12 TITE MORNING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, MARCII 12, 1918. Nationals, looked over the progress made by the advance squad he tent HAYWARD IS TAKEN FAMOUS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON TRAINER WHO COL-LAPSE- D 1 BLEWETTS SPEED ten days ago. He said he was pleased Can I IN HOTEL LOBBY YESTERDAY. with the condition of the men. Where Find Relief From TITLE-HOLDE- - - yw --W' y"",w"i--"i- .!. Ills? J a . R TO ENTER SWIM y " '' "'f'"1" ls Itching, Terrifying BY SUDDEN ATTACK ' . ; HOT IMPRESSING Eczema? . ferry McGilliTray Will Appear at This Question Is Ever on the how unbearable the itching and burn- ing Skin, S. S. S. Xeptnnc Beach, Cal. Lips of the Afflicted. of the will promptly reach the seat of the trouble and for- ; Chicago, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas : - Perry MeGilllvray, of holder and other ever rout from the blood every trace : . j t .. i. t of the world's swimming records for terrifying conditions of the skin are U. v..' a the 120 yards the 300 yards, will oi the disease, just as it has for other of 0. Track Coach Collapses I P. C. I. L President Dallies and deep-seate- d appear at Neptune Beach. Cal., next blood diseases, and applica- who have suffered as you have. This ..'.."' Im-tien- tions of salves, lotions can in Hotel Lobby Along, With ce month. and washes grand blood remedy has been used for and Is Fans Fume MeGilllvray, Is at present swim who only afford temporary relief, without more fifty years, and you hav ming instructor at the Great Lakes reaching than Sent to Hospital. at Delay. Naval Training Station, has been the real seat of the trouble. only to give it a fair tria to be restored granted leave to make the trip West But Just because local treatment has to perfect health. and may stop off in Portland en route you no good, done there is no reason adviser Is au- 4 to San Francisco and compete against to despair. You simply have not sought Our chief medical aa some of the Northwest champions. Mc the proper treatment, that is within thority on blood and skin disorders, CONDITION NOT DANGEROUS PERSONNEL NOT SETTLED Gilllvray will be accompanied by will pleasure in giving you Buddy Wallen and Herbert Laubls. your reach. and he taxe McGillivray's record for the hundred You have the experience of others such advice as your Individual case ma was made at Chicago January 4, 1314 who have suffered as ' you have to need, absolutely without cost. Write The time was 1:08 5. guide you to a prompt riddance of today describing your case to inedicvl : " t Co., 434 , - ' . The Chicago star's other world's blood and skin diseases. No matter department. Swift Specific Trainer Declare Track Outlook I J" "'.--- i With TrainIn ft Season Less Than 5 mark, that of 3:26 for the 300 yards, how terrifying the irritation, no matter Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv. Cloomy for Eugene Only Single was reeled off in Chicago February ' Month Off, Schedule Is Cnfixed and . 1 4. 1315. rolnt-Cctt- rr la Evidence and Four-Tea- m ' ''".;.. Six or I V ' - 1 I Question of FOLEY MATCHED WITH G1LBI KT No Letter Men Available. v ' " Circuit Still Undecided. TEAM-APPLIE- S Tacoma Welterweight and Clever 7TH Portlander to Meet March 21. BOXING WMiam (Bill) Hayward. th far-- f BT JAMES J. RICHARDSON. TACOMA. Wash., March 11. (Spe m.d track coach of th Cnlverslty of Infielder Cook's signed contract was clal.) As the second main event for Oregoo. collapsed la th lobbr of th received from Chicago, and the signing the Eagle card of March 21, George by Shanklln announces that Fred Gilbert. Peninsula Seeks Admission to Imperial Hotel yesterday afternoon and of a Banks. Or, youngster the name Marty Foley, TOMORROW was of Jack Scholer, who cavorted on th of Portland, will meet the removed to th lortland Surgical n fnm Tacoma welter, who was booked Hospital . - J l.ri.M Utllint fast Shipbuilders Circuit. for observation. Angel College, was announced jester- - i l"r uui ..o ay "". Hayward arrived from Engen day at baseball headquarters. sick with measles and could not go on. to Consult Dr. Wiley X. Jones. Whether or not the Portland mag-- 1 The Foley-Gilbe- rt number is the se- (wed.) NIGHT specialist, and was preparing to visit nate will ask Infielder Cook to report! round event which goes along with the physician's offices in th Steven I depends entiiwly on what Frank Farmer-A- l Sommers headline MAY BE EIGHTH - . '. V .. at Pendleton ST. HELENS tulidln- when b coilapeed and was f v el sort of a lineup Manager Bill Fisher event. rMit4 to hi room. Ir. Jones Im r,.o. ..n.ininn th. Pendleton Gilbert Is fast and clever and Foley 11th St. Playhouse mediately clJe4 to him. He was natives with next month. w "ave l fast to keep up the I trel later removed to the hospital. can see way clear to pace he has set for himself at the If Fisher tils cent events part MeCormick Lumber Company Eleventh and Morrison Streets CrHk-aL-. a few capable youngsters wo smoker in this of the If En Cm4ttmm l Caweh Sot country. The Tacoman has been win- - Jones said last Bight there o.vort in the. Infield it is more ters League Peninsula Will Be tr. tbat be asked ning everything recently by the knock FARRELL-SOMMER- S as no immediate cause for worry re- . than likely that Cook will not garding s condition. n rennrt Thl record DOOK gives " ou". Admitted and Eight-Tea- m Cir- Harvard WILLI- A- (BaLI HATWAHO. Cook none the best of the argument, BRONSON-NEF- F Havward has been ailing sine last I PIERCY RELEASED4 TO ST. LOUIS "Will November, when he suffered a severe t . and in these days of excessive trans- cuit Be Perfected. e.ee.e portation and Pullman fares It is go- GORMAN-WIN- G attack of ptomaine poisoning and was eeeeeeeeeeeeed trans- confined to his bed for several weeks. ing to cost a heap of "cush" to Former Pacific Coast Pitcher With - rw-..- - port Mlstes Cook from the Windy City GORDON-RYA- N HAmM i.ri .irk k i... clal.) Everybody's ber to Joirair to I'asadena. where he O doln' It and Duke to Buckeroo town. Toledo Club Last Year. The Peninsula Shipbuilding Company o f. I flfl IP Kahanamoku. world's champion swim- And 2 Corking Preliminaries assisted ll'ia-- Ileidek In whipping the I I 11 I "J j I mer, Player la Signed. NEW YORK, March 11. William baseball team yesterday made appli- Mar Island Marines' famous I I H 111lt has also taken the needles in hand. Mount Angel Plercy, football II I- II Duke Is going Jack Scholer. the a pitcher who came to the New cation to President. Fred N. Bay, of team Into shape for Its New Tear's day I It Ul - to knit a sweater for his heaver, made quite a reputation York Americans from the Pacific Coast friend Norman Rosa, the swimmer who the Columbia-Willamet- te Shipbuilders' clasa with Lamp Lewis. On Hay ward while twirling for the collegians, is League two years ago. was released to- Prices: $1, $1.50, $2 return from California shortly against whom he has often competed. prospect. Whether Baseball League for admission to the after He baa already started on the Job under regarded as a fair day to the St. Paul club of the Ameri- circuit. the first of th year be retired to guidance or not he can navigate in organised can Association. ranch a few mile out of Kugen. th of his sister and expects b..eh.li is another Question, but Judge Plercy played with the Toledo club This makes the seventh team entered Seats now on sale at Rich's ss to ship the gift away In time to in the league, and, according to where he endeavored to forget th Inter-Cla- Meet Taken by reach McCredie annexed his signature, and of the American Association last word and Stiller's Cigar Stores of Koss for th latter birthday. Manager received from St. Helens, the MeCor- worries th athletes for th time will send the contract to mick Lumber & Shipbuilding Company Betes?. Sophomore Athletes. Kl.hen for his O. K. will 'application Eugene squad MOOT ANGEL BEATS DALLAS . make as the eighth When th basketball President Blewett's Idea In hurrying Basketball Title Claimed. team before the turned oat for Instruction Hayward thlnira no In the P. C L U is our idea end of the week. With again mag- The Immaculate Heart Juniors claim eight clubs in the league President punishment in the second round but left his tick bed to tutor the Cadet Lose nothing at all. The j?ortland 110-pou- h lor First Time This Sea of championship Bay's circuit will be a representative boys, but strena-t- him left-hand- the basketball rallied and sent Cowler to the mat for his failed and nate dispatched a letter to the are willing to play any quintet dis- one. he souaht th advice of a physician son by Scorevof 31 to IS. president a few days ago In and the count of eight. The third and liayward 177 VICTORS POINTS puting their .claim to the title. Games The new Peninsula team will be fourth rounds were almost even with went from 25 pounds to SCORE 49 which he suggested that Blewett get by Manager managed by cap aggres- pounds in It day a MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE.
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