\ — *♦ ll < l e a t h e r n ^la. M*».Pr«dp. „ 34 60 O-OQ -a. 0.00 U> A{,r* i 80 '~ir~S7 61 0.00 f ‘jZH-45 «0 0.00 QUOTE jO.OO f l u . t r z z U i? “Whoe’er excels In what we Jtw 1 '^dTJO Tvaeo ,49 0.06 prize Appears a hero in our eyes.” Bl Jonathan Swift . , 'y > wtmT H Y E A R — N o . 46 14 Pages This Week CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1969 10c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: $8.00 PER YEAR r « P ■Wf' ’ concert Named for MichiganWeek Michigan Week has been described by one - of America’s leading advertising agencies as Turn Down “Michigan’s biggest public .rela­ tions program, ”, While, the actual celebration covers eight days beginning the CHS Bands Saturday - preceding the ~nKlrd Sunday in May. every_yeap$_it: is actually the clijnax of a year­ ,i«a High school Symphony Other program items will in long program in which thousands y Bands will present a elude- Amparita -.Roea . (Spanish of Michigan citizenBf volunteer concert Monday,. May March) .by Texidor; Finale from their time and effort' for .the. bet­ Sym phony-No. 1 in G-minor by terment of their communities and tae-Third of All School Funds ; nrozrsflit set for '8 p.m. in Kalinnikov; Beguine for Band by state,, the objectives of Michigan i f f & school a,uditori- Osser by the Symphony Band, .YY.GvKi - Eliminated Only 724 Voters directed by, D. Keith Lawson. By & feature Heidi Sprague as Back 1953_a group of Michi She will plarCecile Cha- Other Symphony Band selections gan businessmen, - industrialists; School- Dlitrict voters I Mills said that the schools could >g Concertino for flute, acr include Second Suitfe in F by educators and others decided that overwhelming# defeated a school not operate ^at the__ 1968-69 1evel ' nied by -6 section of - the Holst,_ March, Sbng Without something ibig should be done by miliage yproposaT tharw uld" hdve next year with the same funds increased schooUtaxes by 3.83 mills ,-i&ny Band. — , Words, .“I’ll Love My Love,” a.nd all the people of Michigan to telL they had available at that time. ■foK*the 1969-70 school year at the M daughter of Mr. and Song of the Blacksmith. High­ the , nation and world about the Supply jcosts have increased and \ t W t Sprague; of 349<kClear annual millage election Monday. lights from The Music Man by assets,, resources, advantages and m m wages, which comprise 80 percent i Bd., Grass Lake, is a CHS T > r \ Final figures showed, 441 yes W illson-Lang, and Star's and opportunities here. M i of the. ■ operating budget^ will' have who Btudies privately with votes, 724 ino voltes.and JO spoiled' Stripes Forever by Sousa will com* • This - g r o u p was first an ad­ to be increased. CRITICALLY INJURED in an accident shortly by a large ti^e on Madison St, Chelsea Police Chief ballots. The voter turnout was the a Bauenstein, flute instpuc- plete- the Symphony Band selec­ visory committee of the Michi­ He said the board hesitated to . after noon Monday was 71-year-old Marjorie Mae George Meranuek and Village Clerk Richard Harvey highest rince 1,804 persons voted t the'University of Michigan, tions. gan Economic Development Com­ singl.e-outrone-reason for the de­ Frymiith, ll29 S. Harris> Ypsilantir Mrs. Frynnittr in the Aug. 8, 1966 balloting, when -summer, .she .traveled, to The Concert Band will play mission;' ~ investigated and waited with^Mrs. Fr>muth (inJ feat, but mentioned the increased with the Michigan - Youth drove from the Oak Grove Cemetery entrance into driver’s seat) for anwambulance which arrived ap­ the miilage request had been de­ Bandology by Osterling, Jeder- After .recommending to,the ccyn- miilage,; recent disputes over resig- National as a flutist', with the the path of an oncoming car and collided with feated twice and finally reduced mann by Whear, Courtly Festi­ mission a citizen-state promotion proximately 25 minutes after being called.. nation of a, guidance conuselor and She has.been selected by by the Board of Education by val arranged by Gordon^Music for program to be called-, Michigan several trees before her car was brought to a halt recent criticism of board policies High -school French --------------------;---------------- ---- ‘ - * - -one-half mill. Fflielsea a Cinema by O’Reilly and Drake Week, the groups formed -a—non­ as.-- -three- possible contributing i to study in France, this BUtn- The board is now faced with a factors. ~ , Belays by—King;— The- Concert profit association, Greater Miehi- . She also plays jn'other1 mu- (lilemmaT It can-pare-dow n+rthS Band will be directed by Stuart ga,n, Inc., to join the state govern­ School miilage requests are oft- ■ i and has appeared as Chelsea Lumber Y psilanti Woman Critically budget and requested increase or Glazer. -— -—---- —— ment in sponsoring M i c h i (ra n iP.xiief(ia.ted—in- - Chelsea School - og-civie functions; hold-another-election for th'e^^ same' t Donations w.ill-be t,aken to help Week-,— Phe-first Michigan- Week1 ShowroomSpace amount; District.. Jn 1968 the miilage issue finance trip's to Intcrlochen "for was held in 1954rrHEVery~'year Inj ured Here in Auto Crash “The voters said no to one-third was passed in the first election, several-^ students. Five band s.tu-< since them ,the program has been o£ the budget,” according to Bus­ but no m iliage increase was re­ Being Increased A 71-year-old Ypsilanti woman down on the accelerator and in­ tdergarten dents ■ are presently interested in bigger and more successful in iness Manager Fred Mills; “As quested— However, three elections remains in critical condition, after jured. The car then shot across studying there, this summer. Other carrying—out the objectives, pro­ A_n addition now being construe it stands now, -we’re down to the each wore needed to pass the ted at Chelsea Lumber Co. will an. automobile accident on ' Madi- the road', careened - off two trees summer music programs are also moters believe. lL22_allocated—miilage—frbm~4h e 1966 and .1967 millages. ■..... at. Each day of MiehigairWeek has increase—display—showroom—spaeeK -son—near—Oak—Grove—Cemetery- -an county.” ■ This election differs from others Monday. tree between, the,-left sidewalk and a special designation. Michigan from /1,700 to 4,600 square feet. «Voters were asked to renew the in the large number of-negative - e increased space will enable ”■ Marjorie Mae Frymuth, 1129 S, curb. Week activities in Chelsea begin 7.05 mills voted last year plus an votes-^ a cause of concern for the r </.iith School"" with Spirtual Foundation Day, owher Robert Daniels to have Ham's S,t.; Ypsilanti, is» in the Police.say two large stone posts school^ bpard. School Rnnrrl intensive-care- unit--of- St.-Joseph- at the Oak Grove, enti nnrp. m%hi increase of 4.33 ~miii3. However, O pen H ouse Sunday,_.May--18. Mrs~KathIeep more-complete coverage of lines- a debt retirement fund reduction in em bers say 1 that --Ghelsoa adergarten Round-up- will, be Mercy Hospital with internal in* Chapman1 i s eh a irman of the d ay’s now handled and add new lines. have obstructed v?iIon_Qf—one—or- school would have to be -stripped South Elementary School juries—a fractured—hipi—injured' from 6^to* 515 mills reduced the .events which will include a mo- Light fixtures, an extensive- kit- both “'drivers, Mrs. Eisele was Pf_jU extras-and -oPfer only the- - May 16. Rural .children Slated for Art, -‘sHoul(ier--Tan(l—jfaeial4nih riesr^a'C- total, increase to 3.83, eheneabmet-bathropm vanity sec­ tiqketed for failing to carry her minimum requirements if some , fparents, are asked to como cording 'to. a brother, Dean Hep- our privilege of religious freedom. tion ‘ and more hardware items hf (Iriyfiris-license with her. extra miilage is hot approved, Mi- r 8:30; to approx imateljr"10 jburn of Cheis* Each church will discuss-lthe-his- a building nature are. 4iymuth remained jn- htrr qhigan state la.w prohibits closing .and town children and par H om e Ec in four-places, was amputated. torical background of their denom additions forseen. car for. a half..hour' before an am- -public- schools 'for-Jack of" funds, 1 Ifipm 1:30 to approximately 3 ; Mrs. Frynnith was^lriving out The Art and Home Economics ination .in Michigan. Construetion "shouid be complet­ bulance' arrived, since one had'to be as . has happened in other states.1 of Oak Grove Cemetery shortly sent from 1-9.4 and Zeeb Rd. The Departments at . Chelsea High Our Government./Day, Monday, ed by late summer. The amount.voted down Monday liWren • will m eet' in any of after noon Monday when she made Coupon Drive school are sponsoring an Open May 19, will be headed by Arden tw.o, Chelsea Superior Ambulance would ' cut ■ $500,000 from the-$1.5' (Ufidergarten rooms (i, 3, or ^ left turn at Madison into the House Tuesday May 20 from 7 Musbach. The day’s activities will attendants were -removing a body million- budget. ware -there ^wilLhe supervised path of a vehicle traveling south in another .vehicle and were not to 9 p.m. ■ be highlighted by Mayor’s Ex- U snackj and other activities. Director Hired on—Madison. —The Car,—driven by -available ’at--the—Superior- ambtF1 Nears Goal _W.ill.ow Run- is the—only “ other- .Jhe_tea^partmeats,-housed-irr change-with-Hudson.
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