VOLUME 116 NUMBER 4 DECEMBER 1992 WHOLE NUMBER 402 Proceedings *A» OF THE AMERICAN HEMATICAL SOCIETY EDITED BY Barbara Lee Keyfitz, William Adams Coordinating Editor for ODE, Dale Alspach PDE, Global Analysis, and J. Marshall Ash Dynamical Systems Albert Baernstein II Irwin Kra, Managing Editor Eric Bedford Peter Li, Coordinating Editor Andreas R. Blass for Lie Groups, Topology, Andrew M. Bruckner and Geometry Christopher Croke Wei Y. Loh Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Joseph S. B. Mitchell Coordinating Editor for M. Susan Montgomery, Analysis and Operator Theory Coordinating Editor for Eric Friedlander Algebra, Number Theory, Theodore W. Gamelin and Combinatorics James Glimm, Coordinating Charles Pugh Editor for Applied David Sharp Mathematics, Probability, Lance W. Small and Statistics Hal L. Smith Roe Goodman Ronald M. Solomon Thomas Goodwillie Ronald Stern Lawrence Gray Franklin D. Tall Dennis A. Hejhal John Trangenstein Palle E. T. Jorgensen Wolmer V. Vasconcelos Jeffry N. Kahn James West PROVIDENCE.RHODE ISLAND USA ISSN0002-9939 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society This journal is devoted entirely to research in pure and applied mathematics. Subscription information. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society is pub- lished monthly. Subscription prices for Volumes 114-116 (1992) are $508 list; $406 institutional member; $305 individual member. A late charge of 10% of the subscrip- tion price will be imposed upon orders received from nonmember after January 1 of the subscription year. Subscribers outside the United States and India must pay a postage surcharge of $25; subscribers in India must pay a postage surcharge of $38. Expedited delivery to destinations in North America—$38; elsewhere—$90. Back number information. For back issues see the AMS Catalog of Publications. Subscriptions and orders should be addressed to the American Mathematical Soci- ety, P.O. Box 1571, Annex Station, Providence, RI 02901-1571. 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The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. © This publication was typeset using A\^-T\^X, the American Mathematical Society's Tj:X macro system. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 97 96 95 94 93 92 AUTHOR INDEX 1992 Volumes 114-116 Throughout this index, bold numerals are used to denote the volume number; lightface nu- merals denote the pages. 'Starred items are "Shorter Notes". Aaronson, Jon, Denker, Manfred, and Fisher, Albert M. Second order ergodic theorems for ergodic transformations of infinite measure spaces, 114, 115. Abdel-Gawad, H. R. and Thomas, D. K. The Fekete-Szegö problem for strongly close-to-convex functions, 114, 345. Abhyankar, Shreeram S. Linear disjointness of polynomials, 116, 7. Abraham, Paul. Saeki's improvement of the Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Nikodym Theorem holds precisely for Banach spaces having cotype, 116, 171. Abraham, Uri and Bonnet, Robert. Every superatomic subalgebra of an interval algebra is embed- dable in an ordinal algebra, 115, 585. Abramovich, Y. A. and Wickstead , A. W. A compact regular operator without modulus, 116, 721. Adams, David R. and Frazier, Michael. Composition operators on potential spaces, 114, 155. Akeroyd, John. Density of the polynomials in the Hardy space of certain slit domains, 115, 1013. Alemán, Alexandru. Hilbert spaces of analytic functions between the Hardy and the Dirichlet space, 115, 97. Allegretto, W. Principal eigenvalues for indefinite-weight elliptic problems in R", 116, 701. Allenby, R. B. J. T. Conjugacy separability of a class of l-relator products, 116, 621. Alster, K. On the Cartesian products of Lindelóf spaces with one factor hereditarily Lindelof, 116, 207. Alzati, Alberto. A new Castelnuovo bound for two codimensional subvarieties ofPr, 114, 607. Ancel, Fredric D. and Guilbault, Craig R. An extension of Rourke's proof that £23 = 0 to nonori- entable manifolds, 115, 283. Anderson, John T. On an example of Ahem and Rudin, 116, 695. Anoussis, M. Interpolating operators in nest algebras, 114, 707. Arendt, W. and Batty, C. J. K. Domination and ergodicity for positive semigroups, 114, 743. Arias, Alvaro. All the infinite nest algebras are isomorphic, 115, 85. Arteaga, Carlos. Centralizers of expanding maps on the circle, 114, 263. Arveson, William and Kishimoto, Akitaka. A note on extensions of semigroups of*-endomorphisms, 116, 769. Ashbaugh, Mark S. and Svirsky, Roman. Periodic potentials with minimal energy bands, 114. 69. Asmar, Nakhlé H. and Nair, Radhakrishnan. Certain averages on the a-adic numbers, 114, 21. Atalla, Robert E. Regular matrices and P-sets in ßN\N. II, 115, 141. Babich, Amy. Scrawny Cantor sets are not definable by tori, 115, 829. Bagby, Thomas and Gauthier, P. M. An arc of finite 2-measure that is not rationally convex, 114, 1033. Baker, John, Hindman, Neil, and Pym, John, k-topologies for right topological semigroups, 115, 251. Baker, Richard. Ko of certain subdiagonal subalgebras of von Neumann algebras, 116, 13. Baldwin, Stewart. On the existence of invariant measures that behave like area, 115, 89. Ball, Joseph A. and Fanney, Thomas R. Uniform limits of sequences of polynomials and their derivatives, 114, 749. Ball, Richard N, Hager, Anthony W., and Kizanis, Ann. Epimorphic adjunction of a weak order unit to an archimedean lattice-ordered group, 116, 297. Ballester-Bolinches, A. and Ezquerro, Luis M. On the Deskins index complex of a maximal sub- group of a finite group, 114, 325. Balog, Antal and Pomerance, Carl. The distribution of smooth numbers in arithmetic progressions, 115, 33. Bandt, Christoph and Graf, Siegfried. Self-similar sets 1. A characterization of self-similar fractals with positive Hausdorf measure, 114, 995. INDEX TO VOLUME 114-116 Baribeau, Line and Harbottle, Sarah. Two new open mapping theorems for analytic multivalued functions, 115, 1009. Bartoszek, Wojciech. Riesz decomposition property implies asymptotic periodicity of positive and constrictive operators, 116, 101. Bates, Larry and Sniatycki, Jedrzej. On the period-energy relation, 114, 877. Bates, S. M. On the image size of singular maps. I, 114, 699. Batty, C. J. K. See Arendt, W. Beer, Gerald, Rockafellar, R. T., and Wets, Roger J.-B. A characterization of epi-convergence in terms of convergence of level sets, 116, 753. Beidleman, James C. and Smith, Howard. On supersolubility in some groups with finitely generated fitting radical, 114, 319. Bellamy, David P. and Lewis, Wayne. An orientation reversing homeomorphism of the plane with invariant pseudo-arc, 114, 1145. Belzner, Th., Burgess, W. D., Fuller, K. R., and Schulz, R. Examples of ungradable algebras, 114, 1. Benke, George. On the minimum modulus of trigonometric polynomials, 114, 757. Berend, Daniel. A note on the IP analogue of the "zero-two" law, 114, 95. Bergelson, Vitaly and Shapiro, Daniel B. Multiplicative subgroups of finite index in a ring, 116, 885. *Bergweiler, Walter. On the existence offixpoints of composite meromorphic functions, 114, 879. Berkovich, Yakov G. On the number of solutions of the equation xp = a in a finite p-group, 116, 585. Berkovich, Yakov, Chillag, David, and Herzog, Marcel. Finite groups in which the degrees of the nonlinear irreducible characters are distinct, 115, 955. Bernau, S. J., Huijsmans, C. B., and De Pagter, B. Sums of lattice homomorphisms, 115, 151. Berti, Patrizia, Regazzini, Eugenio, and Rigo, Pietro. Finitely additive Radon-Nikodym theorem and concentration function of a probability with respect to a probability, 114, 1069. Bhatt, S. J. and Karia, D. J. Uniqueness of the uniform norm with an application to topological algebras, 116, 499. Biles, Daniel C. and Spraker, John S. A study of almost-everywhere singleton-valued Filippovs, 114, 469. Binding, Paul and Ye, Qiang. Some general local variational principles, 114, 107. Björner, Anders. Essential chains and homotopy type of posets, 116, 1179. Blasco, Oscar. A note on vector-valued Hardy and Paley inequalities, 115, 787. Bloom, Steven. Hardy integral estimates for the Laplace transform, 116, 417. Bochnak, J. and Kucharz, W. Complex cycles on real algebraic models of a smooth manifold, 114, 1097. Bonnet, Robert. See Abraham, Uri Boratynski, M. Locally complete intersection multiple structures on smooth algebraic curves, 115, 877. Borbély, Albert. A note on the Dirichlet problem at infinity for manifolds of negative curvature, 114, 865.
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