STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 105.391, Subd. 1, the Commissioner of Natural Resources hereby publishes the final inventory of Protected (i.e. Public) Waters and Wetlands for Beltrami County. This list is to be used in conjunction with the Protected Waters and Wetlands Map prepared for Beltrami County. Copies of the final map and list are available for inspection at the following state and county offices: DNR Regional Office, Bemidji Beltrami SWCD Marshall-Beltrami SWCD Beltrami County Auditor Dated: STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES JOSEPH N. ALEXANDER, Commissioner By: DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATERS FINAL DESIGNATION OF PROTECTED WATERS AND WETLANDS WITHIN BELTRAMI COUNTY, MINNESOTA. A. Listed below are the townships of Beltrami County and the township/range numbers in which they occur. Name Township # Range # Alaska 150 34;35 Battle 152 32 Bemidji 146 33 Benville 156 38 Big Grass (Unorg.) 158 38 Birch 148 30 Birch Island (Unorg.) 155 32 Brook Lake (Unorg.) 146 30 Buzzle 148 35 Cormant 151 31 Durand 149 33 Eckles 147 34 Eland (Unorg.) 153 30 Frohn 146 32 Grant Valley 146 34 Hagali 149 32 Hamre 155 37 Hines 149 31 Hornet 150 30 Jones 146 35 Kelliher 152 30 Lammers 147 35 Langor 150 31 Lee 155 38 Liberty 148 34 Maple Ridge 149 34 Minnie 156 36 Moose Lake 147 30 Nebish 149;150 33 Northern 147 33 Northwood 157 38 Obrien 150 32 Port Hope 148 32 Page 1 Name Township # Range # Quiring 151 32 Red Lake (Unorg.) 155 31 Roosevelt 149 35 Shooks 151 30 Shotley 153 31;32 Spruce Grove 156 37 Steenerson 155 36 Sugar Bush 147 31 Summit 149 30 Taylor 148 31 Ten Lake 146 31 Turtle Lake 148 33 Turtle River 147 32 Unorganized 155 33-35 156 30-35 157 36;37 Waskish (Konig Onorg.) 154;155 30 Winner (Unorg.) 158 37 Woodrow 152 31 Yale (Unorg.) 158 36 B. PROTECTED WATERS 1. The following are protected waters: Number and Name Section Township Range 4-1 : Burns Lake 6,7;1,12 146 29;30 4-2 : Bullhead Lake 7 146 30 4-3 : Pug Hole Lake 7,8 146 30 4-4 : McDonald Lake 16,17 146 30 4-5 : Schram Lake 28,33 146 30 4-6 : Unnamed 34,35 146 30 4-7 : Kitchi Lake 4,5,6,7,8;31,32,33 146;147 30 4-8 : Little Moose Lake 3,10 147 30 4-9 : Preston Lake 6,7 147 30 4-11 : Moose Lake 11,14,15,21,22 147 30 4-12 : Little Pimushe Lake 19,30 147 30 4-13 : Unnamed 21 147 30 4-14 : Popple Lake 26,27,28 147 30 4-15 : Little Rice Lake 30,31 147 30 Page 2 Number and Name Section Township Range 4-16 : Little Gilstad Lake 5 148 30 4-17 : Chinaman Lake 15,22 148 30 4-18 : Ellis Lake NE 20,21 148 30 4-19 : Anderson Lake 20,21 148 30 4-20 : Gimmer Lake 23,26 148 30 4-21 : Baumgartner Lake 27 148 30 4-22 : Webster Lake 29 148 30 4-23 : Holland Lake 30 148 30 4-24 : Gilstad Lake 5,6;31,32 148;149 30 4-27 : Borden Lake 30 150 30 4-28 : Bullhead Lake 25,26,35,36 152 30 4-29 : Norman Lake 22 154 30 4-30 : Cass Lake various 145;146 30;31 4-31 : Big Rice Lake 19,30;23,24,25,26 147 30;31 4-32 : Pimushe Lake 6-8,17-20;31;1;36 147;148 30;31 4-33 : Benjamin Lake 7,18;13 148 30;31 4-34 : Rabideau Lake 8,9,16-20;13 148 30;31 *4-35 : Red Lake various 151-155 30-36 4-36 : Drewery Lake 3,4;33,34 145;146 31 4-37 : Unnamed 4,9 146 31 4-38 : Andrusia Lake 7,8,17-20,29,30 146 31 4-39 : Silver Lake 9,16 146 31 4-40 : Blue Sky Lake 9,10 146 31 4-41 : Ten Lake 10 146 31 4-42 : Buck Lake 12,13,14,23,24 146 31 4-43 : Lost Lake 14,15,22,23 146 31 4-44 : Luck Lake 14,23 146 31 4-45 : Little Lost Lake 15 146 31 4-46 : Mission Lake 20,21 146 31 4-47 : Unnamed 33 146 31 4-48 : Windigo Lake 35,36 146 31 4-49 : Big Lake various 146;147 31 4-50 : Meadow Lake 6 147 31 4-51 : Lake Flora 19,20 147 31 4-52 : Jessie Lake 30,31,32 147 31 4-53 : South Twin Lake 2,3;34,35 147;148 31 4-54 : Muskrat Lake 2 148 31 4-56 : Carter Lake 8,17 148 31 4-57 : Nelson Lake 9 148 31 4-58 : Carla Lake 12,13 148 31 4-59 : Rice Pond 15,22 148 31 Page 3 Number and Name Section Township Range 4-60 : Fagen Lake 16,21 148 31 4-61 : Drury Lake 27 148 31 4-62 : Bass Lake 27,28 148 31 4-63 : North Twin Lake 27,33,34 148 31 4-64 : Gull Lake 29,32 148 31 4-66 : Hanson Lake 3;34 148;149 31 4-67 : Dutchman Lake 4;32,33 148;149 31 4-68 : Erickson Lake 6;31 148;149 31 4-69 : Blackduck Lake 3-5,8-11,14-17 149 31 4-70 : Crandall Lake 14,23 149 31 4-72 : Flenner Lake 26 149 31 4-73 : Funk Lake 27,34 149 31 4-74 : Smith Lake 4,5;32 149;150 31 4-75 : Roadside Lake 6;1 147 31;32 4-76 : Long Lake 7;1,11,12,14 147 31;32 4-77 : Unnamed 19,30;24,25 147 31;32 4-78 : Unnamed 31;36 148 31;32 4-79 : Wolf Lake 1,2;23-26,35,36 145;146 32 4-85 : Swenson Lake 11,12,13,14 146 32 4-86 : Stocking Lake 13,24 146 32 4-87 : School Lake 15,16,21,22 146 32 4-89 : Ose Lake 23,24 146 32 4-91 : Unnamed 3;34 146;147 32 4-92 : Gallagher Lake 1,12 147 32 4-94 : Unnamed 6 147 32 4-96 : Unnamed SE 13 147 32 4-97 : Buck Lake 15 147 32 4-98 : Button Lake 18 147 32 4-99 : Unnamed 18 147 32 4-105: Unnamed NE 24 147 32 4-110: Little Bass Lake 29,30,32 147 32 4-111: Turtle River Lake various 147;148 32 4-112: Unnamed 2,3;34,35 147;148 32 4-113: Unnamed 9,10 148 32 4-114: Unnamed 16,21 148 32 4-115: Pool Lake 22,27,28 148 32 4-116: Unnamed 25,26 148 32 4-117: Unnamed 25,36 148 32 4-119: Peterson Lake 26,35 148 32 4-120: Gull Lake 1-4,11;26,27,33-35 148;149 32 4-121: Rice Lake 4,9 149 32 Page 4 Number and Name Section Township Range 4-122: Medicine Lake 9,10,15,16 149 32 4-123: Cranberry Lake 16,17 149 32 4-124: Sandy Lake 19,29,30 149 32 4-125: Loon Lake 23,24,25,26 149 32 4-130: Lake Bemidji various 146;147 32;33 4-132: Big Bass Lake 19,20,30;24 147 32;33 4-134: Three Island Lake 18,19;23,24,25,26 148 32;33 4-135: Beltrami Lake 30,31;25,26,35,36 148 32;33 4-136: Hagali Lake 6;1 149 32;33 4-137: White Fish Lake 7,18;1,12,13 149 32;33 4-138: Jackson Lake 19;24 149 32;33 4-139: Bass Lake 30,31;25,36 149 32;33 4-140: Irving Lake 8,16,17,20,21 146 33 4-142: Marquette Lake 20,29,30,31,32 146 33 4-151: Alice Lake 18 147 33 4-152: Movil Lake 3,4;27,33,34,35 147;148 33 4-153: Lindgren Lake 1 148 33 *4-154: Larson Lake 3,4,9,10 148 33 4-155: Little Turtle Lake 8,16,17,20,21 148 33 4-156: Range Line Lake 7;12 148 32;33 4-157: Black Lake 13,14,23,24 148 33 4-158: Unnamed 14,23 148 33 4-159: Turtle Lake various 148 33 4-161: Bailey Lake 20,29 148 33 4-162: Fox Lake 22,23,26,27 148 33 4-165: Crane Lake 4;33,34 148;149 33 4-166: Julia Lake 4,5;32,33 148;149 33 4-167: Dark Lake 1,2 149 33 4-168: Polly Wog Lake 2,11,12 149 33 4-169: Marcus Lake 2,3 149 33 4-170: Little Rice Lake 4,5 149 33 4-171: Anderson Lake 9,16 149 33 4-172: Silver Lake 13,14 149 33 4-173: Long Slough Lake 14,23 149 33 4-174: Rice Lake 17,18 149 33 4-175: George Lake 18,19 149 33 4-176: Swamp Lake 22,27 149 33 4-177: Peterson Lake 23,24,25,26 149 33 4-178: Strand Lake 26,27,34,35 149 33 4-179: Upper Lindgren Lake 36 149 33 4-183: Wending Lake 11,14 150 33 Page 5 Number and Name Section Township Range 4-184: Gibibwisher Lake 15,16 150 33 4-188: Jack's Lake 25 150 33 4-190: Nebish Lake 27,28,33,34 150 33 4-191: Bass Lake 32,33 150 33 4-192: Smyth Lake 34 150 33 4-193: Green Lake 29,32 151 33 4-194: Unnamed 30 151 33 4-196: Campbell Lake 19;13,14,23,24 148 33;34 4-197: Little Puposky Lake 19;24 149 33;34 4-198: Puposky Lake various 149 33;34 4-199: Williams Lake 6;1 150 33;34 4-201: Chain Lake 31;36 151 33;34 4-203: Unnamed 5 146 34 4-211: Bootleg Lake 16,20,21,29 146 34 4-215: Fern Lake 25,26,35,36 146 34 4-216: Grass Lake 1,2;35,36 146;147 34 4-217: Grant Lake 4,5;33 146;147 34 4-218: Unnamed 5;32 146;147 34 4-219: Meadow Lake 1,12 147 34 4-220: Unnamed 2,3,11 147 34 4-221: Unnamed NW 20 147 34 4-222: Unnamed SW 20 147 34 4-227: Long Lake 2,3,4,9,10,11,14 148 34 4-229: Erick Lake 5,6 148 34 4-230: Deer Lake 5,8 148 34 4-231: Ragged Lake 7,18 148 34 4-233: Mud Lake 18 148 34 4-234: Wolf Lake 19,20,29,30 148 34 4-235: Peterson Lake 22,26,27,28 148 34 4-237: Pony Lake 28,29,32 148 34 4-241: Grenn Lake 1,2 149 34 4-242: Unnamed NW 2 149 34 4-243: Bog Lake 9,10,15 149 34 4-244: Boston Lake 12,13 149 34 4-245: Unnamed 20,21 149 34 4-246: Stray Horse Lake 29,32 149 34 4-247: Braas Lake 31 149 34 4-248: Fawn Lake SE 32 149 34 4-249: Fahul Lake 1,2;35,36 149;150 34 4-250: Rice Lake 3;34,35 149;150 34 4-251: Fox Lake 5,6 150 34 Page 6 Number and Name Section Township Range 4-256: Dickens Lake 10,15 150 34 4-265: Island Lake 28,29,30,31,32 150 34 4-267: Ten Mile Lake 36 150 34 4-268: Town Line Lake 2,3;34,35 150;151 34 4-269: Shemahgun Lake 25,26 151 34 4-270: Emerald Lake 25,26,35,36 151 34 4-272: Columbo Lake 26,35 151 34 4-275: Thunder Lake 28,29,32,33 151 34 4-277: Green Lake 31 151 34 4-281: Bass Lake 1,12 150 35 4-282: Mina Lake 29,30;25 150 34;35 4-283: Isle Lake 30;25 151 34;35 4-284: Burt Lake 31;36 151 34;35 4-286: Manomin Lake 23,24,25 146 35 4-287: Unnamed 34 146 35 4-289: Unnamed 2,11 147 35 4-290: Unnamed 3 147 35 4-291: Unnamed 4 147 35 4-292: Unnamed 10 147 35 4-295: Long Lake 15,22 148 35 4-296: Tepee Lake 16 148 35 4-297: Buzzle Lake 20,21,28 148 35 4-298: Little Buzzle Lake 22 148 35 4-299: Funkley Lake 25,26,35,36 148 35 4-300: Whitefish Lake 26,27 148 35 4-303: Spring Lake 35,36 148 35 4-304: Myrtle Lake 4,9 149 35 4-307: Sandy Lake 23,24 149 35 4-308: Perch Lake 23,26 149 35 4-309: Whitefish Lake 26,27,35 149 35 4-311: Fairbanks Lake 2;35 150;151 35 4-312: Sandy Lake 2,3,10,11 150 35 4-313: Pine Island Lake 4 150 35 4-314: Crooked Lake 5,6,7,8 150 35 4-315: Kesagiagan Lake 10,11,14,15 150 35 4-318: Shell Lake 13,14 150 35 4-319: Alaska Lake 14,15,22,23 150 35 4-320: Dunbar Lake 17 150 35 4-321: Mollison Lake 17,18 150 35 4-322:
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