1 | 2021 Slovanský přehled Slovanský přehled Slavonic Review | 2021 1 Ročník 107 / Založen 1898 slov-prehled1-obalka.indd 1 27.5.2021 12:32:09 1 | 2021 Slovanský přehled Časopis pro dějiny střední, východní a jihovýchodní Evropy Slavonic Review Journal for the History of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe Ročník 107 / Založen 1898 1 SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 1 28.5.2021 8:19:50 Upozornění redakce / Notice of the Editorial Board: Redakční rada neodpovídá za obsahovou náplň jednotlivých příspěvků a také za jazykovou a stylistickou úroveň článků otištěných v cizích jazycích. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily shared by the Editorial Board. The authors are responsible for language in case of articles printed in foreign languages. Od roku 2009 jsou abstrakty článků Slovanského přehledu uveřejňovány v databázi The Cen- tral European Journal of Social Science and Humanities (CEJSH) – http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl společně se jménem autora, adresou zaměstnavatele a e-mailovou adresou. Časopis je také registrován v databázi SCOPUS a European Reference Index for the Humanities and So- cial Sciences (ERIH PLUS). Since 2009, all abstracts of Slovanský přehled are published in The Central European Jour- nal of Social Science and Humanities (CEJSH) – http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/, along with the author’s name, institutional affiliation, address and e-mail. Slovanský přehled is also regis- tered in SCOPUS and in European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Scien- ces (ERIH PLUS). © Historický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha 2021 ISSN 0037–6922 2 SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 2 28.5.2021 8:19:51 OBSAH | CONTENTS | СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Studie | Studies | статьи PATEK Artur Polish Refugees in Palestine During the Arab-Jewish Civil War (November 1947–May 1948) 9 ПАТЕК Артур Польские беженцы в Палестине во время арабо-израильского конфликта (ноябрь 1947–май 1948) CETNAROWICZ Antoni Slovenian Historiography of the Last Thirty Years – Slovenian Political and Cultural Relations with Poles, Czechs and Slovaks, and the Slavic Idea in the Second Half of the 19th Century 43 ЦЕТНАРОВИЧ Антони Словенская историография последних тридцати лет – политические и культурные связи словенцев с поляками, чехами и словаками, а также славянская идея во второй половине XIX в. POPEK Krzysztof Southern and Western Slavs in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century in Bulgarian Historiography after 1989: Research Trends and Directions 87 ПОПЕК Кшиштоф Южные и западные славяне во второй половине XIX в. в болгарской историографии после 1989 г.: Исследование тенденций и направлений JANÍČKO Michal The Position of Slovenian Representatives in Disputes in the Leadership of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia from 1986 to 1988 117 ЯНИЧКО Михал Позиция словенских представителей в спорах руководства Союза коммунистов Югославии с 1986 по 1988 год 3 SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 3 28.5.2021 8:19:51 KŘEPINSKÝ Matěj Úloha pelasgického tématu při konstruování mýtu o původu albánského národa 169 The Role of the Pelasgian Theme in Constructing the Myth of the Origin of the Albanian Nation КРШЕПИНСКЙ Матей Роль темы пеласгов при конструировании мифа о происхождении албанского народа Recenze | reviews | рецензии Grzegorz MOTYKA, Volyň 1943. Genocidní čistka – fakta, analogie, historická politika (David Svoboda) 201 Patrick O’MEARA, The Russian Nobility in the Age of Alexander I (Zbyněk Vydra) 212 Jaromír MAREK, Interhelpo: Tragický příběh československých osadníků v Sovětském svazu (Juraj Benko) 216 Nadia ZAVOROTNA, Scholars in Exile. The Ukrainian Intellectual World in Interwar Czechoslovakia (Lukáš Babka) 224 Jacek Witold WOŁOSZYN, Niepodległościowa konspiracja młodzieżowa na ziemiach polskich w latach 1944/45–1956 229 (Adam Zítek) Robert ADAM – František MARTÍNEK – Petr PÍŠA – Magdaléna POKORNÁ – Lucie RYCHNOVSKÁ (eds.), Karel Havlíček. Korespondence III 1845–1847 (Matěj Matela) 232 Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Lujo Davičo. Fragmenti života (František Šístek) 237 4 SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 4 28.5.2021 8:19:51 Margarita MATIJEVIĆ, „Izmedju partizana i pristojnosti“. Život i doba Svetozara Rittiga (1873.–1961.) (Jan Pelikán) 244 Sebina SIVAC-BRYANT, Re-Making Kozarac. Agency, Reconciliation and Contested Return in Post-War Bosnia 248 (Michal Petrov) „Zmrtvýchvstání“ bulharisty Vladimíra Síse: přehled „sísovské literatury“ z posledních desetiletí (Marcel Černý) 253 Zprávy | notices | сообшения 265 Zprávy z vědeckého života | reports from the scholarly life | сообщения из научной жизни Devadesátiny PhDr. Mirjam Moravcové, DrSc. 275 PhDr. Mirjam Moravcová, DrSc. celebrates her 90th birthday (Ladislav Hladký) 90-летие PhDr. Мирьям Моравцовой, DrSc. (Ладислав Гладкий) Zemřel Lev Abramovič Mnuchin (1938–2020) 280 Lev Abramovič Mnuchin has passed away (1938–2020) (Lukáš Babka) Скончался Лев Абрамович Мнухин (1938–2020) (Лукаш Бабка) Za Jitkou Křesálkovou (1924–2020) 282 In remembrance of Jitka Křesálková (1924–2020) (Lukáš Babka) В память Йитки Кршесалковой (1924–2020) (Лукаш Бабка) 5 SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 5 28.5.2021 8:19:51 Patnáctý ročník pražské Konference mladých slavistů 284 The fifteenth annual Conference of Young Slavists in Prague (Marek Příhoda) Пятнадцатый год пражской Конференции молодых славистов (Марек Пршигода) Druhý ročník konference Studentské dialogy o východní Evropě (Brno – Olomouc – Praha) 290 The second annual Student Dialogues on Eastern Europe conference (Brno – Olomouc – Praha) (Marek Příhoda) Второй год конференции Студенческие диалоги о Восточной Европе (Брно – Оломоуц – Прага) (Марек Пршигода) The 5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference in Balkan Studies Balkan Express 2019: Living together, Tolerance, Coexistence, Reconciliation. Prague, 8–9 November 2019 295 (František Šístek) 5-я Международная и междисциплинарная конференция Балканских исследований Балкан Экспресс 2019: Совместная жизнь, Терпимость, Сосуществование, Примирение. Прага, 8–9 ноября 2019 (Франтишек Шистек) Mezinárodní konference Kominterna a střední Evropa. Nástroj zahraniční politiky Sovětského svazu 299 International conference The Comintern and Central Europe: A Foreign Policy Instrument of the Soviet Union (David Hubený) Международная конференция Коминтерна и Центральная Европа. Инструмент внешней политики Советского союза (Давид Губеный) 6 SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 6 28.5.2021 8:19:51 Ženy na cestách (Podstata, důvody a důsledky migrace žen v 19. a 20. století) – 10.–11. listopadu 2020 300 Women on the Move (The Essence, Reasons, and Consequences of the Migration of Women in the 19th and 20th Centuries, 10–11 November 2020 (Jiří Friedl) Женщины в пути (Суть, причины и последствия миграции женщин в XIX-XX вв.) – 10-11 ноября 2020 (Иржи Фридл) Konference „Promýšlet Evropu dvacátého století: idea šťastného domova“ 303 Conference Rethinking Twentieth Century Europe: The Ideal of a Happy Home (Jakub Marša) Конференция Продумать Европу двадцатого столетия: идея счастливого дома (Якуб Марша) 7 SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 7 28.5.2021 8:19:51 8 SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 8 28.5.2021 8:19:51 107 | 2021 Slovanský přehled číslo 1 STUDIE Polish Refugees in Palestine During the Arab-Jewish Civil War (November 1947–May 1948) ARTUR PATEK Institute of History, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland Polish Refugees in Palestine During the Arab-Jewish Civil War (November 1947–May 1948) In the years 1940–1948 Palestine was an important centre of the Polish “in- dependence” emigration. In 1945 approximately seven thousand war refu- gees were staying there. When, towards the end of 1947, a civil war broke out in Palestine, the Poles’ situation became more complicated. There were suspicions that they were involved in the Arab-Jewish conflict and suppor- ted one side or the other. This article is an attempt to present how these events unfolded and to identify their roots. The author discusses the fol- lowing factors: (1) the character of the settlement patterns of the Polish community, which concentrated both in Jewish (Tel-Aviv) and Arab (East Jerusalem, Jaffa) centres; (2) the atmosphere of suspicion, characteristic of every war; (3) the agitation carried out by agents of the Warsaw govern- ment, which claimed that the Polish expatriate community was ‘fascist’; (4) the presence of criminal elements among the émigrés. The analysis is based on archival materials from the collections of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London, the Polish Library POSK in London, and the Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance in 107 | 2021 9 A. Patek SP-1-2021-text-tisk.indb 9 28.5.2021 8:19:51 Warsaw. The author also used newspapers published in Palestine and in cen- tres of Polish emigration. Key words: Polish war refugees in Palestine, Polish-Jewish relations, Polish- Arab relations, Arab-Jewish conflict, Palestinian civil war 1947–48 The last months of the Polish refugees’ stay in Palestine are a problem which is very insufficiently studied by historiographers, even though it was one of the more dra- matic chapters in the history of the Polish expatriate community in the Holy Land. The Palestinian civil war had an impact on the Poles’ situation, even though they were not a side in the conflict between the Arabs and the Jews. The issue of Polish war refugees in Palestine already has its literature,1 but so far historians have focu- sed mainly on the period of WWII and on matters related to education and science. The exception which proves the rule is an interesting article by a pair of Israeli scho- lars, Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, covering the background of the murder of Witold Hulanicki in February 1948.2 This paper intends to shed light on matters which have not yet been a sub- ject of dedicated research. We aim to answer several questions. What factors im- pacted the situation of Polish refugees after the outbreak of the civil war in Palesti- ne? What position did the Poles take towards the Arab-Jewish conflict? What can be said about the local people’s attitude towards the refugees? The paper is based mainly on archival materials from the collections of the Polish Institute and Sikor- ski Museum in London, the Polish Library POSK in London and the Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw.
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