Neurochemical Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11064-018-2640-6 ORIGINAL PAPER The 1980s: D-AP5, LTP and a Decade of NMDA Receptor Discoveries D. Lodge1 · J. C. Watkins1 · Z. A. Bortolotto1 · D. E. Jane1 · A. Volianskis2,3 Received: 26 June 2018 / Revised: 12 September 2018 / Accepted: 17 September 2018 © The Author(s) 2018 Abstract In the 1960s and 70s, biochemical and pharmacological evidence was pointing toward glutamate as a synaptic transmitter at a number of distinct receptor classes, known as NMDA and non-NMDA receptors. The field, however, lacked a potent and highly selective antagonist to block these putative postsynaptic receptors. So, the discoveries in the early 1980s of D-AP5 as a selective NMDA receptor antagonist and of its ability to block synaptic events and plasticity were a major breakthrough leading to an explosion of knowledge about this receptor subtype. During the next 10 years, the role of NMDA receptors was established in synaptic transmission, long-term potentiation, learning and memory, epilepsy, pain, among others. Hints at pharmacological heterogeneity among NMDA receptors were followed by the cloning of separate subunits. The purpose of this review is to recognize the important contributions made in the 1980s by Graham L. Collingridge and other key scientists to the advances in our understanding of the functions of NMDA receptors throughout the central nervous system. Keywords Long-term potentiation (LTP) · NMDA · NMDA receptors · APV · D-AP5 · Synaptic plasticity Introduction at the time, stating that ‘NMA receptors…may play a role in synaptic plasticity’, this observation, and the use of this new The 1980s proved to be a decade where N-methyl-D-aspar- pharmacological tool are at the core of the now established tate (NMDA) receptor-mediated neurotransmission became role of NMDA receptors in excitatory neurotransmission, in firmly established. Perhaps this is epitomized by the 1983 many forms of synaptic plasticity and hence in learning and paper published by Graham Collingridge and colleagues in memory. In this brief review, we will consider what led up the Journal of Physiology that changed our understanding of to this important discovery, what other related events sur- neuronal plasticity and, more widely, of the functional role rounded it, and what directly followed from these studies of NMDA receptors in the central nervous system (CNS) with APV in the 1980s. [1]. With Steven Kehl and Hugh McLennan, they showed APV is now more commonly known as 2-amino-5-phos- that a new selective NMDA receptor antagonist, 2-amino- phonopentanoate (AP5). Although some studies state that 5-phosphonovalerate (APV), inhibited the induction of either the racemic mixture, D,L-AP5, or the single active long-term potentiation (LTP) of the synaptic input to CA1 isomer, D-AP5, was used, it is unclear from some reports, neurones in hippocampal slices (Fig. 1a). Although cautious however, which chemical entity was used. Thus, for sim- plicity and because D-AP5 is the active moiety within the racemate, D-AP5 has been used throughout the main body Special issue: In honor of Graham Collingridge of this review. * A. Volianskis [email protected]; [email protected] Background to 1980 Discoveries 1 Centre for Synaptic Plasticity, School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK In 1949, Hebb had proposed that changes in synaptic 2 School of Clinical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, strengthening underlying learning required coincident pre- UK and post-synaptic activity [2] and, by the end of the 1960s, 3 Centre for Neuroscience and Trauma, Blizard Institute, Barts short lasting forms of synaptic plasticity were described in and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen invertebrates and in the spinal cord. In their seminal review Mary University of London, London, UK Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 Neurochemical Research A of stimulation could lead to a long-term depression of all APV (D-AP5) 25 min 5 inputs [12]. The nature of the chemical transmitters involved in such processes was largely conjectural. mV In the late 1970s, the concept emerged of different sub- types of glutamate receptor that mediate synaptic excitation 0 in the central nervous system [14, 15]. Initial observations 01510252065 0 Time (min) with several natural and recently synthesized acidic amino acids indicated that that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) was B fg hi jk a considerably more potent excitant of central neurones than 2 mV L-glutamate and L-aspartate [16, 17]. An early indication that NMDA 10 msec there might be subtypes of receptors for these acidic acids 5 f h i j k g was the finding that the ratios of potency betweenD ,L-homo- cysteate or L-aspartate and L-glutamate, and later between mV NMDA and kainate, varied between different neuronal popu- lations [18–20]. These findings were part of the developing 0 concept of subtypes of glutamate receptors. Studies with 015102520 5 30 other structurally constrained glutamate analogues from Time (min) natural resources, such as kainic, domoic and quisqualic C acids, suggested potential diversity of receptors mediating 5 NMDA synaptic excitation. This diversity was supported by the 2+ mV observation that Mg reduced the effectiveness of NMDA to a greater extent than most other glutamate analogues [21]. 0 Further development of this concept required discovery of 01510252035 0 suitable antagonists. Longer chain analogues of glutamate, Time (min) namely α-amino-adipic and -suberic and diaminopimelic acids, were weak, selective antagonists of NMDA-induced excitation rather than that induced by quisqualate, kainate Fig. 1 D-AP5, NMDA and NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plas- ticity in 1983. a Iontophoretic application of D-AP5 blocks induction and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid of LTP, which can be readily induced after washout of the antagonist (AMPA) and reduced some synaptic events [22–27]. Thus [1]. b Brief iontophoretic application of NMDA leads to a transient the concept of NMDA and non-NMDA (later to be known as enhancement of field potential amplitude, which declines to baseline AMPA and kainate) receptors became accepted [28]. over time [1]. c Longer, bath application, of NMDA leads to a perma- nent depression of synaptic transmission [49] By the mid-1970 s, there were a number of papers report- ing the presence, uptake and calcium-dependent release of L-glutamate and/or L-aspartate, which provided powerful of 1968, Kandel and Spencer stated that ‘In contrast to the evidence toward a transmitter role for these acidic amino extensive data on spinal synapses, data on cortical synaptic acids [29] but the lack of selective, potent and established plasticity are meager and, specifically, post-tetanic poten- receptor antagonists slowed further progress in this field. tiation (PTP) has not yet been studied in detail comparable to that in the cord. This is unfortunate, since the complex D‑AP5, NMDA and LTP morphology of cortical synapses may indicate a capability for unusual plastic alteration.’ Indeed, although long lasting Hence, the description of 2-amino-phosphonovaleric acid depression [3] and facilitation [4] were already observed in [30] as a potent and selective NMDA receptor antagonist at hippocampal synapses there were very few other accounts synapses on spinal neurones was the breakthrough needed of synaptic plasticity in the mammalian brain [5]. The phe- to allow a thorough investigation of the physiological role nomenon of long-term potentiation (LTP) was first detailed of NMDA receptors. by Bliss and Lomo [6] in the dentate gyrus in vivo. Soon, Collingridge, being a Bristol graduate with Jeff Watkins, however, hippocampal slices [7] became the preferred prepa- a PhD student with John Davies and a postdoc with Hugh ration for studying LTP [8–10]. LTP was shown to require McLennan, was in a good position to examine the effects cooperativity between strong afferent input from many fibres of this new pharmacological tool on hippocampal slices and a resulting strong depolarization of the postsynaptic in vitro, a preparation being used for detailed electrophysiol- neurone [11, 12]. Such potentiation was input specific so ogy. Thus, Collingridge and collaborators first demonstrated that other afferent inputs were unaffected [9] or reduced, that D-AP5, a gift from Jeff Watkins, was a more potent and i.e. heterosynaptic depression [13]. By contrast, a low rate selective NMDA receptor antagonist than previously used 1 3 Neurochemical Research compounds, the activity lying mainly in the D-isomer [31]. of field potentials (Fig. 1b, [1]). In contrast, a longer applica- With his co-authors, he then went on to show that D-AP5 tion of NMDA (Fig. 1c, [50]) or glutamate [50] resulted in reduced the synaptic potentiation in the CA1 region that fol- a depression of synaptic transmission, later recognized as lowed high frequency stimulation of the Schaffer collateral NMDA receptor-dependent chemical LTD [51]. Similarly, input (Fig. 1a) with minimal effect on synaptic potentials at low frequency afferent stimulation, besides limiting the low stimulation frequencies [1]. Thus, the role of NMDA induction of LTP [52], can also induce a long-term depres- receptors in the initiation of LTP following high frequency sion of synaptic transmission [12], shown in the 1990s to be stimulation was established in this highly quoted paper D-AP5-sensitive [53, 54]. (1830 citations; Web of Science; September 2018). The transient enhancement of the amplitude of the field This basic observation, in hippocampal slices, of the role potentials, seen following NMDA application (Fig. 1b), of NMDA receptors in synaptic plasticity was rapidly seized seemed similar to the initial decremental phase of LTP upon and replicated by other major researchers in LTP using (Fig. 1a), termed short-term potentiation (STP); STP, just different paradigms but with a commonD -AP5-sensitive like LTP, was D-AP5-sensitive raising the question whether theme: Schaffer collateral/commissural pathways to CA1 STP was essential to the establishment of LTP or whether [32–35], perforant pathway to dentate gyrus in vivo [36, it was a mechanistically distinct parallel event [1, 55, 56].
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