Quantified Middle Jurassic to Paleocene eustatic variations based on Russian Platform stratigraphy: Stage level resolution DORK SAHAGIAN Department of Geological Sciences and Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 MICHELLE JONES Department of Geological Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 ABSTRACT With regard to the first problem, we define eustasy as the relation between the volumes of the ocean basins and total ocean water. A We have constructed a eustatic sea-level curve based on the stra- change in this relationship would affect all ocean-continental bound- tigraphy of the tectonically stable Russian Platform. Sea-level variations aries (shorelines) equally, and be modulated by local epeirogenic and measured against this reference frame were chosen as reliably repre- other tectonic activity. The second problem is more complicated, not senting the long-term relation of global ocean-basin volume and ocean- being subject to simple definition, but is an outgrowth of the first and water volume. In constructing the curve, we bacfcstripped stratigraphic is the primary concern of this paper. Stratigraphic successions evolve data from numerous wells distributed across the Russian Platform and in response to relative sea-level change, a function of both eustasy and then used the present elevation of various stratigraphic horizons to tie the tectonics (Posamentier and others, 1988), and so the stratigraphic resulting curve to present sea level. Most strata observed represent very record can be used to measure sea level. If tectonic events are insig- shallow water deposition (<25 m), and so we were able to estimate nificant, then relative sea-level events will be caused solely by eustatic water-depth variations more reliably than would have been possible in events. Consequently, stratigraphy on demonstrably stable platform a deep-water environment. The stratigraphy of the Russian Platform is areas should provide a reliable indication of eustatic change. riddled with unconformities. This is a result of the ability of even minor Lithofacies distributions in clastic environments (particularly eustatic fluctuations to cause sea level to drop off the platform. These grain size) are controlled largely by the distance of sites of sediment unconformities are important in accurately fixing sea level (0 water deposition from terrestrial sediment sources. One way to observe depth) at various times throughout the late Mesozoic-eariiest Tertiary. sea-level changes is through their effect on sedimentation patterns The eustatic curve resulting from this study indicates that sea level rose along continental margins (Jervey, 1988; Posamentier and others, by 120 m from the mid-Jurassic (60 m above present) to the mid-Cre- 1988; Posamentier and Vail, 1988). This relationship is affected by sea taceous (180 m above present) and remained at about that level until the level according to the hypsometiy of the relevant continental margin, Tertiary, when it began to drop. The long-term rise was not uniform, which also affects the areal distribution of water depth. In marginal but spasmodic, with many shorter-term eustatic rises and falls. These environments, however, it is difficult to quantify the epeirogenic ac- events had magnitudes of tens of meters over timescales of 1 to 5 m.y. tivity at the level of precision necessary to distinguish tectonic from The causative mechanism for these variations is not clear. The eustatic eustatic controls on facies distributions and depositional sequences. curve resulting from this study can be applied to subsiding basins and Consequently, in order to measure eustasy, it is useful to find a ref- passive margins in order to quantify subsidence history. erence frame such as a stable platform against which stratigraphic and other eustatic signals will accurately reflect the relative volumes of INTRODUCTION ocean water and basins, rather than local tectonic or epeirogenic processes. Many authors noticed long ago (Davis 1896; Johnson, 1919; Bal- Stable continental regions can be found on the basis of flat-lying chin, 1937; Miller, 1939) that sea level has not been invariant and otherwise undeformed strata in North America (Sloan, 1964; throughout Earth history. Long-term sea-level changes (>1 m.y.) Sleep, 1976; Merewether, 1983; Sahagian, 1987), Africa (Sahagian, have been observed qualitatively through their effect on the deposi- 1988), and the Russian Platform (Aleinikov and others, 1980; Sa- tional patterns and shoreline processes of marine fades. The quanti- hagian, 1989). The North American and African regions are limited in fication of sea-level variations, however, has been hampered by two their stratigraphic range, including only some Upper Cretaceous de- fundamental problems (Sahagian and Holland, 1991). The first is a posits. The Russian Platform, however (Fig. 1), owing to its elevation classically unclear definition of the term "sea level," making it difficult in the Mesozoic, has preserved shallow-water deposits ranging in age to choose an actual quantity to measure. The second is inaccuracy in from Middle Jurassic through Upper Cretaceous, and even includes measurement methods which are based on depositional and other Paleogene sediments in one area. It is thus much more useful for consequences of sea-level changes as observed in various tectonic constructing a truly eustatic sea-level curve than are the other con- environments. tinental regions. It is also more reliable, including a larger stable area Data Repository item 9319 contains additional material related to this article. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 105, p. 1109-1118, 5 figs., 1 table, August 1993. 1109 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/105/8/1109/3381872/i0016-7606-105-8-1109.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 SAHAGIAN JSTD JONES as defined by the preserved sediments (Sahagian, 1989; Sahagian and the absence of thick coarse terrigenous sediments. Besides the im- Holland, 1991). This is contrary to the interpretation of some Russian plication that such deep water would require (nonglacial) sea-level investigators who have assumed that all transgressions and regres- changes at possibly unreasonable rates (tens of m/m.y.), the uniform- sions as well as associated facies variations were caused by uplift and ity of sediment thicknesses across the Russian Platform (regardless of subsidence and that by implication, sea level has remained constant lithology or proximity to clastic sources) suggests that deposition was throughout the Mesozoic-Cenozoic (Nalivkin, 1976; Aleinikov and not occurring very far below base level. This is in contrast to results others, 1980). Some have also used present outcrop extent as the full of preliminary analyses of adjacent subsiding basins, where there are region of deposition (Vinogradov, 1968) and have constructed hyp- large variations in thickness, associated with lithology, and interpreted sometric curves on that basis to account for tectonic history, not as lateral variations in (relatively great) water depth. accounting for erosion of the very thin platform sediments. The sea-level curve resulting from the present work has been Although the flat and undeformed nature of the Russian Platform obtained by two complementary approaches (Sahagian and Holland, suggests relative stability, it does not necessarily preclude the possi- 1991). The first is based on the effect of sea-level changes on depo- bility of changes in low-order residual dynamic topographic support sition, and involves backstripping of sediments to quantify the change of continents relative to oceans (Gurnis, 1991). Estimates of plate- in sea level from one stratigraphic unit to the next. This provides a motion histories (Davis and Solomon, 1981; Gordon and Jurdy, 1986) sea-level curve that is internally consistent and is calibrated and changes in dynamic topography, however, suggest that the Rus- throughout the time represented by preserved sediments, but not sian Platform has not moved significantly with respect to the dynamic beyond. In order to relate the sea-level curve obtained for this time topography (Gurnis, 1991,1992) and that the dynamic topography has interval to present sea level, it is necessary to measure the present not significantly changed since the Jurassic (M. Gurnis, 1993, personal elevation (with respect to present sea level) of various stratigraphic commun.). If, in the future, more refined data and models suggest horizons. This is the second approach which provides a zero on the otherwise, the Russian Platform results will have to be corrected for sea-level elevation scale. this in order to represent the relative volumes of ocean basins and ocean water. STRATIGRAPHIC DATA Eustatic curves which have been compiled in the past (Hallam, 1984, 1991; Haq and others, 1988; Harrison, 1988, 1990) have relied Mesozoic strata are widely distributed on the Russian Platform. on methods of calculating tectonic activity (usually subsidence) in Figure 1 shows some of the wells on the Russian Platform (and ad- order to separate tectonic and eustatic signals reflected in stratigraphic jacent basins) which encounter Mesozoic strata. Preserved strata sequences or paleohypsometric profiles (Greenlee and Moore, 1988). range in age from mid-Jurassic through Upper Cretaceous. In the The errors inherent in these calculations of passive margin tectonic Penza region, they extend into the Paleogene. The younger strata are (thermal) subsidence
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