‘ ■■ *1 lPlcU4tdeafot NUMBER 47 IETIETH YEAR CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1964 Mrs. E. Harrington Found Dead Funeral services are being held A special meeting of the Town Liquid Fertilizer Company stated that a building approximately 55 today (Thursday) for Mrs. Earl Board, open to the public, will be (Mabel) Harrington who passed by 90 feet would be erected and held tonight (Thursday) at 7,30 away unexpectedly at her home at there would also be five tanks. L i­ In the Council room to decide on 7 a.m., Tuesday, July 14, following the request of a fertilizer com­ quid and dry fertilizer would be handled at the plant. All modem a lingering illness. pany to install a plant here. The Visitation began at the Hanson facilities would be used and they plant would be located at the Funeral Home Wednesday at 2 p. felt sure that dust and odor would west end of Locust street between and continue* until the time Third and Fourth streets on not be a problem. An invitation to attend the spe- of services. The Rev. Leroy Bula TP&Wi railroad property. will conduct the services at the The TP&W property is lea sea \cr Diller to all interested. He men­ Funeral Home at 1:30 pm., and at the Chatsworth Methodist Church the Town so it w ill be necessary tioned that Chamber of Com­ Engagement Told at 2 p.m. today. Burial will be for the Town to surrender its merce members should be inter­ Mrs. Rita Castaneda of Lima, rights to the land if the fertilizer ested in the proposal and their in the Chatsworth Cemetery. Peru, announces the engagement Miss Mabel Melvina Dalton was plant is to be erected. arguments would be heard at that of her daughter, Miss Teresa Alge bom in Charlotte Township May Representatives of the Aylco tim e. to Donald Leroy Gerdes, son of 23, 1885, the daughter of William the Donald Gerdeses, Chatsworth. The wedding will take place T. and Johanna Van Weiher Dal­ ton. She attended Charlotte Saturday, August 1, at 2 p.m. in Township schools and was a resi­ Curt Stoller New Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Kathryn Bourdage dent of this community her en­ Church. i Miss Alge recently arrived from tire life. She married Earl D. County Legion To Teach Business Lima, Peru, where she was em­ Harrington October 14, 1908, at ployed as a cosmotologist. The C harlo tte. Commander couple met while he was with the Surviving are her husband; one Here daughter, Mrs. Frank (Alice Mae) flUL S. Navy aboard the U. S. S. Curt Stoller will be installed as Constellation. Albright of West Orange, New Miss Kathryn Bourdage of Har­ Jersey; two sisters, Mrs. T. C. the new county Legion Command­ vard has been hired to teach Bus­ Meisenhelder, Chatsworth; Mrs. er at the meeting of the Living­ iness Education courses at Chats­ The Stan Hills F. L. Hevener, of Piper City; and ston County Council of American worth High School this coming three grandchildren. Preceding Legion at the local Legion Hall year. She w ill teach typing, short­ Honored At Farewell her in death was one son in in­ tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’cloock. hand, bookkeeping and office Party Friday fancy and one brother. Other local officers to be in­ p ractice. She was a member of the Chats­ stalled will be Noble Pearson, ad­ Miss Bourdage is a 1959 grad­ Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hill and worth Methodist Church. ju ta n t. uate of Illinois State University three children were the honored Legionnaires are requested to and w ill receive a Master’s degree guests Friday evening at a fare­ be present at this meeting. in Business Education from there well party at the Methodist Runner Goes Thru this summer. Church. Barbara Franey During college she was an honor Both Mr. and Mrs. Hill have resident her junior and senior been active in Sunday school Chatsworth Shower Honoree years, a member of the Newman work. Stanley has held offices in Club, Business Education Club In all the excitement over our Miss Barbara Franey was the the Methodist Men’s organization own celebration of the 4th of July guest of honor at a miscellaneous and the Women’s League. She had and on the church board. Newlyweds Reside In Kankakee an assistance as Women’s coun­ we paid little attention to a run­ bridal shower held at the home The Sunday School classes pre­ selor in Freshman residence hall ner who passed through on his of Miss Helena Franey Saturday Mr. and Mrs. David LeRoy Entires are presently residing In Kan­ sented them with gifts. Mrs. Dan Miss Irwin to Be la s t ye a r. way to New York. Someone did evening. kakee. The bride was the former Naomi Ruth Shuman. He is the Kyburz was in charge of arrange She is a graduate of Harvard mention seeing him. Appropriate games were played son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. End res Sr. of Chatsworth. The wed­ Summer Bride ments. Mrs. Milford Irwin and Community High School and was In Forrest he received more no­ by the 25 guests present. The ding ceremony was solemnized Saturday, June 27 at the St. Rose of Mrs. Robert Milstead helped the Mr. and Mrs. Milford Irwin of a member of the Thespians, a tice. He was Don Shepherd of gifts for the bride were display • Lima Church in Kankakee.—Photo by Blankenberg. rural Chatsworth announce the dramatic club; honor roll; chor­ primary chjldren in a program, in­ South Africa. He was running from a table decorated with a pink engagement of their daughter, us; yearbook; newspaper; and a cluding group singing, accompan­ cross country on Route 24 from um brella. Miss Bette Jane, to Mr. A. Bruce cheerleader. ied by Betty Cording. The Los Angeles to New York, a 3,100 Hostesses were Miss Mary Ann O tto, son of Mrs. Alvin B. and the She taught at Milford Town­ youngsters presented Mrs. Hill mile run in an effort to break the Mankey of Gary, Lnd.; Miss Jac­ Edward H a * % * k r s late Mr. Otto of Bloomington. ship High School for three yean?, with a bouquet of flowers. world's record time. He came queline De Chantal of Hammond, M iss Irwin is a graduate of Lincolnway High School at New Mrs. Kyburz, Clarence Bennett through Forrest shortly after noon Ind.; Miss Janice Crissione of Pe­ Father Dies Chatsworth High School and a Lenox one year, and this past and Mrs. Bennett spoke for pr on the 4th. He was interviewed oria; and Miss Joyce Franey of In Barn 1963 graduate of Illinois State year worked on her master's de­ ganizations of the church. Mr. H ill and found to be a 48-year-old Chatsworth. They are the at­ responded in appreciation. bachelor, a gold miner by pro­ tendants for the wedding of Miss Fu n e ra l University. She teaches music gree. She has had experience with service* for James M. Chatsworth firemen were called in the Minter Community Schools. Those assisting Mrs. Kyburz fession. He averages about 40 to Franey to Wayne Klasing of New Kierce, 91, of Minneapolis. Mlmu, to the Orville Oliver farm south secretarial work di Mr. Otto graduated from Normal mer vacations. with refreshments w ere M rs. 45 miles a day. His highest w as Lennox, on Saturday. Aug. 1 at were held in tlflttTmy July S. Dwain Parker, M rs. Leonard K e r- Mr. Kierce, who died June 80. Community Ugh School and W ith tha biring of Ml** Bour­ 56. Saints Peter and Paul Catholic MSz XSF&Z I* ’63 ISU, where he ber, Mrs. Elmer Dassow. The bom M ay grant, discovered that the chop­ a graduate of dage, the teaching staff of Com­ He asked what was going on Church in Chatsworth. was 12, 1873 in Cam­ m ajored is Hjlls wil be moving soon to De­ pus. He married Elizabeth Halpin. ped hay In the barn was smolder­ in agriculture. He munity Unit No. 1 is completed. and why the flags were flying. He the farm director of the catur where Mr. H ill is employed Following their marriage, they ing. The hay had been put up service was informed we were celebrating Farmers State Bank in Minier. in the plumbing department of engaged in fanning in the Cul- Ju n e 1. our independence from England, The wedding w ill take place in the Sears store. He worked for Post Office Nears lom area until 1933, when they Lowell Flessner, with his bull­ Cub Scout Tourney which drew an "Oh!” late summer. 22 years in the Sears Store at Completion moved to Minneapolis where he dozer, pushed nearly all of the Here Sunday Chatsworth. was employed by Northern State* 200 tons of chopped hay out the Local Girls Postmaster Weller reported the Power Company until retiring in side of the bam. Firemen then George Woods The Cub Scout softball tourna­ post office "almost finished.’’ The 1948. played water on the hay which ment will be held on the local ICE CREAM SOCIAL Receive Teacher painting has been done, the win­ His wife and a son James pre­ was burning. To Celebrate field Sunday, July 19 with the Sponsored by Evangelical Unit­ Schoalrships dows are in, the glass front and ceded him in death. Strawn firemen were called finals on Sunday July 26. Towns ed Brethren Church on Saturday, doors are in place. The vinyl tile Golden Anniversary As announced by County Super­ Survivors are two sons, Leo of and aided the local men in dous­ represented will be Chatsworth, Ju ly 25.
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