(Wednesday, 27 October, 1965.] 1831 as submitted to us Is evading the Issue, and It Is not an acceptance by the Government I14rgitatn AeseuxhIly of a responsibility in this matter. All residents of the Gascoyne area-the Wednesday, the 27th October, 1965 commercial banana and vegetable growers, and all the citizens In Carnarvon-know CONTENTS what a cessation of the flow of the Gas- Page coyne River means to them because of the ANNUAL ESTIMATES, 19654-- salt content In the domestic water used Committee of Supply : Generai DtbatO- by every man, woman and child in the Speakers on Financial Policy- reticulated areas. Because of that salt Mr. Grayden ........ ....1853 content the quality of the water depre- Mr. Guthrie 1848 ciates rapidly. Therefore, this is not Mr. Hall.. ....... .. ta18g merely a matter of concern to industry on Mr. Ithatin ....... Ist. the Gascoyne; It is a serious matter for Mr. Itowberry ........ ISO. the whole population of the Gascoyne. Mr. Toms 1856 Mr. Williams ...IN The increased population brought about by the advent of the tracking station is BILLS- such that it is hard to find a building Audit Act Amendment fli--Council's block except in the subdivisions proposed Amendments 1840 at the foot of Brown's Range, and they are Betting investment Tax Act Amendment miles from the centre of the town. There Bill- is no other room for Carnarvon to grow Intro. Irf. 1832 because of its situation. There is not an Constitution Acts Amendment Bill (No. acre left. 2)-Retred 1877 The Hon. H. C. Strickland: Only be- Dental Hygienists Registration Bill-2r. 1840 cause there is so much land subject to Electoral Districts Act Amendment Dill- flooding. Returned ... .. .... ... 1877 Government Railways Act Amendment The Hon. F. J. S. WISE: That is so: Dill-Returned . ounci.. ncor.po.- 18'77 due to lack of control of the water. It is Jennacubbine, Sports Cuel(nopr all tied up with that aspect. So, by these ated) Bill-Returned .. _. .- 1877 grandiose and meaningless words which Local Government Act Amendment Bill are contained In the amendment, the Gov- (No. 2)--Council's Message ... .. 1841 ernment is evading Its responsibilities. It Local Government Act Amendment Bill is doing nothing that is fair to the produc- (No. 8)- ers on the Gascoyne; and their production Receipt ; fr. .. .. Is worth millions, not thousands, to the Pubic Works Act Amendment DhIl-8r. State. The Government is doing nothing State Housing Death Benefit Scheme Bill- to alleviate the concern and worry of Returned ... people who as producers and residents de- Statute Law Revision Bill- pend on the control of this river. I hope Receipt ; Ir. the House dismisses this amendment. Statute Law Revision Bill (N~o.2)- Amendment put and a division taken Receipt ; tr. ... .... .. .. with the following result:- Tai-ears (Co-ordination and Control) Act Ayes-iS Amendment Bill-fletuned ... .. Eon. C. R. Abbey Hon. N. McNeill Hon. 0. B. fl. Brand Han. T. 0. Perry PREMIER'S MEMBERSHIP IN PARLIA- Hon. V. J. Ferry Ron. B. T. J. Thompson blENT- Hon. A. P. Griffith Hon. .1. M5.Thom0on Hon. C. E. Griffith. Hon. H. K. Watson Congratulations on 201h Anniversary 1888 Ron. J. G. Hislop Ron. P. D). Wllhnott Hon. E. C. House Hon. H. R. Robinson QUESTIONS ON NOTICE- Hon. 0. C. MacKinnon (Teller) Blocks at Cape fiche: Survey, and Noes-S8 Declaration of Townsite ... .. Hon. N. E. Baxter Eon. R. H. 0. Stubbs ISM Hon. J. Dolan Hon. R. Thompson Blood Transfuslons-Tests:; Adoption of Hon. Rt. P. Hutchison Ron. W. P. Willesee Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Practices teSS Hon. H. C. Strickland Hon. P. J. S. Wise Builders' Regstation-- (Tellerl Contractors Pain and Subcontractors: Ayes Noes Responsibility - ... .. Ias" Hon. L. A. Logan Hon. E. M. Heenan Requirements . .. .. 1836 Hon. A. H. Jones Hon. J. J. Garrigan Chest X-rays- Hon. J. Heitunan Hon. P. H. H. Lavery Compulsory Exarminations: Fre- Majority for-7. quency ..I .. ... .. Tuberculosis: Cases Detected .. Amendment thus passed. Coai Leases In the Kimberley- Debate (on motion, as amended) ad- Commencement of Operations journed, on motion by The Hon. J. Dolan. Grants to Thiess Bros. and Premier Properties .. House adjourned at 9.54 pa. Location and Size .. Football Staiuma-Establishiment: Lead by Government .. .. Great Eastern Highway-No. 6 ..to No.S Pumping Stations Section : Replails .. 1832 [ASSEMBLY.] CONTENTS-eoniinued BETTING INVESTMENT TAX ACT QUESTIONS ON NOTICE-continued Page AMENDMENT BILL Hardie Tyres on Ministerial Cars : Length Introduction and First Reading of Use and Service Obtained ... IBM2 Bill introduced, on motion by Mr. Brand Hospital at Collie-New Structure :Need Wand Proposals Names.. .. 1835 (Treasurer), and read a first time. Mines Medical Offcers: Nmsand Stationing .. - Dates.. 1837 QUESTIONS (29): ON NOTICE Murders In Western Australia: ae of Offences and Death Penalties... .. 1833 BLOCKS AT CAPE RICHE Natural Gas from Gingin: Piping to Metropolitan Area, and Development .. 1834 Survey, and Declaration of Tovrnsite flatiways- Beejording : Grading of flank .. 1835 1.Mr. IhfTCHELL asked the Minister Crossings- for Lands: Market Street-Guildford : Fatality (1) How many blacks have been and Warning Signals .... .. 1833 surveyed in the Cape Riche Midland-Fremantle : Number townsite? without Warning Signals, and Has the area 'been declared a Locations .. .. .. 1IBM (2) Employees : ResignatIons-Embargo, townaite? on Employment by Contractors .. 1838 (3) If the answer to (2) is "No." Passenger Services : Elleker-Mbar- when will this be done? beliup-Curtaliment ..I .. 1839 (4) As there are a number of people Travel to New South Wales-leeping waiting to provide services in this .Accommodation : Bookings .. 1836 area, will the position be attended Standard Gauge Railway: Perth-Kal- to? goorie Services- Commencement Dates ..... 1834 Mr. BOVELL replied: Deviation through Avon Valley .. 1837 Diversion at Northam..... ... 1834 (1) Ten-Seven business sites, one Night Journeys :Provision of hall site, school, and recreation Facilities .. .. .. 1884 sites in proposed townsite. Times of Journey I.. .. 1884 (2) No, Taxi Driversn Identity Dises--Authority, (3) Action is current and Executive for Issue and Compulsory Wearing .. 1833 Council approval is expected University of Western Australia- shortly Campus Development ... .. 1i39 Car Park : Extension ... .. 1839 (4) Yes. Use of Land 1839 Water Connections to Building Blocks: HARDIE TYRES ON MINISTERIAL Payment for Service 1837 CARS Workers' Compensatlon-Silieosis : Re- duction of Premnium I.. .. 1835 Length of Use andt Service Obtained QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE- 2. Mr. BICKCERTON asked the Premier: Railway Travel to New South Wales- (1) Are all ministerial cars equipped Sleeping Acconmmodation : Bookings 1839 with Hardie tyres; if not, what Sulphur Imports-Price Increase : Effect other tyres are used? on Commonwealth Bounty on Local1 (2) How long have these cars been Product .... 1839 equipped with Hardie tyres? (3) Since the equipment of the cars The SPEAKER (Mr. Hearman) took the with Hardie tyres, what is the Chair at 4.30 p.m., and read prayers. average mileage Per tyre to- PREMIER'S MEMBERSHIP IN (a) recapping or retreading; (b) being declared unserviceable? PARLIAMENT Congratulations on 20th Anniversary Mr. BRAND replied: (1) All ministerial motor cars are MR. NALDER (Katanning-Minister for equipped with Hardie tyres except Agriculture) [4.32 p.m.]: I crave your in- one. The Hardie Rubber Company dulgence, Mr. Speaker, and that of the does not supply a tyre size applic- House, to offer our congratulations to the able to this car. Premier on having been for 20 years a member of this House. On the 27th (2) Purchase of Hardie tyres com- October, 1945, the Premier was elected as menced from the 1st July, 1963. a member of this Chamber, and he holds (3) No recapped or retreaded tyres are the distinction of being, as far as years used on ministerial cars. Tyres are concerned, the oldest member of the are replaced, on an average, after Government. So today I would like to 15,000 miles on the heavier cars offer our sincere congratulations and wish and 20,000 miles on the lighter him the best for the future. cars. (Wednesday, 27 October, 1965.] 183333 TAXI DRIVERS: IDENTITY DISCS died as a consequence of a Authority for issue and Compulsory transfusion with incompatible Wearing blood; (b) that this incompatible blood 3. Mr. GRAHAM asked the Minister re- had as its origin a private as presenting the Minister for Justice: distinct from a Government Is the Crown Law Department or Red Cross supervised satisfied that power to control source: the conduct and dress of taxi-car drivers, vide section 11 subsec- (c) that the coroner recommended tion (1) paragraph (h) of the that all laboratories should Taxi-cars (Co-ordination and study the strict methods used Control) Act give authority for at the Sir Charles Gairdner the issue of identity discs, to com- Hospital to prevent a mix-up pel payment for them, and to re- of blood samples? quire the holders to wear them: (2) As the coroner stated that at the or to promulgate regulations for Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital only those purposes? one test was done at a time, will Mr. O'CONNOR replied: be, in co-operation with the Director of the Blood Transfusion The Crown Law Department has by not been asked to advise on the Service, seek means of ensuring point but, as explained to the way of legislation, if necessary. honourable member in this House that the safe practices applying at on the 21st October last, more the Sir Charles Oairdner Hospital specific authority is being sought are practised by all laboratories in the Bill for an Act to amend where such tests are carried out? the Taxi-cars (Co-ordination and Control) Act, 1963, now being con- Mr. ROSS HUTCHINSON replied: sidered by Parliament. (1) 1 am aware of the circumstances of the death in question and under- 4, This question was postponed.
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