WEEK'S MPLETE TELEVISION PR GRAMS THE SUH•AY RTH JERSEY'S ONLY EEKLY PICTORIAL- MAGAZINE Clifton ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: East Paterson Fair Lawn Garfield Haledon •:awthorne Lodi :,.:.-. Little Falls .... :-......:....:::::::..:::.:.::::.:..., .......... "':::i" Mountain View ::' ::::-'.-:.-:'i'i.".-:i:•:i::'.::::::'. ß ===============================.;::...... North Haledon .. ........ ß :.-.... ...... ß Paterson ... .;i•iiiii!•' :•!•i•:.:.:!•.:;•iii:•.:•.•;•-•-,.: Passaic --.-.:.:.:-:--..... .:'::':'===================================== .-::. .... ........... .-- ::!: ..--.. ..::i::::•::ii½!:•: ::..::.:.il Pompton Lakes :::.--:-.:.:• .... Prospect Park . .. .. ß Singac ?!::!i!:::.!?.77"- .... iiii!k...:.i•i•i.::.!!!!:•..... • •:.. Totowa '"'"'""::::!:""'::'::...... ' ........... '"'........... '"'""!:i:: ........ '"'"'" ................. ' ....... Wayne .. West Paterson :.... ::::.::::..:.:.:.:.:................. SISTER KENNY DRIVE OPENS SEPTEMBER 13, 1959 VOl,. XXXI, No. 37 WHITE ..d SHAUGER, Inc. ;..:: .:.-..:...::;:..-. .>:. ...........,. ..... ß.... ....-.?-.. .............:.,-,: A Good Name to Remember for ......... .-E".:.:;ii?.½i{;.-...... ½ :.'•'.-.'.-:?:..'-:' ..:.,;.".'.., /'- ?:-'?.:.i..........,.:..;•.,• -" II ;.--':i;•i:i';..-:_..---........... •:... ß'-'- ß .-.-4.-.. ,,.... .. :' '. ',....... , -. ;4'. --/-:...i.- ß . 4 '.-...:--.::. :--.' ....,: '-".-.' ....... - '. - '--"'...... -'-'-'-.'-' - ß '-:-:. ": ß .-.: . '-'::'::-!::: ß .'-¾•:-::-.4::;::i' . FURNITURE Living Room - Bed Room .s;.':..'ii:;.;""-:•:•!:i•:-;.:.:-x '- '.'":?.'.ß - -;½i::;........... ======================= ....':'.;::.-. ?:½•-'.:.::......... ::-':a ..... '""., - .......;::.::....:.ii.•:• ... .... •' ; -.½:.--'"':'•-'-:.:•,%.:::.,.....:-.::'::'..-, 'Y'.':' •::•i::i;.. ..... -.-'. .':'i:....... :" ':"':'-'::i•.. --' '- '-:':" : ::'::::'" .::'.::-'.?:.".':': i•.: . 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FROGS' l,EOb - SO!ST SHELL CR^Ls• - I1LUEFISH - RAINBO•% ':'"":"!!i::":ß:•! iii:':;::.-. ..........-.::.•'-;:!i;'.!i"":.'5 :'.-:..;' :•,•-.':;..½S½i:!';"...." ..•!:!: :::.:i i½:" .,...-,.-•-; ;:..: ;' :' -L":: : TROUT - HALIBUI' - SALMON - $1•RIMP•- •CAJ.,LOP•- OYSTI•.HS - CLAM - COD FISH - S%•,ORD FISH DAILI' DINN 168 BELMONTAVE. [Cor. Burhans).HALEDON - - - LAmbertS-9BBS ß •'.. -'.-::i'"' ""-.....-" ' ':::':-.'. ...- ' :i•::•:::". ;' : '"" ß ::::' i.: ::: .:"..:.•';..... '.. ;. 5' .:;.. :: ß:". : . •.':;"';'!,, -.- . -: .: • '"'-;::.. .;/"'::!i?;:'" I. PARRILLO 'TALES OF THE PLAINSMAN'--Michael Ansara stars as Sam Buck- hart, a Harvard-educated Apache Indian who serves his country as a deputy U.S. marshal in the New Mexico Territory of 1885 on the' NBC-TV Network's new Western-adventure series Thursday nights. ½•.;.. • •,:.-•. ., .?--•'"•. , ., . ,•, •-. TheMan from Equitable asks- .: . • .•. :. Youwant your child to havea better placein thesun, don't you? OF'(::OURSE YOU DO. But like someparents you tigo ure, "there'sstill plentyo[ time."Then, be[oreyou lmowit, they'reall grownup andneed your help to givethem that importantstart toward a pro[ession, careeror business,or in settingup a home.Make sure now that your "helpinghand" will be there when it is needed.Fquitab]e oi•ers you a varietyo[' policies•or your youngsterat low rates.For more inl!Qrmation call... .. I. PARRILLO 2(10 EAST EIDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 "LOVE AND..MAI•RI•GE"- William Demarest (left) stars as William Harris-, veteran .music publisher, and Stubby Kay. is Letthe men from Equitable bring you peace of mind featured as his song-plugger, 'Stubby Wilson, in the new NBC; ground.- Page Two The CHEONICLE ? Star in MusicalLove Story Sept. 14 ':THE . -, ß . ß Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COM•PANY 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N. $. .-' LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, ManagingEditor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Patterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. SEPTEMBER 13, 1959-- VOL. XXXI, No. 37 _ Single Copy 10 Cents •22 $5.00 •r Year by M•ril CONTENTS Anna Maria ,%lberghetti and Johnny Desmond co-star in ,A Diamond for Carla," the hour-long musical love story Which opens the second "Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse" season on the CBS Television Network, Monda), Sept. 14. The two-time Oscar-win- FEATURES ning team of Saturn) Fain and Paul Francis Webster composed the original •core for thi.• light-hearted tale of-a romantic upset on a Caribbean island Robert Strau.•.., a!.•o co-star• in the musical special, and Laurie Carroll d Ctrla Alberghetti, Anna Maria's •aster, are featured in the cast.. : Chronicle of the Week Short Story 14 American History 15 DEPARTMENTS Social World ........... Editorials ß 8 Editor Speaks 8 Complete Television _11-12-13 COVER PICTUE- •iste-rKenny Poster Girl is Dawn McGuireof JerseyCity. She intentlyfollows Go.vernor Robert Meyner's gaze as he proclaims September "Sister Kenny Month". Witnessing the Signature at the State House are Grover C. Richman, seated -.l•ft,New Jersey State Chairman; Louis C. Pisacane, standing left, of Linda Vista Avenue, North Haledon,, Passaic County 'LARAMIE'-- The NBC-TV Network full-hour Tuesday adventure chairman for the drive and Jack Applegate, standingright, of series, centered around a stagecoach
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