AROOSTOOK t im e s Ciry Library April 13,* 1860 '<• W I M P W Un* To 'VWPPViPRML vuonn December 27, 1916 *d VOL. LX HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1920 No. 22 AUTO LAW VIOLATORS i TRUNK LINE WORK WILL I ODD FELLOWS WILL MEET BSnitlCAL PAGEANT TAKE WARNING AROOSTOOK POTATO COMMENCE THIS WEEK CHIEF OF POLICE i FOR BIG EVENT JUNE 8 The contract for 3^ miles of Trunk Chief of Police Hogan had accasion j j Tuesday June 6th will he a red iet- line work to be built by the state, in to warn an auto driver from one of j HOGAN CAPTURES j ter day in Odd Fellowship, for that is -B Y HOULTON CROP IS ABOUT Houlton, will commence this week. our neighboring cities, that we had the day of the visit of the Grand Orfi- The work will be done by the Green­ auto laws here in Houlton which would j 1 cers of the Encampment to this town wood Construction Co. of Skowhegan, SCHOOLCHILDREN be enforced and if he thought that he j ALU>LANTED MASS. COUPLE for the purpose of conferring the de­ Maine and the work will commence at or anyone else could come into Houl- j grees upon a class of 166 candidates, ton and ignore the local ordinances, > the end of the State aid on North St. which have been secured since April, Ideal Weather for Planting that was built last year, just above the Wanted for Larceny of Goods C— niorating the One that he had another guess coming. j when the Grand Patriarch was here. The offender apologized and on the Mel Putnam place. This class will he the largest class and Good Prospects From a Braintree HwhreAh Anniversary of promise of strict observance in the fu- j Contracts for the remainder of this ever worked in the state and the ture was allowed to go unmolested. piece 6 miles in Littleton and a short Store Grand Officers in appreciation of the Maine as a State For the benefit of those who are not j Ahead distance in Monticello will he opened efforts of the local Encampment, are at the next meeting of the Highway to make the trip to Houlton to do the familiar with the speed laws. The :j The weather for the past three Chief of Police Hogan last week re­ Every available seat and standing commission so that this work will he work personally. state peed laws. I weeks has been ideal for planting and ceived the following letter: room at the Temple Theatre was oc­ The town ordinances prohibit a completed this year. the Aroostook farmer has taken ad­ Chief of Police, Houlton, Maine The committee of entertainment will cupied Friday evening on the occa­ speed of more than 15 miles an hour There is no place in the county ; spare no efforts in making this meet- vantage of every day. Dear Sir: sion of the production of the History in the town proper, which many driv­ which needs a new section so much as ! inS the biggest event of its kind ever While it is uncertain just what the ] through Littleton where the orginal Please find herewith the warrants of Maine in the form of a Pageant, ers seem to ignore as swell as the fol­ | attempted in this section and when acreage of potatoes will he from the road wa8 mogtly aH buiU of corduroy for Carl and Margaret Goodridge for commemorating the centenial of lowing ordinance, and as these have j one stops to consider that on that day amount of fertilizer that has been and each year the action of the frost j larceny of property of Arthur Mangan- Maine Statehood given by the schools been made long enough, there is not j there will be at least 150 visitors from used it is estimated that the acreage brings thege logg up a littIe and it anaro at Braintree, Mass., May 22d. of Houlton, and the occasion is one much excuse for these being violated, j out of town, besides the local con- will be about 25% short of last year ; sb0ws in the road bed. In building ! These parties left Boston Monday, May that will long he remembered as one of but the Selectmen have given the po­ l tingent, that it behooves our citiens to and while in a way this may have Trunk lineg ag well as state aid road , 24th for Millinocket. Their baggage the very most successful and instruc­ lice instructions that they be enforc­ | make some effort to give them a hear­ some bearing on the crop at the end j all thege ]ogg are remove(1 and a road check was number 625427. tive entertainments ever given. ed to the letter. ty welcome. of the season, the weather condition that wiU 8tand for many years with The man is 43 years of age, 6 ft., 2 All over the state towns and cities “Any person driving a motor propell­ j The visitors will arrive early Tues- during the growing season has more to | maintenance each in. tall, 150 lbs., dark complexioned are arranging entertainments to cele- ed vehicle is prohibited from using his year, is the result. do with it. as during a poor season the Contracts for the Trllnk line through and very slim. The woman is 23 years day and the days Pr6sram as tenta- brater the 100th anniversary of the cut out or opening his muffler within yield per acre may very materially Island Pa|Js has been ,et #nd the sec. of age, about 5 ft. 2 in. tall, 120 lbs.,; *ively arran£ed is as follows: Tuesday state, along the same lines as the one the “12 miles an hour” town limit, on p. m., session in Odd Fellows Hall, change what the final crop will be. If fair complexioned and light hair. given here on Friday evening, while any strret in the Town of Houlton at tion through Crystal and Sherman will Banquet at 6 p. m. in Watson Hall. conditions continue the way it now This man and his wife were mana- the official celebration to bp held in any hour of the day or night.” probably he let at the next meeting of looks that is a dry season during the gers of a store in Braintree, and we 7.15 p. m. a “movie” party at Temple Portland, June 96 to July 6 promises PENALTIES the Highway Commission. Theatre; 8.30 return to Hall for c summer a better crop is promised than cannot tell until after stock taking to be a tremendous and spectacular SECTION 1. Whoever violates any if the weather continues wet and the amount of the larceny, but it pro­ tinuation of the degree work afi *r affairs, people from every port of the of the provisions of the foregoing or­ John Hannigaft left Monday for rainy, and yet a certain amount of bably will run into a pretty high fig­ whirh will follow a buffet lunch and state participating. dinance shall be punished by a fine Karterskill. N. V. for the summer smoker. moisture is necessary for an ideal crop. ure. Probably some of this property This entertainment was conceived not exceeding $20 for each offense, re­ where he will visit relatives who are The candidates secured for this The bugs and other tilings have a may he found in this man’s trunk by the Houlton Woman’s Club and was coverable on complaint before- the proprietors of a summer hotel there. large class came from the 27th dis­ great deal to do with the yield, so that which consists of vietrola records and : given unded their auspices, the details Judge of the Houlton Municipal Court. trict, which includes Millinocket, Pat­ raising potatoes is not all sunshine, as perhaps other musical instruments. and all the rehearsals being under the ten, Smprna and Houlton and when ad­ there are chances to he taken the WOODSTOCK PARLOR Kindly look them up and arrest supervision of the various teachers of mitted will make Aroostook Encamp­ MEMORIAL DAY same as in any other crop, which is them both and notify me by wire and o u r’schools, and how well they per­ TRACK AND HORSES ment one of the strongest branches in Once again has the wheel of time dependent upon just the right kind of 1 will come for them with rendition formed their work the success of the Tin* prospect for horse racing here the State. turned and brought a day that is re­ papers. entertainment showed the Pageant a season for producing the largest this summer are excellent. Horsemen vered throughout our nation and this yield. Respectfully yours, which consisted of about a dozen epi­ have been working out their steeds year, especially, a day that will he oh- There is no doubt hut that the acre- John H. Scott, sodes in Maine History from before on the track since May 1st and the HAVE YOU HOUSEHOLD served with the deepest signanee in ; age would have been much larger had State Police Officer, the coming of the white man up to the condition of the race course is first France where many of the flower of there been more available fertilizer, PRODUCTS TO SELL present day, portrayed by means of j class. •1118! It Braintree. Mass. the American army lie buried. | but the embargo on freight and the Chief Hogan was on the lookout for The first activity to be undertaken living moving pictures costumed ap­ Already 14 horses arc- quartered in The significance of Memorial Day < shortage of cars at just the time when these people and landed them in the by the Home Directorate of the State propriate to epoch which they repre­ the splendid stables at the fair is brought more closely to mind this cars were needed and the time when cooler, notified the Braintree police, Chamber of Commerce and Agricul­ sented.
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