ANIMALS APPROVED FOR EXPORT - 2016 PARROTS/MACAWS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Parrots/Macaws NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Amazona amazonica Orange-winged parrot II 9900 2 Amazona dufresniana Blue-cheek parrot II 520 3 Amazona farinosa Mealy parrot II 1100 4 Amazona festiva Festive parrot II 520 5 Amazona ochrocephala Yellow-headed parrot II 1000 6 Ara ararauna Blue and Gold macaw II 792 7 Ara chloropterus Red and Green macaw II 990 8 Orthopsittaca manilata Red-bellied macaw II 1650 9 Diopsittaca nobilis Red-shouldered macaw II 1100 10 Deroptyus accipitrinus Hawk-headed parrot II 780 11 Pionus menstruus Blue-headed parrot II 900 12 Pionites melanocephalus Black-headed parrot II 600 13 Pionus fuscus Dusky parrot II 780 PARAKEETS/TOUCANS ETC SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Parakeets/Toucans etc NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Aratinga leucophthalma White-eyed parakeet II 300 2 Aratinga pertinax Brown-throated parakeet II 500 3 Brotogeris chrysoptera Golden-winged parakeet II 180 4 Craxs alector Powis N/c 52 5 Forpus passerinus Green-rumped parrotlet II 600 5 Penelope jacquacu Marudi N/c 18 6 Psophia crepitans Grey -winged trumpeter N/c 90 7 Pteroglossus aracari Blacked-necked aracari II 300 8 Pteroglossus viridis Green aracari II 52 9 Pyrrhura egregia Fiery-shouldered parakeet II 120 10 Pyrrhura picta Painted parakeet II 300 11 Ramphastos toco Toco toucan II 200 12 Ramphastos tucanus Red-billed toucan II 170 13 Ramphastos vitellinus Channel-billed toucan II 120 Page 1 of 6 14 Selenidera culik Guianan toucanet N/c 260 PRIMATES SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Primates NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Cebus olivaceus Weeper/White fronted capuchin II 242 2 Cebus apella Tufted capuchin II 600 3 Saguinus midas Marmoset II 200 4 Saimiri sciureus Squirrel monkey II 2200 OTHER MAMMALS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Other Mammals NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Choloepus didactylus Two-toed Sloth N/c 110 2 Coendou prehensilis Tree porcupine N/c 44 3 Cuniculus paca Labba III 150 4 Cyclopes didactylus Pigmy anteater N/c 10 5 Dasyprocta leporina Agouti N/c 350 6 Dasypus novemcinctus Nine-banded armadillo N/c 50 7 Didelphis marsupialis Yawari N/c 200 8 Eira barbara Tayra III 60 9 Euphractus sexcinctus Six-banded armadillo N/c 50 10 Galictis vittata Grison III 60 11 Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris Watras N/c 100 12 Nasua nasua Kibihee. Coatimundi III 100 13 Philander opossum Four-eyed opposum N/c 150 14 Potos flavus Kinkajou III 150 15 Procyon cancrivorus Racoon N/c 60 16 Tamandua tetradactyla Lesser anteater N/c 60 17 Chironectes minimus Yapok/water opposum N/c 100 Page 2 of 6 CAIMANS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Caimans NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Caiman crocodilus Spectacled caiman (skin) II 20,000 2 Caiman crocodilus Spectacled caiman (live) II 10,000 3 Paleosuchus palpebrosus Smooth fronted (Dwarf) caiman II 500 4 Paleosuchus trigonatus Wedge-headed caiman II 1000 REPTILES SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Reptiles NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Ameiva ameiva Ameiva, Luboo lizard N/c 20000 2 Amphisbaena fuliginosa Legless lizard N/c 500 3 Anolis roquet Anoles lizard N/c 24000 4 Boa constrictor Land camudi II 2000 5 Chelus fimbriatus Mata mata turtle N/c 132 6 Chironius carinatus Black racer, Fire snake N/c 105 7 Cnemidophorus lemniscatus Rainbow-coloured lizard N/c 2000 8 Corallus caninus Emerald boa II 880 9 Corallus hortulanus Cook's tree boa II 3000 10 Drymarchon corais Drymarchon, Yellow tail N/c 100 11 Epicrates cenchria Rainbow boa (cc) II 500 12 Epicrates maurus Rainbow boa (cm) II 500 13 Eunectes murinus Anaconda. Water camudi II 2000 14 Chelonoidis carbonaria Red-footed tortoise II 704 15 Chelonoidis denticulata Yellow footed tortoise II 704 16 Helicops angulatus Green water snake N/c 100 17 Iguana iguana Iguana II 8400 18 Kinosternon scorpioides Scorpion mud turtle N/c 250 19 Mabuya nigropunctatus Skink lizard N/c 700 20 Phrynops tuberosus Side-necked turtle N/c 600 Page 3 of 6 21 Phrynops gibbus Side-necked turtle N/c 600 22 Phrynops nasutus Toad headed turtle N/c 600 23 Platemys platycephala Twist-necked turtle N/c 500 REPTILES SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Reptiles NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Plica plica Plica lizard (plica plica) N/c 2800 2 Plica umbra Plica lizard (plica umbra) N/c 2800 3 Podocnemis erythrocephala Side-necked turtle II 50 4 Polychrus marmoratus Polychrus lizard N/c 2000 5 Pseustes sulphureus N/c 100 6 Rhinoclemmys punctularia Labarya turtle N/c 1500 7 Spilotes pullatus Salipenter snake N/c 200 8 Thecadactylus rapicauda Knot-tailed lizard N/c 450 9 Tropidurus hispidus Collared lizard N/c 20000 10 Tupinambis teguixin Tegu lizard/Salipenter lizard II 7200 11 Uranoscodon superciliosus Brown-tree climber N/c 6500 12 Podocnemis unifilis Turtle II 150 13 Peltocephalus dumeriliana Turtle II 500 POISONOUS SNAKES SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Poisonous Snakes NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Bothrops atrox Brown labarya N/c 200 2 Bothriopsis bilineata Green labarya N/c 200 3 Crotalus durissus Rattlesnake III 150 4 Lachesis muta Bushmaster N/c 100 5 Micrurus surinamensis Coral snake N/c 100 6 Clelia clelia Mussurana II 100 7 Leptophis ahaetulla Vine snake N/c 300 8 Oxybelis fulgidus Parrot snake N/c 200 9 Bothrops brazili Morabana snake N/c 200 Page 4 of 6 10 Bothriopsis taeniata Morabana snake N/c 200 POISON ARROW FROGS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Poison Arrow Frogs NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Ameerega trivittata Poison arrow frog II 500 2 Dendrobates leucomelas Yellow banded frog II 500 3 Dendrobates tinctorius Dyeing poison frog II 500 4 Allobates femoralis Brilliant-thighed frog II 500 5 Ameerega hahneli Spotted-legged frog II 500 OTHER AMPHIBIANS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Other Amphibians NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Rhaebo guttatus Land toad N/c 1500 2 Rhinella marina Land toad N/c 1500 3 Bufo typhonius Land toad N/c 750 4 Hypsiboas crepitans Tree frog N/c 1000 5 Hypsiboas boans Tree frog N/c 1000 6 Leptodactylus pentadactylus Mountain chicken N/c 500 7 Phyllomedusa bicolor Green tree frog N/c 500 8 Pipa pipa Suriname toad N/c 500 9 Pseudis paradoxa Green and Black frog N/c 5000 10 Phrynohyas venulosa Bicolour frog N/c 3000 11 Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis Bicolour frog N/c 3000 12 Sphaenorhynchus lacteus Lime Tree frog N/c 500 Page 5 of 6 ARTHROPODS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL Arthropods NAME NUMBER QUOTA 1 Avicularia avicularia Tarantula spider N/c 25000 2 Morpho menelaus Blue morpho butterfly (dead) N/c 20000 3 Periplanata americanus Water Roach N/c 2500 4 Blaberus sp Water Roach N/c 2500 5 Schistocera sp Locusts N/c 2500 6 Theraphosa blondi Bird eating tarantula N/c 5000 7 Ephebopus murinus Skeleton legged tarantula N/c 2500 8 Amblypygi spp. Whip scorpion N/c 2500 9 Scolopendra spp Centipedes N/c 2500 10 Diplopoda spp Millipedes N/c 2500 11 Buthidae spp Scorpions N/c 2500 12 Gasteracantha spp Spiders N/c 2500 13 Ocyopodidae spp Land crabs N/c 2500 14 Scarabidae spp Beetles N/c 2500 15 Mantidae spp Mantids N/c 2500 16 Phasmidae spp Phasmids N/c 2500 17 Bulimulus spp Land snails N/c 2500 SONG BIRDS 1 SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON APPENDIX NATIONAL 2 Other Amphibians NAME NUMBER QUOTA 3 Oryzoborus angolensis Towa towa N/c 200 4 Oryzoborus crassirostris Twa twa N/c 200 5 Sporophila plumbea Mountain canary N/c 200 Page 6 of 6.
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