OFFICIAL I i ·······~•• ~i I ·.·el~~(ijit~··· :. .·. .· ·..· .......... .. -.- . - _· ·-•.. ~ '" . : .-: .A. '§~> ..... _.· ·:_ ·.,. 1.;.•.... ·.•.. ·· ..····• ·.·.···········:·;········· . ' :~ • .. • •• < ••• ' • • • .-··-_. •• • • ; •• - • '. • • • • ' ,li:J':. 7 @ .,.... .·· Jl{OJ=l!©Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••I Events of the Weekend Events of the Weekend 4:20p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION begins 5 p.m. BACCALAUREATE MASS­ Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 16, 17 and 18, 1986. to Athletic and Convocation Center­ Except when noted below all ceremonies and activities are open 6:30p.m. South Dome. to the public and tickets are not required. 7 p.m. COMMENCEMENT to DINNER-(Tickets are required for FRIDAY, MAY 16 9 p.m. each and must be purchased in 6:30 p.m. LAWN CONCERT-University advance. Reserved table assignments Concert Band-Administration are indicated on the tickets.) Athletic Building Mall. and Convocation Center-North (If weather is inclement, the concert Dome-See page 14 of this booklet for will be cancelled.) specific instructions. 8 p.m. WEST SIDE S1VRY-NDISMC 9 p.m. CONCERT-University of Notre Theatre-O'Laughlin Auditorium. Dame Glee Club-Stepan Center. 8 p.m. GRADUATE SCHOOL SUNDAY, MAY 18 to RECEPTION- 10 p.m. by the Vice President for Advanced 9 a.m. BRUNCH-North and South Dining Studies for degree recipients in the to Halls. (Tickets may be purchased in Graduate School and their families. 1 p.m. advance or at the door; graduates with Center for Continuing Education. meal-validated identification cards need not purchase a ticket.) Dining 9 p.m. to SENIOR CLASS COCKTAIL hall designation indicated on ticket. 1 a.m. DANCE/BUFFET SUPPER­ Athletic and Convocation Center­ 11:15 a.m. GUIDED MUSEUM 1DUR­ North Dome. (Tickets required.) The Snite Museum of Art ( 45 minutes in length) SATURDAY, MAY 17 12:30 p.m. DISTRIBUTION OF BACHELOR'S 9:30a.m. ROTC COMMISSIONING-Athletic AND MASTER'S DIPLOMAS and Convocation Center-South (Doctor of Philosophy degrees will be Dome. individually conferred during the Commencement Ceremony. )-Athletic 11 a.m. GUIDED MUSEUM 1DUR- and Convocation Center-North and The Snite Museum of Art · Dome. Graduates only-Enter Gate 3. 12 noon (45 minutes in length) 1:15 p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION 11:30 a.m. PHI BETA KAPPA Installation- begins-Athletic and Convocation Memorial Library Auditorium. Center-North Dome. (Initiates are requested to arrive at 11 a.m.) 2 p.m. COMMENCEMENT AND CON­ FERRING OF DEGREES-Athletic 1 p.m. SHENANIGANS and Convocation Center-South PERFORMANCE-Washington Dome. (Tickets for admission to the Hall. Commencement Exercises are required 2 p.m. UNIVERSITY RECEPTION- for parents and guests.) to by the Officers of the University in the 4:30p.m. LAW SCHOOL DIPLOMA 3:30p.m. Center for Continuing Education. CEREMONY-Sacred Heart Church. Families of the graduates are cordially 4:30p.m. GRADUATE DIVISION: BUSI­ invited to attend. NESS ADMINISTRATION DI­ 4p.m. ASSEMBLY for the Academic PLOMA CEREMONY-Stepan Procession-Athletic and Convocation Center. Center-AL and EG-Gymnasium above Gate 8; BA, GB, LW, MAIMS, PhD and SC-Gymnasium above Gate 10. 2 ... Athletic and Convocation Center (South Dome) University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana At 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Saturday, May 17, 1986 Baccalaureate Mass THE MINISTERS OF THE MASS Presiding Celebrant and Homilist Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. Presiding Prelate Assistants The Most Reverendjohn M. D'Arcy Rev. Danieljenky, C.S.C. Rev. Peter Rocca, C. S.C. Attending Prelates Readers The Most Reverend Martin N. Lohmuller David Smith The Most Reverend James W. Malone Kathleen Burke Deacon Acorytes Rev. Mr. William Grey Students of the University Intercessions Bridget McCarson j\1. usicians University of Notre Dame Band Mr. Robert F. O'Brien, Director and Music Arranger Mr. James S. Phillips, Associate Director Rev. George Wiskirchen, C.S.C., Assistant Director University of Notre Dame Chapel Choir Mr. Craig Westendorf, Director Ms. Gail Walton, Assistant Director University of Notre Dame Chorale Mr. Carl Starn, Conductor Cantor Mr. Jon .Hartlage (' 86) Psalmists Mr. Mark Rabogliatti ('86) Ms. Catherine Ramsden ('87) This Eucharistic Celebration is planned and prepared under the direction of the Office of University Ministry in cooperation with the Department of Music. Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C. Rev. Peter D. Rocca, C.S.C. Liturgical Coordinators 4 Baccalaureate Mass Baccalaureate Mass SOLEMNITY OF PENTECOST Opening Rites ii ACADEMIC PROCESSION During the procession please remain j. L seated in prayerful silence. ji Marc he Triomphale .......................................... Sigfried Karg-Elert ~ I j!. Three Chorale Settings ............................................. Hugo Distler 1: 1. Come Holy Ghost) Creator Blest Ip· ii Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, Thy li'ght to every thought impart Praise we the Father and the Son j: li Vouchsafe within our souls to rest; Inflame thy love in every heart; And Holy Spirit, with them one; Come with thy grace and heavenly aid The weakness of our mortal state And may the Son on us bestow I! And fill the hearts which thou hast made. With deathless might invigorate. The gifts that from the Spirit flow. It 2. Komm) Heiliger Geist) Herre Gott II Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord, 0 Lord, with your brilliant glow If Filled with your gracious worth, You have gathered all mankind, ji your faithful heart, strength and soul, from all tongues, to the faith. d Ignite your ardent love in us. Thus you are acknowledged in our praise! Hallelujah! ii LIf 3. Praise to the Lord if· Almighl)~ 1 Praise to the Lord, the the King of creation Praise to the Lord, H /zo o'er all things so wond'rous(y reigneth. II,I 0 nry soul, praise him, for He is tlry health and salvation! Shelters thee under His wings, ;•ea, !;o gently sustaineth; II Gather ;•e round, let us make music resound Hast thou not seen, how th;• hearts wi.1·he.r have been Praise Him in glad adoration! Granted in what he ordaineth.' Overture: Fireworks Music ............................... George Frederick Handel Ubi caritas .................................................. Maurice Durufle Where charity and love are, there God is. The love of Christ has brought us together in one. let us exalt and be joyful in him; Let us fear and love the living God, and let us love from a sincere heart. He Watching Over Israel ....................................... Felix Mendelssohn He, watching over Israel, slumbers not, nor sleejJs. Slwuldst thou, walking in grief, languish, He will quicken thee. In resurrectione tua ............................................... .Jacob Handl Alleluia. Heaven and earth rejoice in ;•our resurrection, Christ. Alleluia. 71w Lord who hung for us from the tree is risen from the tomb. Alleluia. 71~e disczjJ!es rejoiced when thC)' had seen the Lord. Alleluia. Non Nobis Domine .............................................. Roger Quilter Blazhenni Yazhe Izbral ... .. _.............................. Piotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky Blessed are they who are chosen by Thee, 0 Lord of all! Their name shall live from generation to generation. Alleluia. Sine Nomine .......................................... Ralph Vaughn Williams 5 Baccalaureate Mass PROCESSION OF MINISTERS AND CLERGY Please stand. Te Deum . ................................................... David Clark Isele You are God; we praise you; You did not dz'sdain the Virgin's womb. Y~u are the Lord: we acclaim you; You overcame the sting of death and opened the kingdom You arc the eternal Father; of heaven to all believers. All creation worships you. You are seated at God's right hand in glory. To you all angels, all the powers of heaven, We believe that you will come, and be our judge. Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless prarse; Come then, Lord, sustain your people, «Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, brought with the price ofyour own blood Heaven and earth are full ofyour glory. " and bring us with your saints to everlasting glory. The glorious company of apostles praise you. Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance. The noble fellowslzi'p of prophets praise you. Govern and uphold them now and always. The white-robed army of martyrs praise you. Day by day we bless you; Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you; We praz'se your name forever. Father of majesty unbounded, true and only Son, Today, Lord, keep us from all sin. Wortlry of all worship, and the Holy Spin't, Have mercy on us. advocate and guide. Lord, show us your love and mercy You Clm'st, are the king of glory, eternal Son of the Father. For we put our trust in you. When you became man to set us free In you, Lord, is our hope, may we never be confounded. AMEN. GREETING PENITENTIAL RITE GLORIA Please sing at the direction of the cantor. j) } I J)' j j t j a J Q J) I I I' Glo - ry to God in the high est and il 3 3 j I F F F J I j> I~J II II peace to his peo - pie on earth. I! I' li II OPENING PRAYER II I,II ll ll 6 Baccalaureate Mass Liturgy of the Word READING I Acts 2:1-11 Please be seated. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages. PSALM Please sing at the direction of the cantor. RESPONSE: Robert E. Kreutz &9 J. FJ 1 I J LJ J J I r ~ JiJ ) I J. II Lord,send out your Spir-it,_ andre - new the face of the earth. Mutic () 1911, OliEGON CATHOLIC PRESS, la 16 E. Bumsidt SC., PorWncl, OR 9n14. All rictus ranvcd. Eu..rpc tr.ft die EJocjiJh lnniUclon of llw UCTIONAJtY FOR MASS() 1969,1n-lional Commlatc on E~bh kllhc Urutrr,tnc. All ri&flts rCJ<ned. READING II 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13 In one Spirit we were all baptized, making one body.
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