E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 2001 No. 6 Senate (Legislative day of Monday, January 8, 2001) The Senate met at 3:02 p.m., on the APPOINTMENT OF ACTING The resolution (S. Res. 9) was agreed expiration of the recess, and was called PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE to. to order by the Honorable HARRY REID, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f a Senator from the State of Nevada. clerk will now read a communication NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE OF to the Senate. REPRESENTATIVES PRAYER The legislative clerk read the fol- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John lowing letter: Mr. ROBERTS. I now send a second resolution to the desk also concerning Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: U.S. SENATE, the President pro tempore and ask for Almighty God, Sovereign of our Na- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, tion and Lord of our lives, we begin Washington, DC, January 20, 2001. its immediate consideration. this 107th Senate with a renewed com- To the Senate: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- mitment of our lives to You. The Sen- Under the provisions of rule 1, paragraph 3, pore. This resolution is also privileged. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby ators and all of us who are privileged The clerk will report the resolution by appoint the Honorable HARRY REID, a Sen- to work with them turn over to You title. ator from the State of Nevada, to perform The legislative clerk read as follows: the control of our lives with fresh dedi- the duties of the Chair. cation. Remind us that we are here by STROM THURMOND, A resolution (S. Res. 10) notifying the Your choice and permission and that President pro tempore. House of Representatives of the election of a new President pro tempore of the Senate. You will provide exactly what is need- Mr. REID thereupon assumed the ed to meet the challenges and opportu- chair as the Acting President pro tem- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I ask nities of each new day. We thank You pore. unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to and the motion to recon- for our new President and Vice Presi- f dent and their families. Give George W. sider be laid upon the table. RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING Bush and DICK CHENEY Your power to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- lead wisely, the guidance to know and MAJORITY LEADER pore. Without objection, it is so or- follow Your will, the courage to call all The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- dered. of us to servant leadership, and the de- pore. The acting majority leader is now The resolution (S. Res. 10) was agreed sire to forge strong ties between the recognized. to. executive and legislative branches of f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- our Government. May a bond of mutual pore. The Senator from South Caro- NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT lina, Mr. THURMOND, will be escorted by trust enable creative dialog and con- OF THE UNITED STATES structive debate that move us forward SENATOR HOLLINGS. in dealing with the crucial issues be- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I send f fore our Nation. a resolution to the desk concerning the appointment of a new President pro ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF Lord, there is no limit to what we are OFFICE able to do through women and men tempore of the Senate. who love You and whose hearts have The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The Senator, escorted by Senator been galvanized into unity and devo- pore. This resolution is privileged. The HOLLINGS, advanced to the desk of the tion for America. May it be so now, clerk will report the resolution by Acting President pro tempore; the oath Lord. Amen. title. prescribed by law was administered to The legislative clerk read as follows: Senator THURMOND by the Acting A resolution (S. Res. 9) notifying the Presi- President pro tempore. f dent of the United States of the election of (Applause, Senators rising.) a new President pro tempore. f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. ROBERTS. I ask unanimous con- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The PRESIDING OFFICER led the sent that the resolution be agreed to Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: and the motion to reconsider be laid Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, in ex- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the upon the table. ecutive session, I ask unanimous con- United States of America, and to the Repub- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- sent that the following nominations be lic for which it stands, one nation under God, pore. Without objection, it is so or- placed directly on the Executive Cal- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. dered. endar, that of Colin L. Powell, Paul H. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S57 . VerDate 19-JAN-2001 00:40 Jan 23, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.000 pfrm02 PsN: S20PT1 S58 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2001 O’Neill, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Donald L. rests with the Secretary of Energy. the costs of war. The other is to honor Evans, Spencer Abraham, Rod Paige, This decision, and others relating to our commitments to veterans who have Anthony Principi, Ann Veneman, and Yucca Mountain, must be made absent paid those costs.’’ I doubt that any Mitch Daniels. bias. Regrettably, Secretary designee Member of the Senate would take ex- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- Abraham’s record as a Senator and his ception with those obligations. Don out objection, it is so ordered. testimony before the Energy Com- Rumsfeld will certainly accept these f mittee as a nominee lead me to believe obligations with enthusiasm. that he may not be capable of such im- Public service is a demanding voca- EXECUTIVE SESSION partiality on this very important issue. tion for the family as well as the nomi- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I now I withdraw my reservation. nee. I want to express my personal ap- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise preciation to Mrs. Joyce Rumsfeld for ate proceed to executive session to con- today to give my strongest rec- rededicating herself to public service sider the nominations of Donald H. ommendation for the confirmation of as well. The Nation will never fully ap- Rumsfeld to be Secretary of Defense, the nomination of Donald H. Rumsfeld preciate the sacrifices spouses, such as Colin L. Powell to be Secretary of to be Secretary of Defense. Joyce Rumsfeld, make supporting State, Paul H. O’Neill to be Secretary On December 28, 2000, then President- those who serve our country. of the Treasury, Ann Veneman to be elect Bush announced his intention to Mr. President, I want to commend Secretary of Agriculture, Donald L. nominate former-Secretary of Defense my friend and colleague, Senator Evans to be Secretary of Commerce, Rumsfeld, a man I have known for LEVIN, for the manner in which, as the Rod Paige to be Secretary of Edu- more than 20 years, to be his Secretary chairman of the Armed Services Com- cation, and Spencer Abraham to be of Defense. I support this nomination, mittee, he dealt with this nomination. Secretary of Energy. and I am pleased that the President de- Chairman LEVIN and I worked together The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- cided to recommend him for this im- very closely as the committee consid- out objection, it is so ordered. portant position. ered the nomination in a deliberate and Mr. ROBERTS. I further ask unani- Don Rumsfeld served as Secretary of timely manner. mous consent, Mr. President, that the Defense for President Ford from 1975 to I support this nomination. I urge my nominations be considered en bloc and 1977. I am confident that he will, once colleagues to support the nomination disposed of en bloc, that each nomina- again, be a competent, trustworthy, ef- as well. Secretary Rumsfeld will be a tion be considered separately in the fective Secretary of Defense. He has crucial part of the great national secu- RECORD, and following the confirma- the experience, knowledge, skill and rity team that President Bush has as- tions the motion to reconsider be laid ability to oversee the best—the larg- sembled. upon the table, that the President be est—military force in the world. His The nominations were considered and immediately notified that the Senate challenge will be to prepare that force confirmed, as follows: has given its consent to these nomina- for missions in the ever-growing, in- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE tions, and the Senate then return to creasingly complex threat environment Ann Margaret Veneman, of California, to legislative session. of the 21st century. He must ‘‘jump be Secretary of Agriculture. Mr. REID. Reserving the right to ob- start’’ the pace of transition from cold DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ject, Mr. President, war thinking to new thinking. Donald Henry Rumsfeld, of Illinois, to be I wish the RECORD to reflect that Don Rumsfeld has been extremely Secretary of Defense. with regard to the nomination of Spen- successful in the business world in the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE cer Abraham to be Secretary of En- years since he last served as Secretary ergy, I am voting in the negative. I ap- Donald Louis Evans, of Texas, to be Sec- of Defense. He has served as the chief retary of Commerce. preciate the fact that we need a Sec- executive officer of G.D. Searle and DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY retary of Energy immediately because Company, a worldwide pharmaceutical of the dire energy crisis in the State of company, and as chairman and chief Spencer Abraham, of Michigan, to be Sec- retary of Energy.
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