Wednesday, May 2, 1979 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Page Twenty-One Family gathering at Greenwoods A ll-candida tes for three pioneer islanders meeting Three provincial candidates will be on Salt Spring Island on Friday evening to take part in an all-can• didates meeting at Ganges. The meeting has been called jointly by the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce and the Gulf Islands Teachers' Association. Both organizations were trying to {arrange a meeting and joined forces. All three candidates for the May 10 election, Hugh Curtis, Social Credit; John Green, Pro• gressive Conservative and John Mika, New Democrat, will be there. Meeting will commence at 8 pm. The program will close at 9.50 ipm in order to allow visitors to catch the late ferry to Swartz Bay. Driver changes plea7 Daniel R. Ellis, Ganges, was fined $450 when he pleaded guilty to driving with a blood-alcohol count over 0.08. He appeared in Ganges provin• cial court on Wednesday, before Judge D.K. McAdam. Ellis had earlier pleaded not guilty and trial had been set for Wednesday. Defence counsel Mike O'Connor asked for a change of plea. He also lost his driver's license. Miss Winifred New is in die explained Donald. chair and Miss Ida New is standing "I came to Mayne Island in the by her. The two sisters were taken Joanna, from Vancouver," recalled for a drive on Friday by their Miss Winifred New, "That was in brother, Donald, of Galiano. 1913." TAUGHT SCHOOL The two sisters are both living She taught school on Mayne for • at Greenwoods, the new intermed• a time. Donald came to Mayne iate and personal care facility Island with her and once having Windsor Plywood across from Lady Minto Hospital at seen the islands he had to live Ganges. And they are thoroughly here. enjoying it. Sparky met his wife on Mayne 1x4 HEAVY DUTY 5oz. CORRUGATED "The staff are kindness itself," Island, when she was teaching said Ida. there. Fiberglass Panels It is fitting that they should live Utility Strapping at Greenwoods. They are not only Their sister, Ida, has been 26" x 8' pioneers of the islands, but they closely connected with the islands, per 8 ft. length 35° 85 brought the New brothers to the but still never as much a part of Clear or white 8 Ea. islands in the first place. And them as her sister and brothers. Donald New, retired Galiano post• She recalled that, in 1926, she WOODCRAFT master and Sparky New, almost-re• went to work for Gideon Hicks in tired shipmaster, are two island Vancouver, as accompanist and Exterior Stain Garden Hose :95 makers of history. secretary. When he retired, 30 Solid or semi- 98 50 ft. Sparky was never more promi• years later, she assumed the studio Gal. nent in island affairs than when his and continued her teaching of transparent 16 company launched the Island Prin• music. CONTINUOUS cess into the islands' transporta• The two sisters have brought a BLACK & DECKER tion picture two decades ago. lot of- history to Greenwoods and They came because of Freda, both have long memories. Saw Protractor Shelf Bracket 25 2 Ea. 1095 Ea. 4x8 HARDB0ARD NOW OPEN 4x8x5/8 STANDARD Panelling T&G Spruce With or without £50 Old, New grooves V Ea. 1595 Ea. Prices good until May 9/79 or and Used Monday thru Saturday 8am-5pm while stock lasts 537-5579 HIGHWAY WINDSOR Vesuvius Valcourt Centre VALCOURTCENTRE (next to Vesuvius Store) We buy, barter STORE HOURS: More Than WINDSOR Sat. & Sun. 12 - 6 pm. PLYWOOD and trade 171 Just Plywood Page Twenty-Two GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Damage to signs costs New name for restaurant driver total of $1500 hen proprietress takes over Damaging highways signs cost nesday last week. w Tlamaoinp hiohwavs siens cost nesdav last week. A A a Pender Island man a total of Esmond D. French pleaded The Ganges Crest has a new nearly $1,500 when he appeared in guilty to wilful damage of 36 name. Ganges provincial court on Wed- highway signs and five private mail boxes on Pender Island. It is opening as the Kanaka Place. Three-flfths He was fined $500 and ordered Kanaka Place has a new propri• to make restitution amounting to etor. She is Jackie Hagan. $987.73, totalling $1,487.73. Mrs. Hagan has been part of goes on his Salt Spring Island all her life. She has been part of the catering Court was told that a motorist business all her life, but always automobile reported the damage and police hidden behind the scenes. investigated. They traced the of• When a driver was explaining That's changed now. Jackie fending car from the tire marks. his problems in a local court last Hagan is the new boss at the week, he told the judge that he was French told the court that he old-established restaurant in Gan• earning between $500 and $600 a was intoxicated at the time and ges. month. could remember little of the inci• She started as a cook in the Of this amount, he was paying dent. Harbour House Hotel. After var• $300 in repayments and insurance ious other engagements she came for his car. "You could have killed yourself back and was the cook at the hotel He is hoping to earn a little or somebody else if you were that until very recently. She has also more at the height of the season, drunk in charge of a vehicle," cooked at the Ship's Anchor, now he added. commented Judge D.K. McAdam. Rita's Inn. For several years she was cook For People Going Places., CHARTERS: at the school dormitory on Ganges Hill, previously Lady Minto Hospi• tal and subsequently the Commun• • Cruises ity Centre. That was a good job recalls the • Flights new restaurateur. She was geared to school hours and able to look TRAVELWORLD • Bus Tours after her family while working. It CALL QONNIE AT was good, although the rate of pay was low. s Salt Spring FIRST EVER ^1 W Insurance (1972) Ltd. This is her first move into the overall job of running a restaurant 537-5527 and she had butterflies on Saturday when she was talking about it. The theme of the restaurant will be the Kanaka influence on Salt Spring Island. Island Well Drilling Ltd. Jackie has her roots deep in the soil of the island. She is the daughter of Ed Lumley and the late • "Red Williams" i Mrs. Lumley, of Churchill Road. JACKIE HAGAN Serving the Gulf Islands since 1959 AIR ROTARY EQUIPMENT MODERNIZE New Year's Day charge not OWNER OPERATOR with upheld in Provincial Court Can collect: 245-2078 tfn PROPANE tfn 537-2233 Charge laid when the new year Mike O'Connor. was only three hours old was Judge D.K. McAdam said that dismissed in Ganges provincial there was a reasonable doubt and court on Wednesday. that he was not prepared to hold R.M. Akerman, of Fulford, was that the condition of the driver was The Issue Is Jobs charged with impaired driving in such as demanded a conviction. the early hours of New Year's Day. SHIPYARD WORKERS Const. Glen Hanna told the SALT SPRING court that he had followed the RAILROAD WORKERS Akerman car up Ganges Hill and OPTICAL that it crossed the double line four Glasses - Contact Lenses and LONGSHORE WORKERS times. He also stated that it was Eye Examinations surging and slowing down before Arranged on Salt Spring SEA FARERS he stopped it to check the driver. 537-9828 TFN Time was 3.20-am. Jim Manly says that Canada needs a Akerman explained that he had only taken two drinks during the evening and that after a 12.30 am FOXGLOVE GARDEN merchant fleet. dinner he had drunk nothing. He also explained that his car Liberals and conservatives say we don't. was suffering icing in the carburet• NOW OPEN or and was running badly causing his variation of speed. No qualified SUNDAYS tester was available at the time of Canadian Vessels the incident and no breath test was 12 — 6 pm taken at the police office. No feed or bulk sales please and Canadian sea men Akerman was defended by 15-4 one more reason to vote By Hook or By Cook JIM MANLY HOBBY & KITCHEN SHOP NEW DEMOCRAT U *Q7) 537-5612 Many items to choose from for: On May 22 Authorization by the official GIFTS MOM WILL LOVE agent, Jim Manly, 300 Brae Rd., Duncan, B.C. Let us help make your selection. Mouafs Mall Mon. • Sat. 10 - 5 w&t4Jt *A i f 1 J I 1 f % $ » ....... I ... I .... s I ., I . | V I , , r . , , Page Twenty-Three Wednesday, May 2, 1979 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD A varied weekend Earl Guildbride is at your service to transport: •HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMENT Nuclear accident, World Relief •HOUSE TRAILERS, any length * SALVAGE & DIVING (Divers available) Any private and/or company work accepted Tea, Superstar are reviewed No job too large or too small ESTIMATES GIVEN after 6 pm BY MARY C. WILLIAMSON Third World. Or compared to, and and all things become possible, Please phone: 246-4177 A strange weekend of infi• at the expense of, the really poor in especially when love is the motiva• or write: P.O. Box 997, Chemainus, B.C. VOR 1K0 ;15-4 nite variety! Friday, received a our own society. tion. letter from a friend in Pennsylvan• The efforts made and contribu• ia, giving personal insights on how ted by our school-children were it feels to live near a nuclear particularly noteworthy.
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