University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1969 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 2-14-1969 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 072, No 78, 2/14/ 1969 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1969 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 072, No 78, 2/14/1969." 72, 78 (1969). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1969/14 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1969 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Page 8 NEW MEXICO LOBO Thursday, Februl)l'y 13, 1969 .. v ; .... it.-· At San Francisco State NEW College Fires Professors MEXICO San Francisco (CPS)-The ad­ and is investigating possible ap­ Studies. The only incident occur­ Vol. 72 Franci~o peals to the state personnel board. red when police broke up a picket Friday, February 14, 1969 i• ministration of San No. 78 1 State College has notified 199 "Not to do so," said Hawkins, line gathered at the other gate J striking professors that they have "would in our opinion indicate entrance. There was no violence I' I lost their jobs under California's that we have quit the college. We and no arrests. '. five-day-rule. have not quit, We are on strike. California law says any pro­ Nor will we bear the responsibil­ fessor who misses five class days ity of locking ourselves out and Black Orpheus Free University Opens; is considered to have automatic­ abandoning the college when it . ally resigned. needs us most." 1S The American Federation of Other Teachers Strike ; i . I I Teachers (AFT) has been on At San Jose State college 26 contag10us strike at San Francisco State professors earlier lost their jobs Registration To Begin since Jan. 6 in support of a stu­ under the same rule for participa­ '. A free university, offering 25 dent strike which began Nov. 6 I main body of the course will be Applebutter Making, with tion in a strike supporting the courses, will soon start at UNM over the faculty's own grievances San Francisco teachers. I' devoted to contemporary problems Martha Kennedy, is composed of over salaries and teaching loads. and in the Albuquerque area. and possible solutions," said the both applebutter making and dis­ Acting president S. I. Haya­ The San Francisco State cam­ catalogue. pus is closed for the break be­ Registration for the New Mex­ cussions about the role of women kawa, who had been reluctant to ico Free University (NMFU) will in modern American society. enforce the five-day-rule because tween semesters. It re-opens Feb. be held today, from 3 p.m. to 7 Confrontation Politics \ 17, when both the faculty and J; Confrontation Politics: Theory Natural Childbirth and Breast ~/. he feared adverse reaction by p.m. at the International Center, organized labor, said he would re­ student strikes are expected to ''' & Practice, led by Larry Russell. Feeding, is a course designed for " 1806 Las Lomas N .E. expectant parents. It will teach ---~ "T<: ./ hire any fired professor who ap­ continue. I Social, economic, political, and ~_.,.c:..clt___. The Berkeley campu:;; of the '. Interested persons may also psychological conditions which the La Maze Method of childbirth plies by Monday. However, he ' register by writing Ken Balizer, said they would be rehired with­ University of California, where a brought about the politics of con­ without pain. similar student strike is in prog­ Acting Secretary of NMFU, 1359 frontation, will be discussed. The out tenure and other benefits. San Lorenzo, N.W., Albuquerque. History of Viet Nam, with ress, was also quiet Friday, al­ course will also try to appiy the Roger Anderson, will cover the Apowa Holds Dinner, Could Be Reinstated though there were police on the NMFU's catalogue states that theory of confrontation to Albu­ last 2000 years of Vietnamese He also suggested that they ap­ campus and students continued the purpose of the free university querques' power structure. history and recent political events. ply to the state personnel board picketing at the main campus is "to stimulate free and objective Fun and Games, for couples Four lecture-discussion sessions Installs New Officers for full reinstatement and that entrance in support of their de­ thought concerning the social, eco­ only. It's for people who like to will be held. the college administration would mand for a college of Ethnic nomic, cultural, political, and plny games like Post Office, Apowa service sorority at UNM Women Helen Whiteside and Al­ support such requests. spiritual forces that are rapidly The Poverty Culture, moderated has received its national charter Strip Poker, Spin the Bottle, and by Craig Simpson and John pha Phi Omega president David Those strikesr who do not ap­ transforming the world today. other adult games. and has installed its new officers Westerfield. Gould, is "designed to give in­ ply for either rehiring or full re­ ""''' KOPY- KORNER ...os, Poverty, Racism, and Self led sight, knowledge, attitude change, for the next year. New officers installed at the .>. ..- ..- '-,; '-A I'' "Serve as Coalition" Lobo Photo by Tony Louderboogb instatement will probably lose ~~~ 0 ~ NMFU "hopes to serve as a by Holly Devore, is aimed at get­ and action orientation to life in Founded in 1965 by the UNM banquet are Pat Jimenez, presi­ their jobs and be replaced by ~ ..- • e• for UNM Students only "".o,;._ '- ~ Always aware Lobo photog­ Alpha Phi Omega service fratern­ dent; Kathy Hutchison, first vice­ '{C.' o?' -·..-: ro I coalition for all those who are ting each member of the group to poverty and despair," said the· raphers caught this UNM jogging other teachers. ).0"' for Theses: 100% Cc!lcn Fibr<l-Cctkla {a: Required) 'lf,i, •r disenchanted with those existing examine his attitudes towards Blurred Vision ity as a women's auxiliary, Apo­ president; Melissa Selleck, record­ ..- XEROX COPIES 8¢ each-No Minimum '- catalogue. Volunteers from VIS­ en thus i as t shortly before he wa received its charter as the ing secretary; Faye Roth, second AFT President Gary Hawkins structures that are stifling not poor people, other l'aces, and TA, community developers, and fainted from exhaustion and a Beta Upsilon chapter of Gamma vice-president; Anita Salazar, said Friday the AFT is advising lobby-Simms Building Downtown, 4th & Gold 247-4406 only to education, but to life in ethnic groups. others will act as leaders. blurred landscape. its members to ask to be rehired Sigma Sigma service soror~ty corresponding secretary; Carol all its aspects," the catalogue Underground High Schoo I during a banquet held in Janu­ Lopez, treasurer; Mary Quirm­ said. Newspaper, moderated by Carol ary. bach, publicity chairman-histori­ Participants assume responsi­ Wright and Jeff Sherman, is con­ Charters With SDS Nearly 60 persons attended the an, and Loretta Tanner, parlia­ -------------------------· bility for their own education, and cerned with how high school stu­ banquet, including UNM Dean of mentarian. the survival and success of each dents can set up underground course depends on initiative and newspapers. i Six ways to say i interest, the catalogue said. The catalogue lists and describes Draft Counseling Announcements by some of the following courses: Dl·aft Counseling Training, 'Community Group' Active the UNM commun­ 0 Contemporary American In­ with Larry Dickerson. Draft By DA YID HUTSON with the national office of Stu­ develop political feelings in a def­ ity will be accepted 1 Q. ~ dians, led by Shirley Hill Witt. counseling will cover the mech­ Staff Writer nt The Lobo office. I love me.$I dent's for a Democratic Society The course will be concerned with anics of draft counseling which inite manner which means long, U A 24-honr deadline Albuquerque's Movement for a (SDS). Calling hard hours of work in organiza­ the American Indian's investment will be heavy on tactics and light is in ell'ect. Democratic Society (MDS), The MDS feels that the connec­ tion." ·~~0.--~~~~~~~~~r=~i in this hemisphere and their con­ on the philosophical basis of re­ formed over Christmas vacation, Thursday, Feb. 13 nt 2:20 p.m. and 9:40 p.m. tribution to today's world. "The sistance. tion with SDS will mean added Other goals of the group are Placement interviews, Fort Bragg, Calif. Placement interviel..-s, Santa Maria, 1 Inglish 1 has recently applied for a charter prestige and bring more attention still in the planning stage. They unified school district; Placement Center. Calif., Joint Union high school di5trict; 1 1 Placemep.t Center. feather to the group's activities. will be announced by the MDS in FTiday, February 1.-4 Friday, Feb. 28 Peter Montaque, one of the or­ the future. ~ uKing of Hearts' Dance; Union hall­ "Man. About. Cnmpur;' interview with I 'nM13DllltlE I Under Consideration in House :­ room; 8 p.m. Robert Young, Student Bnr A£rocintion: ganizers of the group, s a i d, The MDS meets once every two ... Man About Campus," KUNM inter­ on KUNM at 2:20 p.m. and 9:40 p.m • "We're a community group, not a weeks, and they divide their time ' view; Robert Burton; 2:20 p.m. nnd 9:40 Monday, Mnrch 3 university group. There are uni­ into three sections: educational, p.m. "lifan About Cnmpw' interview with Manuel Wright, National Student Ansocin· 1 f*'~'irll ~ 1 versity people involved, but we workshop committees, and private Fraternity Rush smoker; Union Faculty tion: on KUNM at 2:20 p.m.
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