Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine Missouri S&T Magazine Special Collections Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1986 Miner Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine Recommended Citation Miner Alumni Association, "Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1986" (1986). Missouri S&T Magazine. 360. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine/360 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Missouri S&T Magazine by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact scholarsmine@mst.edu. 60th Anniversary Edition October 1926 to October 1986 II "(Unive~sit~ of Missoui~-Rolla )' ' MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Telephone (3 14) 341 -4171 : (3 14) 34 1-41 72 OFFICERS Term Expires President _ _ ______ Jam es B. McGrath, '49. ... 12425 Balwyck Lane ........ 1986 St. Louis , MO 63131 President Elect . ... Arthur G. Baebler , '55 . ....... 17 Zinzer Co urt ............ 1986 Alumnus St. Louis, MO 63 123 Vice President . ....... Alfr ed J. Buescher, '64 ........... .... 624 Golfview Dri ve ......... 1986 MSM-UMR Alumni A ssociation Ballwin , MO 63011 University of Missouri-Rolla Vice President . J. Robert Patterson, '54 . P_O. Box 573, N. Ridge Rd .. 1986 SikestOn,MO 6380 I Rolla, Missouri Vice Pres ident . John B. Toomey. '49 . __ VSE Corp . ... 1986 2550 HuntingtOn Ave .. A lexa ndria , VA 22303 Vice President. Ernst A. Wein el, '44 . _.. .. .... .... 1502 Wes t 50 _. _. ........ 1986 Volume 60 O'Fallon, IL 62269 Number 5 Vice President _ __. .. Robert V. Wolf. '5 1. Metallu rgical Engineering ... 1986 UMR , Roll a, MO 65401 October, 1986 Secretary . _____ Matteo A. Coco, '66 ........... .. 7 11 5 Aliceton Ave ......... 1986 St. Louis. MO 63123 Treasurer ............... J.L. "Jack" Painter, '5 0 .............. 1610 Wilson Circle_ . ... 1986 Rolla, MO 65401 DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Ex pires Thor Gjelsteen , '53 _7300 w. Stetson Pl ace, No . 41. Littleton. CO 80123 ........... 1988 c Paula Hudson , '73 . _ _.. 59 10 Charlotte, Houston. TX 77005 ............... _....... 1986 (f On The Cover S_ Dale McHenr y. '81 ___ 4814 Chelsea Way , Alworth. GA 30 10 1............ ....... 1988 n Gerald L. Stevenson. '59 ......... Jacobs Engineering Group Inc .. P.O_ Box 200 8 . _...... 1987 Lak eland, FL 33806 U' Rona ld A. Tappmeyer. '47 _ _2226 Country Club Dri ve. Su ga r Land , TX 77478 ............ 198 7 Carlos Tiernon, '54 _.. 61 Berkshire Lane, Lincolnshire, IL 6001 5 ............ ..... 1986 01 Area Zip SI Since this month is the 60th anniver­ Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires a 00-14 Da vid J. Blum e, '65 ........ II Musket Tra il. Sim sbur y. CT 06070 . 1986 sary of the publication of the first issue 15-26 Robert C. Perry. '49_ _PPG Industries. In c" I PPG Place. Pitt sburgh. PA 15272 . 1986 of the MSM Alumnus, we thought you 27-36 Wayn e R. Broaddus, Jr .. '55 AA I, P.O. Box 25 45, Dalton, GA 30720 .................... 1988 might like to take a glimpse of those first 37-45 Russe ll A. Kamper, '62 .... 5674 Shadow Oaks. Da yton, OH 45440 .................... 1986 46-52 Robert L. Seaman, '69 ..... 8305 N. Ye ll owstone. Rout e 7, Muncie, IN 47302 ............ 1987 issues of the magazin e. The cover design 53-6 1 Eugen e J. Dail y, '3 6 . Dail y& Associat es, 816 Dennison Dr .. Cham pa ign. IL 61820 _.. 1988 CI (reproduced on this issue) actually was 62-62 Max A. Burgett , '5 4. .22 19 Dewey St .. Murph ys boro, IL 62966 _ .. 1987 not developed until the third issue of 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 _. ___ Route 4, Box 419, Rolla. MO 6540 I . 1987 T 63 -65 Robe rt T. Berry, '72 . .... __ 127 16 E. 63rd. Kansas Ci ty, MO 64133 . .. 1987 b: Volume I, but was used for many years 63-65 Harold G. But zer, '47 ...... 730 Wicker Lane, Jefferson Cit y, MO 65 10 I ................. 1988 thereafter-changing only the picture and 63 -65 Harold R. Crane, '53. _.... 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal , MO 6340 I . 1986 the date. (The first cover picture used 63 -65 Mary S. Klor er, '81 _9 16 5 Robin Court , St. Loui s, MO 63144 . ... 1987 63 -65 B. Nei l Lewis, '58_ _.. 11 5 Co ll ege St .. P.O. Box 627, Kenn ett, MO 63857 . .. 1988 was of St. Pat 's Queen , Lorraine Love.) 63 -65 Robert E. Peppers, '5 0 ...... P.O. Box 177. Herculaneum , MO 63048 .................... 1986 On the back cover is the on ly other 66-72 Peter E. Des jardins, '44 .... 308 Bacque Crescent , Lafa ye tt e, LA 70503 . 1987 photo used in Vol. I of the MSM Alum­ 73-75 Roy A_ Wi lk ins, '66 . Williams Cos_ -WIL TEL. P.O_ Box 21348, Tulsa. OK 741 21.... 1988 76-77 James B. Chaney, '4 8 162 18 Chipstead Drive. Spr ing. TX 77379 . ..... 1988 nu s. Pages one through five of this iss ue 78-84 J. Ri chard Hunt , '50 _...... 14 913 Highway 82, Ca rbondale, CO 816 23 .......... _ ..... 1986 contain excerpts from the first year's 85- 92 Albert S. Keev il , '43 _ .. 144 2 Yost Dri ve. San Diego, CA 92 109 . .... 1987 four iss ues of the MSM Alumnus, Vol I , 93 -99 David N. Peacock, '64 . ____ .35 15 Brun ell Dri ve. Oakland, CA 94602 .... 1988 1926-27. COMM ITTEE CHA IRM EN William W. Colli ns, '5 0 . ........ 1608 Wi lson Circle. Rolla. MO 65401 Robert w. Klorer, '44 _. 12131 Dorsett Road. Suite 130, Maryland Heights. MO 63043 Joel F. Lo ve ridge, '39 . _........ 739 Co untry Manor Lane. Creve Coeu r. MO 63 141 Armi n J. Tu cker. '40 . .... 304 Chr isty Dr .. Roll a, MO 65401 EXECUTIVE COMM ITTEE Term Ex pires Robert D. Ba y, '49 .............. Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Park way . ..... 1988 Kansas Cit y, MO 64 114 I F Joseph W. Mooney , '39 . .. 7383 Westm oreland, Univers it y Ci ty. MO 63 130 . .. 1986 ,en 1 Lawrence A. Spanier. '5 0 . _5 Pettit Dri ve, Di x Hills. NY 11 746 . .... 1990 flrr MSM ALUMNUS EX·OFFICIO DIRECTORS (USPS-323-500) Ri chard H. Bauer. '52 . Mi ssou ri Electrochem Inc .. 10958 Lin -Va ll e Dri ve St. Louis, MO 63 123 Robert M. Brackbi ll , '42 ......... 9 148 Clearlake Dri ve, Dallas, TX 75225 Issued bi-monthly in the interest of Pau l T. Dowling. '40 . 10 144 Windin g Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten. '43 . .. 90 I Wes t I I 4th Terrace, Kansas Ci ty. MO 64114 the graduates and former stud ents of Peter F. Mattei, '37 ............. 9954 Holliston Court , St. Louis, MO 63 124 the Missouri School of Mines and Melvi n E. Nickel. '38 _ . 1060 1 South Hamilt on Ave .. Chi cago. IL 60643 Metallurgy and the University of F.e. Sc hn eebe rger, '25 _ _. One Briar Oak , St. Lo uis, MO 63132 James W. St eph ens, '4 7 .......... 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit , MO 64063 Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second STAFF class matter October 27, 1926, at Fra nk H. Mackaman ........... Executi ve Vice-President , MSM -UM R Alumni Associat ion and Post Office at Rolla, Missouri Vice Chance ll or. Office of Alumn i/ Developmen t Affai rs. UM·Roli a 65401·9990, under the Act of March Don Brackh ahn _ . Execut ive Director for Alumni and Con tituent Rela ti ons 3, 1897. Larr y Allen ................... Assistant DirectOr, Alumni Ac ti vi ti es Louise Wils n. ....... Executive St aff Ass istan t. Alumni/Development Sal ly Whit e. Ed itor. MSM AL UMN US MSM ·UMR Alumni Associat ion, Harri s Hall. UMR , Roll a. MO ,65401 -9990 :xpir!s .1986 1986 .1986 1986 MSMALUMNUS Alumni Association, School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Missouri 1986 1986 .1986 Sixty years ago this October, the first issue of the MSM Alumnus magazine was mailed to alumni. It MSM ALUMNUS Icsued qU:lrtcl'ly, in the interest was a quarterly publication dated September, December, March and June. rf the alumni anJ former students c;' 1986 A mimeographed bulletin had been sent to alumni intermittently during the previous 18 months, but the first printed magazine, with the title MSM Alumnus and dated Sept. 15, 1926, was actually mailed Oct. 7, the School of Mllles and Metalluq;/. .1986 1926. -Sub ~. cription price 50 cents included There was no alumni office on campus then. The alumni records were kept in the registrar's office. Those in Alumni du es. ,xpir~ who took it on themselves to write, edit, have printed and distribute the Alumnus were Charles Yancey 1988 Clayton, '13, professor of metallurgy and ore dressing and treasurer of the MSM Alumni Association Entered a s second-class matter Oc­ 1986 (formed in 1921), and Noel Hubbard, assistant registrar (later registrar) and the association's "alumni tober 7, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, 1988 recorder." Mi ssouri, und e r the Act o f March 3, 1981 Hubbard eventually had the sole responsibility for the MSM Alumnus magazine and continued as editor 1879. until early 1954. 198' At Homecoming 1953, the MSM Alumni Association Board of Directors authorized the establishment Officers ~ f the Association. 1986 of an alumni association office on campus. F. C. "Ike" Edwards was hired as the first full·time executive M.
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