MERCYHURST 'CQllEGk '" M: : r* r e F - ^ R M RiVf l rii- L LiBRARV »* •Ur^ii W r ERIE. PA. 16546-0001 THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 r ARTS & Men's ENTERTAINMENT Border Awareness ^Program offered hockey Rising country star defeats Jessica Andrews students alternative spring break Army page 2 interview page 6 page 7 Vol. 75 No. 15 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St. Erie, Pa. 16546 March 14, 2002 Visitation issue resolved Six months. Students and sisters of mercy compromise For to be free is not By Annie DeMeo friends) be examined next year," said Staff writer 1 Kosko. i merely to Kosko explained that this will con- cast off T o visit or not to visit" that is the clude the work of the ad-hoc com- question administrators, trustees and mittee formed by Sennet to gather one's students have been grappling with information about the visitation chains, but since the freshman extended visita- policy. tion policy approved last spring was 'There won't be a March 7 meet- to live in a put on hold by the chairman of the ing because a suitable policy was way that board of trustees, Bill Sennet, at the acceptable to al 1 of the parties inves- December meeting. tigating the situation," said Kosko. respects The issue was resolved through a Kosko also commented on the and ern L, _ compromise posed by the student feeling of discontent that the policy government executive board to the aroused for members of the board of hances the freedom o f others sisters of M e r c y over spring break be- trustees. Nelson Mandela tween winter and spring terms. "Some board members felt that the w|Th e compromise is that there will extended visitation policy approved be unlimited visitation for siblings last year by the college was a viola- and parents of freshman students tion of Mercyhurst's mission state- L w i t h the approval of the roommate»j» ment, and the Catholic tradition that said Rob Kosko, student government the school was founded upon," said president. Rob Kosko. Despite the fact that he is rounding * Members of the administration, Megan Fialkovich/Contributing photographer out the end of his term as president student government and board of • of student government, Kosko is trustees comprised the ad-hoc com- hopeful that student government will mittee formed to investigate the visi- see the issue of accommodation of tation issue and present a proposal to the guests of freshman through in the entire-board of trustees at the coming years. meeting scheduled for late April. "As part of the compromise, we Reaching a compromise prevented asked that the issue of accommoda- the issue from dragging on to late tions for overnight guests (including spring. Daniels Named Soccer Coach Mercyhurst College director of ath- 1994-1995. Additionaly, his team letics, Pete Russo, announced the made the Final Four in 1992, and appointment of Austin Daniels as earned a #2 national ranking. head men's and women's soccer "We had a very strong list of can- Student survey shows surprising results coach on Feb. 19,2002. Daniels suc- didates and I'm delighted to have say that they read this section some- ceeds John Melody, who resigned last someone with Austin's Division I By Katie Putnev An excess of 18% never read a news- credentials and NCAA Tournament paper, and never, watch TV news. times. The cross-tabulation of A r t & month to pursue other interests. Contributing writer Entertainment readership shows that Daniels comes to Mercyhurst from experience. I know he'll provide new Over 24% o f students watch the news and fresh leadership to our soccer less than weekly, and close to 36% over 13% of feshman and sopho- the University of C o l o r a d o , where he A recent tele I phone survey conducted started the women's program in 1996, programs while maintaining our by the Communication Theory and of students watch 0 to 5 hours of TV mores, 20% of j u n i o r s , and over 22% of seniors never read this sectoiin. and completed his sixth season last teams' local, regional and national Research students, who randomly per week;, a mere 5% of students reputations," said Russo. watch more than 20 hours of TV in a Nearly 75% of m a l e respondents "al- fall. His teams finished as high as selected 119 participants from the fifth in the Big XII and achieved a Daniels began his coaching career student body, has revealed surprising week. ways*' read the Sports section, com- pared to 43.1 % of females. Over 22% Top 10 ranking in the Central Region in 1986 when he worked three years results about campus wide thoughts In the breakdown of the five sec- in 1999. Prior to that, he served as as an a s s i s t a n t women's soccer coach tions of The Merciad: News, Fea- of sophomores, and over 16.7% of and ideas relating to The Merciad.. seniors, never read Sports. head women's coach at the Univer- at Colorado College. The women's The respondents included 41 fresh- tures, Opinion, Arts & Entertainment, Females found the newspaper's rel- sity of Hartford, and was a Division team participated in the NCAA Tour- man, 27 sophomores, 29 juniors and and Sports, the most popular sections I member of the North Atlantic Con- (where the respondents claimed to evancy to be low, in relation to the nament in 1986,1987, and 1988, and 22 seniors. Over two-thirds, about ference, from 1989-1996. While was a Final Four competitor in 1986. 67%>were female, and the remain- "always" read that section) were male consensus. Men and women shared similarity favorable opinions there, his teams produced six All- While at Hartford, he also served as ing third were male. Readership was Opinions among women (48.3%), Americans, were NCAA Tournament and Sports among men (75%). More on the newspaper's overall accuracy interim head coach of the men's lowest among freshmen, and also in participants from 1989-1992, and team. : males from every class. Close to one- than 50% of students read the News and clarity, although both sexes, and third of males have never read the section "sometimes." The Features all classes, thought it was difficult to find a copy of t h e newspaper. paper, compared to 14.7% of fe- section is regularly read by 66% of l Bowl for Kids' Sake males. both males, and females. However, This survey was conducted so that a high number*-of sophomores The surey consisted of thirty ques- The Merciad staff could find out whatB e a part of the "Greatest Bowling Party of the Year" on April 19th and (13.6%) never read this section. Gen- type of n e w s students are most inter- tions, and was administered to anony- 20th by participating in Bowl for Kids' Sake, which benefits the Big Broth- erally over 4 8 % of w o m e n , and 41% ested in. The college newspaper, The mous respondents randomly selected ers/Big Sisters program. from the Mercyhurst student direc- of men, always read the Opinion ar- Merciad, wishes to present news that ticles, but 17% of m a l e s , and 20% of is relevant and interesting to all stu- There are a couple of ways to participate: students form teams of five tory. The questions were mainly bowlers in which each team member collects at least $60 in pledges, or based on student opinions about The alt freshmen, claim that they never dents. Presently, the newspaper's Merciad. 'Students were also asked read this section. staff is thinking of ways to appeal to participants may sponsor someone who is bowling. to respond to queries about their other Close to 30% of males, and over freshman and males, in particular, in There will be. a meeting in the Student Government Chambers on Thurs- day, March 14th at 6 p.m. For more information please call ext. 3106, e- media habits. 10% of females, never read the Arts order to gain higher readership) -_^»L Over 32%.of students said that they & Entertainment section. However, throughout the entire campus. mail [email protected], or stop by the Box Office at the Mary read a newspaper less than weekly. about half of women and men alike D'Angelo Performing Arts Center. T PAGE 2 THEMERCIAD MARCH 14, 2002 CAMPUS JNEWS 2S J 000 ^scholarship The Border Awareness program 5 |available Students leant that the grass isn 't always greener on the other side Applications for the 2003-2004 Ro-| tary Foundation Ambassadorial cerns of immigrants, and the milita- Scholarship, to be awarded for study By Stacey Abbott rization of the U.S./Mexico border. abroad, are now available./. Staff writer Stories fromU young Mexican District 7280 is offering one Am- woman who is employed by a bassadorial S c h o l a r s h i p to study Spring Break offers a much-needed maquila factory, which are infamous abroad for one academic year. It pro- reprieve from the grind of winter for extremely low wages ($30-$40 . vides funding up to $25,000 for tu- term? Many Mercyhurst students l/.S-jWeekly), harsh worHing condin ition and fees, round-trip transporta- sought respite in warm locations with tions, and almost no opportunity for tion, room, board, some educational friends, while others retreated to the advancement, provided a real face supplies, and language training (iff comforts of home in order to rejuve- and voice to associate with the prob- necessary).
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