University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe Gazette, 1852-1869 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-20-1861 Santa Fe Gazette, 04-20-1861 Hezekiah S. Johnson Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sf_gazette_news Recommended Citation Johnson, Hezekiah S.. "Santa Fe Gazette, 04-20-1861." (1861). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sf_gazette_news/19 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe Gazette, 1852-1869 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SAMA-F- E GAZETTE. VOLUME II. ' SANTA FJ2, NEW MEXICO, APRIL 20, 1861. NUMBER 50, (NEW SERIES. WSlOLLTIOXiOPcopARTSEHrTIIP. SANTA FE WEEKLY GAZETTE- - trict shall be entitled, shall bo declared hy the unless sooner removed hy tho President, and who ADVERTISEMENTS CopannernUlp htrelofon helwcun Jnhn Tn?. lllni governor to bo elected members of the hoiiso of shall receive same fee e.n.t snlany und Audre Hold ul hn on o ami the as the at- pait, John I. "iDUopwileul Tajlur of lh'dhir part, urnierthpiiama and ilyle of Jolin in ill tbiugit, Nulrl In nolhiuf." representatives: ProvitM, That In ea?o of a tie torney of tha United States for tho lilts Territory told k Taylor, by l NOTICE. wai mo tu non a t tliainlvi-- nn tti ae between two or more persons voted lor tlm gov- of Oregon. There shall also bo a m trslnl for the ond of March, A. 1. 1KB!. All rw. having claims a.mi agtinat JlllESK CULUSS, PIB1JSHI3I, va- U ernor shall order a new election, to supply tlio Territory appointed, who shall hold oflico "fffl'i uti'lorRlene having l,in Riipnint? by nonnrablfl luptnneiiimp, win preHPni tUfni to aM Jolin I, Tay.or, his for M. the h'uUic Court ol 'anla tV County, New Mexico. for ray maní, a ha Imintatiraol tba paynii'nt of tha ami cancy made by snch tie; and the Tiersons thus four years, unless sooner removed by tho timr, J0I1.1 T. tltlTOK. President Mor mi llie wlulc m J 0 Mrcsh iImmH, lit of the at! puriou in t. lo tfftid ürni, will asllia llio with ilia lll'ssm,, elected Mint to the legislative assembly null meet at and who slmll exit'iito all pPoceB?en issuing from f liy of .ft'itn Ke. ail' having qualifli- as aurti AilmlnlilTitor tkh Jwiia L. Tayloraiio. (1. such place and on such duviHtlio shall lili 1MU1Í.' N.U k .'iiLI NIIIS t!itMld U tail J. JOHN mi n, inverimr the auid courts when oxercisiog their jurisdiction Mrtmli U'ilc T ra, aiTiimiiV, JIfi.it! or tn Un Un nt J, i. Co., hy account AMtflW iinl.D, and íisi awiii. mi. appoint, but therenl'L'r"tlic thus plan;, atid'niannur us circuit and district courts of tha United mill their .states; oilie w't.Io i'ftini' iiirwnrtt Imimxllnttly wtllo tir JUUM TAVLUIl. L oi holding nnd conducting all eleclioiis by tliu peo- ho slmll duties, be et iWiU wtiiL'li initio only way to anvo flmK Ilio rih. llnrrh perform the subj to the same belli? fully aHilmrliH tn ni!l a'nl iwlH for nil n'irli ew.i, SIDSCRtPTIOIi ple, and the apportioning the rcpivsetitation in n'gnlntiuiw..iid penalties, and becntltlod to tho awl all ihvmiii!" havlnc rlaim ataln-- t raíale arc lurrl.y several ndrnnct Ivitboul exception. the counties or districts to the council am sum.' as the marslmll of tliB district court of to Hip ramo duly and roi)irly Puéblelo a.o uolilM iffM'nt tin "Liitwitf Will bar- In America, &fontjlMiflaliilittrlclronrl, house of tive nfvurdmg to t'ie popula- the the time ircsrrlli liv law nr tic unto be For om yi.Rr, , t 3 10 représenla United States for tho late Territory of Ore Territory of New Mi'xio. t'ouniy of Illo Arriba. .1 rel. MiiluKo New Mtisieo Miirrti J5lh. ISfll ' tion, shall be prt'scrilvd by law, as well tin tliu go;i. and dhall, in addition, be paid two hundred b47 01 J. U. tíiUiiJtiBY, Admin's fpptrmher Term, A. D, 1BH. I.Ü0 sepsiotw tiny of the conninjiiceiiient of the regular dollars aiiimalty as a compeiuatiou for ser- Francia A. Connlngh.ini, extra of the legislative assembly: Prorated, Tha! no vices. la Omnrery. Bill lo fora- NOTICE ffillínm J. Imvy, Richard one session shall exceni the term of forty days, ción Morljagt. Stic. 11. TO T1IE INI1 ABITA NT3 OF NEW MEXICO. (Meüs,ud (iuo. II. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. except the first, which nwy bo extcudud tú sixty Aodh'ii further enacted, That thn thHoaime. II nppearlnir W govern. r sorrelury. éhief justice, and assnci-a- t Ta Burwvw OVtwal of Xcw Mnlfn, hjr ant of IV tliaanthrictinnnf the Court, days, but no longer. thmwrorn Hill of tVirtipUlnnit, thU ths jiMtic.!. an, marshul, iniin-i- approved un'thu Ml July, ISM, ta reiiiiir.d lumabn a full re- IWn lant 5. shall bj n William Itavy w a ui t and No. 20. .Sit. Andhr.it r.na Pd, Tb.it mi all mich i'l.iinii u or urinated b.'foro the- msmn of tht lrrli'.rv, that Panic fnr'.h'r cil and, by ami li.w with tho advice and consent of Ínrl (tic United pIjiI hy the tmity of ifmi'lrJupa hi not hi'i'iinirv! wild iwiwm In Una r,ira.-- It In every free white malecitizsii of tho I'mini Stales to AX ACT to ti the Seeule. Mllt l.y4lm Court that fmbheatmn m in llir Ntnt Ye firnviiln temporary owrnment oppointtid by tlu IVsident of tha 'Huíalo, of 18M. limiUiift tbuv.ui.Hi Rradee of above the age of twenty-on- h:nv " iltf.ntr," n for years, who hall 'liisiluciKMJii llujreun, as tn tJiu validity ur Invalidity nf tmr.ti imblwl.cii latliocity nf mi-t- the Territory of Colorado. United StattH. The governor and secretary toba V. Mt'Xlrti, l"foM Willlnm J. IVivy, by been a resident of said 'Territory nt the time of of lite Min.)p under thfi luws, UMp', mi curtinis of apiMiinted tut nforsaid .shall, b W íx ciiiijw; itivti the hmi piiblinitiiin tn hn Ji hy 'fore they act a? s'lch Ihticriuniry btf.iiWl maion to the I'nitel state, And he jr;k, mn lf at xU'.naHei the Sena! and Humeo the uasiiure o this act. inrhiiliii:' those rerosnia- - I"ih1 tliirtv dtiyn hi'fdr tin (Irnt ur lh" of ively take an oath or l! alio l niftke a rowrt to all 1'neliloaM. ly next term Ui.a allirinutioii before tha hiviri Cmirt. nniiiyinirtlinniH IV!n'lunl''f tin m.'jf earn. Illimur (lie UlllCd nla't'H fit AmC- - ed as citizens by tho treaty with the Kcptiblic of Un' Tar rit.ry, show iii the ui-- and locality uf u'inti'iiry of this district jitdire or some justice of thu Wi'Hf ti ntiil peace in ths of ntmMtiiiiH in thn Suit, rmii'irlnii Mm to pkn i. unfwi'r, or lKiniir to aahl rirti in Cononm n'll Mexico February two. ei:)ileen hun tmliiR tll rmmlier nld hieliliHi awmlM. That that limit,-- oI'Miid u Hill, mi or lie il.ald.iv nf the nf iln.i 'IVrrit try duly nuthorized to admin. lwrtlvnt) atiiMlic natura ftf tlteir lilt.' tn the land. Nur.li tnit Cmrt part, of tliu territory of tha dred and and the treaty negotiated at alViurt tn h' in hel l, at th In in Vmln Statm indiuM oaths and Te i in lie made ufeonhng to tiio form wlikli oi iy be K'i" ih tli stlirniatiotis by the laws now iu n inly of ItlnArnha, o M"ii lny ur A. wittiin the followiui; limita. with tlio same country on the tlurfteth Our ol De hy Hip Mercury of tliu wbirti rtsurt nh ill April, l v: commi'iicinij on force therein, or before the chief justice lull, or IIlm d un w,ll li" ciinf.'Mil m or sorno acribad Cujigre for amh action tlinrm a may Tin n i him. An the thirty seventli pmlli'l of north liititi.lo. whcni cember, eighteen hundred and shall be Iwi liy 'iil of it U further diurnal Hint tun catiup iifisociute jnstico ut Supreme Court of tho Cuitad 'Maui ami ri'r, nib a lew tn cimllrm lama jidt rtk, entitled to vote ut thu ek't'tioii, lie chilli he dixmlni-'- tn i;il IWeniiaiits.lH'nrci U. th(.twratylirthmpriiliunoflon!tuJe from lri und shall dm. '"t '"'I ,,fl' W loftr.aty of 148, bulttucu ib :f Kt i, and nest States, to support the Constitution of the Cuitcd lln lucal riirwint;itivi'n oí Iticlmrd Uw m, wlthmit n WMhimrton crosses the elegible to any office within the paid Territory, cin mine, thenco north on S tules, aud tu t'ilh!n,niilh;itiip'uallnil liccti' hi'iiiR faithfully discharge the dull is of UnitJilh cws.witlborrqulreil In filo awn'Hm r:ilír.d acafnai mid meridian to the forty drat but tho qualilications of voters and of holding of- nut ut, Willi im Ivy, in Ml tint a Hvrr parallel of north their respective offices, which s.iid oaths, when I'liiiinJiii ' "í(ríi . omn of "i'rn'iit rWinant," limn nii., latitude; ihull bi nvilnM mil ji.'fi'nriii'iu, nnt tin? thenco nlons said parall d Brest Ihce at all subseouent elections ahull bo such as nnii iirUiiiK ,, 'urcof plaiin, wltclher inrlidític ur to the so taken, shall bo certified by tho person hy wlwm of Mid own, for tlm kiMi'mIuiii, of of 'druiliiiili'in.
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