US 2008O3O2347A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0302347 A1 Immesberger et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2008 (54) BOWSTRING DRAWING AND RELEASE Publication Classification ASSIST APPARATUS (51) Int. Cl. (76) Inventors: Daniel Immesberger, Bohemia, F4IB 5/8 (2006.01) NY (US); Lisa Collins, Bohemia, (52) U.S. Cl. ....................................................... 124/35.2 NY (US) Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT CARTER, DELUCA, FARRELL & SCHMIDT, An apparatus for one-handed operation of archery equipment LLP may facilitate drawing and firing of an arrow from a bow. The 445 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD, SUITE 420 apparatus may comprise a release aid having jaws for selec MELVILLE, NY 11747 (US) tive engagement and disengagement of a bowstring and a trigger mechanism operable to open and close the jaws. Head (21) Appl. No.: 12/133,618 gear may be configured for attachment to the head of an archer and may be coupled to the release aid with a connec (22) Filed: Jun. 5, 2008 tion mechanism such that the archer may resistatension in the bowstring with the headgear. An alternative apparatus com Related U.S. Application Data prises an automatic drawbar and engagement head Such that (60) Provisional application No. 60/942,057, filed on Jun. an archer may manipulate drawbar controls to draw and 5, 2007. release an arrow from a bow. Patent Application Publication Dec. 11, 2008 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2008/0302347 A1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 11, 2008 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2008/0302347 A1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 11, 2008 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2008/0302347 A1 155 180 182 156 ^n/ FIG. 2B FIG. 2C US 2008/0302347 A1 Dec. 11, 2008 BOWSTRING DRAWING AND RELEASE by those with limited or no use of a hand or arm. Thus, a need ASSIST APPARATUS exists for equipment which will allow these individuals to enjoy the sport of archery. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED SUMMARY APPLICATION 0009. The present disclosure describes an apparatus that 0001. This application claims priority from and the ben enables an archer to draw and firean arrow or other projectile efits of U.S. provisional application No. 60/942,057 filed on from a bow using only one arm. The apparatus comprises a Jun. 5, 2007, the entire contents of which are incorporated release aid havingjaws adapted for selective engagement and herein by reference. disengagement of a bowstring or string loop attached to the bowstring. The release aid includes a trigger mechanism operable to open and close the jaws. The apparatus also com BACKGROUND prises aheadgear configured for attachment to the head of an archer and a connection mechanism coupling the release aid 0002 1. Technical Field to the headgear Such that the archer may resista tension in the 0003. The present disclosure relates generally to archery bowstring with the headgear. and, more specifically to devices facilitating one-handed 0010. The head gear may comprise a stabilizing member operation of archery equipment. In particular the disclosure configured to hold the release aid steady adjacent a mouth of relates to one-handed loading, drawing and firing of an arrow the archer, and the trigger mechanism may comprises a trig from a bow. ger lever extending from the release aid that is operable by the mouth of the archer. The stabilizing member may also com 0004 2. Background of Related Art prise a shoulder mount configured to maintain a position of 0005. The sport of archery has developed from ancient the release aid as the tension is applied to the bowstring. techniques whereby an archer projects an arrow from a bow 0011. The trigger mechanism of the apparatus may com toward a selected target. Archery remains popular today both prise a lever release switch. The lever release switch may be as a means of hunting and also as a competitive sport. Tech configured for activation by a mouth of the archer. nological developments in the equipment have added appeal 0012. The apparatus may further comprise a leg brace to the sport by allowing for increased accuracy and ease of secured to a leg of the archer that provides a Surface on which USe. the archer may rest the bow in a position suitable for nocking 0006. One area of development has been in the field of an arrow. The leg brace may comprise an adjustment feature release aids. Traditionally an archer would use her fingers to to permit adjustment of an overall length of the leg brace. 0013. According to another aspect of the disclosure, an draw back an arrow and hold the bowstring in a fully drawn apparatus for drawing and firing an arrow from a bow com position while aiming. Inconsistencies in the drawing and prises a drawbar coupled to the bow that is selectively move release of the bowstring often unpredictably affected the tra able between an extended configuration and a retracted con jectory of the arrow and led to inaccurate firing. A typical figuration. The apparatus also comprises an engagement head release aid is designed to reduce these inconsistencies and supported by the drawbar that is selectively moveable consequently improve accuracy. Many include a mechanical between an engaged configuration and a release configura jaw operatively connected to a trigger mechanism to consis tion. The engagement head engages the bowstring when in the tently engage and release the bowstring. A release aid will engaged configuration and is withdrawn from the bowstring often include a swivel mechanism so that the archer will be when in the release configuration. The apparatus also com able to fire the arrow from a comfortable position without prises a power unit operatively connected to the drawbar. The devoting undue attention to the alignment of the release aid. power unit is configured for providing power to the drawbar Also, a wrist Strap is often included allowing the archer to to move the drawbar between the retracted and extended deliver the necessary forces to the mechanism to draw back configurations, and to move the engagement head between the arrow. the engaged and release configurations. The apparatus also 0007 Another area of development has been in bow comprises a first drawbar control and a second drawbar con drawlock devices. Traditionally an archer would need to exert trol. The first drawbar control is configured to move the a large force to bring a bowstring into a fully tensioned drawbar from the retracted to extended configuration when condition Suitable for firing an arrow. Consequently, after the engagement head is in the engaged configuration Such that the bow may be drawn, and the second drawbar control is releasing several arrows muscle fatigue would lead to inac configured to move the engagement head from the engaged to curate firing. A drawlock may be used to reduce muscle release configuration when the drawbar is in the extended fatigue typically by providing either a fixed or moveable rod configuration such that an arrow may be fired from the bow. attached to the bow with a latch mechanism to lock the bow 0014. The first and second drawbar controls may both be string at a full draw. operable by a hand on an extended forward arm of an archer. 0008. One area needing further development is in provid Alternatively, one of the first and second drawbar controls ing archery equipment configured for one-handed or hands may be accessible by a handon an extended forward arm of an free operation. Traditionally an archer would need to support archer, and the other of the drawbar controls may be config the bow with one hand and with the other hand, draw the ured for activation by the mouth of the archer. bowstring and fire the arrow. Firing accuracy may be 0015 The apparatus may further comprise a sensor elec improved, however if at least one hand remains free to per trically coupled to a control circuit may be configured to form other tasks such as sighting or ascertaining wind condi detect the presence or absence of an arrow from the bow, and tions. Also, there is significant interest in the sport of archery the control circuit may be electrically coupled to the power US 2008/0302347 A1 Dec. 11, 2008 unit and configured to prevent accidental movement of the embodiment of the present disclosure may be adapted to be drawbar from the retracted configuration to the extended con installed on or used with other standard types of bows includ figuration in the absence of an arrow from the bow. The ing a straight limb bow or a recurve bow. A string loop 26 is apparatus may also further comprise a maintenance override depicted attached to the bowstring 25 on both sides of the implement to permit the drawbar to move from the retracted arrow 30. A string loop is a common disposable archery configuration to the extended configuration in the absence of accessory which typically slides over the bowstring to protect an arrow, and to prevent accidental movement of the engage the bowstring from unnecessary wear. Here it may also serve ment head from the engagement to release configuration. the purpose of providing additional space between the face of 0016. The drawbar may be coupled to a riser on the bow, or archer 10 and bowstring 25. Once released, bowstring 25 will alternatively the drawbar may be coupled to a cable guard of move swiftly and often an archer 10 will feel more comfort a compound bow. Also, at least one of the drawbar, power unit able with some additional clearance. and drawbar controls are selectively removable from the bow. 0029 Release aid 50 may be any type of commercially available release aid or modified from such a release aid.
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