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT of the General Committee of Management, * I "*HE Board of Management of the Geelong Infirmary and Benevolent Asylum have the honour * to submit for the information of the Governors, the Subscribers, and tae General Public, their Forty-seventh Annual Report of the conditions and progress of the Institution, for the year ending 30th June, 1899, together with an Audited Balance Sheet and a synopsis of the finances. The latter part of the year has been marked by the excessive number of Typhoid cases admitted, which has been a great strain on the resources of the Hospital, both as regards the nursing staff, and from a financial aspect, 99 patients have been treated for this disease, 9 died, and there are remaining at present under treatment, 13. Your committee is glad to he able to to say that notwithstanding the numbers admitted, no case has had to he refused this year, through want of room. Your Committee, while thanking the many generous subscribers for the way in which they support the Institution, feel it their duty to say that the contributions do not compare favourably with other charities of a like nature (see page 12 re Municipal Grants) and earnestly appeal for help to those who do not subscribe There are hundreds of non-subscribers in the Town and District, who would never miss a small sum once a year, and to these this request is specially directed. An effort has been made to induce some of the ladies residing in the town to collect small sums from people whom it is found hard to approach in the usual way. This systerhj which works very satisfactorily in other centres, has not been marked with 4 any degree of snocess here, as with a few exceptions the cards have heen returned empty. This has heen disappointing, as it was hoped that a considerahle source of incomo would accrue. Ladies willing to collect are respectfully'solicited to send in their names to ""the Secretary. For every £1 collectedfone/Iri, and two Out-patients tickets will be "issued, Subscribers are earnestly requested to bringjthe pressing needs of the Institution forcibly before their friends and the public. It cannot fail to strike one that the same names appear year after year on all the ^charitable subscription lists. These generous few are mulcted for every th||g, ^wlpef i|i'e,*liTjge-; majority "'go^ on' their way, not contributing one penny. It is to this majority that your committee looks for aid, especially as in their ranks will he found the ones who derive the benefits of the Institution. 2,681 eases have received relief, lull particulars are given in the following tables :— In-Door Patients. Males. Females. Total Remaining in the house, 1st July, 1898 40 21 61 Number admitted during the year .. 499 321 820 539 342 881 Discharged, cured or relieved .. 417 274 691 Discharged at own request 11 6 17 Left unrelieved 10 17 27 Died 48 26 74 Number remaining 30th June, 1899 53 19 72 539 342 881 Benevolent Asylum Inmates. Males. Females. Total Remaining 1st July, 1898 85 38 123 Number admitted during the year 26 13 39 111 51 162 Discharged or left at own request 18 9 27 Died [[[ 14 9 23 Remaining 30th June, 1899 79 33 112 111 51 162 5 Out-Boor Patients. Males. Females Total. Number admitted during the year ... ... 889 749 1638 Number of occasions on which they attended ... 5938 The daily average in the House has heen 186*0. The average rate of mortality has been 9-3 for all eases, and 8-3 for Hospital In-Door Patients. 7 Deaths occurred within 24 hours of admission. This is a low death rate for a General Hospital. The total number remaining in the House on the 30th June, 1899, was 184. The Religious Denominations and Birth-places of those treated in the Institution during the year, have heen as follows. Religious Denominations Birth-Places Ohurch of England 392 Australian Colonies .. 609 Roman Catholic 317 England and Wales ... 190 Presbyterian 129 Ireland .. 150 Wesleyan 133 Scotland ... 67 Other Protestants 72 Other British Possessions 4 „ Foreign Countries ... 21 China 2 1043 1043 Income and Expenditure. The Receipts for Maintenance during the year, were £6431 6s. lid.; and the total Expenditure under this heading was £5609 4s. 7d. Under the classification of Building £92 Is. 5d. was paid. The Bank Overdraft on 30fch June, 1898, was £1650 12s. 5d. This was reduced in July, to £256 5s. 4d, by transferring £1394 7s. Id. from the Endowment Fund to the General Account. A balance of £252 10s lying to the credit of the Endowment Fund, was subsequently transferred to the General Account, and the Endowment Fund is now practically extinct. With the coming year a good deal of painting, general renovating and repairs will have to he done, and it is hoped that an increased income will enable your Committee to successfully undertake thiB. 6 Endowment and Reserve Fund, The amount to the credit of this Fund is only £163 18s. Average Cost of In-Door Patients. £ s. d. Amount expended 1st July, 1898 to 30fch June, 1899, ... 5609 4 7 DEDUCT £ s. d- Building 92 1 5 Eepairs—Building Account 10 0 0 Fittings and Furniture, Building Account ... 14 7 3 One-third Drug Account 125 16 7 One-third Doctors' Salaries 57 18 6 Interest on Bank Overdraft 85 16 5 £5223 4 5 Daily average, 186.0 In-door Patients. Annual average cost, £28 Is. 7d. per head. This is £4 13s. per head less than last year, and £7 2s. 7d. than the year before that. Considering the excessively high price of provisions, this should be considered a very satisfactory reduction, and is the one and only basis on which calculations can be properly made It would hare heen considerably lower but for tlie enhanced prices ruling for meat, butter, milk, and potatoes, etc., in the early part of 1898. The milk account has risen from £270 9s. lid. in 1897-98 (when there was a daily average of 192-8 inmates) to £329 18s. 3d. for the year under review with a daily average of only 186; and meat which in the former year cost £554 18s, lOd. has risen to £631. 3s. 8d. These items have all been adverse to a low cost per head, yet notwithstanding these factors, your Committee, by scrupulous caie and attention to minor,details, is proud to be able to show so large a reduction. Charge for Drugs to Out-Patients, Every care is taken to prevent this being in the slightest degree oppressive, and all those who are too poor to pay are exempted. The Secretary inquires into each case 4a< increase of £28 10s. shows for the current year, although the numbers treated are less than during 1897-98. The amounts received in the seven years, since the charge for medicine was first made, are as follows :— £ s. d. 1892-93 57 1 0 1893-94 65 9 0 1894-95 78 14 0 1895-96 76 13 0 1896-97 78 15 0 1897-98 104 13 6 1898-99 133 3 6 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 Number of Out-Patients 1232 1449 1930 1952 1984 2566 1638 „ „ Attendances 4057 4994 , 6694 0254 7465 8763 5938 Income and Expenditure. The Receipts for Maintenance during the year, were £6431 6s. lid.; and the total Expenditure under this heading was £5609 4s. 7d. Under the classification of Building £92 Is. 5d. was paid. The Bank Overdraft on 30bh June, 1898, was £1650 12s. 5d. This was reduced* in July, to £256 5s. 4d, by transferring £1394 7s. Id. from the Endowment Fund to the General Account. A balance of £252 10s lying to the credit of the Endowment Fund, was subsequently transferred to the General Account, and the Endowment Fund is now practically extinct.
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