- Tonight's game starts at 7:$0; Tonight's game starts at 7:30; tomorrow's at 8. Students will tomorrow's at 8. Students will enter at the West Door of the enter at the West Door of the Armory. Cash customers will Armory. Cash customers will enter at the East Door. enter at the East Door. BOOSTe THE BEST; QUESTIONSpectru VOLUME 40 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1925. NUMBER SEVEN STATE BISON GUESTS TONIGHT BISON DOWN COBBERS IN INTERCITY GAME DEWEYMEN PLAY INIBISON DEBATERS BISON WILL USE EDWIN BOOTH TAKES WESTMEN WILL MAKE SPURTS—DEFENSIVE MEET VIRGINIANS ACE SYSTEM FOR "THE WREN" AS PLAY EFFORT TO AVENGE PLAYSHOWS POWER soi,u0,1,:LALi,,,,i,,LAuRp{1O1[NLSDO./;EALND WINTER TERM PLAY OF DRAMA- EARLY SEASON LOSS FEATURE NUMBER TISTS WILL BE PRESENTED LOW AND GREEN IN FEBRUARY BISON MISS MANY FREE BUNNIES FORCED TO LEAVE THROWS; COBBERS GET 75 EACH CLASS WILL BE ALLOTED The first of the Intercollegiate de- The Edwin Booth Dramatic club is TWO STARS AT BROOKINGS PER CENT FROM LINE bates of the year will be held in the EIGHT ACES FOR SIN- to present for its winter term play WITH ILLNESS Little Country theater next Monday GLE PAGE "The Wren," a three act comedy by BLAKELY STARS evening, when the A. C. will debate Booth Tarkington. The tryouts for PLAY TWO GAMES the University of West Virginia on the play were held in the Little Coun- the question of giving Congress the try theater Thursday, but as yet the HOLZER SENDS TWO COBBERS FACULTY GET VOTE BORLESKE ISSUES ULTIMATUM power of overruling the decisions of cast has not been announced. the Supreme Court, by a two-thirds FROM FLOOR ON FOURTH The play to be produced is one of ON COMPLIMENTARY majority, which affect the acts of Con- SYSTEM WILL BE MORE FAIR PERSONAL the best comedies that has yet been TICKETS, PASSES gress. THAN "POPULARITY" given by the club. It is a typical The team from West Virginia is PRIZE CONTESTS Ad Dewey's Bison cagers made a composed of law students from the Tarkington play, full of humorous sit- South Dakota State cagers will open flying start in their quest of intercity University. They will uphold the af- uations, clever lines and complete a two game series here tonight, when honors Wednesday, when they defeat- firmative of the question. From in- Efforts of men and women of the characterizations. The story is of they clash with Ad Dewey's Bison ed the Concordia college five, 30 to 21. dications it promises to be a bitter three upper classes of the North Da- Eusebia Olds, who is always mother- five in the first North Central game debate. The negative side of the ques- kota Agricultural college in school ing and managing the people around of the season. The Bunnies will be The Bison played erratic ball, but ir tion will be debated for the A. C. by their flashes of form gave a much im- Clair Southam, James Parkinson and activities will be recognized in a sec; her. She laeds her father, Cap'n Old:, handicapped by the absence of Frank proved performance over the James- Lewellyn Howell. tion of the 1926 Bison to be known a merry life, he has always wanted Welch and Malmer, who have been town game. The debate is to be a non-decision as the Bison Ace section, according to to marry somebody or another, and forced to remain at home with inju- affair in which the audience is the an announcement recently by Stewart such a sentimental desire demands a Bison Start Fast ries and illness. judge and is allowed to question the The Bison started fast and led, -1 Schlipf, editor-in-chief. good deal o this daughter's attention. Tonight's contest will open speakers. The question is ohe of A young painter, who has been her to 1, after a few minutes of play. great interest and is certainly well Each Class Gets Page promptly at 7:30. Tomorrow special charge and worry, has become From the opening Concordia spurted worth attending. All of the college night's game will start at 8. when the Bison laid down on their Each class will given one page caught in the coils of a young matron people are especially urged to be pres- from New York. The comedy deals Coach Borleske wishes several guns and consistent tosses from the ent. in the section on which to place their things made clear. Holders of free throw lane kept them dangerous. with the wren's successful routing of eight most represere_ative members. this gaudy bird of prey, and how the student tickets, Bison booster The Bison played an overhead game Work in dramatics, R. 0. T. C., journ- interspersed with flashes of dribbling daughter keeps the helpless artist tickets and complimentary tickets alism, Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., and from getting lonely. and bounce passing. Blakely and M cKINLEY COLLEGIANS will enter at the west entrance. The cast is to be announced in the Greenfield- used their heighth to an other similar activities will be taken near future so that the play can be Cash customers will enter at the advantage and the big red head, SAIL ON BRINY DEEP as a basis for the choice of the Aces. *worked up in time to give near the main or east door. Holders of Blakely, came through with a total of In his announcement, Mr. Schlipf end of February. It is the intention 12 of his team's paints. Greenfield The S. S. President McKinley Col- complimentary tickets will see declared that elections will be held of the club to try out several new followed him with seven points. legian band, composed of five Fargo that they are in possession of the soon to name the eight Aces of each people in the play in order to get The contest was featured by spurts boys, three of them former A. C. stu- pass issued them. These are not of the upper classes. Vote of the them interested and to develop pos- on thepart of the two teams. The dents, who left Fargo a short time sible new talent on the campus with transferable and those violating Bison airtight defense made the Cob- class itself will count one-third, that ago for a trip to the Orient, sailed a view of increasing the membership this rule will. be picked up, Bor- ber scorers work for every point that of the faculty one-third and that of of the club. leske says. was gained and the Watkins team from Seattle yesterday, according to the Bison staff another third. The In their first hoop game of the sea- were allowed but few short tosses at word received from Hugh McMath, date on which the election will be held the hoop. Brewster, star performer for drummer. son the Bison quint had little diffi- is expected to be announced by Mon- the Moorhead team, was high point The boys played for several dances FRESHMAN BEAT SPORTS culty and took two one-sided games day of next week. man of his team with seven points. en route to the coast. They broadcast from Jack West's Jackrabbits. The Free Tries Poor a program from station WJR at Seat- Aces Form Border CLUB WOMEN CAGE FIVE Bunnies since that time have taken tle last Friday and were well received, The Bison free throwing was poor. On each page will be nine miniature one and lost one contest to South over 500 requests for dance music be- Freshmen sextet beat the Sports Only 6 out of 15 tries by the dona- playing cards, marked with Aces. Dakota University. In their final con- tion route were made good by the ing received, according to a Seattle club,_29-25, at a game played Monday, Bison. The Cobbers, on the other paper. James Stamp, Earl Olson and These will be laid out in three rows January 26, at Ceres hall gym. test with the Coyotes the Bunnies hand, made '75 per cent of their tries Hugh 11/Ialath are the members of the of three cards each. The center card Ruth Andrews for the Sports club, showed surprising power, both on of- good, getting 9 of 12 tries. band who formerly were registered in the second row will have printed and Ethel Smith for the Freshmen, fense and on defense. With the Bison here at the school. were the outstanding stars. Miss Dick Holzer refereed the contest and upon it a Bison. The other cards will in their present slump a series of pret- kept the game fully in hand. Two Smith, the neatest performer on the carry pictures of members of the ty contests should be forthcoming. players were sent from the floor with floor, collected a total of five goals four personals each and in all 21 vio- class. from the field. Miss Andrews played The Bunnies opened their Dakota lations were called. Twenty-seven WOMEN'S SENATE HOSTS In previous years participation of a strong game and collected five field invasion at Grand Forks last night goals and one point from free throws. free tries were taken durnig the con- students in activities could be recog- with Coach Hauser's Flickers. Sev- AT TEA SUNDAY AT 3 Lineups and summary: test. nized only in small photographs of eral changes in the Flicker lineup A tea open to all women students Freshmen Sports Club The summary: college life and as a result many who M.
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