Sinking of Bank-Chart- er Bill. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. Mrs. Hiram Williams, of Young MISSOURI STATE NEWS. Graphic Account of the tut The House In Lake Ship Western Belle. Washington, May 19. Jr0tri0tmtg gegisfe Hickory, Ohio, was drowned Erie, " M. Slocum, a well-know- n Banking asso- Helen May 21. She was visiting relatives In Cleve- The thirteenth annual report of the The ship Western Belle, whicn sunk in the - The bill to enable National speaker and leader of the Suffrage w, ice-pa- to extend their corporate existence Woman land, and her brother-in-la- named Ernst, State Superintendent of Insurance, John F. ck in the mouth of the St. Lawrence, ciations BY ELI AKE. to-da- y provides that any P. party, Is ur passed the House dead. took her out fishing. The skiff capsized, Williams, will soon be published, and will was in latitude forty-fo- degrees thirty min- as it 1 Nation?!-Bankin- g association may at any tJm IRONTON, - . MISSOURI. A. C. Renacdin, a Frenchman, aged clinging to keel. contain matters of considerable interest to utes, and longitude forty-seve- n degrees twen- and Ernst was found the within two years next previous to tho date of ' twenty-tw- o, entered the Protestant Episco- the Insuring public From this report it ap- ty minutes, according to the story of the mate under between seven and eight on the evening of the expiration of its corporate existence pal Church of the Annunciation, New York F0RTT-SEYE3T- H pears that of companies, other CONGRESS. the number was going at speed the present law, and with the approval of tha City, on the 18th, drew a pistol from his than life, now authorized to do business in MayL She a moderate its period AMD NOTES. under short canvas, with the weather very Comptroller ot the Currency, extend MEWS pocket and deliberately shot himself. Consideration of the five per cent, land this State is 160; 17 of Missouri, 113 from of succession by amending its articles of asso- was in Senate, May 17, Mr. thick. They had that afternoon sighted the twenty While the widow of James Quigley bill resumed the other States, and 30 from foreign countries. miles off, as night ciation for a term of not more than Garland supporting the measure. After gen-er- al ship President, about six but period of suo A Summary of Important Erents. was filing her account as in a. In July the Ameriean Central Insurance came on the rain poured down in torrents, years from the expiration of the administrator discussion upon the question whether said articles of association, court at Erie, a few days ago, she was were be Company of St. Louis increased its paid and none could see more than a ship's length cession named in Pa., military scrip lands entitled to and shall have succession for such extended startled by the appearance of another widow considered as anions those actually sold up- capital from $300,000 to $600,000. The St. through the fog. The first mate had been on Onk hundred vessels are fast in the on which 5 per cent was. to be paid, the bill watch and had just handed the charge of the period, unless soones dissolved by act of tha Louis Mutual Insurance Company, the ds of the same man, who laid claim to the en went over without action In the House, Fire shareholders owning two-thir- of its Stock, or Ice oil the New Brunswick coast. tire estate. bank extension bill was read in successor of St. Louis Mutual Fire and 6hip to the second mate and Captain, the latter It appears that the latter was the charter the remarking- as was thick, he unless its franchise becomes forfeited by soma ' sections for amendment. Mr. March (Maine) Marine, began In July, and was the that, the weather i A conflagration at Boyadab, Asia married in Buffalo twenty years ago, and offered an amendment reducfug from twenty business would remain on deck. violation of the law. ' - - Jf that Quigley deserted her with four children to three years the period for which banks first company organized under the general on Section two provides that such amendment : .Minor, destroyed lour nunarea nouses. At a quarter past eight the watch deck on her hands. may extend their succession. He was willing Insurance laws of the State since the estab- were startled by a huge, unproportioned of the articles of association must be author, to allow banks three years to go into some by consent In writing of the shareholdera 61, nays 117. Mr. lishment of the Insurance Department. The ghostlike something bearing down upon them, lzed DATiTf declares that nothing but the Near Kingston, Tenn., on the 17th, honest business. Yeas two-thir-ds sharp,-quic- owning not less than of the capital Ire-lan- Ruckner (Mo.) moved to make the period Home Mutual and Marine Company while the watch below heard the landlordism will satisfy d. a hack containing Alley Firestone and John Fire abolition of ten years. The yeas and nays were ordered, cry M instantly followed stock. ' Hughes, drivenlby was have made a voluntary contribution of 2 per of Ice nheadl" bv the Comp- T. C Williams, fired pending which the matter went over for the " up helm I" The Section three refers to the duty of tho cent, on notes, and order Hard the next instant ng upou from ambush near the residence of day. Mr. Hazelton (Wis.), from the Commit- the amount of premium troller of the Currency in the premises, pro-Tidi- At a meeting of the coal operators of tee on Elections, submitted a report on the have paid the indebtedness and released the there was a crash, and before the men could Mrs. Zoda Pearce. The passengers and case of Lowe vs. Wheeler, of the Eighth Con- rise from their feet the water was pouring: into for special examination into the affai ra Pittsburgh, Pa., it was decided to fight the driver took to woods, gressional District of Alabama, delating the notes. Since the 1st of March, 1881, the each association should he deem it neces- col- the but returned the the ship in tons through a breach in her port of strikers and continue the importation of fire in direction of shots. contestant (Lowe) entitled to the seat. , date of the last annual report of this depart- sary. the the Firestone steam bow. Confusion ruled for the next five min- ored miners. ventured to return, when he found that The bill to extend the Spendelow ment, ten companies have withdrawn from utes, as every man felt that the vessel was Section four has reference to the Jurisdic- grain shovel patent was Indefinitely post- of by or against National-Bankin- g assas- Mrs. Pearce was would-b- e assassin. the State and nineteen have been admitted. soon to sink from under him, and acted for tion suits A postal card threatening the the poned in the Senate. May 1825 to 19. The associations, placing such suits on the same by Entering the house he discovered a little The following tables give a recapitula- himself. She was fast settling by the head, sination of President Arthur the Fenians House bill authorizing the receipt of United e footing in respect to jurisdiction as suite by or daughter had been shot through head. gold coin in exchange tor gold bars tion of the condition of all the companies while the huge, phantom-lik- iceberg passed on he recalls Lowell was dropped in the States sud-Sen- banks. unless the ship and was as ly against private 5 per land bill was of business astern of the lost to view National-Bank- ce passed. The cent then working in the State and the New York Post-offi- on the 21st. The child was alive at last accounts, but can pro- Section five provides that when any taken up. Mr. Saulsbury'a amendment, done here both in 188D and 1SS1: as it had come upon them. not live. It is supposed Mrs. Pearce's shot hibiting States receiving money from apply- carpenter and Captain were ing association has amended its article Gal-r- es The quickly b The steamer Rio Grande, from was intended for Williams, against whom ing any of it to the pay of agents employed to coxnrriosr. low to damage. oidjr of association, as provided in this act, and procure ft, was modified bv Mr. Beck adding Dec. SI, 1880. Dec. 31, 1881. ascertain the The next of ton, Texas, arrived off the Delaware she recently entered suit on a charge of as- 00 was: away boats! " These were two the Comptroller has granted his certificate the words "except this be In accord with the Assets SIM,352,504 00 S164,3S0.S20 "Cut the not assenting te Breakwater with a cargo of cotton on fire. sault. laws of the State, passed after the passage of Capital 4S.lfi2,207 00 5,173,603 00 in number, and were lashed upon skids in the approval, any shareholder Hay 17. The captain decided to gink this act." Adopted. Discussion was con- Liabilities 51,625,531 00 56,577,623 00 manner of most sailing vessels. The Captain such amendment may give notice in writing her. M. B. Cowden, City Surveyor of Mc-Dil- tinued by Messrs. Conger, Allison and l. Surplus 51,504,866 00 54.C23.6y4 00 to the Directors within thirty days from tha Harrisburg, Pa., was accidentally killed at and then Mr. Morgan offered an amend- got twelve men to take one boat.
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