FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 Market Research Best Practice 30 Visions for the Future A compilation of discussion papers, case studies and methodologies from ESOMAR ESOMAR WORLD RESEARCH PUBLICATION Edited by Peter Mouncey Frank Wimmer iii FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 ii FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 Market Research Best Practice i FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 ii FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 Market Research Best Practice 30 Visions for the Future A compilation of discussion papers, case studies and methodologies from ESOMAR ESOMAR WORLD RESEARCH PUBLICATION Edited by Peter Mouncey Frank Wimmer iii FCG FCG ffirst February 1, 2007 18:55 Char Count= 0 Copyright C 2007 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (+44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): [email protected] VisitourHomePageonwww.wiley.com All Rights Reserved. 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Anniversary Logo Design: Richard J. Pacifico Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Market research best practice / edited by Peter Mouncey, Frank Wimmer. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-470-06527-3 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Marketing research. I. Mouncey, Peter. II. Wimmer, Frank. HF5415.2.B4587 2007 658.83—dc22 2006036082 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-470-06527-3 (HB) Typeset in 11/13pt Bembo by TechBooks, New Delhi, India Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall, UK This book is printed on acid-free paper responsibly manufactured from sustainable forestry in which at least two trees are planted for each one used for paper production. iv FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 Contents Contributors ix Foreword xxxi Preface xxxiii Acknowledgement xxxvii PART ONE: FACILITATING DECISION-MAKING 1. Creating Maximum Value for the Client: Developing a New Strategic Role for Market Researchers 3 David V.L. Smith 2. The Heart Transplant: Making a Difference to Organizations by Putting the Consumer at the Heart of the Business 25 Kristin Hickey, Derek Leddie and David Jenkinson 3. The Holistic Approach: Emphasizing the Importance of the Whole and the Interdependence of its Parts 53 Christine Blache and Karen Hofman 4. Integrating Decision-making and Marketing Intelligence: The Roadmap to the Boardroom 67 Selim Oktar and Emre Erdogan˘ 5. Market Research: A New Generation on the Go 95 Corinne Rosinski 6. The Operation was Successful but the Patient Died: Why Research on Innovation is Successful yet Innovations Fail 133 Omar Mahmoud v FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 vi Contents 7. When Good Researchers Go Bad – Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines 163 Stephen Needel PART TWO: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 8. Striking Gold in the Qualitative Mine: A New Approach to Build Vision and Generate Insight to Impact Business 183 Jem Wallis and Vanessa Briese 9. Improving Honeywell’s Market Research: Combining Online Surveys, Traditional Interviewing Techniques and Web-based Reporting 195 Karl G. Feld and William K. Stone 10. Creating Competitive Intellectual Capital: The Henkel Case 213 Hans-Willi Schroiff 11. Getting Research Noticed at the Corporate Top Table 229 Ioannis (John) Dimopoulos, Jonathan Rabson and Daryl Maloney McCall 12. How to Ensure One Worldwide Heineken Brand Dashboard 249 Sjoerd Koornstra and Gert Jan de Nooij PART THREE: NEW METHODOLOGIES 13. Possibilities for Ethnographic Research: How to Raise the Validity of Findings and to Facilitate a Better and Deeper Understanding of your Products and Customers 267 Ji-Seun You and Edeltraud Kaltenbach 14. Video ergo agnosco – From Observation to Insight 291 Nic Hall FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 Contents vii 15. Build Strong Brands and Develop Communications: An Argument for Using Consumer Need States over Values 309 Michael O’Donohue and Tamsin Addison 16. Cross-media Measurement: The New Medium Necessitates a New Approach to Marketing Mix Measurement 319 Rex Briggs PART FOUR: MODELLING 17. A New Generation of Brand Controlling: Evaluating the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Complete Marketing Mix 367 Siegfried Hogl¨ and Oliver Hupp 18. The Impact of Consumers’ Commitment to Existing Brands on New Product Launch Strategies 391 Jan Hofmeyr and John Rice 19. Predicting the Unpredictable: Agent-based Models for Marketing Research 415 David G. Bakken and Roger A. Parker PART FIVE: FACILITATING DIVERSITY 20. Managing Global Brands to Meet Consumer Expectations 443 Malcolm Baker, Greet Sterenberg and Earl Taylor 21. Audience Measurement in the ‘Dual Economies’ of Poor Countries: A Case Study from Pakistan 467 Ijaz Gilani and Mansoor Khan 22. Jambo Africa: A Discussion on the Challenges and Diversity of Third World Research 489 Jill Barnes and Solveig Shapiro FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 viii Contents PART SIX: BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES 23. Retail Innovation Learnings from a Segmented Shop Formula: Sunka 511 Llu´ıs Mart´ınez-Ribes and Xavier Roure 24. How to Make Good Dough: Revitalizing your Product Portfolio by Understanding Consumer Needs 527 Pia de Wit and Sinead´ Twomey 25. Hide ‘n’ Seek: Driving Disruption in Skincare 539 Lyn McGregor and James Potocki 26. Jack in the Tiffin-box: Unconventional Paths to New Product Idea Development 553 Sangeeta Gupta and Subhransu Rout and Farheen Romani 27. Becoming Cultural Architects: How to Drive the Influence of Research on Company Culture 577 Paul Buckley and Hilary Perkins 28. Show Me Your Home and I Will Tell You Who You Are, or Building Homes Based on Consumers’ Values and Lifestyles 589 Lena Gilchrist, Britt-Marie Eriksson and Olof Eriksson 29. Market Research, Accountability, Outcome-focus and Service Standards in the Australian Government Public Sector: How Market Research has Significantly Improved the Reformation of the Australian Government Public Sector 601 Peter Bycroft, Catherine Argall and Natalie Wearne 30. Research for Innovation: Fitting the Design Process at Philips Design 623 Monica Bueno and Lucile Rameckers Index 645 FCG FCG JWBK141-FM January 20, 2007 19:2 Char Count= 0 Contributors EDITORS Peter Mouncey (FMRS, F IDM) e-mail: [email protected] Before 2000, Peter was a member of the senior management team re- sponsible for Group Marketing Services and CRM strategy at the Auto- mobile Association. After 29 years he left to be an independent marketing services consultant and is a Senior Associate Consultant for Marketing Best Practice. Also as a Visiting Fellow of Cranfield University School of Management, Peter teaches and researches various marketing topics, and has a role as a Director of the Return on Marketing Investment Re- search Club. He is also Director of Research at the Institute of Direct Marketing. Peter is a Fellow of both the Market Research Society (MRS) and the Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM); he is a former Chairman of the MRS and a past member of the IDM Council. Peter has also chaired the Association of Users of Research Agencies and the Research De- velopment Foundation. He is a long-term member of the MRS Market Research Standards Board and has worked with the MRS, and other mar- ket research industry bodies, on developing and implementing strategy in response to the Data Protection Act 1998 and writing the Society’s guidelines on this topic. He also runs seminars on data privacy and survey research. Peter is Executive Editor of the International Journal of Market Re- search (the journal of the MRS) and also serves on the Executive ed- itorial board of the IDM journal. Peter has presented, and written, many papers on market research, database marketing, CRM and related topics.
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