J. -C. Jousset, Fontenay-aux-RosesG. Rasigni, Marseille Individual Ordinary Members A. Kekeh, Lome M. Redoute, St Maur A.S. Keverling Buisman, Groningen R. Reich, Chatenay-Malabry The following have been accepted M. Kleman, Orsay P. Ribon, Bures-sur-Yvette as Individual Ordinary Members : K.-T. Knöpfle, Grosssachsen Y. Rihet, Alger B. K.S. Koene, Upton P. Ring, Garching C. Alderliesten, Jülich F. Delpech, Limours J.E. Koops, Utrecht J. Robieux, Marcoussis K. Allaart, Amsterdam Ch. De Novion, Fontenay-aux-Roses P. Kopec, Paris M. Roche, Dijon G. Allais, Caen M.J.A. de Voigt, Uithuizermeeden A. Kovacs, Strasbourg M. Rodot, Meudon M. Allioz-Lucaz, Lyon H. de Vries, Bussum A. Kuhn, Paris C. Rolfs, Münster P. Alwardt, Hamburg H.F. de Vries, Nieuwegein J. Kuzminski, Katowice M. Roth, Grenoble J. Amiel, Paris H. de Waard, Groningen J. Labbé, Paris C. Roulet, Orsay G. Amsel, Paris P.K.A. de Witt Huberts, Amsterdam J.-P. Lafon, Meudon S. Sahal, Meudon J.-J. André, Strasbourg G. H.F. Diercksen, Munich A. Lande, Groningen J. Salmon, Paris P. Armbruster, Darmstadt M. Dixmier, Aix-en-Provence P. Lavallard, Sceaux E.J. Samuelsen, Trondheim A. Ascoli, Milan J. Duboc, Paris D. Lecler, Caen E.A. Sanderson, Brighton L. Avan, Clermont-Ferrand R. Duchon, Ste Foy lès Lyon M. Leneke, Bonn R. Santo, Münster R. Bacis, Ecully E.H. du Marchie van Voorthuysen, R. Lennuier. Paris A. Sarazin, Villeurbanne Ch. Becle, St-Nazaire Midwolde P. Lesbats, St-Etienne N. Saunier, Meudon-la-Forêt C. Benoît-à-la Guillaume, Soisy A. Dupas, Gif-sur-Yvette J. -C. Lestrade, Avon M. Schlenker, St-Ismier D. Berényi, Debrecen J. Dupont-Roc, Paris D. Levesque, Orsay A. Schmitt, St-Paul-les Durance R. Bergère, Bures-sur-Yvette H. Durand, Limeil-Brevannes R. Lévy-Mandel, Prévessin L. Sekolec, Meyrin E. Berthier, Paris P. Durandeau, Toulouse K.H. Lindenberger, Berlin R. Seltz, Strasbourg B. D. Bhattacharyya, Calcutta R.J. Elsenaar, Utrecht J.-P. Lowis, St-Chamond E. Selzer, Paris J. Bisplinghoff, Meckenheim-Merl P. Encrenaz, Gif-sur-Yvette K.H. Maier, Berlin Y. Servant, Talence A. Blanc, Gif-sur-Yvette G.A.P. Engelbertink, Amersfoort J. Maldy, Wissous P. Servoz-Gavin, St Martin S. Bliman, Grenoble J.-L. Escudie, Igny S. A. Martin, Jülich G. Setti, Bologna G.J.F. Blommestijn, Amstelveen C. Etievant, Versailles R. Marx, Orsay R.H. Siemssen, Haren D. Blum, Boulogne H. Fagot, Saint-Louis L. Massonnet, Clamart Ph.B. Smith, Groningen A. Bockisch, Cologne Y. Farge, Palaiseau V. Mastrangelo, Paris P. Soleil let, Paris P. Bonnet, Le Barp R. Floux, Brévannes K. Matho, Sassenage Y. Soulet, Castanet-Tolosan G. Bordure, Montpellier J. Fornazero, Ecully C. U. Mayer-Böricke, Jülich D. Spaargaren, Bussum K. Bos, Amsterdam A.G. Galonsky, Jülich A. Melander, Stockholm R. Spanhoff, Groningen D. Breton, Montrouge E. Ganssauge, Wedel M. Mermaz, Gif-sur-Yvette M. Stamm, Bad Vilbel M. Briand, Antony L. Gaudart, Marseille G. Metzger, Kingersheim F. Stecher-Rasmussen, Bergen P. Brissonneau, Grenoble A. Gauvenet, Bourg-la-Reine V. Meyer, Zurich E. Steffens, Weinheim J. Brochard, Paris B. Geoffrion, Paris R. Michel, Cologne G. Stora, Ville d’Avray G. Bruge, Orsay R. George, Cressely Magny H. Morgenstern, Berlin F. Teissier Du Cros, Paris V. Buch-Andersen, Versailles A. Gervat, Les Clayes-sous-Bois G. Munschy, Strasbourg G. A. Timmer, Amersfoort J. Cabe, Talaut A. Gonçalves, Paris W. Neumann, Münster A. Toureille, Montpellier C. Camy-Peyret, Paris J. Granier, Paris W. Niehaus, Bonn Tran Minh Duc, Villeurbanne C. Carabatos, Metz J.M. Greben, Groningen Th. Niemeijer, Vleuten T. J. Trenn, Regensburg D. Cartianu, Bucharest J.-L. Greffe, Nancy H. Nifenecker, Chilly Mazarin J.-P. Ulmet, Corronsac J. Castor, Aubière W.A.E. Greiner, Frankfurt/M. G. Nouchy, Talence E. van der Voort, Ispra J. Cessac, Versailles M. Grosmann, Strasbourg W. J. Ockels, Pieterzijl S. Y. van der Werf, Roden Y. Chabre, Grenoble E. Groubert, Montpellier M. Odier, Amiens A. van der Woude, Haren G. Champier, Nancy Ch. Guillaud, Meudon R Omnes, Meudon M. Vandevyver, Châtenay-Malabry J. Chanu, Paris L. Guyot, Conflans J. Oms, Rome R. van Wageningen, Amsterdam A. Chappert, Paris J. Haissinski, Orsay M.O. Ottosson, Strasbourg L. Vareille, Amiens M. Chevreton, Lyon R. Hall, Paris J. Parain, Chatenay-Malabry P. Vasseur, Massy J.-P. Coffin, Strasbourg B. Harvey, Berkeley J. Pascale, Gif-sur-Yvette R Vautier, Sceaux R. Cohen, Paris H. Hebach, Witten-Herbede M. Pautrat, Orsay A.-M. Vergnoux, Limoges A. Colomb, Morges A.C. Heemskerk, Groningen J. -C. Pebay-Peyroula, Grenoble B.J. Verhaar, Son H.-A. Combet, Lannion N. Heidmann, Neuilly K.A. Penson, Berlin A. Vermeer, Houten F. Combet-Farnoux, Orsay V.O.G. Heil, Darmstadt J. Peretti, Ispra J. Villain, St Egreve R. Condamines, Châtillon K. Heinloth, Odendorf A. Perrin, Gradignan P. von Brentano, Cologne M. Cordier, Paris J. A.J. Hermans, Utrecht E. Petelski, Stockholm H. von Rechenberg, Giessen A Coret, Strasbourg K.L.G. Heyde, Gent A. Pilon, St-Cloud F. Walther, Berlin D. Cribier, Sceaux M.G. Huber, Erlangen P. Pluvinage, Besançon R.J. Wedemeyer, Bonn L. Dagens, Paris J. Hue, St-Max B. Pope, Geneva A. Weiguny, Münster G. Dalmay-Imelik, Villeurbanne J.-C. Jacmart, Orsay J.-C. Portai, Toulouse E. Weislinger, Villers-les-Nancy H. Danan, Strasbourg A. Jaegle, Mulhouse G. Pouvesle, Paris D.R. Wiff, Dayton P.K.A. David, Bonn P. Jahn, Jülich H.G. Priesmayer, Geesthacht M Williams, Orsay J. Dayantis, Strasbourg M. Jessel, Marseille P. Prugne, Orsay H. Wohlfarth, Darmstadt J. de Boer, Heerhugowaard J. Joffrin, Bures-sur-Yvette D. Quemada, Sonchamp F. Wuilleumier, Colombes P.P.J. Delheij, Alkmaar F. Joly, Talence D. Raoul, Angers J. Yvon, Paris Evidence for Charm with propane; the Fermilab experiment The most attractive explanation of The number of candidates following in their 14-foot chamber filled with a the decay pattern is that the second the expected behaviour pattern of hydrogen-neon mixture. lepton and the strange particle have charmed particles had by January The particle reactions that have come from the decay of a charmed climbed into double figures. Before created this latest excitement in the particle, the existence of which was the New Year, CERN had announced high energy physics field are of the postulated some two years ago. These the identification of three such events type where a neutrino interacts with a results arriving so rapidly after the and the Fermilab in the USA has now nucleon and, in addition to giving the discovery towards the end of 1974 of brought its score up to eight. The usual muon and mesons, produces the long-lived family of heavy particles CERN experiment was performed by also another lepton as well as a neu­ — the J-psi series — gives a strong a team of physicists from seven Eu­ tral strange particle (detected by its boost to the theory that four quarks, ropean laboratories in the heavy liquid subsequent decay into two charged not three, form the basic building bubble chamber, Gargamelle, filled particles). bricks of matter. 11.
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