mE WEAllfFR OFFICIAL BUlLETIN Thlllldf lor"" 104, and fooltrl of 'hll Vnlvenlty I. In EVeJ7 beOll ,",linda, mlNlU, lair of The Dally lo"'all. JUake 1$ "four GuJde From Day to OaT r'. Fat l ., la Lt. Aaa ... ....... Wl ......... Volume 26 4 PAGES .r '1'116 .......... Pr... Iowa City. Iowa. Wt:dnesdat. July 21. 1926 FIVE CENTS Number 47 pens to -- - _ . I • ·f ITexan Will Direct -Three Agriculture Trail of Editor~ s Mrs. Howes Will Farm Loan Bureau Sensation in Air as McPherson Pro£ Continues II Factions Unite to Address (las at Groups Fonnulate Murderer Brings '-------------------'. Have Fann Relief July Convocation Campaign Program Pittsburgh Arrest Issue in Platfonn Spe k r Will Committee's Findings Greek Suspect Claims Bait Candidate With V tion 1 on Production Cost Alibi as Citizens Plea to Replace f Wom n Are Given Press Search . Senator Steck lB7 Tit.. A ..MI ....d r.~ •• l [8, Th. A ••ocl.t.d r •••• l (Ry Th. A ..oel"ted r.ell) DES MOINES, July 20 - The CANTON, July 20-Cllmax on the DE S MOI NES, July 2G-Peaco 1& third tight to obtain tor agriculture part at the Investi gation Into tbe slated to return tomorrO\'; to Iowa fOCQno mlc ('Qun.lIty with other groupe murder ot Don R. Mellett, Canton, republicanism. In Amfl rlca WIUI la uncbed today publleher reterrlng to George PBI· Meeting In atRte convention hero, when tho cornbfolt committee, Atn· lIall, held In Plttsburgb Is ellpected supporters ot Smith W . Brookhart, !!rlcan co une Ll 0' agriculture. and tonlgbt. ove,· whom the party II pllt In 1924 nd commltt.... of ZZ wltbout a dleeent· Plllllas Ie ptlll the cblef suspect, to such a n exlent that tl. democra t Ing volell laid pla ns for & campe.lgn although he preaents the alibi that won a n Iowa sena te seat a nd the re­ which wlll reach ItII clJm llJt betore he W88 a t W'Il.rren, OhIo, when Mel­ publican "regulars," who have v ig­ lett was shot. n xt congreslI. orously fo ught him for alx years Mellett \vas killed early In tbe The corn belt committee alllO reo mornIng at July 16. wll1 olllcially " bu ry the hatchet" and celv d a r port oe ItII coet tlndlng unite u(lOn a new lS8ue. "la rm re­ C. B. MaCllntock, Stark c o~ty lIet. " commltt.... which fixed actual cost proeeQutor. said tonlgh t he Ie rea llO n­ oC production at .. bu hel or corn In During tho six years Colonel ably convInced that Pelllaa, known Brookhat·t has been figh ting to gIlln low with allowance ot talr prom In several cities as "George the at 11 .42. Or retain Ills sea t In the senate the Greek" was In canton the night at republican conventions havo not Other C(HIt ot roductton In Iowa the murder. heard (rom him Or called upon hIm, allowing the .me (air margin ot Citizens Help but tomorrow ho wil l be give n a. profit w re r ported as: Oe.tJt, $.79; De~\lcUve Ora Slater. deputy alter. place on the platform probably with t , wh $2.4': hay, U1.44; hOIlS, $16.· Itt George Gibson. a nd Canton busl· Sen. A . B. Cummins, whom he do­ 12; veal, $17.82; wool, $.65 ; lambs ne""" men '*lth Im portant evldflnce f([tted In the June IJ rlmary a nd with $%0.4S ; hlcken., Ui; butterfat, $9S; went Pittsburgh this afternoon other leaders of the tactlons tha. t and e e, $.61. to g ...h P/'Illas. have declared Brookhart a party de, A nrace FIlI'In Inco_ Th l ~ witness told Sialer he saw serter. An a" rage 160 acre tum was the a n Buto moblle Btandlng a halt block With no candidates to be selected tram lII ellett'a residence 1\ few tnln· .~ upon ~h lC h th compilation the co nvention Interest centers upon t(tu before the murd er a nd t he car " ... bo.eed and It W88 capitalized al the platform to be adopted and It Is was curta.lned but that through a $14 an acre, with an av~rai'e In· to thIs platform lhat ardent !arm re­ slit In t h ~ curtain on the tront side t ~ of (lve per cellt tor $1,1801. lief supporters 'desIre to wl"lte a T xa Pa tor Asks 0. 1.08 Angeles Is a waiting sensation· McP herson, evans-e Ust's children, son, who declares he ~w Mrs. Mc· Oth r exfl"nlea HgUfe(! Included: he IIftw "large foreli'ner" seated strong agricultura l plank, recalllog at the wh~el gazing Intently In the 80 1 turn In 'Probe of the Mrs. Aimee top, Mrs. Emma Schatfer, Becretary Pherso n after she was supposed to lhe unkept pl'omlac of the national DI! . Uon on a. U.250 dweillng. direction of the MeJlet home, McPberson case. P hotos IIhow 1m· to M rR. McPherson, leavIn g jury have va nlshe.d, right. A, B. Murchl· pla tform at 1924. and lhe more re­ $90; d pr~ 1 tlon on $3.690 worth ot Indictment of Jury flot Fron\ Pen . po rtaiitivltne8Bes betore grand jury. roo m wI th Arthur Vei tch, McPher· son. Douglas, Ariz .• policema n . cent action at cons-reaa through o ut ~ r bulldlnga II 4; depreciation on IntImatiOns tho.t t he plot to ass8.s· lAlft. Ftoberta Semple a nd Ftalph so n attorney, below, Hal'ry ,Peter- . whic h agricultural legislation was f n $ 3; d('predatlon and Inter· slnate Mell ett may bave originated eu rther dolayed, Man Fears H t ulJOn $1 ,11&.90 worth Of machin­ In the Ohio penitentiary at Colum­ Brookhart Strong of Chance to ery, U35.i8; tarmers lary, U , 00; bus wllh liarry Boukllas, forJrierry Miami University Jur.y ~ail8 to Indict University,Drugs, Another movement that Indicated hlr I hplp, $390 : Certlllller $10\.60; of Canton now serving sentence Brool<hart strength was lhe recep­ and a.ulomobll depreciation and In· G t Acquittal through Mellett's elTorts were denie d Aimee McPher,on .Chemic 'als Handled tion accorded the proposal tha.t tll ~ t r t, ~JlI.60 . only .." oty-flve per In a letter trom Boukllll8. through Erects Bleachers co nvention ask lhe sena te to reopen t nt of motor car expt!OI,e being­ his "Horney, made public todo.y. LoB ANGEI..ES, Cal., July 20 b S· • S' t t· the Steck·B.-ookhllrt co ntest with eo char ed to th tarm. ·of ,Modern Type (A»-8ullident evidence has not y ervlce a Ion view to unllea tlng Sen. Daniel F. The total locome nec_ry for CLEVELAND. J uly 20 <.4'l-Chl e! yet IHlen foun(l to WIU'l"JU\t lion 'r Steck, democl"ll t, o.nd ollenln" the the five per cent flllr return .. at POlice B. A. Langel at Canton Is Profellor Lambert Designs All Indlct.men! in the alleged k.ld· Mach Money Saved Every Year way fo r Iowa. republicans to elect outlined, II $6. 01.44 , agalnllt what on his way hero to take back to napping at Aimee Semple Mc­ a nother senator at the party In 41a 1_ III to he a p nt Income of Pherson, eva.ngelist. the coun­ c;:a.nton J immie I..amont oC Pl tt~· Stetl Structm:e With New Thr9Q(h Prep¥inc Ot-der. s l cllQ . ," .44. burgb. In t)Onnectlon with the mur· Ity grand JllI-y doIcI.ced In a ,. KennMT l\bkew RIopori der oe Don Mellett. Seatin, Ananrement pOl·t to Superior Judgo Keetch. at .St.tion Here The flgurea wel'e com !)lIed by E. Loinont, I18.ld to ha ve e. police It WII8 e3'J)eCted thai the Jut"1 Iowa Farmers Make Jo;. ){ ~ tln dy, ot Pontiac, Ill., eecre· re<lord, sUrrendt'red after he bad wOltld adjourn today without ~Jo" oo tb a ll tans will no longer be All at the drug/! and chemicals tary of the IUlnollJ tanner8' union, read In newspapers that be was complotlng the Inquiry dUll to Money Raising Hogs obliged to occupy any speCi fied used by the university hospi tals a nd dunng nln month of effort. T hey wantlld. tht\. inability to loca.t~ Renneth by any department ot the unlv~r · in Smaller Numbers p~ ~nte(l, by ~(1I0 Rt'no, presl- elghteen·lnoh space In the new all· G. Onnleton, friend of the evan­ gelist and fonner An,elu. Tem­ slty other than the chemistry de· d.. n t or lhe Iowa. farm l"8 IInlon. steel bleachers desig ned by Byron I F Gt ple radio e:qMIrt. partment a re 'furnished through the DES MO l NES, JUly 20 (A')'- Mod­ \\ hll a.cCelltance of them w~re owa armers e J . Lambert, professor ol structural drug service !!la tlon of the college erallon In bog' breeding has made ppoRd b1 &orne _peakera lhey were Ormiston 18 described by Ibll engineering a t the University at illstrlct attol"l\ey as a key wit­ oe pbarmacy. Ftaymond Rink, '26, money fOI' the Jowa farmer. figures by 80 UMnlmou vote one In lhe Iowa. department of agrlcul. acl o Pt~d F th T C t IOWIl, which will be erected a t Miami ness beca\l8e of the t~tlmony a regletel'8d 'Pha rmacist, has charge r tulrr IIIltr, ..ylnlf euch a. atep WIlS ur er ax u S of the atatlon.
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