3038 CONQRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE-, HOUSE. FEBRUARY 9, War Department pay to soldiers, sailors, and marines their By 1\Ir. SMITH of Idaho: Petition of Pocntellu Council, military wages for six months after their discharge from Knights of Columbus, urging enactment of House joint resolu-­ sen ·ice; to the Committee on Military Affairs. tion 357, favoring independence of Ireland; to the Committee on Also, . petition of New England Nurserymen's Association, Foreign Affairs. protesting against quarantine order No. 37 as unwise, unneces­ Also, petition of Rotary Club, Boise, Idaho, urgi:lg enactment sary, and l1armful to n'urserymen and purchasers; to the Com­ of legislation providing for removal of illite1·ncy and Americani­ mittee on Agriculture. zation of foreigners; to the Committee on Education. By Mr. E SCH: Petition of the Merchants' Association of New Also, petition of Interstate Realty Association, Portland, Oreg., York, relative to' the restoration of railroads by the Government urging the abandonment of tbe construction of houses for war to their original owners ; to the Committee on Interstate and workers and providing for their sale; to the Committee on Mili- Jj'oreign Commerce. tary Affairs. - By Mr. BENJAMIN L. FAIRCHILD: Petition of trustees of By Mr. THOl\lAS F. SMITH: Petition of citizens of Kew York J\.ferchants' Association of Yonkers Chamber of Commerce, City, protesting against postal zone rates ; to the Committee on Yonkers, N .. Y., in re Federal control and operation of tele­ 'Vays and l\feans. phone and telegraph lines; to the Committee on Interstate and Also, petition of citizen of New York City, urging n<loption Foreign Commerce. of the Gallagher resolution on the Irish question ; to the om­ By Mr. FULLER of Illinois: Petition of J. W. Browning, mittee on Foreign Affairs. superintendent of schools, and teachers of high school, Belvi­ lly J\'Ir. SNELL: Petition of l\fnry E. Oro by, l\Iary C. Attoe. dere, Til., for repeal of the ·postal-zone law; to the Committee Gladys Andrews, Pearl Geandrew, Muriel King, Emma Acker­ on Ways and Means. man, all of Ogdensburg, N. Y., for repeal of the postal zon rate By Mr. HAMILTON of New York: Petition of sundry citizens bill; to the Committee on 'Vays and 1\feans. of Olean, N. Y .. , favoring Government ownership of railroads; Also, petition of Frank Burrel, of Hawkeye, un<l l\Irs. Mabel to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Affairs. Deman;l\frs. Eliza Barnett, H. E. Bak~r, l\Irs: George· A. Tellier, By l\Ir. HOLLINGSWORTH : Memorial of Publishers' Ad­ Miss Lydia Baker, 1\Irs. H. l\1. Kelly, 1\frs. Benjamin Dodge, all visory Board, New York, and 489 citizens of eighteenth con­ of Ausable Forks, and all in the State of New York, for repeal of gressional district of Ohio, asking for repeal of postal zone -the postal zone rate bill; to the Committee on Ways and Means. system; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. SNOOK: Petition of Van Wert Lodge, No. 667, of By Mr. LONERGAN: Petition of certain citizens of Hartford International As ociation of MacJ1inist ·,. fa vorin~ the pas. age of County, Conn., relating to the postal zone law; to the Commit­ House bill 105 ~0; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign tee on Ways and Means. Commerce. Also, petition of certain citizens of Hartford County, Conn., By 1\lr. S~YDER: Petition of 24 residents of Littl~ l!'alls relating to luxury tax; to the Committee on Ways and Means. N. Y., favoring Government ownership of railways; tQ the- Com­ Bv Mr. LUNDEEN: Petition of Minnesota State Horticultural mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Society, of Minneapolis, Minn., protesting against the enforce­ By l\fr. \V ASON: Concurrent resolution of the New Hamp­ ment of quarantine order No. 37, made by the Federal· Horti­ shire Legislature, requesting the New Hampshire delegation to culture Board; to the Committee on Agriculture. Congress to use their influence with the Government, first, to A1. o, petition of Minnesota Independent Telephone Associa­ pay our private . oldiers and noncommissioned offi cers promptly; tion, 922 McKnight Building, Minneapolis, Minn., asking for the and, second, to give every private soldier, noncommissioned offi­ return o all telephone properties not later than December 31, cer, and sailor at the time of his honorable discharge the sum of 1920; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. $200; to the Corumittee on Military Affairs. Also, petition of Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America, By 1\Ir. WATSO);· of Pennsylvania: Petition of lv·ashington Local No. 8, Minneapolis, Minn., protesting against the new rate Camp, No. 631, Patriotic Order Sons of America of PennsylYnnia, of compensation for telegraph employees, which is a cut in favoring. a law· prohibiting all immigration fot· a periqd ·of not wages instead of an increase; to the Committee on Labor. le s than four years; to the Committee on Inuuigmtion unll Also, petition of Building Trades ~ Council of St. Paul, Minn., Naturalization. declaring in favor of Government ownership of railroads; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. AI ·o, petition of Federation of, Labor .No. 16045, Findlay, Ohio, SENATE. recpiesting that all armed troops be withdrawn from Russian SlTh"DAY, Februm·y 9, 1919. t eJTitory; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. _-\1 ·o, petition of Central Supply Co., l\llnneapolis, Minn., pro­ (Legislatil:e day of Friday, Feb1'uar11 I, J!Jt!J.) testing against sections 1409 to 1416 of the 1919 revenue bill; to The Senate-reassembled at 2 o'clock and 45 minutes v. 1~1. , ou the Committee on Ways and Means. the expiration of the recess_ B y M1·. JOHi'l M. NELSON: Petition of citizens of the State MEMORIAL ADDRESS ON TIIEODORE ROOSE\"'I:l.T. of Wisconsin, urging Cpngress to enact into .law the bill (H. R. 10350) providing for National ownership anQ. Government op­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The . Senate wi II proceed to the eration of all railroads; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ Hall of the Honse of Representatives to participate in the joint eign Commerce. memorial services in honor of Theodore nooseyel t. The Senate, preceded by the Sergeant at Arm · and by the By l\Ir. POLK: Petition of Hilles & Jones Co., 'Vilmington, Vice President ancl the Secretary, proceeded to the Hall of the Del., favoring and commenting on House bill 15625, providing House of Representatives_ · for further educational facilities by requiring the War Depart­ After the conclusion of the uiemorial senices, tllc Senate re­ ment to loan certain machine tools not in use for Government turned to its Chamber, and the Vice President resnmP<l the purposes -to trade and technical schools and universities, and chair. · · for other purposes; to the Committee on Education. 1\Ir. MARTIN of Virginia. I move that the Senate atljou.-n By Mr. R~R: Petition of Estelle V. Krantz, David Atkins, until 12 o'clock meridian to-morrow. · 1\lrs. L. S. Capp, and Mrs. Dagmar Netendorff, all of San Fran: · The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock and r>O minutes ci co, Cal., requesting repeal of postal zone sy·stem; to the Com- p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, 1\fonday, February mittee on Ways and 1\feans. 1 ~~' 1919, at 12 o'clock meridian. Also, petition of sundry citizens of San Francisco, Cal., pro.­ testing against postal zone rates; to the· Committee on 'Vays and l\Ieans. By Mr. REED: Petition of the Chamber of Commerce of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Clarksburg, W.Va., and other citizens of said city, urging Con­ SuNDAY, February 9, 1919. gress to make an appropriation of $500,000 for securing a site and erecting a public building thereon adequate for the needs of The House met at 3 o'clock p. m. the post office, United States court, and other governmental JOINT SESSION OF THE SENATE A · o HOt;SE. offices in said city; to the Committee on Public Buildings and The Doorkeeper, 1\lr. Joseph J. Sinnott, announced­ Grounds. The Vice· President and the Senate. By 1\:Ir. RUCKER: Petition of Brotherhood of Railway Car­ The Chief of Staff and Major Generals of the Army, tbe Rear men of America, Lodge No. 64, Moberly, Mo., in reference to Admirals of the Navy, and the Adjutant and Inspector of the Government ownership of railroads; to. the· Committee on Inter­ Marine Corps. state and Foreign Commerce. The members of the President's Cabinet. B.r Mr. SABATH: Petition of sundry citizens of the State of The ex-President of the United States. Illinois, urging Congress to enact into law House bill 10550; to The honorable Chief Justice and Associate Ju~tices of the the Coi.nmittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. · Sopreme Court of the United States. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3039 rThe. nmb~ssadot·s, minister~ ·. u.nd charge~ -d'affaires of for­ wiJl be p:,lrt . of th,e record to which the historian will turn eign governments. when our living present bas become the past, of which it is his . The Chaplain of .the House of Representatives, H.ev. Henry N. duty to write. Thus is there a responsibility placed upon each Cpu den, D. · D., offered the following prayer: one of us who will clearly real~e that here, too~ is a duty to . Almighty l~'nther, whose infinite wisdom, power,·· and goodness posterity whom we would fain guide to the truth as we see it filld their way into the Il)ind and heart of man, inspiring the an4 to whose hands we commit our share in the history of our susceptible to great thoughts, heroic deeds, and splendid achieve­ be!oved country-that history so much of whlch was made under ments, such wen live, become leaders, their names gild the pages hls leadership.
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