Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79274-5 - The Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland, Volume II - 1640-1850 Edited by Giles Mandelbrote and K. A. Manley Index More information Index Abbot, Charles, baron Colchester 517 mechanics’ institute 507 Abbotsford House, Roxburghshire446, 477 New Church library (Swedenborgian) 500 Aberdeen Admiralty library519 church libraries 342 admission and access to libraries235–6 prison library 522 adult education378–87 Roman Catholic libraries 342 Advocates’ Library, Edinburgh119–20, 149, town library 65, 78 228, 361, 368, 482, 526 Aberdeen Grammar School61 architecture 463–6 Aberdeen Medical (Medico-Chirurgical) book selection 217 Society402 catalogues 120, 224–5 Aberdeen University103 damaged by fire 227 King’s College identification marks 233 architecture and buildings 364, 461 legal deposit 108, 348, 433, 487 Bentley bequest 353 librarians and staff 213–15, 367 legal deposit 109, 348, 350 lighting and heating 492, 493 librarians and staff 110, 367 medical collections 399 medical collections 402 opening hours 231 opening hours 231 rules 235 Marischal College 213 security 492 architecture and library buildings 364 shelving arrangement 220 legal deposit 109, 348 Advocates’ Library, Montreal503 library stock in 1827 347 Agarde, Arthur137 medical collections 402 Aglionby, William148 Aberdeen University Library agricultural societies527 gifts from East India Company 351 Aird, John231 legal deposit, see under King’s College and Albury Park, Surrey477 Marischal College, above alchemy in libraries165 staff (after union) 367 Aldershot Abingdon School51 Prince Consort’s Library 524 Academie´ Franc¸aise32 Victoria Barracks library 524 Accademia della Crusca32 Aldrich, Henry104 Ackroyd, Edward380 Alexander, Sir Jerome107 Act anent Libraries in the Highlands, 170480 All Souls College, Oxford41, 114, 191, 202–3, Act for the Better Preservation of Parochial 229, 347, 352, 366 Libraries, 170974, 81 catalogues 357 Adam, Robert362, 461–3, 472, 474–6 Codrington Library 104, 115–16, 229, Adam, William206, 228–9, 364 365;fig. 6 Addison, Joseph34 Allestree, Richard133 Adelaide, South Australia Gentleman’s Calling 57 542 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79274-5 - The Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland, Volume II - 1640-1850 Edited by Giles Mandelbrote and K. A. Manley Index More information Index Ladies’ Calling 57 Arundel, Thomas Howard, earl of29, 146, Whole Duty of Man 48, 63, 521 148, 153 Allott, William176 Arundel Castle, Sussex473 Alnwick Castle, Northumberland472 Ascham, Roger12 Alston, Thomas75 Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, grammar Althorp, Northamptonshire472, school375 476 Ashmole, Elias140, 160, 165 Ambrosian Library, Milan, see Biblioteca Ashmolean Museum, Oxford41, 140, 142, 149, Ambrosiana 160 Ancell, Richard519 Ashover, Derbyshire176 Anderson, James120 Ashridge, Hertfordshire208 Anderson, John345, 346 Ashworth, Henry380 Anderson’s (medical booksellers), London393 Asiatic Society of Bengal503 Anderson’s Institution (and University), Askew, Anthony441–2, 447 Glasgow345, 346, 348–50, 355, 356, 368, Assington, Suffolk75 381, 401, 507 Associates of the Late Dr Thomas Bray77, Angell, John89, 93 318, 324, 342, 499 Anglesey, Arthur Annesley, earl of188 Astle, Thomas397, 406 Anglo-Saxon studies and libraries37, 141 astronomical libraries, see Royal Astronomical Annesley, Arthur, earl of Anglesey, see Society; Royal Observatory; see also under Anglesey188 Hobart ; Parramatta; St Andrews Antigua (West Indies) University ecclesiastical libraries 500 Athenaeum, London470, 516 mechanics’ institute 507 Atterbury, Lewis104 medical and physical library 502 Atwater Library, see Montreal, mechanics’ Wesleyan school libraries 500 institute antiquarian studies and libraries134–57 Aubrey, John28, 149, 170, 184, 195 Antrim Auckland, New Zealand495, 506 presbyterian divinity school 62 auction catalogues, see book sales and auction presbytery library 277 catalogues Arbury Hall, Warwickshire189, 473 Audley End, Essex474 Archbishop Marsh’s Library, Dublin81, 86, Austen, Jane255 92–100, 118, 129, 207, 319, 369 Australia medical and scientific collections 402–3 early libraries 495 staff 214, 483 school libraries 500 thefts 132 see also Adelaide; Hobart; Melbourne; Archbishop Tenison’s Library and School, Sydney Westminster53, 70, 86, 89–100, 129, Australian Agricultural Company, Port 147, 156, 319 Stephens502 founder’s aims 2, 67, 200 Australian Club, Sydney503 Ware/Clarendon manuscripts 145 Australian Medical Subscription Library, Archer, Sir Simon96, 141 Sydney502 architecture of libraries190, 459–78; see also Australian Museum, Sydney505 lighting and heating of libraries; Australian Subscription Library, Sydney496 university libraries, buildings Ayscough, Samuel406, 410 Armagh Public Library (Primate Robinson’s)319 Baber, Henry409, 411–13, 486 Armstrong, David S., circulating library278 Bacon, Francis14, 16–17, 23, 29 Armstrong, William411 Advancement of Learning 25 Armstrong College, Newcastle346 New Atlantis 25, 158 Arniston, Midlothian211 Novum Organum 24 Arnold, Christoph232 Badham, Charles, circulating library254 Arthur, Archibald367 Badham, Charles, FRS432 543 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79274-5 - The Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland, Volume II - 1640-1850 Edited by Giles Mandelbrote and K. A. Manley Index More information Index Bagford, John139, 148, 156, 186 mechanics’ institutes 280 Bagshaw, Edward334–5 medical libraries 280 Baillet, Adrien212, 224, 225 private libraries and book-collecting 277 Baillie, Matthew392 school libraries 280 Bain, Nicolson367 subscription libraries 278 Baker, Thomas37, 152 see also Linen Hall Library; People’s Baker and Leigh (auctioneers)442 Circulating Library; Queen’s College Balfour, Sir Andrew354 (University) Balfour, Sir James, of Denmilne149 Belfast Academical Institute280 Ballachulish, Argyllshire, parochial library342 Belfast Medical Society280, 404 Balliol College, Oxford104 Belfast Natural History (and Philosophical) undergraduate provision 114, 162 Society280, 404 Bamburgh Castle, public library320 Belfast Reading Society279; see also Linen Bandinel, Bulkeley353, 366 Hall Library Bangor Cathedral library127, 318 Belfast Society (1705)277 Bank of England, library for clerks525 Belfast Society for Promoting Knowledge, see Banks, Sir Joseph398, 408, 427, 432 Linen Hall Library Barbados, garrison library524 Belfast Working Classes Association for the Barbarigo, Giovanni442 Promotion of General Knowledge280 Barber-Surgeons’ Company171, 390 Bell, Andrew377 Baretti, Joseph440 Bell, Beaupre´ 329 Barker, Robert70 Bell, John, circulating library251, 255, 257 Barlow, Thomas39, 104, 115–16 Bell, Thomas181 as Bodley’s Librarian 5, 31, 112, 215 Belle Isle, Westmorland474 Barnard, Sir Frederick Augusta449, 480 Beloe, William481 Barnsley, Yorkshire, mechanics’ institute513 Bengal, ecclesiastical libraries500; see also Barnstaple, Devon, town library85 Calcutta; East India Company Barrow, Isaac161, 181, 198 Bennet, Henry357 Barry, James, circulating library257 Benolt, Thomas136 Barry, Sir Charles419, 470–1 Bentley, James M.353 Bateman, Christopher41 Bentley, Richard21, 233–4, 473 Bates, William131 as a librarian 215, 235, 236 Bath, circulating library252, 257; see also as textual scholar 187 Kingswood School on Cottonian fire 227 Bath, Rachel Fane, countess of107 proposal for national library 32–3, 427 Bath, Thomas Thynne, marquess of457 Berkeley, George111, 113, 228, 235 Bathoe, William, circulating library251, 257 Berlin, Altes Museum465 Baudin, Nicolas495 Bernard, Edward103 Baxter, Richard55, 179–80 Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum 37, 112, Bayle, Pierre46 141–4, 147, 156 Bayly, Lewis63, 133 Bernard, Francis143 Bean, James411 Berry, Christopher, circulating library271 Beaumont, James381 Bever, Thomas357 Beccles, Suffolk, subscription library486 Bewdley, Worcestershire, parochial library342 Beche, Sir Henry de la, see De La Beche Bible Society, see British and Foreign Bible Beddoes, Thomas360, 480 Society Bedford bibliomania438–58 parochial library 69, 71, 85, 332 Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan190, 198 town library 85, 95, 96, 99, 100 Biblioteca Vaticana, see Vatican Library Bedford, Francis Russell, duke of476 Bibliotheque` de Montreal,´ see Montreal Bee, Cornelius138 Library Belfast Bickham, James336 libraries 276–81 Bilston, Warwickshire, parochial library75 544 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79274-5 - The Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland, Volume II - 1640-1850 Edited by Giles Mandelbrote and K. A. Manley Index More information Index Birkbeck, George381, 507, 511 Gough 429 Birmingham Malone 351–2 mechanics’ institute 382 Nichols 42 parochial library (St Philip’s) 72, 88 Selden 113, 136 Birmingham Artizans’ Library379 coins 140 Birmingham Circulating Medical Book scientific & medical 159 Society396 stock in 1714 347 Birmingham Library250, 459 finance 428 Birmingham Medical Institute396 in Civil War 138 Birmingham Medical Library396 legal deposit and Stationers’ Company 108, Blackett, William68 217, 349, 433, 434, 487 Blackstone, Sir William365 librarians and staff 112, 215, 360–1, 366–7, Blairs, Aberdeenshire, see also St Mary’s 482–3, 484 College manuscripts 142, 226 Blandford, George Spencer, marquess of, Canonici 366 later duke of Marlborough, see Fairfax 103 Marlborough Hatton 37, 103 Blathwayt, William185 Junius 37, 103 Bligh, William495 Laud 159
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