u BACK UP "TWrMVtTWII YOUR BOY l(Vrt—YOU LEND 2ND YOUI MONEY" WAR •' Buy an Additional LOAN V Band Today IvyMor* Snbepenknt - leaber Ww tot* Today XXXV. —No. 4 nrud us Koi-nml r\w» matter hKl Every Friday "I Mm lViat Office, WoiKlbrlrtge, N. .1. WOODBRIM.E, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 16. nt lR Qrntm St., Wnodbrldge, N. J. PRICE FIVE CENTS jpinie Low Scene From Seniors9 Mystery Play Ordinance •e, Rises Curbs DogAll Help, Mayor's Plea lv Nation Freedom In Big Bond Quota p,^rage I* Consider* .h No Animal To Be Per- Township Asked For ',|,ly Under That In^ mitted To Run With- They Give Their Lives _^. nmparablc Localities $510,000 In 3 Weeks; out Being Leashed Neiis 1st Subscrnta ''•'.'"'vnlii?--- Although juv* WOOUBRIDGE—Dog owners in You Can Lend Your Money WOODSRIDGE —Th« __ I ,ni, ni-.v, especially among e Township will have to pur- Uak of Telling 1510,000 in United ..", ,.,-in,,. II. general ram- iise tt'Hshos for their pets, if the To the readers of The Independent-Leader: Sutc<t War Bonds during- the n«t I, this country in' 19fS Hinance introduced on first read- throe weeks ait Woodbridg* Town- ,,,.,,. fewer offenses in g at a meeting cf ftfe lloiird of The lSybillion second war loan is the responsi- .«hip's part in the 11.1000,000,600 lk'i, iii (iroportion to pop I'alth is f'umHy adopted ;it the bility of nvery one of us. ."ipcond War,Loan campliign got ,n;,i, ,n most parts of the ssion May 10. As Americans, we must lend our government; underway Monday morninj ur»4tr \ibutIV iTgion. The fijc- The ordinance WHS introduced every dollar we can during these next few'weeks. the leadership of Kred P. Buntef linwn in a survey just •ter Health Oflkcr Harold J. Above is a icrnf from "The Glinit Tmin," • jhrrr-acl niytlpi-y play ptrisFnlcd last nijfhl by the : bach, cashier of the Woodbridg« (l|.,i,|p liy llw V. B. I. nilcy reported a? several nieet- No matter how much or how little our pay checks are, Senior Clan of Wontlliridi(c Hiirh School. NThr play will bt repenttd tonight it 8:30 o'clock National Bunk and (hairmtn of . .,,iii.ei of offenses handled in tlir Woodbridgr Hiijh School Auditonyrrr tliat dogs have been roaming 1 1 each of ua must do his part. the WoodhridiP Campaign Com- Wniiilbridgi police dul he Township in piicks, especially mittee fofr Second War Loan. Mr. ,,- {..ciled '20f>, equivalent iround .school grounds, The. money is urgently needed to back up our Buntenbftch is being aided by .'.. ,,f 7;,', eriines per 100,- "The dogs," Mr. Bailey stated, armed forces now on the offensive with the weapons Mayor August K. Greiner an0 ., ii.,.!..!!. The average rntt Students To Repeat Thrilling Oldest Resident, 98 :iave becr^ destroying shrubbery, they must have to win and win quickly. Hugh Quigley. \l ,i,|l.. Atlantic region, in illinp; chickens and goats, upset- •;... v«i-k. New" Jersey am Dies;'Rites Monday ing garbage pails and frightemnir We are asked to give up our luxuries andf even On Monday, the opening <Uy of ,,.,.,, ua.-s H-ll crimes Dei 'Ghost Train' At 8:30 Tonight hildrai. Mrs. Onley, Township our comforts to match in a sm'all way the sacrifices the drive, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham urse, was bitten on -the leg dur- 1 J. Nei»s, of Rahwuy Avenue, pur- 1—Funeral sDrv our men in the armed" forces afe makftig on the fight- iHv finit allotment AT ., ,,f Mime arc includei! Iii the part of "a persnickety old ng the last blackout and that is Capacity Audience At ,ees ror Mrs, Mari.i K. Turner, 9S new bonds available in tho amount , 7, nninler, rubbery, ut niiiid" is Maufte.il Auburn -.uid a lot the only case of dog bite re- inj{ fronts. years old, \vjdow of Henry A of $!>,000 when the doorn of th* - • ,.'i.\, liin-eny, nnd auto Opening last Night In vi-rsiitile senini-, Alvin Rymslia, orted during blackouts." Turner, life-lonjr resident <5f Remember: They give their lives—we are only bank opened »t nine o'clock, The i \\ iinil'iii idgc, larccnif portrays :ui Knglish traveler, Au- Mr. Bailey noted tluit Mctuchtii School Auditorium ge, who died Friday af- asked to lend our money. second purchase™, shortly after ,,[,, i with 11!) reported | drey Browne is cast us Julia Piicc. as a similar ordinance such as ternoon at her home, 21 East nine o'clock, wore Mr. and Mrs. ii.ials were .)uirglary and BjJl,jVIueclarcllo is seen us a as introduced at the meeting and Only you know how much you can lend, Don't (ireen Street, were held Monday Alexander Braun, of Rahway Ave- .,f(, 12, robWy, 3 High School Auditorium was lilted SfcofTarW Yltr<r dct&tivr. Ulhers afternoon from the Greiner Fu- you don't ecu dogs running in wait for someone to come around and ask you to do m lll( lacks in Metuchen and I am sure nue,' Who bought a ?l,0D0 eCT- to capacity lust night for the first ' p'ny, passengers on th? neral Home, Green Street. Buria your part,. tificate. , n.iciver, Director o of "The (ihost Train," I train, art- Charles Katko and llow- was in the family plot in the Pres- he people in Metuchen love their a A thermometer has been In- I. i., in discussing th* mystely play, presented by the '"''' byterian Church Cemetery."" ilogs as much as the people in Do it today. Do it gladly. Do it to th>utmost of x me .-ince 1!>41. points Senior Class. A second perform- Woodbridgc Township. They just your capacity. sliltcd in tbc bank »nd it will reg- Mrs. Turner is survived by two ister day by day the amount of • iiiiii ihere were 1.43fi, ance will be held tonight with tin- take care of them," iiughtprs, iMfs. Elizabeth -Moore Do it knowing that upon how much you do de- bond males made. curtains-time set lin- H:!!l") o'clock. Population Up .•: lines ill- IW2, or on Red Cross Drive Shy und Mrs. Charles Hibbitts, of thi Governor Charles Edison ha? The proceeds of the play will he The Health Officer also report- pends to a large extent how quickly we win this war. , II.HUU Juvenile de pliii-e; four sons, William B., of ailed upon citizens of New Jer- used to defray the expenses nf d t-hat the dog warden has been •,..;'H much worse tha Wiiodbridge; John I),, i>f Railway ey to buy at least $115 in war 1 destroying ISO to '35 dogs each ,, , wil'.i r.').7 per ceil the Memorial plaque t . be elected Of Quota By $4,000 Alalilon S., of Wothersfield, Conn. bonds for each man, woman and i.iuli'i1 21 arrested an week, but that the dog population at the hiph sehool in honor of stu- and Wilbur E., of Jersey City; t 1 hild in the state, Nrsw Jersey's in the Township seems to be in- Yqur Butcher Now Registered . I,I iimre boys under '21 dents and graduate in the aimed WOODBRIJXiE—With approxi- sister, Mrs. LoVetta Cooper, o quota is $460,000,000. n-easing. He estimated that there I, . the rise to lack' 0 force?. / mately $4,000 of the $lfi,50C East Hartford, Conn.; fifteen are over 4,000 (lops in the munici- Mr. Buntenbuch explained that i.,i;tm-e und discipline ii Miss Murgaret Henricksen. of quota set for the lM.'i Red Cross grandchildren, six great-grandchil- War Fund drive here yet to be pality. On Price He Can Get For Beef the 2V/- bondtof 1964-60 are lui..ni ffimiititi!i«, :iti the faculty, coached (he produc- dren and two great-ftreat-prand raised, a meeting of all district Committeeman Herbert Rankin datcdj\pril 15, nH!! and are due i ,n youthful hands. tion. John Dilutee takes the partj children. beef, ground veal or ground lamb June Yfi, liKi'J. They are issued in leaders will lip held tonight at ointiid out that.the many Victory of a travelling businessman whili Customers Cannot Be as riffined in Kcclion 21 of thf dennmirmtions of iJiiflO, $1,000 and ei ht d(ltk The deceased was in good health rardena ngw beuit..p).»nkd will Barbara Bors> taRos ThT part of; « ° »> the. Red Cross bi'ft, vtuil, lamb and mutton rettul up in coupon or registered form. headquarters on Main Street ti I'iittt four days before -her tresth need some protection from dogs Charged In Excess Of Ition Board Watches his wife. Matthew Japn is cast as when she developed pneumonia regulation, and he must not sell devise ivays and nieatis of collect- and stated that *Cranford ami Good Collateral the station master, Saul Godglcin, In recent years r.cr hobby wa; uch ground meat at prices higher ing the balance of the quota. Westfield impose fines of $:!5 on Ceiling Fixed By OPA These bonds can be used a» bunk of Rockwnoil, Maine. making hooked I-UKS which she di than those listed. staurant Prices Although the drive officially dog owners who allow tihcir pets, collateral and have a ready mar- The part of t'eggy Murdock, without the aid of glasses. WOODBRIDGE—With the dol- "If a customer buys 'iny retail dosed yesterday, the committee icensed or unlicensed, to run at kot. Interest is payable June IS iginally enactei| by ('luildette Uuvund-conts ceiling prices on cut of meat -and wants it ground, •i;l|i(|K — All retail- under Michneh).
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