"You probably wouldn’t worry about Some of your griefs you’ve cured; what other people think of you, if The worst you have survived: But what agonies you have endured you know how seldom they do." From troubles that never arrived. LAjUREL, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1946 Laurel Lions Club 30 Years of Service Allen & Cannon W. S. C. S. Meeting Of Organizes Cli}b In 12 th Anniversiary' Christ Meth. Church laurel Fire Milton, Delaware / DELAWARE’S (Editorial) I The Allen & Cannon 5c to $1.00 The regular monthly meeting of the Vets II i Howard E. Russell, president of the 'Store is this week observing its 12th W.S.C.S. of Christ Methodist Church Fighters Have Laurel Lions Club, announces that his FARMFRONT After thirty years of vauiable ser- anniversary. This store owned by was held Thursday night, February NEWS of those in World War II vice to this community, one of Laurel's Mr. Lawrence Allen and Mr. Ermal 14th, with the president, Mrs. Charles club has assisted in organizing a Lions both in and out of the Service Club in Milton, Delaware, consisting leading business men is retiring from Cannon, and managed by the latter, Horsey, presiding. The treasurer re­ of 25 charter members, made up of THIS WEEK active business. Dr. Alfred S. Williams has enjoyed unusual success in the 12 ported a balance of $208.09. Banquet Fri. men of that communiity. The officers has successfully toperated a reliable years of its existence. It has succeeded; Mrs. Ewald Werner, delegate, gave rr,|_ _ iv| IPnUaf« were named as follows: president, pharmacy in Laurel for exactly 30 because it has been able to provide an interesting report of the Peninsula j lu. Dell lhlUlatS _ ,. , , years, during which time he has not the people of this community with the Conference held at Milford in January Last Thursday the Laurel Fire De­ David L. King; vice-president, William Combining a weed killer, a fertilizer furnisbed a service t0 his hun. ; type of mercbaEldise they wanted. 1 The devotions were led by Mrs. In Regular Army partment established something of a B. Wagamon; 2nd vice-president, James ' were . ■ . and a fungicide in solution for single dreds of customers, but has also taken Franklin B. Bailey, Topic “The Congo local record by answering six alarms W. Bounds; 3rd vice-president, Harry j application to grass and possible other aetive interest in all phases ' of The store grew so rapidly in its Gif(s Cross.._ T/5 Thomas M. Bell of near Laurel, in one day. On the following day, Draper; secretary, Samuel Shapior; ; crOps begins to lo k like a feasible LaUrei life. early years that it became necessary Six young girls from the Paulrecently aasiS"ed to 881st 'Washington’s birthday, the organiza­ treasurer, James T. Johnson; Tail | short cut, say scientists of the USDA, t tion fittingly observed its annual Ladies’ Twister, L. A. Darby; Lion Tammer, Experiments at the Plant Night. The large firemen's banquet Arthur W. Wagamon; direcors, Clyde Station had shown that the hall was appropriately decorated for Betts, David Donovan, John Fisher u , concentration strong enough... , ,, . ' Atm amain uiugidin was in eiiarge* . T .. ■the occasion with a picture of George and Ernest Jefferson.n- 9 weeds (1% parts t0 1’000> sharpIy <!?t several years, he was active in Cham- *!°, set' the. °“ dld “* “c1eIla"t of the Ever Ready Circle, Mrs. Edgar ; a‘. ,Dlx' J?npa7 ,19- Washington directly in back of the The extension committee of the i down the rate of growth of an estab- ber of Commerce work, serving several'”* « keeping their s ore stocked with Ha5&,£S) cfo^n. A ^iay entitled X ^S‘C T8 at1 Ft. Bragg, organization included:sd: Lt. Gov. Elbert jlished mixture of Kentucky bluegrass, years as oresident. He has been active the PeQPle wanted. _ ‘'And thp T .PTnn OT»'ni r.,N-c-> and has served in speaker'we\n™a?banQuet’s table. is given by the.N. Carvel,_’* Norman............... Logan, ..... Fred Wat-. |I usneafescue mixtureand red oitop. nentuexy To overcome Diuegrass, the yearsin every as president.m0Vemefit Hefor hasthe beenbetterment active JpUte-Mobanauet tbic ____at eventthe_ Rigbie the owners Hotel ?..y , tI- Je■ „LaIPP Went_ . ,^ut- -w ^s g‘. Yen,' sincen.v.,Cpl ' lastandBel1 November.has wiU served have ina the3O' dayAleutans fur_ - in honor of their^ wives and kins, Alton Littleton, Parker Wheatley,' drawback of retarded growth by mak i 0[ Laurel for a period of 30 years, yet 8 q h { their Employees T>GU1*b wr-s^MiliiJd’ lough at home before Ieaving on his XrguesJ^ of tii^cl^un^ D^d RoW Ruston, Vernon Elliott, James } ing the.grass grow faster later and by {j^bat time,_he never sought a public Xhave“on"sul TTO Dorothy_ Werner, Miss Mildred np„ ---------- ------------ B.Joseph, president of the fire com- ] Flood and H. E. Russell, being ably! protecting it against damage by fungi,'ofjjce of any kind. On~ numerous wWo. hava dona such a finefine ijobob. “ui1 Henry,Henry, iss iss ^Saralene Saralene ’ Oldfield, Mrs. ?ew assignment. He was discharged pany, acted as toastmaster for the oc- | assisted by Larry Slater, special repre- ,the experimeners....... added urea,. aa com-com-, ,occasionsoccasions hehe hashas beenbeen solicitedsolicited toto ^rvmgtorvmg the publicpubiic over a period of Jamcs FloodFlnnd MrsFrankUn Bail and from the Army January 31, 1946, and casion, and the Rev. R. Y. Barber, gave j tentative of .Lions International from 1 mon source of nitrogen, and Fermate, serve as ^yor or councilman, but he yeats? SeveJal °»her Guests attend^ „ charJ Rust sworn into the regular army on the the invocation. ) Washington,D. C, Samuel Pierce, a well known fungicide. As no grass always feit he could render a better 016 banqu«t- W!th May°r William E.' ________________ following day. His mother, Mrs. Rosa Following a delicious turkey din- j Zone I chairman of Seaford, and H. in the test was under attack by any service by remaining out of office. Prettyman delivering the address. L. Bell, lives on Route 3, Laurel. -ner served by the members of Gran- Wendell Henry of Hebron, Md. fungus disease the use of Fermate was, A pharmacist who really serves his ’ i Sussex 4-H Clubs i ville Windsor’s Bible Class of Centen- j The new Milton Club will meet reg-; simply to discover wnetnerwhether its pres- commUnity, is subject to call at any TJ g T Jr ires Greater : National 4-H ClubWeek’ Cpl. Donald M. Haines, and SSgt. arv Methodist Church, the toastmaster j ularty on the second and fourth Wed- ence would make the mixture bad for time night or day> Sundays or holi- » Joseph M. O'Neal, both of this town, weteomed the ladtes a’nd other guests, i nesday evenings of each month at 6:45 j grass. days. Kor thirty years, Dr. Williams Use Of Poultry recently arrived in San Francisco, Thp response was made by Mrs. Anna o’clock. Plans have been made for the | August application of 2,4-D was as has reany served his community and The 4-H Clubs of Sussex County arel ------Calif., aboard the USS Mifflin, an <?rntt nrpsident of the Fire Company next meeting on March 12th, and the gOod as when used alone. As q, result }jas rendered a most valuable service g Eepartment of Agriculture Marchobserving 2nd-10th National by 4-Hbringing Club toWeek the attackfleet, transport of the Auxiliary Mrs. Scott at this time: charter and Ladies Night on April 10th i of killing weeds and feeding the turf, to the physicians and the sick of the has jnaugll'rate(i a program to assist attention of he public the purpose and • -------------------------Magic Carpet” presented to the fire company a port- i at which time they will be presented . the yield of valuable herbage increased community, by compounding their pre* -roducers jn marketing the heavy pro- the work of 4-H Clubs. Some of the Cp|, Donald Lee Boyce, Sgt. Joseph aH.p electric olant that can be bandied their official charter by District Gov- (40 to 131% during two months. So far scriptions in an accurate manner, and ductjon of poultry, it was announced clubs are having window displays, O’Neal and Cpl. Donald Haines arrived bv one man vet with sufficient power ! emor Lee Rademaker of Salisbury. , only a part of the fungicide factors when needed. today by Clarence E. Ochcltree, State others arc having parents night at their home the first of the week, having just firIn enrovidnP licht needed in fighting a i occasion,They will the have entire as guestsmembership on thisof shownhave been that uncovered, the presence but ofit hasFermate been so)dOn Februaryto Dr. Frank 1st, B.this Vincent business of Wil-was kctin°Director Administration of the Production Informational and Mar- methodmeetings, demonstrations and still others as partare ofgiving the pi.received Dix, N.their J. honorable discharges at Mavor William E. Prettyman hriefly the Laurel Club with their wives, to- doesn’t interfere with the weed-killing, mjngton, and his son-in-law, Captain ,^7 east ot tho Mississippi River program of other organizations. ------------------------ nddressed the group, expressing the gether with Lions of other clubs m inor with the fertilizing. The results william O. Smi h, of Texas. They will and educaiional programs arc being Staie Contest Winners Donald Mitchell, MOMM3c, who has gratitude of-e the.U- town1-f— for«... the.V- excel------ 1 u,„the district. A'give good reasons to expect a more take over the active management of carrlcd on bv the Department in every The state contest winners, for 1945 just returned to the States after 20 lent service being rendered by the I ------------------- —— economical method of doing these tbe st ro on March 1.
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