nwjLFk f'k{k.k v/;;u'kkyk] thokth fo'ofo|ky;] Xokfy;j cSpyj vkWQ vkVZl~ f=o"khZ; ikB~;Øe ch-,- Hkkx izFke izdk’kd dqylfpo thokth fo'ofo|ky;] Xokfy;j ch-,- izFke o"kZ ijh{kk ;kstuk SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Øekad fo"k; iw.kkZaad U;wure mRrh.kkZad vfuok;Z iz’u&i= ¼1½ vk/kkj ikB;Øe izFke iz’u i= fgUnh 50 vaxzsth 50 150 50 m)ferk fodkl 50 oSdfYid iz’u i= ¼2½ fgUnh lkfgR; izFke iz’u i= 75 150 50 f}rh; iz’u i= 75 ¼3½ vaxzsth iz’u i= izFke iz’u i= 75 150 50 f}rh; iz’u i= 75 ¼4½ bfrgkl izFke iz’u i= 75 150 50 f}rh; iz’u i= 75 ¼5½ jktuhfr izFke iz’u i= 75 150 50 f}rh; iz’u i= 75 ¼6½ vFkZ’kkL= izFke iz’u i= 75 150 50 f}rh; iz’u i= 75 ¼7½ lekt 'kkL= izFke iz’u i= 75 150 50 f}rh; iz’u i= 75 ¼8½ Hkwxksy izFke iz’u i= 50 150 50 f}rh; iz’u i= 50 r‘rh; iz’ui= 50 Syllabus – B.A. I School of Studies in Distance Education, Jiwaji University, Gwalior 2 PAPER - I vk/kkj ikB~;Øe HINDI LANGUAGE [k.M&,d % ikB~; lkexzh Theory M.M. – 40 bdkbZ&1 Assignment M.M. - 10 1 Hkkjr oUnuk % lw;ZdkUr f=ikBh *fujkyk* 2 LorU=rk iqdkjrh % t;’kadj *izlkn* 3 cM+s ?kj dh csVh % izsepUnz bdkbZ&2 4 ,d x/ks dh okilh % d`‚.kpUnzj 5 VsyhQksu % gfj’kadj ijlkbZ 6- vQlj % ‘kjn tks’kh bdkbZ&3 7 lkSan;Z dh unh ueZnk % ve‘ryky csxM+ 8 cLrj esa ckWa/k % ‘kkuh bdkbZ&4 9 cq) dh d:.kk % MkW- l}kfrLe 10- lknxh % egkRek xkW/kh bdkbZ&5 11 ;ksx dh ‘kfDr % gfjoa’kjk; *cPpu* 12 f’kdkaxks ls Lokeh foosdkuUn dk i= [k.M & 2 ¼fgUnh Hkk"kk½ lEisz"k.k dkS’ky bdkbZ&,d d- ekud fgUnh Hkk‛kk [k- v’kqf);kW vkSj mudk la’kks/ku bdkbZ&nks d- fgUnh dk ‘kCn Hk.Mkj [k- fgUnh dh okD; jpuk vkSj fojkg fpUg bdkbZ&rhu i= ys[ku] lkj ys[ku vkSj iYyou d- Hkkjr ns’k vkSj mlds fuoklh [k- Hkkjrh; lekt dh lajpuk x- lkekftd xfr’khyrk ?k- /keZ vkSj n’kZu bdkbZ&ikWp d- Hkkjrh; laLd`fr dk fo’o ij izHkko [k- e/; izns’k dk lkaLd‘frd oSHko Syllabus – B.A. I School of Studies in Distance Education, Jiwaji University, Gwalior 3 Foundation Course Paper-II English Language B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Part I Theory M.M. – 40 Assignment M.M. - 10 Structural Items (i) Simple, compound and complex sentences. (ii) Co ordinate clauses (with but or Either-Or, Neither-Nor, Otherwise, Or else) (iii) Sub-ordinate clauses-noun clauses-as subject object and complement: Relative clouses (restrictive and non-restrictive clauses). Adverb clauses (open and hypothetical conditional, with because, though, here, so that, as long as, as soon as). (iv) Comparative Clauses (as+adjective/qdverb+as-to sooner...........that). Tenses- (i) Simple present, progressive and present perfect (ii) Simple past, progressive and past perfect. (iii) Indication of Futurity. The passive (Simple present and past, present and past perfect and toinfinitive structure. Reported Speech- (i) Declarative sentences (ii) Imperatives (iii) Introgatives-wh-question, Yes/No Questions (iv) Exclamatory sentences. Models (will, shall, should, would, ought to has to have to ought, can could, may/might and need.) (F) Verb structures (infinitives and gerund) (G) Linking devices- Note: The above language items will be introduced to express the following communicative functions- (a) Seeking and imparting information (b) Expressing attitudes-intellectual and emotional (c) Persuasion and dissuasion etc. Note: Questions on all the units shall be asked from the prescribed text, which will comprise/specimens of popular creative writing and the following items: (a) Indian Art : Meaning of Art, Features of Indian Art, Elementary knowledge of paintings, Music, Dancing, Sculpture Archaeology, Iconography and Other Social Arts. (b) Indian Literature : Ancient Indian Literature, Elementary knowledge of Vedic Literature, Mahabharata, Ramayan and Other Main Granthas. (c) Indian Freedom Struggle: Freedom Struggle of 1857, National Consciousness Non-Co- operation Movement. Civil Disobedient Movement Quit India Movement Contribution of revolutionaries in freedom struggle. (d) Indian Constitution: Introduction, Main features of Constitution Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties. Syllabus – B.A. I School of Studies in Distance Education, Jiwaji University, Gwalior 4 ch-,-@ch-dkWe@ch-,llh- izFke o"kZ m|ferk fodkl iz’u i= &AAA lS)kafrd vad & 40 ifj;kstuk ewY;kadu vkarfjd vad & 10 bdkbZ&1 m|ferk & ifjHkk‛kk] fo’ks‛krk,sa ,oa egRo] ,d m|eh ds izdkj ,oa dk;Z] ,d vPNs m|eh ds xq.k m|ferk vfHkizsj.kk ?kVdA bdkbZ&2 efgyk m|ferk & laHkkouk;sa ,oa leL;k,sa ,d O;kolkf;d volj gsrq [kkst] volj ds L=ksr] ifj;kstuk volj dk p;uA bdkbZ&3 foLr‘r ifj;kstuk izfrosnu dh rS;kjhA laxBu ds izdkj dk p;u] ,dkdh O;olk;] lk>snkjh ,oa lgdkjh lfefr dk vFkZ ,oa fo’ks‛krk,a laxBu ds p;u dks izHkkfor djus okys ?kVdA bdkbZ&4 fu;ked laLFkkvksa dh Hkwfedk & ftyk m|ksx dsUnz] iznw‛k.k fu;a=d e.My] [kk| ,oa vkS‛kf/k iz’kklu] fo|qr foHkkx ,oa uxj fuxe dk fo’ks‛k v/;;uA fodklkRed laLFkkuksa dh Hkwfedk] [kknh ,oa xzkeh.k vk;ksx] e-iz- foRr fuxe] vuqlwfpr cSad] e-iz- dk efgyk vkfFkZd fodkl fuxeA bdkbZ&5 izsj.kk ,oa vuqnku & vFkZ ,oa vko’;drk] iwath fuos’k vuqnku] C;kt vuqeku] ÅtkZ vuqnku] va’knku lgk;rk] efgyk m|fe;ksa gsqr fo’ks‛k izsj.kk,asA c`gn ljdkjh ;kstuk,a & iz/kkuea=h jkstxkj ;kstuk] Lo.kZ t;arh jkstxkj ;kstuk] jkuh nqxkZorh Lojkstxkj ;kstuk] nhun;ky Lojkstxkj ;kstukA Syllabus – B.A. I School of Studies in Distance Education, Jiwaji University, Gwalior 5 B.A./B.COM./B.SC./ PART ONE PAPER-III ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT Theory M.M. – 40 Assignment M.M. - 10 Unit-1 Entrepreneurship : Definition, Characteristics and significance. Types & functions of an entrepreneur, Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial motivation factors. Unit-II Women Entrepreneurship : Opportunities and problems. Search for a business idea, sources of ideas, selection of project idea. Unit-III Preparation of detailed Project Report. Selection of Types of organisation. Concept and characteristics of Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Co-operative Society. Factors influencing the choice of organisation. Unit-IV Role of Regulatory institutions: Particular study of DIC, Pollution Control Board, Food and Drugs Administration, Electricity Board & Municipal Corporation. Role of Promotional Institutions: KVIC, MPFC, Scheduled banks, Women Economic Development Corporation of MP. Unit -V Incentives and Subsidies: Concepts and needs. Capital Investment Subsidy, Interest Subsidy, Subsidy for power, Margin Money Assistance, Special incentives to Women Entrepreneurs. Major Govt. Schemes: PMRY, SJRY, RDSY, Deendayal Swarojagar Yojana. Recommended Books - 1. Entrepreneurial Development by S.S. Khanka (S.Chand) 2. Entrepreneurial Development by Taneja & Gupta (Galgotia Pub.) 3. Entrepreneurial Development by Vasant Desai (Himalaya) 4. Entrepreneurial Development in India by C.B. Gupta & Srinivasan (Sultan Chand & Sons) 5. m|ferk fodkl & th-,l- lq/kk ¼jes'k cqd fMiks½ 6- m|eh m|ksx vkSj Lojkstxkj & lsMesi 16&,] vjsjk fgYl] HkksikyA 7- Lojkstxkj ekxZnf'kZdk & rnSo 8- m|ferk D;ksa vkSj dSls & ,e-ih- dkWu] xaxks=h Hkou] Vh-Vh- uxj] HkksikyA 9- m|ferk ¼ekfld if=dk½ m|ferk fodkl dsUnz] 16&,] vjsjk fgYl] HkksikyA Syllabus – B.A. I School of Studies in Distance Education, Jiwaji University, Gwalior 6 ch-,- izFke o"kZ fgUnh lkfgR; izkphu fgUnh dkO; iz’u i= & izFke Theory M.M. – 60 Assignment M.M. - 15 izLrkouk izkphu ls rkRi;Z gS vk/kqfud dky ls iwoZ ds dkyA lgh vFkZ esa fgUnh Hkk‛kk vkSj lkfgR; dk fodkl vkfndky ls ‘kq: gksrk gSA blesa /kkfeZd rFkk ,sfgd nks izdkj dk lkfgR; feyrk gS tks izca/k] eqDrd] jklks] Qkx] pfjr] lqHkkf‛kr vkfn fofo/k dkO;:iksa esa vfHkO;aftr gSaA e/;dkyhu lkfgR; dh i`‛BHkwfe ds :i esa bls izfr‛Bkfir fd;k tkrk gSA e/;dkyhu dkO; esa HkfDrdkO; tgkWaa yksdtkxj.k dks Loj nsusokyk gS] ogha jhfrdky vius ykSfdd&J`axkfjd ifjn`’; esa rRdkyhu lkekftd] lkaLd`frd] jktuhfrd fLFkfr;ksa dks csykSl vfHkO;aftr djrk gSA vr% Hkk‛kk] laLd‘fr] fopkj] ekuork] dkO;Ro] dkO;:irk] ykSfddrk] ikjykSfddrk vkfn n`f‛V;ksa ls bldk v/;;u vR;ko’;d gSA fuEukafdr ikaWp dfo;ksa dk p;u fd;k x;k gS ftu ij O;k[;kRed rFkk vkykspukRed iz’u iwNs tk,axsaA 1- dchj & 50 lkf[k;kWa 2- lwj & 25 in 3- rqylh & 25 Nan 4- fcgkjh &50 nksgs 5- ?kukuUn & 25 Nan fuEufyf[kr dfo;ksa ij y?kqRrjh; iz’u iwNs tk,asxsaA 1- vehj [kqljks 2- jl[kku 3- inekdj vad foHkktu 3 O;k[;k,W % 30 izfr’kr 2vkykspukRed iz’u % 30 izfr’kr 5 y?kqRrjh; iz’u % 20 izfr’kr 20 oLrqfu‛B@vfr y?kqRrjh; % 20 izfr’kr Syllabus – B.A. I School of Studies in Distance Education, Jiwaji University, Gwalior 7 ch-,- izFke o"kZ fgUnh dFkk lkfgR; iz’u i= & f}rh; Theory M.M. – 60 Assignment M.M. - 15 izLrkouk x| dh izeq[k fo/kkvksa dk bruk nzqr fodkl budh yksdfiz;rk dk izek.k izLrqr djrk gSA buesa vk/kqfud thou viuh fofo/k Nfo;ksa ds lkFk ;FkkFkZ :i esa vfFkO;aftr gqvk gSA thou dh vuqHkwfr;ksa] laosnukvksa rFkk fofo/k ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds lk{kkRdkj ds fy, budk v/;;u loZFkk visf{kr gSA O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed iz’uksads fy, miU;klksa esa ls fdlh ,d miU;kl dk fu/kkZj.k fd;k x;k gSA miU;kl xcu % izsepUn vFkok >kWalh dh jkuh ¼laf{kIr laLdj.k½ % o`Unkouyky oekZ dgkuhdkj dgkuh 1- t;’kadj iqjLdkj 2- izsepUn dQu 3- ;’kiky ijnk 4- deys’koj jktk fujcafl;k 5- Q.kh’ojukFk js.kq rhljh dle mQZ ekjs x;s xqyQke 6- Hkh‛e lkguh phQ dh nkor 7- eksgu jkds’k eycs dk ekfyd 8- vejdkar nksigj dk Hkkstu fuEufyf[kr dFkkdkjksa esa ls y/kqRrjh; iz’u iwNs tk;saxsA 1- lqn’kZu 2- ekdZ.Ms; 3- jkth lsB vad foHkktu%& 3 O;k[;k,Wa % 30 izfr’kr vad 2 vkykspukRed % 30 izfr’kr vad 5 y?kqRrjh; iz’u % 20 izfr’kr vad 20 oLrqfu‛B@vfr y?kqRrjh;iz’u % 20 izfr’kr vad Syllabus – B.A.
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