PAGET *!WENTY-E!IGHT v : ^ '0 A'--- 'V :^-V \ : ■ 'vv FIIIDAY, MAY 1, 1970 • ■ •• •• • Hanrljwtpr lEftSning iltraUi ATwngfe n tM j Net Frees Ron, target butt was acnoes the field • For IM/WeeklMaed About Town a*)^ swomip to tjio norihonat kt \7omment Session Shriners Form April 11, ipie The Weather M«ne*ie«ter Chapter, DAV, the bottom of he hill where the Partly aunny, brMqr, warm and tta ladies avixlUary con­ old Nlkp B ite was .later. The, Manchester Board of Marching Unit - Ydu ARE today, highest in the u|>per TOa duct a Ungo, tonight at 7 ut The Natiijonar Guard then used Directors,, on Tuesday, will 15,948 % and low 80s. Ctoudy, nUid t6- Rocky M il • Vetemna Hoapltal. the SpringCUald 46/70/800 breech conduct another of ,Us semi­ Oifiar Shrine Qub la forming INVITED mght, ohanoe ot shoWers. Low monthly comment^ sessions, in tlM BOi. loader. They used mefaUJc car­ a new marching unit, and It Manchener>^-^k^lty of Village Charm Tilwao who wish to donate or now In their fourth year.' It tridge cases which made fino will make its first appearance TO SEE A loan coatumes Aw the Manches­ Uttie cannons if a fuse hole Waa will be from 9 to 11 a.m.. In VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 181 the basement Conference on Saturday, June 6, at the (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—TABLOID) ter Mgh School production of driven through near the head. MANCHESTER,\CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1970 (Classified Advertising on Pags U ) “ MSiMc Mian” on Hay 14, is and Srf a board was shaped hke a Room of the Municipal Spring Ceaenyuilal of Sphinx BLENDER PRICE TEN CBNTB Iff may call the Manchester ship with several of those Httlo Building. V Temple at Meridm. High School musdo office tp dODGriATI^S CKumotiB under staples. The long The public hearings ere have the costumes picked up. The unit will consist of a color DEMONSTRATION Hackmatack St. took Its name ep twigs, then return later to fuses that held 'Hreorackor held on the first Tuesday gudrd, Omar’s Jeeps, add Omar They should be slndlar to the from the tree#' that th^ndiiui.s pocks ^together, were expected and third Tliursday of each clothea worn in 1910 in an Iowa feast on tlie sweet idcles.' Back Nobles wearing red shirts.: Bari K ite Quite use<i for their dugour canoes. of one lioasc (Al Taylor’s, O.C.- to girve Umo enough for safety. montl^. They are for those Petersen is captain of the color TODAY AnN aT. may K * farm town.' town residents who wish to They arc also knowri as Tama­ thinks) was a slaughter house. Tihe launching took place in guard, and Ian Wright Is the High-Strung" Roger’s Pond Just east of Pnos- file suggestions or com­ St. Mary's Elpi^opal Church rack (probably alto an Indian Happy was the |nd who got lieutenant of the marching unit. / IN OUl name) and They, grew pect St By the time the lost plaints on any subject in the LONDON fAP) — PoUoe U.S. Troops, Allies Overrun there at the right time to got will have a service Holy Com- fuse was lit the first was ready board’s Jurisdiction. A complete, eet of flags. In­ mundon tonight at 7.‘ straight and \y^e easily d'(ig out an animals bladder. Inflated by cluding a newly designed Omar ] [h o usew ares DEPT. sped to Hampaibeiad Heath by fire-charting and scraping iiihg-power and lied off, it made to let go and cannons began to . when an airplane pilot com­ kick back from the staples and flag, will be presented to the Qnade 7 and 8 Methodjsl with s h a ^ edgisd stone chips. a fine football. After it got dry I Dome and meet the Home Biconomlst ing-In to land lot Heathrow whiiz In all dlrpeUons, Hie very large pit at the eaat end club at the annual Ladles-Dlvan | Airport reported a kite fly- /Youth Fellowship of South Farther south was the' Wat­ lUid brittle, it was liable to pop Night dlnner-donce on Friday, consultant for O-E who wUI demonstrote kins ^oipeMead' before Ernest naval strategists ran for the of Wells St., in the woods near (3-E liable appUanoes and show how «aay Ing at 2,000 fert. ' muted Methodist Church will If a serimmnge ended up on top trees. Spruce St There was no power May 16, at Ellington Rt^:e meet tonight at ?:30. oh^Clarfence Watkins built their of it. Then It didn’t smell so Country Club. William Fbrbes,] and efftdei^ly 'they operate—with won-' Olttceni found a l4-y«ar Base Ca f^ne mansions to north of it. good. When that rtfle range was dn equipment for loading, hauUng , derful resists! If you’re shopping for oW boy flyfiig a kite made use, Oo. G hod a captain namied or spreading road materiaJ. It past president, was chairman | . The Grade 7 Yoiith Instruc- • / Then came- Dwight Bidwell’s The. hill before reaching Line , of the flag. fund. Sable apptonped, for gifts or for y w i from 'a square aUk-soarf end tlon Class of Zion EvnngeU«d h»>me down on the north side / Keeney. Later his son held the was shoveled by hand into one own -use you owe It to yourself to ettached to 2,000 fort of St. wius known ns Tracy’s Hill ofSHtoe. Hie fellows used to sdnig: In order to the new] Lutheran Church wiU m eet to- of the Globe Hpl^dw brook. It dr two horse dump carts then this 'ttitec^eatdng deihdHsitnaUan string. SAIGON (A P)—^Pow«r-. because a family of that name “Old Oap Keeney and Young dumped in piles and spread by marching unit ofganlsed, the of­ . morrow at 9.30 n.m. at the stood lower t h ^ the present lived in the house under the ful U.S. and South Vietna­ church. ■ ' < highway which dipped quite ^Pu Keeney, Old Cap Keeney’s hand. Where dumped, the gravel ficers have called for a meet-1 south side of the hill and west son, Young Oap Keeney wtU pe was compacted more than be­ ing next Tuesday night at 7:80 mese forces began over­ steeply to cross on a wooden side of the road. Later Rich­ running base campa in Sunset Rebekah Lodgt> will bridge. Old Cap Keeney when OM Cap tween piles where It was 'thrown at the Washington Social Club. monds lived there. Some called Keeney’s done.” Cambodia today, seizing meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Going south, lliere were sev­ so after Itraffic had been using Any Omar member who desires G>nspiracy It Piney Hill. Few pines on It. There was not a concrete, It for a while the ndad was very to become a member of the huge stores of rice and Fellows Hall. Mrs. Minnie Bliv- eral farm houses with large old .The mtliitary rifle range used 1101 en and Mrs. Florence Chapman sugar maples. Early In the black top or macadam road In wavy. John Digny was the town unit Is Invited to attend. Details thrusting to within s trik ­ by Op. G had lits firing , Ittwy. at town. If a road had anything are In ci*uig« of refreshments. spring when sap started to flow road forieman and S. Main St. will be announced for the part Charged Qb ing distance of a town held the bate trf the steep lOl belbw added to, form a hard surface we would Jump up to break low- was known as "John/-Digny’s the unit wUl play in the Meriden STREET DOWNTOWN MANCHES1 by the enemy. where a ^^If tee is now. The it iWBs gravel, usually from a Ocean.” parade. - On« bunker complex ymm hid­ Manehei*er Garden Club will X have Itp, annual meeting Man- F ill Planes den under form land and boo- day at 8 p m. dn the Robbdns tolned BCOTM of rooms with Rnoim of Center Cangregentional FORTH WORTH, Tex. (AP) large rice stores. At iMkrt thMS ^CSxurch. The meeting was orig- — Seven inen have bee« Indict­ other battsUon-sliad Im m . camps freshly evacuated w«i« laoUy schedided for May U. ed by a federal grand Jury on Mira. Walter FrederlokBan and uncovered. Troops were gip charges that they coiwplred to sesirchlng for oavems seveiMito- MItb. Anton IntawlG will ounduct ■■ § pans defective parts for the con­ ries deep and two undst|tound a hortibultumJ discounse. Theffa will also be a dteplay of mem­ troversial F ill fighter plane. hospttols contoinliig l^lkn bods. bers’ minleture anrangements. fhere was no mention In the Despite the UJ).' ComnuunVs C i i l d o l Youth is moved away from scene o f disturbance at 20-count Indictment of an F ill estimate of 7fi6b NOrtto Vist- crash which killed two crewmen nemese and Viet Corig troops In Hartford County Federatiion of C h a r g e / . ^ L w / - ^ - V , New Haven Green protest rally. (AP Photofax) Demaoraltlc Women's d u b s wlU last Dec, 22 near Las Vegas, the base there appeared to NeV, nor the subs^uent be .Mttle evidence of on enemy ^xWBor a card pairty Monday at i t ! Find the Perfect Gift and Save! Remember Mother’s Day, May 10th. troop buUdigi. H ie area, known 8 p.m. at The Hedlgies, KfantAnd grounding of more than 220 of In New Haven the planes delivered to the Air as the , FieMtook beMUM of Rd., New BrStoln.
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