2 U - MANC HESTKK HERALD, Sjturdii.\ Mu> 2b, 1984 V Zinsser makes It ofticlal: Bicyclist says old Whately faces He’ll seek a third term are not friendly EDB problems ... p ag e 9 MEMORIAL DAT ... page 10 ... page 12 1984 Rairi tonight; Manchester, Conn. / Showers Wednesday Tuesday, May 29, 1984 — See page 2 iEanrkatrr Mrral& Single copy: 25(P The War for Independence . the Civil War . World War II .. Vietnam . so many lives have been lost in the service, Lydall Iran warns 2 & Foulds 2 of our country. As we honor these dead today, many m i its neighbors of us may feel discouraged at the world's failure to for sale Lydall Inc. is selling its Lydall & to be neutral Foulds Division, a boxboard manu­ achieve a lasting peace. But to cease striving for that facturer that is located at 615 ABU DHABI. United Arab Emi- the Gulf war zone without military 6 Parker St. in Manchester, the company president announced Fcitcs (U P l) irsn wornGcl prolGction. 9 Persian Gulfstates to stay out of its With about 500,000 Iranian troops peace would be the greatest dishonor we could bring today. war with Iraq as President Reagan reportedly massed for the start of a Boxboard — a paper product approved sending anti-aircraft long-awaited and offensive sold for use in game boards, cereal missiles to Saudi Arabia to bolster against Iraq, Islam ic nations boxes and jewelry packaging, its defenses against shipping weighed their willingness to join a to the memory of our dead. Let us rather "take in­ according to Lydall's 1983 annual attacks. proposed peace force along the report — does not fit in with Reagan administration officials border. „ , Lydall's plan to “be in specialty confirmed late Monday the presi- The 45-nation Islamic Confer- material businesses,” company dent had approved shipping anti- Organization announced its creased devotion to that cause for which they gave the President Millard H. Pryor said in aircraft Stinger missiles to Saudi leaders will meet in Saudi Arabia a prepared statement. The price Arabia and that some of the June 9-10 to di^scuss such a peace Lydall is seeking for the Lydall & weapons had already been sent -force to stop the fighting, Foulds mill was not stated. last full measure of devotion . that government of from the United States. President Reagan has vowed to Lydall, based at 1 Colonial Road, ■The administration is acting consider any requests for military, is a diversified conglomerate that quickly because of concerns about g jj from the conservative..^GOff manufactures metal, plastic, elas­ heightened tensions in the Persian states to keep oil routes open the people, by the people, for the people, shall tomeric and fiber gasket products Gulf and Iranian attacks on Saudi through the Strait of Hormuz at the for industrial use. Combined sales oil tankers. The war has escalated southern end of the Gull. from the company's divisions since March 27 with reported topped $112 million in 1983. attacks by both sides on at least 21 But U.S. Ambassador to the not perish from the earth." ships in the Gulf. United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick The impending Lydall'^& Foulds In an address to the Iranian reiterated at a news conference in ■//' sale comes soon after ly d a ll sold Parliament Monday, President Ali Singapore the administration's its Superior Ball Division, a Khamenei warned Gulf states not position that there are "no pros- metal-ball manufacturer with to interfere in the war with Iraq. pects'' of unilateral U.S. involve- plants in Hartford and Washing­ He said Iran was not prepared to ment in the war. ton, Indiana. accept "bullying and coercion" by Negotiations are going on to sell any country and would continue to M the Lydall & Foulds operation battle Iraq's drive to stop its oil • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • the Division's current man- exports through the 680-mile-long e__: j _ pnt as well as other parties, Gulf, source of 20 percent of the lllS IQ G I O Q a j definitive agreement has West's oil supplies. been reached,” Pryor said. "W e are not expecting assist- 20 pages. 2 sections Neither Pryor nor Paul G. ance from anyone except God and This Page Paid For And Sponsored By The Following Civic Minded Businesses Grady, Lydall & Foulds division our nation but we warn them (the Advice ........................................ ^ president, were available for com­ Gulfstates) to stay non-aligned in ................................. .j;,, Herald photo by Tarqumio ment at press time. this war, otherwise they will have comics .a Also in the news release, Pryor to face the consequ ences," Entertainment.............................. 12 A said the company will keep its Breaking ground for park Khamenei said, according to Ra- Lottery..........................................2 A corporate headquarters, its Lydall dio Tehran. Obituorles 10 Patrick O’Reilly, a Vietnam veteran, him is Paul Ducharme of Coventry. The SABRINA POOLS & HOT TUBS DIILON SALES & SERVICE, INC Express Division and its Compo­ At least 60 oil tankers, many ‘ KRAUSE FLORIST & GREENHOUSES site Materials Division adminis­ helps break ground Monday fora park at ground-breaking ceremonies were held carrying Greek Hags, were an- sports ^ ^ Rt. 44A, Coventry 319 Main Street “Largest Retail Growers kn Manchester" tration in Manchester. These three Center and Main streets which will at the end of the annual Memorial Day chored olf Abu Dhabi and other Television .!' . !.............................. 8 649-9933 621 Hartford Road, Manchester Manchester • 643-2145 operations involve nearly 100 peo­ honor the 14 Manchester men who died observance. Stories and more pictures southern Gulf ports, awaiting weather.........................................2 "Dependability Since 1933" ple, Pryor said. They are located instructions on whether to enter near the Lydall & Foulds mill. in the Vietnam War. Standing behind on page 4. Y Northway REXALL Pharmacy Y STAN BYSIEWICZ INSURANCE AGENCY “Prescription Specialists" DONALD S. GENOVESI 386 Main Street 230 No. Main Street INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Weekend weathefr floods the East and bakes the West Manchealer • 649-2891 Manchester • 646-4510 “Servin/t the Manchester Area fo r Oxer SO Years" 1011 Main Street Humboldt River collapsed at Bv Brenda W. Rotzoll on weekend rains and wind. They 100-plus temperatures that con­ of rain was reported in Iredell around Mount Logan in Grand Manchester • 643-2131 Dunphy, Nev., Monday, dumping United Press International included 12 deaths in the worst tributed to brush fires in California County, and Hood waters closed Canyon National Park. floods ever to hit Tulsa, Okla., four and Arizona. highways and bridges. into the river several railroad cars SAVINGS BANK OF MANCHESTER THE W.J. IRISH INSURANCE AGENCY Rain fell from Georgia to New Storms forced cancellation of loaded with lumber. Temperatures well above 100 Storms that wiped out Memorial ‘ in drownings on Nebraska lakes, “14 O ffice s to serve yo u " “Service You Can Trust" York state today. Memorial Day observances in Five brush fires consumed more degrees scorched the desert Day observances and caused at two in an Idaho river accident, two MORIARTY BROTHERS than 500 acres in San Bernardino Southwest. It was 118 degrees at Manchester — 646-1700 drownings in Utah, and the death In North Carolina, more than 3 many cities east of the Mississippi 150 North Main Street **Oup SOlh Yecr'* least 21 deaths flooded roads, inches of rain fell in three hours River Monday, and drove holiday­ and Los Angeles counties in Death Valley. Calif.. 116 at Gita Manchester, East Hartford, Burnside, Manchester • 646-1232 315 Center Street collapsed bridges and forced peo­ of a North Carolina girl whose car Sunday night in the town of King, makers home early from soggy Southern California Monday. In Bend, Ariz., 115 at Lake Havasu ple from their homes in the East was swept off a flooded road. South Windsor, Andover, Ashford Manchester • 643-5135 where the National Weather Ser­ Cape Cod beaches in Arizona, brush fires consumed 325 City, Buckeye and Yuma, Ariz., today. Summery heat gorged The Lake Superior area braced vice said ISO families were forced Massachusetts. acres in the Dripping Springs 114 at Palm Springs. Calif., and 113 rivers in the western mountains. for a second day of frost but the from their homes. Three to 6 inches A bridge over the flooding Mountains and another 100 acres at Phoenix, Ariz. MINIT-MAN PRINTING & PHOTO At least 21 deaths were blamed Southwest expected more of the “Low Cost Printing While You Walt" * I. GARMAN, CLOTHIER CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY 423 Center Street 887 Downtown Mabt St., Manchester “Quality Service At Its Best" Manchester • 646-1777 643-2401 Route 83 Soap Box raceway Talcottvllle • 643-0016 JAMES R. McCAVANAGH REALTY soon to be memory “Residential 6 Commercial Sales" DATSUN hy DECORMIER 237 East Center Street “Safes, Service & Parts" B v A d ele A ngle track four times himself. In l%2 he Focus Editor came in fifth. ^ MANCHESTER HONDA Manchester • 649-3800 285 Broad Street, Manchester “Conn's Largest Exclusively Honda Dealer'' "With all the money the federal 2 Sot«s • S«rvk« Ports 643-41651 EAST H AR TFO R D — In its heyday, government is putting into widening 2 24 Adorns StrM t thousands crowded along its sides, this highway. I'm sure they had a few Mondiosttr — 646-3S1S PAP AUTO PARTS yelling encouragement to their favorite extra thousand somewhere to do 307 E. Center St. ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. racer. something," said Barker. Today, the 800-foot track next to Barker said he knew little culd be Manchester • 649-3528 “Inauransmiths Since 1914/” Veterans Memorial Park is overgrown done to stop the highway work. And ‘ t... SUUIVAN & CO. 65 East Center Street with weeds and debris.
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