VIMAL JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH, CHEMPERI ANTI RAGGING COMMITTEE MEMBERS ( 2015-I6) sl. Name of the Designation Address & Contact Nos. No. Member Vimal Jyothi Institute of Management & 01 Dr. George A P Principal Research, Chemperi Ph: 0460-2213900 Mob:9895545476 Jalanidhi, Kurumathur P.O. Karimbam via Member, District Panchayath, 0l Smt. P K Saraswathi Kannur dist 670 142. Ph: 04602 260650, Kannur 9495093652 Sub Inspector of Kudiyanmala Police Station, Kudiyanmala Ph 03 Sub Inspector of Police Police :0460-2218240 Local Reporter, Deepika Deepika Chemperi, Mob: 0.1 Mr. Baby Poovelil News Paper 9495336663 Mr. Shyby 05 President, YMCA YMCA, Chemperi, Kannur Dist.67A$2 Kuzhivelippuram 06 Mr. Anoop Scaria Member of faculty Associate Professor, VJIM , Mob: 9400467741 0l Ms. Dona James Member of faculty Assistant Professor, VJIM, , Mob: 9633628108 F/o Justin Johny, MBA Thanickal House, Mundayamparamba P.O., 08 NIr. Johny Student, Batch 2013-15 Edoor - 670 704 Mob: 9747293536 F/o Jobish Thomas, MBA Kaithakkanirappel House, Cherikode P.O, 09 \1r. Thomas John Student. Batch 2013-15 SreeKandapuram Mob: 9841 820364 Deepa Hosepital, Alakode P.O., Kannur- 10 NIs. Deepika Shenoy MBA Stuaent, Batch 2013-15 District- 670 571 Mob: 9846976919 F/o Mrs. Tisha Sebastian Mattathinanickal (H), Josegiri PO., Cherupuzha, 11 N1r. Sebastian MBA Student, Batch 2013-15 Kannur -67051 I Ph: 04985238492 Myladupara House, Pathapara P.O., Kannur t/. Mr. Akhil Thomas MBA Student, Batch 2014-16 - 67457 1 NIob: 96568 62624 Kanaveedu (H), Karippal P.O., Chapparapadavu ,. 13 Ms. Aswathi K V MBA Student, Batch.20l 4-1 6 Kannur. Ph: 04602280873 Kallidayil (H), Padappengad P.O., Kannur dist- 14 Mr. Geo K Jov MBA Student, Batch 2014-16 6705 8 1 Kappukuzhiyil (H), Kuppadi P.O., 15 Ms. Christeena K [. MBA Student, Batch 2014-16 Sulthanbathery, Wayanad (Mother Teresa PG Hostel, Vimal Jyothi) 16 N{r. George Joseph Non-Teachine Staff(M) Non -Teachine Staff -Mob: 9496594925 17 N1rs. Beena Joseph Librarian, VJIM Librarian, Mob: 9447 5 485 1 4 Rev. Sr. Jessy Presentation Convent, Chengalai P.O., Cheran 18 Student Counselor Ceorqe Kunnu, Kannur 670631, Mob: 9495244968 ':!1' . .'.|: Principal -:r/.. :' " _.!,.i1 .,:, :': '-',' vit#Al;i',1- -i ,i ilj.*iiI'#T[ cr $,{.q},iAG f i'i f x-i & r: ; S :'i..,-i*H clJEt",ip[Rl, KAf.ji.iuii - r,?c i_i.: V]MAL JYOTH] INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH, CHEMPERI 'l.-*"t b-t sl. Name of the Designation ---.-_- No. Member ] I Address C Crnt""t Xor. I I I 01 Dr. Thomas Michael Principal Chemperi ph: J 59s-earch, Oq60_22t3900 I M&:9443 44te7e UZ Smt. P K Saraswathi Mem ber, District panchayath, Kannur t aisr 670 t4Z. ph: 511u19495093652 04602 2606s0,. Sub Inspector , 03 oT Police Sub Inspector of police :0460-2218240 04 Mr. Baby Poovelil L-ocal Reporter, Deepika News - Paoer 9495336663 I Mr. Shyby 05 Kuzhivelippuram President, yl\4CA YMCA,Chemperi,*m 06 Mr. Anoop Scaria naember of faculty 9l I Ms. Dona Janre, wtember of'faculty F/o 08 | Mr. Jose M.J RinilM JoseJv{BA Student, Batch 2Ol5-17 Ettupara Rosily - Mob: 9539g71003 09 Jvirs. M/o Akshaya Rose, MBA Augustine PadinjareVeetil@ Student. Batch 2OtS-11 8547264702 Arackal{{-ouse, Attenganam p.O., F/o I Odayanihl l0 Mr. A.O. Varghese Berlin A Varghese, ph: MBA I l::r.qgqpistricr_ 671 s3l 0467 )z+aq: Student, Batch 2Ol5_17 Mob: 9447955712 - I 582 (Morher Teresa pG I Hostel, Vimal Jyorhi) wyo lt Mrs. Shiney Mathew Amala Mathew MB,A Student. Rarch ?nl {-l z @im 67 063 I Ph: 94467 7 a84J, 97 4i3g3555 t.2 Mr. Jishnuraj T.R MBA Srudent, Batch 2015_17 H,:l[:l'_i]tT@ f .l l3 (L MBA Studenr, Batch 2015-17 670582 t4 Mr. Shinu K T MBA Student, Batch Z0l5_17 1 Via, Kannur dist-6705g2 I5 ,^ull'ruKunnet (ffi Ms. Anju Anrony MBA Student, Batch 2Ol5_17 Calicut -673 527 (Mother Teresa pG Hosrel, VimalJvothi) t6 Mr. George Joseph Non-'I-eachino Steff /hrt t7 Non -Teaching staliffi Mrs. Beena Joseph Librarian, VJIM Librarian,Mob:9+W l8 Rev. Sr. Jessy George, Student Counselor Presentationcon@ Kunnu, Kannur 670611 l\l^h. oAa<1'n^^ro t*t*: \ , pfill.tuJ,.,,1---,,_,{ a!_n*_r.i VlM,At- .r r',)THl iNSl i I U f'[ OF MANAGEMENT & RESEANCH J T \' ; \ a ,,\ tr 3 '\' t t' i i T i .*,- iN{,1"T'i"\i'1'*. r,,^31: :.\,;1,hb..";%,{.,-sii?:,1N::.74-1" lZ,Tti?ii,.?,ji..}'l ANTr RAGGTNG COMMTTTEE MEMBERS (2017-18) Sl.No Name of the Designation Address & Contact Nos. Memtrer VimalJyothi Institute Management Dr. Thomas of & Research, 01 Principal Chemperi Michael Ph: 0460-221 3900 Mob:9443441979 Smt. P K Member, District Jalanidhi, Kurumathur 02 P.O. Karimbam via Kannur Saraswathi Panchayath, Kannur dist 670 142. Ph 04602 260650.9495093652 Sub Inspector of Kudiyanmala Police Station, Kudiyanmala Ph Sub Inspector of Police l: Police :0460-2218240 Local Reporter, Deepika 04 Mr. Baby Poovelil Deepika Mob: 9495336663 News Paper Chemperi, NIr. Shyby 05 President, YMCA Kuzhivelippuram YMCA, Chemperi, Kannur Dist. 67 0632 06 N{r. Anoop Scaria Member of faculty Associate Professor, VJIM , Mob: 9400461741 0l \1s. Dona James Member of faculty Assistant Professor, VJIM, , Mob: 9633628108 F/o Mr. Anoop Biju, MBA Kochukarottu House, Paisakary 08 NIr. Biju Mathew P.O., Payyavoour Student, Batch 2016--l 8 via - Mob: 9645646327 F/o Ms. Aleena Saji, MBA Kakkuzhiyil House, Pathur P.O, 09 N{r. SajiThomas Kasargod Dist Student, Batch 2}rc-fi Mob:949784759 Kizghakekkuttu House, Chittarkikkal P.O., F/o Ms. Jilby Thomas, MBA l0 |vlr. Thomas K S Kasargod District- Mob: 9446637963 (Mother Student, Batch 2016-18 Teresa PC Hostel, Vimal Jyothi) F/o Mr. Priycsh Chacko Karuplakkil (H), Rajapuram P.O., Kottakunnu, t1 Mr. Chacko K M MBA Student, Batch 2016- I Kasargod :9496404916 18 F/o Mr. Ebin Matherv, MBA Manikkathan House, Pulikkurumba P.O., 12 Mr. Mathew M P Naduvil Student, Batch 2017-19 Kannur - 610582 Mob:9495790928 F/o Mr. Jobin Joseph, MBA Thottupurath (H), Ottathai P.O., Alakode Kannur l3 Mr. Joy T J - Student, Batch 2017-19 670571 Mob: 9947668044 Mr. KG F/o Ms. Amrutha S, MBA Sreevalsam, 14 Thankayam, Trikaripur, Kannur dist- Ramasubramanian Student, Batch 2011-19 671310 Mob: 9446659210 Sreenivas (H), Mavullkkari, Perumparamba F/o Ms. Anusree K, MBA P.O. l5 Mr. Rajan V Iritty, Kannur -670703 Student, Batch 2017-19 Mob:9446266704 16 Mr. George Joseph Non-Teaching Staff (M) Non -Teaching Staff -Mob: 9496594925 17 Mrs. Beena Joseph Librarian, VJIM Librarian, Mob: 9447 5485 | 4 Rev. Sr. Jessy Presentation Convent, Chepgalai P.O., l8 Student Counselor Cheran Georse Kunnu, Kannur 670631, Mob: 9495244968 ?h. +'11 - {'i}**-?2i3t*il, F;r.x #;;;;i;;;;t !A?.?t tY- nf 3ty u It 4'a! ",.' r. ^,'{* I } {' \, i\ 1 1, I ,, \ I lt 1L 4 1rl1 1 Lll h { a1&a L 3 j ";T y 7 1 T?"lt" T' f't' r.1" 2" {, {-} ?21 &?1 i\t :,W{:,%' i: #; W'1:fiT ",t',1{i"r - J',{*2*.t ?*k*?.fr, r**.w**#,l *?**13., ?,h'\*"Se *.i.. xxx*'ts". - "?4*i^ ;.1 1 ir :': +. ai i. !,: ..* /;, y Li 1 i': t S J., | ? .', i r . * rj L n ?: ANTI RAGGING COMMITTEE MEMBERS (,2018-19) Contact Nos. Sl.No Name of the Designation Address & Member Virnut :yothi Institute of Management & Research, 0460-221 3900 01 Dr. Thomas Michael Principal Chemperi Ph Mob:9443441979 Member, District PanchaYath, Jalanidhi, Kurumathur P.O. Karimbam via Kannur 02 Smt. P K Saraswathi Kannur dist 670 142. Ph 04602 260650, 9495093652 Kudiyanmala Ph Sub Inspector of Krdiyanrnala Police Station, '11 Sub Inspector of Police Police :0460-2218240 Local Reporter, DeePika News Mob: 9495336663 04 Mr. Baby Poovelil Deepika Chemperi, Paper \1r. Shyby Kannur Dist' 670632 05 President, YMCA YMCA, Chemperi, Kuzhivelippuram VJIM Mob: y4uu4o/ /+t 06 \1r. Anoop Scaria Member of faculty Associate Prof-essor, , VJIM, Mob: 9633628108 07 NIs. Dona James Member of faculty A.ssistant Professor. , M/o Anusree K, MBA Student, S'reenivas, Mavullakari, Perumparamba P.O., Iritty- \lrs. Nirmala K 08 Batch 2017 -19 670703 F/o Sijo K.T, MBA Student, Kochukappi lHouse, Punnakkunnu P.O. Parappa, 09 \1r. Thankachan K.J Batch 201 7- I 9 Kasargod- 6715ii M/o Josna Mary Jose PJ, MBA Puthuparambil House, Padiyottuchal P.O., l0 \1rs. Celeena Jose Student, Batch 2017-19 Ponnamvayal, Kannur - 670307 F/o Rejil Joseph Thazhathuvadakkel House, Puthussery, Iritty P'O-, NIr. Joseph l1 lr4BA Student, Batch 2011-19 Kannur -670703 M/o Nlilana Antony. MBA Chembakassery House, Kombazha, Vaniampara Ia N1rs. Mercy Antony Student. Batch 2018-20 . P.O. Thrissur Dist- 680652 8541227325 M/o Anjali Tomy, MBA Azhakumparambil FIouse, Vijayagiri P-O., Kannur - l3 N{rs. Shincy Tomy Student, Batch 2018-20 67057 1 N{r. Sebastian F/o Savio Sebastian, MBA Alappattukunnel House, Chundaparamba, l4 Antony Student, Batch 2018-20 Nedungome P.O. Kannur dist-670631 Plakkattu (House), Koompara Bazar P.O., Calicut Edwin John, MBA F/o 673 604 15 Mr. Johny P J 2018-20 Student, Batch (Mother T"r"tu PG Hott.l, Vi*ul l6 Mr. George Joseph Non-Teaching Staff(M) Non -Teaching Staff -Mob: 9496594925 t7 Mrs. Beena Joseph Librarian. VJIM Librarian, Mob: 9447 5485 1 4 P.O., Cheran Rev. Sr. Jessy Presentation Convent, Chengalai 18 Student Counselor George Kunnu, Kannur 670631, !5.2!22aa2!8.- f"+^*- i1 r1r'"z:z-'-- a *n, pal .rz', CY'Y N \ +q + a{ o) \t\l\t jlrii:ti eq, *rW,N"fuffi q#*&*W t\\ilii;i"i {.t} '.i 1,u'.\, l','ii'ii '; -1','i1:.r",- fT- j;' j \3 *tS*a-Mg' t i n'.1 :':c a^i11;;kr - r ^ .' "::;-;: :'.' - "i.'l.;;::.
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