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To that end, it is extremely necessary and useful to have Border Guard Board from time to time direct contacts with colleagues from abroad, who represent other countries and nations, in order to get an insight how the same issues are solved elsewhere. Beyond doubt, such communication allows us also to analyze ourselves and the comparison with others offers us a chance as though to look at ourselves in the mirror. If, as a result of the cooperation, new opportunities are found for doing our jobs better and for motivating our nearest colleagues, it is only a cause for joy. Greetings from the Thank you all for participation and Director General of cooperation! May you have strength in Estonian Police and what you do! Border Guard Board Dear reader I am truly delighted to greet you on behalf of the entire Estonian Police. It is noteworthy that policewomen have decided to gain further strength through cooperation, by learning from each other and by exchanging experience and best practice. I am certain that everybody will win from such cooperation. Our society has formed a clear understanding that every job that women do equally with men, deserves recognition from people in whose interest they work and whom they serve. In Estonia we have overcome in the course of years all kinds of stereotypes as to who is a proper public order police officer, criminal police officer or border guard. The most important thing is to do one’s job well, whole-heartedly and professionally, so that it would show and it could be sensed by the communities that we serve. Despite Raivo Küüt the cultural differences in Europe and Police Colonel in all the world, those who share the Director General of Estonian Police and same profession have always been Border Guard Board able to find a common ground, [email protected] because the work and related problems are usually similar everywhere, in every country and in 2 Police and Border Guard By merging the agencies, all resources related to the ensuring of internal security Board – in cooperation we – people, experience, funds and create security equipment were combined under one management. This way the field of internal security is developed as a whole and the existing resources are utilised in the most effectual way. Accession to the There are more than 6000 people Schengen visa space that lifted border working in the name of internal security control at internal borders of the of Estonia in Police and Border Guard European Union established one of the Board (PBGB). Thus it is one of the preconditions for the merging of the biggest state agencies in Estonia. police and border guard, but brought along the requirement of using The main tasks of Police and Border compensatory measures in the border Guard Board are the securing of the territories, making it mainly the task of external border of the European Union; Public Order Police. Also incorporation of the determination of citizenship and the supporting staff of the merged issue of documents; security and agencies allowed retrenchment as there public order in the state; and the was no longer a need for separate book- investigation and prevention of keeping, personnel, and other similar offences. systems for each agency. These tasks are divided between four work areas: border guard, public order, criminal police, and citizenship and migration. The first contact points for people in their home town or village are subunits of four regional prefectures - constable stations, border guard stations or service offices of Migration and Citizenship Bureau. Police and Border Guard Board is a police authority. All officers, regardless of their full title or position, whether a border guard, a traffic police officer, an investigator or a pilot – are police officers. The general name of the organisation is the police. By its principles, the police are a servicing organisation and we consider it In its present structure, Police and our main duty to do our best so that law- Border Guard Board started its work abiding people would feel as safe as on 1 January 2010 when Police Board, possible in Estonia. To that end, we Central Criminal Police, Public Order cooperate with partner organisations of Police, Border Guard Board, and public authorities as well as private Citizenship and Migration Board (CMB) sector and non-profit associations. Our were merged. On the basis of the core values that we uphold in our daily former police prefectures, border guard work are trustworthiness, openness, territories and regional offices of CMB, cooperation, human-centeredness, four territorial prefectures were formed safety, professionalism, integrity and which will be also incorporated into humanity. PBGB and form one authority as of 2012. http://www.politsei.ee/en 3 ,-"%.*/0('#(%12#)"34%0&%5"26$'/4%52'"(2"* ! 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