MAUY HEMENWAY HALL WELLESLEY, MASS., FEBRUARY 26, 1942 D~ Hu Shih To Address 1942 President's Wife·. Senate· Approves Plans For · · E . Outlines College At Commencement xerc1ses Role In Defense New College Radio Station __________.......__<e> Studio to Broadcast From Cbina Ambassador To Talk~ Mrs. Fl'ilnklin D. Roosevelt, who On Anniversary of Mme. Liliom Promises is to speak at Wellesley March 27 Pendleton Hall to All Chiang Kai-shek, '17 Dramatic Triumph during Forum's intercollegiate con­ Campus Dormitories ference, has issued the following Members of the class of 1942 statement to undergraduates: The College Senate took official will leave Wellesley twenty-five What -could be better spring action in a meeting Monday eve­ "The role of the colleg·e student years after the graduation of tonic than Spring Formals? ning, February 23, to approve in Civilian Defense is extremely plans, presented by Rosam.rnd Wil­ Madame Chiang Kai Shek. To em- Barnswallows' final production of important. As far as possible, it phasize her connection with Wel- fley '42, for establishing a Tadio seems to me there should be a lesley the peaker at the com­ the season, Franz Molnar's Liliom, station at Wellesley. One of forty duplication on the campuses of all mencement exercises this June complete with a Wellesley-Harvard colleges belonging to the network the services which would be re­ will be His Excellency, DL Hu of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting cast and more of Mr. Daniel Sat- quired of a citizen in his commu­ Shih, Ambassador from China System, the new • station will be to ler's famous scenery, including an nity, so that on the campus the the United States. the first independent experiment of student is preparing himself for acacia bush and some railroad the kind to be set up in a women's Dr. Hu was awarded a scholar­ tracks, promises to be an excellent activity in his home community. college. ship to Cornell University, and ob­ "In addition, I think every col­ conclusion to a very successful· The studio will be located in tained his PhD. from Columbia in lege student should feel a special Pendleton right inside the central 1917. Upon his i·eturn to China .year and a grand beginning for responsibility to prepare himself he was made a professor of Philos­ an evening. The play will be pre­ door or as the organizers have to become a leader in the thinking said "under the seats of Room ophy in the National Peking Uni­ sented two nights, Friday, March of youth. What is thought ami 112." Regular radio waves will versity. For. nineteen years he 6, and Saturday, March 7. done on campuses, will condition was one of Chii1a's foremost schol­ be. transmitted from there on the larg·ely what kind· of a peace we electric light wires to various ars and led educational reforms. A gay dance with appropriate are able to neg·otiate at the end buildings on th~ campu and may Before 1920, all Chinest textbooks sp1·ing decorations ' will follow the of the war. Saturday night production of Rosam1md Wilfley be picked up on radio dials around and newspapers were written in "The boys on the campuses are Liliom. President - Iildred H. Mc­ 700. The limited radiation does classical Chine e, which was diffi­ going out into industry, into the Afee, Mrs. Mary C. Ewing, Dean not, however, include the village cult to learn and had not been professions, into the military ser­ houses. of Residence; Miss Lucy Wilson, spoken for thou ands of years. Dr. vices. They should know why they Questionnaires To Dean of Students; and Miss Anne Programs will be broadcast be­ Hu, in an effol't to overthrow the believe in Democracy, not only as Wellington, Executive Secretary tween five and six p.m. and seven classical tradition, adapted a dia­ a form of government, but as a Form Basis For .. of the Board of Admissions, will and eight p.m. every Monday Wed­ lect known to 90 per cent of the way of life, and they should know Chinese. As a result of this lit­ be in the 1·eceiving line. Mrs. nesday, and Friday, starti~g the where to obtain the answers to any Summer Program William Scott, Head of Little week of Ma1·ch 18. The p1·odue­ er:ary revolution a system of mass questions which arise. p tions to be operated by the stu­ education was instituted. House 1 and Mrs. C. B. Comegys, Questionnaires on pro o s e d In October, 1938, Dr. Hu was Head of Norumbega, will . be the "These, in brief, seem to me the courses to be offered at Wellesley dents will include commentating on appointed Amba sador to the Unit­ chaperones. most important thing·s for the col­ next summer will he distributed news, classical and popular record­ ed States. He admits he prefers lege student today." before the end of t his week. The ings, interviews, and dramatic skits Frances Burke '42 is Chairman the library to the embassy, but his returns from the inquiry will help featuring all available local talent. of the Dance Committee. She A mass meeting to introduce :md deepest loyalty i to China. Miss McEwan Selects to determine whether or not cours­ will be assisted in the arrange­ es will be offered this summer. explain the new Co1lege radio sta ments by Patricia We1ling·ton '43, Jean Thomas for Role ~ion was held on February 24th, TREE DAY TRYOUTS It is hoped that :final arrange­ Dorothy Dann '42, and Margaret ments can be made so that in the Alumnae Hall Ballroom, at Place-Agora Lightner '43. Tickets may be ob­ Of Alice in: Tree Day 4:40 p.m. After tryouts last week, which if the courses - -:: e to be given Time-3:40-5:40 p.m. tained at the ticket booth during Rosamond Wilfley emphasized were judged by Miss Charlotte registration can occur immediately Date-March 2, 3, 4 the next week. the value of the studio for further­ MacEwan, Dir.ector of the Wel­ after the spring vacation. All ar­ Requirement - no p Le-Ni o us ing future careers whether they l<"sley Coll~ge Dance Group, solo rangements indicated on the pre­ dancing courses necessary. be in radio or not. Students who parts for Tree Day have been as­ liminary questionnaire are tenta­ You will be shown certain Girls Will Broadcast wish to specialize later in certain signed. The soloists are a1l mem­ tive. While it is understood that steps to do. No improvisa­ To Brazil, Argentina fields such as dramatics, music, or bers of the_Dance Group, and will students do not commit themselves tion called for. writing can start practising right · clothes - Come in something When Dorothy Hughes '45 .. nd arrange the choreography for the to attending courses by signing this first statement it is important 11ow on their own college radio you can dance in - shorts, Gladys Dougall '43 speak over Bos­ presentation of "Thr.ough the to answer the questions as defin­ station. For those uncertain on slacks, gym suit, dancing cos­ ton's short wave station, WRUL, Looki-ng Glass," to take place May itely as possible. (Continued on Page 6, Col. 3) ,.. tume. tonight, their voices will be heard 16. Jean Thomas '43 will dance THESE TRYOUTS ARE OPF.N all over South America. Dorothy, the role of Alice. The fierce Jab­ TO THE ENTIRE STUDENT of San Paulo, Brazil, wiit greet her berwocky and Little . Hero will be Phi Sigma To Act Calhoun to Speak BODY family there, and Gladys will greet Joan Guiterman '42 and Deborah Barron '43, respectively. Pris­ 100 Dancing Parts! her family at home in Buenos Aires, Argentina. cilla Carter '42 has been chosen econstant Nymph' At La1tC.A.Forum to portray the lovable Humpty "The Constant Nymph" by Mar- Chri tian Association ha..; secur- Dumpty. That equestrian of rare ed as speaker for the Forum on achievement, the White Knight, is garet Kennedy, will be presente d by the members of Phi Sigma So- Religion, Dr. Robert Lowry Cal­ Miss Denkinger Notes Subtleties to be Beryl Weisman '42. ciety Friday and Saturday eve- ho~n, Associate Professor of _His- Group tryouts for Tree Day will nmgs. F e b ruary 27 an d 28 , a t 8 to11cal·t HTheology · at Yale U niver- In · "L t·1 tom· '', Latest Barn Play be held the first part of next week. , 1 i ·s1 Y· e will ;;peak Monday As there are over 100 1v.1cers to o c oc c Tuesday, and Wednesday, March Jeannette M_acDonald be selected, it is hoped tliat every­ The novel has been · dramatiz~d 23, 24; and 25, fo afternoon or one will want to take part in this by three members of the society, evening lectures. This forum iii "Barn's deci ion to produce love do not really hurt," said Miss traditional event. Mary Judd '43, Dawn Ludington the climax of C. A. activities Liliom is a high compliment to Denkinger. '42, and Elizabeth Bell '42. The throughout the year. our intelligence." declared Mi s The play makes large and stren­ Novelist Will Appraise leading parts include Rosalind Dr. Calhoun visited the colleg8 Schang '43, as Tessa; Frances in 1940 for a series of lecturesi Emma Marshall Denkinger, Wel- uous demands upon the actors and The Value of Art Today Young· '42 as Louis; and Margaret sponsored by the Department ol lesley's exponent of modern drama actresses because its delicacy and At Sophie Hart Lecture Ivy '43, as Florence.
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