July 1, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 15213 Senate Budget Committee where he reports of Chinese espionage of our na- thank you very much, for your service worked with the White House to secure tional nuclear weapons laboratories. and bid you aloha, welcome home. passage of the 1993 Budget Reconcili- Ambassador Sasser distinguished him- f ation and Deficit Reduction Act, an ac- self and the entire American contin- complishment that is in large part re- gent of diplomats in China by acting in CHANGES TO THE BUDGETARY AG- sponsible for the unprecedented period a respectful and sympathetic manner GREGATES AND APPROPRIA- of economic growth our nation enjoys to the Chinese government during this TIONS COMMITTEE ALLOCATION and the transformation of an esca- unfortunate incident. I will never for- Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, sec- lating federal budget deficit into an get the photographs of Ambassador tion 314(b)(5) of the Congressional impressive surplus. Sasser in the ruins of our embassy in Budget Act, as amended, requires the Moreover, Senator Sasser distin- Beijing. The calm, composed, and dig- chairman of the Senate Budget Com- guished himself on foreign policy nified manner in which he responded to mittee to adjust the appropriate budg- issues, courageously speaking his mind the seige at our embassy and ambas- etary aggregates and the allocation for on issues such as the Reagan Adminis- sador’s residence are the benchmark the Appropriations Committee to re- tration policies in Central America. He for grace under fire and will forever flect an amount provided for an earned was well respected by his colleagues symbolize the sacrifice and skills of income tax credit compliance initia- and was known for his sharp intellect our nation’s diplomatic corps and for- tive. and genial personality. His campaign eign service personnel. I hereby submit revisions to the 2000 slogan during his 1976 Senate campaign I had the opportunity to visit and Senate Appropriations Committee allo- was ‘‘in behalf of a government that re- talk with Ambassador Sasser on nu- cations, pursuant to section 302 of the flects our decency.’’ Senator Sasser merous occasions in Beijing. His assist- Congressional Budget Act, in the fol- lived up to that promise through his ance and advice was always courteous lowing amounts: distinguished record in the United and on point. From human rights [In millions of dollars] States Senate. issues to intellectual property copy- After returning to private life in 1995, rights, Ambassador Sasser has done a Budget authority Outlays Jim Sasser served as a Fellow at the tremendous job representing and com- Kennedy School of Government at Har- municating American interests in the Current allocation: General purpose discretionary .................................. 533,971 543,967 vard University before he was nomi- People’s Republic of China. During his Violent crime reduction fund ................................... 4,500 5,554 nated as Ambassador to China. On Jan- 40 months of service as American Am- Highways .................................................................. .............. 24,574 Mass transit ............................................................. .............. 4,117 uary 10, 1996, Jim Sasser was sworn in bassador to China, the longest tenure Mandatory ................................................................. 321,502 304,297 by Vice President AL GORE as United of any American Ambassador to China, Total ................................................................. 859,973 882,509 States Ambassador to the People’s Re- Jim Sasser has accomplished so much Adjustments: public of China. Knowing that Sino- in helping to improve Sino-American General purpose discretionary .................................. +144 +146 Violent crime reduction fund ................................... .............. .............. American relations were at an all time relations. His achievements are numer- Highways .................................................................. .............. .............. low, Ambassador Sasser went to the ous and commendable. Ambassador Mass transit ............................................................. .............. .............. Mandatory ................................................................. .............. .............. People’s Republic of China with the Sasser’s service has helped advance co- same diligence that distinguished him operation between American and Chi- Total ................................................................. +144 +146 Revised allocation: as a Senator. The first motto that he nese political and security officials. General purpose discretionary .................................. 534,115 544,113 graced the Chinese Embassy with, ‘‘We Economic relations between our two Violent crime reduction fund ................................... 4,500 5,554 Highways .................................................................. .............. 24,574 may doze, but we never close,’’ typifies countries have improved under Ambas- Mass transit ............................................................. .............. 4,117 the job that Ambassador Sasser did for sador Sasser’s leadership including on- Mandatory ................................................................. 321,502 304,297 three remarkable years. going negotiations for admitting China Total ................................................................. 860,117 882,655 Ambassador to China is one of the into the World Trade Organization. In most difficult assignments for a dip- the area of nuclear nonproliferation, I hereby submit revisions to the 2000 lomat. Dealing with the government of Ambassador Sasser has seen the Chi- budget aggregates, pursuant to section the most populous country in the world nese government address U.S. concerns 311 of the Congressional Budget Act, in can be an intimidating task. Ambas- about providing assistance to rogue na- the following amounts: sador Sasser rose to the challenge and tions, as well as issuing a State Coun- [In millions of dollars] quickly established amicable relation- cil directive controlling export of dual- Budget ships with President Jiang Zemin and use items with potential nuclear weap- authority Outlays Deficit most recently with premier Zhu ons uses. The U.S. Embassy in China Current allocation: Budget resolu- Rongji. So tight were there bonds that has also helped to secure relief assist- tion ............................................. 1,428,920 1,415,349 ¥7,267 Premier Zhu said after his trip to ance to Chinese earthquake victims. Adjustments: EITC compliance ...... +144 +146 ¥146 Revised allocation: Budget resolu- America with Jim Sasser last year. ‘‘I The list of accomplishments of Ambas- tion ............................................. 1,429,064 1,415,495 ¥7,413 would never have made it without the sador Sasser and his corps of diplo- Ambassador.’’ The relationships al- matic officials goes on and on. His f lowed Ambassador Sasser to navigate record as Ambassador speaks for itself. THE SUPREME COURT’S END-OF- through the tough times in United Although United States-China rela- TERM DECISIONS States-China relations and have helped tions have been damaged by the acci- build and sustain cordial relations be- dental bombing of the Belgrade em- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, the Su- tween the President of the United bassy, we can say that relations with preme Court ended its term last week States and the President of the Peo- China are better now than they were 3 with a trio of deeply disturbing deci- ple’s Republic of China. Moreover, his years ago when Ambassador Sasser as- sions regarding the role of the States 18 years of distinguished service in the sumed his post in Beijing. and Congress in our federal system. In U.S. Senate helped prepare him for Now that Jim and Mary have re- Alden v. Maine, the Court made it im- dealing with domestic and foreign pol- turned safely home, I would like to possible for State employees to enforce icymakers in both countries. take one final opportunity to thank their rights under the Fair Labor Just weeks after Ambassador Sasser them and his family for their coura- Standards Act, which for decades has was sworn in, his diligence was tested geous service and commitment to serv- guaranteed public and private employ- when China began missile tests over ing America in China. I have to agree ees nationwide a fair minimum wage. the Taiwan Strait. Recently, United with former Secretary of State Henry In College Savings Bank, the Court States-China relations were strained Kissinger’s assessment of Ambassador deprived private parties of the ability once again by the tragic, accidental Sasser as ‘‘the best Ambassador to to enforce federal unfair competition bombing of the Chinese Embassy in China we’ve ever had’’. To Jim Sasser law against the States. And in Florida Belgrade during NATO air strikes and and his family, I say maholo nui loa, Prepaid, the Court held that Congress VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:02 Oct 04, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S01JY9.003 S01JY9.
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