Presidents of Latin American States Since 1900

Presidents of Latin American States Since 1900

Presidents of Latin American States since 1900 ARGENTINA IX9X-1904 Gen Julio Argentino Roca Elite co-option (PN) IlJ04-06 Manuel A. Quintana (PN) do. IlJ06-1O Jose Figueroa Alcorta (PN) Vice-President 1910-14 Roque Saenz Pena (PN) Elite co-option 1914--16 Victorino de la Plaza (PN) Vice-President 1916-22 Hipolito Yrigoyen (UCR) Election 1922-28 Marcelo Torcuato de Alv~ar Radical co-option: election (UCR) 1928--30 Hipolito Yrigoyen (UCR) Election 1930-32 Jose Felix Uriburu Military coup 1932-38 Agustin P. Justo (Can) Elite co-option 1938-40 Roberto M. Ortiz (Con) Elite co-option 1940-43 Ramon F. Castillo (Con) Vice-President: acting 1940- 42; then succeeded on resignation of President lune5-71943 Gen. Arturo P. Rawson Military coup 1943-44 Gen. Pedro P. Ramirez Military co-option 1944-46 Gen. Edelmiro J. Farrell Military co-option 1946-55 Col. Juan D. Peron Election 1955 Gen. Eduardo Lonardi Military coup 1955-58 Gen. Pedro Eugenio Military co-option Aramburu 1958--62 Arturo Frondizi (UCR-I) Election 1962--63 Jose Marfa Guido Military coup: President of Senate 1963--66 Dr Arturo IIIia (UCRP) Election 1966-70 Gen. Juan Carlos Onganfa Military coup June 8--14 1970 Adm. Pedro Gnavi Military coup 1970--71 Brig-Gen. Roberto M. Military co-option Levingston Mar22-241971 Junta Military co-option 1971-73 Gen. Alejandro Lanusse Military co-option 1973 Hector Campora (PJ) Election 1973-74 Lt-Gen. Juan D. Peron (PJ) Peronist co-option and election 1974--76 Marfa Estela (Isabel) Martinez Vice-President; death of de Peron (PJ) President Mar24--291976 Junta Military coup 1976-81 Gen. Jorge Videla Military co-option 205 206 Presidents of Latin American States since 1900 Mar-Nov 1981 Gen. Roberto Viola do. Nov-Dec Maj.-Gen. HoracioTomas do. Liendo Dec 11-22 Vice-Adm. (ret) Carlos do. Alberto Lacoste 1981-82 Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri do. Jun-July 1982 Gen. Alfredo Saint-Jean do. 1982-83 Gen. Reynaldo Bignone do. 1983-89 Dr Raul Alfonsfn (UCR) Election 1989- Dr Carlos Saul Menem (PJ) do. Con = Concordancia, PJ = Partido J usticialista (Peronists), PN = Partido Nacional, UCR = Union Cfvica Radical BOLIVIA 1899-1904 Jose Manuel Pando (L) Ltd. election 1904-09 Ismael Montes (L) do. 1909-13 Eliodoro Villazon (L) Elite co-option; controlled election 1913-17 Ismael Montes (L) do. 1917-20 Gutierrez Guerra (L) do. 1921-26 Bautista Saavedra (Rep) Republican revolt 1926-30 Hernando Siles (RepINat) Co-option 1930-31 Carlos Blanco Galindo Presidential handover 1931-34 Daniel Salamanca (Coalition) Popular revolt and controlled election 1934-36 Jose LuisTejada Sorzano (L) Vice-President 1936-37 Col. Jose David Toro Military coup 1937-39 Col. German Busch Military co-option as provisional President; then election 1939-40 Gen. Carlos Quintanilla Suicide of President; military co-option 1940-43 Gen. Enrique Penaranda del Military traditional party Castillo (Coalition) coalition 1943-46 Maj. Gualberto Villaroel Coup supported by MNR (MNR) 1946-47 Tomas Monje Guiterrez Popular revolt; death of (Coalition) President 1947-49 Enrique Herzog (Rep) Election 1949-51 Mamerto Urralagoita (Rep) Provisional President, then election 1951-52 Gen. Hugo Ballivian Presidential resignation and illegal handover Apr 9-161952 Hernan Siles Zuazo (MNR) Popularrevolt 1952-56 Victor Paz Estenssoro (MNR) Election; MNR co-option Presidents of Latin American States since 1900 207 1956-60 Hernan Siles Zuazo (MNR) Election 1960--64 Victor paz Estenssoro (MNR) Election 1964-69 Gen. Rene Barrientos Ortufio Coup after elections Apr-Sept 1969 Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas (C) Vice-President; death of President 1969-70 Gen. Alfredo Ovando Candia Military co-option 1970-71 Gen. Juan Jose Torres Coup 1971-78 Col. Hugo Banzer Suarez Coup July-Nov 1978 Gen. Juan Pereda Asblin Military co-option 1978-79 Gen. David Padilla Arancibia Military revolt Aug-Nov 1979 Walter Guevara Arze (PRA) Compromise candidate; inconclusive elections 1979-80 Lidia GueilerTejada (MNR) Popular opposition to military 1980-81 Gen. Luis Garcia Meza Tejada Coup: UDP election victory annulled Aug-Septl981 Junta Coup 1981-82 Gen. Celso Torrelio Villa Military co-option July-Oct 1982 Gen. Guido Vildoso Calderon Military co-option 1982-85 Hernan Siles Zuazo (UDP) Election 1985-89 Vfctor Paz Estenssoro Election (MNR-H) 1989- Jaime Paz Zamora (AP) Election AP = Patriotic Accord, C = Conservative, L = Liberal, MNR = National Revolutionary Movement (MNR-H = Historic faction), Rep = Republican, UDP = People's Democratic Union BRAZIL 1898-1902 Manoel Ferraz de Campos Elite co-option -limited Salles ( Rep) election 1902-06 Francisco de Paula Rodrigues do. Alves (Rep) 1906-09 Affonso Augusto Moreira do. Penna (Rep) 1909-10 Nilo Pel<anha (Rep) Vice-Presidential 1910-14 Marshal Hermes de Fonseca Elite co-option -limited election 1914-18 Wenceslau Braz Pereira do. Gomes (Rep) 1918 Francisco de Paula Rodrigues do. Alves (Rep) 1918-19 Delphim Moreira da Costa Vice-Presidential Ribeiro (Rep) 1919-22 Epitacio da Silva Pessoa (Rep) Elite co-option -limited election 1922-26 Arturo da Silva Bernades Limited election (Rep) 192b-30 Washington Luiz Pereira de do. Sousa (Rep) Oct-Nov 1930 Junta Coup 208 Presidents of Latin American States since 1900 1930-45 Getulio Dornelles Vargas Military co-option, then (Lib. Alliance) election 1945-46 Jose Linhares President of Supreme Court 1946-51 Gen. Enrico Gaspar Dutra Election 1951-54 Getulio Dornelles Vargas Alliance co-option; election (PTB) 1954--55 Joao Cafe Filho (PSP) Vice-President: Coup/Suicide of President 8-11 Nov 1955 Carlos Luz (PSD) President, Chamber of Deputies 1955-56 NereuRamos President of Senate 1956-61 Juscelino Kubitschek de Election Oliveira (PSD/PTB) Jan-Aug 1961 Janio da Silva Quadros (Nat. Election Dem. Union) Aug-Sept Raniere Mazzili (PSD) Resignation of President; unconstitutional succession of President of Chamber of Deputies 1961--64 Joao Melchior Marques Vice-Presidential succession to Goulart (PTB) Quadros 1964-67 Gen . Hum berto Castello Coup Branco 1967--69 Gen. Artur da Costa e Silva Military co-option 1969-74 Gen. Emilio Garrastaszu Illness of President; military co- Medici option 1974--79 Gen. Ernesto Geisel Military co-option 1979-85 Gen. Joao Baptista Figueiredo do. 1985-90 Jose Sarney (Dem. All.) Military co-option; indirect elections and death of President-elect 1990-92 Fernando Collar de Mello Election (PRN) 1992- Hamar Franco (PRN) Resignation of President PSD = Social Democratic Party, PSP = Popular Socialist Party, PRN = National Reconstruction Party, PTB = Brazilian Worker's Party CHILE Parliamentary Republic 1901-06 German Riesco 1906--10 Pedro Monu 1910-15 Ram6n Barros Luco 1915-20 Juan Luis Sanfuentes 1920-24 Arturo Alessandri Palma (R) Election 1924--25 Gen. Luis Altamirano Coup Jan-Mar 1925 Col. Carlos Ibanez del Campo Coup Mar-Oct Arturo Alessandri Palma Restored by military Oct-Dec Luis Barros Borgono Presidents of Latin American States since 1900 209 Presidential Republic 1925-27 Emiliano Figueroa Larrain 1927-31 Gen. Carlos Ibanez del Campo Coup July2&-271931 Pedro Opazo Letelier President of Senate July-Aug Juan Esteban Montero Minister of Interior Rodriguez Aug-Nov Manuel Trucco Franzani 1931-32 Juan Esteban Montero Rodriguez Jun4-121932 ArturoPuga Acting Jun 12-16 Col. Marmaduque Grove Acting Jun-Sept Carlos Davila Espinoza Sept-Oct Bartolome Blanche Espejo Acting Oct-Dec Abraham Oyanedel Acting 1932-38 Arturo Alessandri Palma (R) Election 1938--41 Pedro Aguirre Cerda (R) Election 1941-.42 Geronimo Mendez Arancibia I)eath of President 1942-.46 Juan Antonio Rios Morales June-Oct 1946 Alfredo Duhalde Vasquez Oct-Nov Juan A. Irabarren 194&-52 Gabriel Gonzalez Videla (R) Election 1952-58 Gen. Carlos Ibanez del Campo Election 1958--64 Jorge Alessandri Rodriguez Election (R) 1964-70 Eduardo Frei Montalva (PCD) Election 1970--73 Salvador Allende Gossens Election (UP) 1990- Patricio Aylwin Azocar (PCD) Election Military dictatorship 1973-90 Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte Coup PDC = Christian Democratic, R = Republican Party. UP = Popular Unity COLOMBIA 190()....{)4 Jose Manuel Marroquin (C) Coup 1904-10 Gen. Rafael Reyes Election (restricted suffrage) 1910--14 Carlos E. Restrepo (UCoaln) do. 1914-18 Jose Vicente Concha (C) do. 1918-22 Marco Fidel Suarez (C) do. 1922-26 Pedro Nel Ospina (C) do. 192&-30 Miguel Abadia Mendez (C) do. 1930--34 Enrique Olaya Herrera (U do. Coaln) 1934-38 Alfonso L6pez Pumarejo (L) do. 1938--42 Eduardo Santos (L) do. 1942-.45 Alfonso L6pez Pumarejo (L) do. 210 Presidents of Latin American States since 1900 1945-46 Alberto Lleras Camargo (L) Resignation of President 194&-50 Mariano Ospina Perez (C) Election 1950-53 Laureano Gomez (C) do. 1953-54 Gen. Gustavo Rojas Pinilla Coup 1954-57 Gen. Gustavo Rojas Pinilla Election 1957-58 Military junta Coup 1958-62 Alberto Lleras Camargo (L) Agreed alternation; predetermined election 1962-66 Guillermo Leon Valencia (C) do. 196&-70 Carlos Lleras Restrepo (L) do. 1970-74 Misael Pastrana Borrero (C) do. 1974-78 Alfonso Lopez Michelsen (L) Election. 1978-82 Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala (L) do. 1982-86 Belisario Betancur (C) do. 1986-90 Virgilio Barco Vargas (L) do. 1990- Cesar Gaviria Trujillo (L) do. C = Conservative, L = Liberal COSTA RICA 1894-1902 Rafael Iglesias Election 1902-06 Ascension Esquivel do. 1906-10 Cleto Gonzalez Viquez Election by Congress 1910-14 Ricardo Jimenez Oreamuno Election 1914-17 Alfredo Gonzalez Flores Appointed 1917-19 Federico Tinoco Granados Coup Aug 12-Sept 2 Juan Bautista Quiros 1919 1919-20 Francisco Aguilar Barquero Resignation of President 1920-24 Julio Acosta Garcia Election 1924-28 Ricardo Jimenez Oreamuno do. 1928-32 Cleto Gonzalez Viquez do. 1932-36 Ricardo Jimenez Oreamuno do. (PNR) 1936-40 Leon Cortes Castro (PNR) do. 1940-44 Rafael Angel Calderon do. Guardia (PNR) 1944-48 Teodoro Picado Michalski do. (PNR) Apr-May 1948 Santos Leon Herrera Revolt and compromise of leading contenders 1948-49 Jose Figueres Ferrer (PSD) do.

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