St. Mary on the Hill Catholic Church Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord -- April 14, 2019 ORDAINED MINISTERS PARISH MISSION APRIL 14, 2019 HYMNS Fr. Mark Ross, Pastor St. Mary on the Hill Parish, a Catholic (QWUDQFH+\PQ Fr. Vernon Knight, Parochial Vicar community, is committed to caring for God’s Fr. Michael Hull people through stewardship. We are bound 2IIHUWRU\+\PQ Fr. David Arnoldt together by the Eucharist, directed by the Communion Hymn 1023 Deacon Jason Lanham Gospel teachings and the teachings of the 'LVPLVVDO+\PQ Deacon Ken Maleck Church, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and Deacon Donald McArdle Deacon Al Sullivan are committed to sharing in the ministry of CHURCH STAFF Deacon Tony Wagner Jesus Christ. As stewards, we will proclaim the Administrative Assistant Gospel, promote peace and justice, and use our MASSES Martha Kearns [email protected] Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm time, talents, and treasure Sunday 7:45 am, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, 5:30 pm to advance God’s Kingdom. Weekdays Monday through Friday 7:00 am Organist & Director of Music Andrew Barnick Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15 am [email protected] Wednesday Miraculous Medal Novena & Evening Mass 5:15 pm CCD Saturday Morning Mass 9:15 am Joan Purucker & Stephanie Ouellette RECONCILIATION [email protected] Saturdays 3:45 – 4:45 pm Mothers’ Day Out & Nursery ROSARY Gina Craw Monday 5:00 pm and Saturday 4:30 pm [email protected] PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR Senior Center Wednesday 6:00 pm Patty Lezotte SACRED HEART PERPETUAL [email protected] ADORATION CHAPEL 1210 Monte Sano Avenue Youth Ministry Available to all parishioners to spend time in the Michael & Missy Lammers presence of the Blessed Sacrament and is open Joanna Watwood [email protected] 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Secretaries BAPTISMS Mary Bowles Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays and Sundays. Karen Brooks Preparation classes are held usually each month. 3OHDVHFDOOWKHRI¿FHWRUHJLVWHU$QRI¿FLDOELUWK Finance FHUWL¿FDWHLVUHTXLUHG Dori Thorstad [email protected]. Rich Peritore WEDDINGS [email protected] Arrangements should be made at least four months in advance. Facilities Cris Edge NURSERY [email protected] Available at the 10:30 am and 12:15 pm Sunday Masses for ages 6 months to Pre-K4. A pre-school SCHOOLS religious program is offered during the 10:30 am St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School Mass for 3 and 4 year olds. www.stmaryssaints.org Laura Webster, Principal EMERGENCIES PARISH MEMBERSHIP &DOOWKH2I¿FH [email protected] $IWHU+RXUV Welcome new members! 3OHDVHVWRSE\WKHFKXUFKRI¿FH Aquinas High School ZZZDTXLQDVKLJKRUJ MINISTERIO CATOLICO HISPANO or call to register. Active parishioner status is determined by Misa en Español: Domingo 2:00 pm, Iglesia de Saint Maureen Lewis, Principal Teresa of Avila, 4921 Columbia Road, Grovetown, GA the following: You are registered with the POHZLV#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ Domingo 4:00 pm, Iglesia de Saint Joseph, parish; You attend Sunday Mass and Holy Tim Przybysz, Admissions Director 2607 Lumpkin Road, Augusta, GA Days regularly, You use parish envelopes WSU]\E\V]#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ weekly to indicate your mass attendance, Deadline for bulletin is COLUMBARIUM You have a Stewardship Commitment For more information, Monday at noon. Send information by email &DUGRQ¿OHHYHU\\HDUDQG<RXKRQRU [email protected], fax or phone. email [email protected] your pledges of time, talent, and treasure. 0RQWH6DQR$YHQXH$XJXVWD*$(PDLOVPRWK#NQRORJ\QHW:HEZZZVWPDU\RQWKHKLOORUJ 3DULVK2I¿FH )D[ +RXUV0RQGD\±7KXUVGD\$0±30)ULGD\$0±30 :HHNO\6FKHGXOH April 14, 2019 Sunday, April 14 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Is 50:4-7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14--23:56 DP )U5RVV Mass for the People; †Audrey Lavin NO CCD DP )U.QLJKW †David Alexander Youth Master’s Table Soup Kitchen 10:30 am Youth Choir Practice 4:00 pm C SP )U0DUNKDP †Joy Cooney; †Suwako Pulaski Men’s Basketball 5:30 - 7:00 pm G SP )U+HDO\ †Anka Potocnak; †Joe & jCarroll Kelly Most Rev. Bishop Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv / Ziemowit Janaszek & Eric McRoberts, Pre-Theology I* 0RQGD\$SULO Monday of Holy Week Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11 SMCS Closed Walking Aerobics 9:00 am PH 7:00 am MDO Closed Bridge 10:00 am SC Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Rosary & Miraculous Medal Novena 9:15 am †Tamara Cundey Dunstan & Beloved Son MDO 9:00 am - 2:30 pm SA 5:00 pm SJDC Rev. Paulinus Okpala & Rev. Michael Hull / Noah Pace, College III & Jared Miller, College II* 7XHVGD\$SULO Tuesday of Holy Week ,V-Q 7:00 am †Edgardo Mucha MDO 9:00 am - 2:30 pm SA RCIA 7:00 pm C jBen Mosner Senior Mass & Luncheon 10:30 am PH Chrism Mass 7:00 pm 9:15 am Children’s Choir Rehearsal 3:30 pm C Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Savannah, GA Rev. Matthew Ericksen & Very Rev. J. Scott Winchel, VF / Deacon Theodore Agba, Theology IV* :HGQHVGD\$SULO Wednesday of Holy Week Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Adoration Chapel closes at 6:00 pm Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25 Walking Aerobics 9:00 am PH NO Pro-Life Holy Hour 7:00 am †Mary Lou Garren; jHank Garren MDO 9:00 am - 2:30 pm SA Spirit & Truth 7:00 pm AH Bridge 10:00 am SC Parish Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm PH 5:15 pm †Bobby Wolfe Reconciliation 5:00 - 6:30 pm C Rev. Francis Patterson & Rev. Finbarr Stanton / Deacon Peter Lanshima, Theology IV* 7KXUVGD\$SULO Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper (YHQLQJ0DVVRIWKH/RUG¶V6XSSHU([3V&RU-Q 7:00 pm †Dee Szalkowski Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Bingo 10:00 am SC MDO 9:00 am - 2:30 pm SA 3DULVK2I¿FHFORVHVDWQRRQ Bridge 10:00 am SC Youth Holy Hour 9:00 - 10:00 pm PH Rev. Isidore Nguyen Baky & Rev. Christopher Ortega / Deacon Patrick May, Theology IV* Friday, April 19 Friday of the Lord’s Passion (Good Friday); Fast & Abstinence ,V3V+HE-Q SMCS Closed 12:00 noon Stations of the Cross 3DULVK2I¿FH&ORVHG 7:00 pm Veneration of the Cross 1R:DONLQJ$HURELFV Rev. Bob Benko, OFM Conv & Rev. James Holloway / Deacon Robert Phillips, Pastoral Year Saturday, April 20 Holy Saturday (DVWHU9LJLO*Q*Q([,V,V%DU(]D5RP/N SP )U5RVV Mass for the People Easter Vigil Practice 10:30 am C NO RECONCILIATION Rev. John Tran & Rev. Thomas Peyton / Deacon Solomon Kaanan, Theology IV* Sunday, April 21 Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord (DVWHU'D\$FWVD3V&RORU&RUE-QRU/NRU/N DP )U+HDO\ †Mary Selzler NO CCD DP )U.QLJKW †Jack Cooney -2nd Anniversary NO MEN’S BASKETBALL DP )U5RVV †Carol Casali jMarguerite Welch SP )UMarkham Our Holy Father, Pope Francis / Carlos Andres Rivero, Theology III* A = SJC Atrium BR= Bride Room MC = SMCS Media Center SA = St. Anne’s Hall UR= SJC Upper Room AC= Adoration Chapel C = Church N = Nursery SC= Senior Center *= Please pray daily for our AH=Annunciation House CAF=SMCS Cafeteria NX= Narthex SH = Scout Hut Priests & Seminarians. MR1=Meeting Room 1 CL= SMCS Computer Lab 2 2I¿FH SJC = St. Joseph Center †=Deceased MR2=Meeting Room 2 FCH = Fr. Charlie’s House PH= Parish Hall SJDC = St. Joseph Day Chapel j Living YC=Youth Center st)ORRU G = School Gym R = Rectory SMCS = St. Marys Catholic School St. Mary on the Hill April 14, 2019 We now enter a week in our liturgical year that is like no other — Holy Week. The complete name for this Sunday’s liturgy is “Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion.” Let us do our best to live this week closely connected to our Lord whose passionate love for us knows no bounds — culminating in His death on the cross and His triumph over death — all for us. Two very different responses to our Lord’s passion are highlighted during the Gospel reading from Luke today: the response of Simon of Cyrene and WKH UHVSRQVH RI -HVXV¶ DFTXDLQWDQFHV 2I 6LPRQ we are told, “They took hold of a certain Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country; and after laying the cross on him, they made him carry it behind Jesus.” Whether Simon entered willingly and compassionately into this service or whether he took up the Cross of Christ with a grudge, we don’t know. What we do know is this: Simon did his part faithfully. He stayed near to Christ, carrying the Cross until our Lord reached Golgotha, the site of His crucifixion. We also know that Simon’s family were among the first of the early Christians. Staying QHDUWR&KULVWHPEUDFLQJWKH&URVV TXLWHOLWHUDOO\ WUDQVIRUPHGKLVOLIHDQGWKHOLIHRIKLVIDPLO\ In contrast, near the end of this Gospel account we are told of another reaction to Jesus’ passion and death, namely that “all +LVDFTXDLQWDQFHVVWRRGDWDGLVWDQFH´7KH\NQHZ-HVXV7KH\KDGKHDUGKLPSUHDFKLQJDQGWHDFKLQJZLWQHVVHG+LVVLJQV and miracles, maybe even benefited personally from them. Perhaps they did not participate in mocking Him or calling for His crucifixion. But they chose to stay a safe distance from Him when the going got tough. Unlike Simon, they refused to go too near to Christ. Where will you place yourself this week? Keeping your distance from all the pain and suffering Christ endured? Or close by, staying near to Him like Simon did? It is when we go near to Christ that we can be transformed by Him. It is by embracing the crosses in our lives, stewarding them well rather than trying to run from them, that we become His true disciples. Still unconvinced? Let the words of this Sunday’s Gospel this week speak to you personally: “The chief priests and scribes… stood by accusing him harshly” and He did not defend Himself, for love of me.
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