Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB (Tel.01259-450000) PLANNING COMMITTEE Wednesday 16 December 2015 at 9.30 am Venue: Council Chamber, Patons Building, Kilncraigs, Alloa, FK10 1EB For further information contact Strategy and Customer Services, Clackmannanshire Council, Kilncraigs, Alloa, FK10 1EB Phone: 01259 452106/2004 E-mail: [email protected] www.clacksweb.org.uk Date Time 1 Scheme of Delegation: Duties and Responsibilities Delegated to Committees Planning Committee Subject to paragraphs 3.28 and 11.4 of the Scheme of Delegation, the Planning Committee has responsibility for taking decisions on planning applications and enforcing planning laws, and; Carrying out the local authority's function in relation to street naming under section 97 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982; and Dealing with regulatory and enforcement issues arising from matters delegated to or delivered by Community and Regulatory Services related to Building Standards. 2 8 December 2015 A MEETING of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held within the Council Chamber, Patons Building, Kilncraigs, Alloa, FK10 1EB, on WEDNESDAY 16 DECEMBER 2015 at 9.30 am. GARRY DALLAS Executive Director B U S I N E S S Page No. 1. Apologies - - 2. Declaration of Interests - - Members should declare any financial or non-financial interests they have in any item on this agenda, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest in accordance with the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. A Declaration of Interest form should be completed and passed to the Committee Officer. 3. Confirm Minutes of Meeting held on 19 November 2015 07 (Copy herewith) 4. Planning Application (Ref.No.15/00252/FULL) - Conversion 11 Of Former School To Form 8 No. Townhouses and 5 No. Offices, Including Partial Demolition of Extension And Erection Of 12 No. Houses Listed Building Application (Ref.No.15/00253/LIST - Conversion Of Former School To Form 8 No. Townhouses And 5 No. Offices, Including Partial Demolition of Extension Former St John's Primary School, Grange Road, Alloa, Clackmannanshire - report by the Principal Planner (Copy herewith) 5. Street Naming Report for Development at Site of Former 27 Claremont Primary School, Alloa - report by Head of Development and Environment (Copy herewith) Contact Strategy and Customer Services, Clackmannanshire Council, Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa FK10 1EB Tel 01259 452106/452004 Email [email protected] www.clacksweb.org.uk 3 Contact Strategy and Customer Services, Clackmannanshire Council, Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa FK10 1EB Tel 01259 452106/452004 Email [email protected] www.clacksweb.org.uk 4 PLANNING COMMITTEE – MEMBERS Councillors Wards Councillor Alastair Campbell (Convenor) 5 Clackmannanshire East CONS Councillor George Matchett, QPM (Vice Convenor) 1 Clackmannanshire West LAB Councillor Tina Murphy 1 Clackmannanshire West SNP Councillor Les Sharp 1 Clackmannanshire West SNP Councillor Walter McAdam, MBE 2 Clackmannanshire North SNP Councillor Bobby McGill 2 Clackmannanshire North LAB Councillor Gary Womersley 3 Clackmannanshire Central SNP Councillor Kenneth Earle 4 Clackmannanshire South LAB Councillor Ellen Forson 4 Clackmannanshire South SNP Councillor Kathleen Martin 5 Clackmannanshire East LAB Updated 23-10-14 5 6 THIS PAPER RELATES TO ITEM 03 ON THE AGENDA MINUTES OF MEETING of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held within the Council Chamber, Patons Building, Kilncraigs, Alloa, FK10 1EB, on THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2015 at 9.30 am. PRESENT Councillor Alastair Campbell, Convenor (In the Chair) Councillor George Matchett, QPM (Vice Convenor) Councillor Donald Balsillie (S) Councillor Kathleen Martin Councillor Bobby McGill Councillor Les Sharp IN ATTENDANCE Ian Duguid, Development Quality Team Leader Julie Hamilton, Development Services Manager Stuart McQueen, Solicitor, Legal Services (Clerk to the Committee) Melanie Moore, Business Support to the Committee Councillor Archie Drummond, Ward 2, Clackmannanshire North (Item 7) PLA/121 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Tina Murphy, Councillor Ellen Forson, Councillor Kenneth Earle and Councillor Walter McAdam, MBE. Councillor Donald Balsillie attended as substitute for Councillor Tina Murphy. PLA/122 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. PLA/123 MINUTES OF MEETING: PLANNING COMMITTEE 8 OCTOBER 2015 The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 8 October 2015 were submitted for approval. Decision The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 8 October 2015 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Convenor. PLA/124 PLANNING APPLICATION Application for Planning Permission - Engineering And Ground Operations To Form Playing Field And Cemetery - Land Adjoining Kellyburn, Lovers Loan, Dollar, Clackmannanshire (Ref. No.15/00204/FULL) A report which comprised the Report of Handling on the above planning application and made recommendations to the Committee was submitted by the Principal Planner. The application was reported to Committee for determination as the application site included land which by the Council and representations had been received in respect of the proposed development. Motion That the Committee approves the application for the reasons set out in the report. Moved by Councillor Alastair Campbell. Seconded by Councillor Bobby McGill. Decision The Committee agreed unanimously to APPROVE the application subject to the conditions set out in the report. Action Principal Planner Councillor Donald Balsillie joined the meeting during the next item of business (9.40 am). PLA/125 REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMITTEE DECISIONS, MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS AND OTHER AREAS OF SERVICE DELIVERY A report was submitted by the Development Quality Team Leader which provided the Committee with an up to date position statement on previous Committee decisions on planning applications, other significant decisions approved under the Council's Scheme of Delegation and other key areas of Development Quality Service delivery between April- September 2015. The report was the latest of a series of regular reports prepared on a 6 month cycle. Motion That the Committee agrees the recommendation set out in the report. Moved by Councillor Alastair Campbell. Seconded by Councillor George Matchett QPM. Decision The Committee agreed unanimously to note the progress on planned developments in Clackmannanshire and other areas of work activity contributing to the Development and Environment Business Plan and the use and monitoring of the adopted Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan. PLA/126 STREET NAMING REPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT AT LAND SOUTH OF BYPASS, STIRLING ROAD, TULLILBODY A report which invited Committee to determine the name of the new street for the development at land south of bypass, Stirling Road, Tullibody, was submitted by the Head of Development and Environment. The report set out the results of the consultation exercise seeking suggested names for the street at the development, recommending either "Acer Crescent" or "Spittal Crescent". Motion That Committee agree the new street name for the Development at land South of Bypass, Stirling Road, Tullibody, as "Acer Crescent". Moved by Councillor George Matchett, QPM. Seconded by Councillor Kathleen Martin. Decision The Committee agreed unanimously that the new street name for the Development at land South of Bypass, Stirling Road, Tullibody will be "Acer Crescent". Action Development Services Manager PLA/127 STREET NAMING REPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT AT THE FORMER COMMUNITY CENTRE, TILLICOULTRY A report which invited Committee to determine the name of new street for the development at the former Community Centre, Tillicoultry, was submitted by the Head of Development and Environment. The report set out the results of the consultation exercise seeking suggested names for street at the former Community Centre, Tillicoultry. The Committee heard representations from Councillor Archie Drummond as a Ward Councillor for Ward 2. Motion That the Committee agree the new street name for the development at the former Community Centre, Tillicoultry as "James Pollock Court". Moved by Councillor Alastair Campbell. Seconded by Councillor Bobby McGill. Decision The Committee agreed unanimously that the new street name for the Development at the former Community Centre, Tillicoultry will be "James Pollock Court". Action Development Services Manager Ends 0957 hrs THIS PAPER RELATES TO ITEM 04 CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL ON THE AGENDA Report to: Planning Committee Date of Meeting: 16th December 2015 Subject: Planning Application 15/00252/FULL - Conversion Of Former School To Form 8 No. Townhouses and 5 No. Offices, Including Partial Demolition of Extension And Erection Of 12 No. Houses Listed Building Application 15/00253/LIST - Conversion Of Former School To Form 8 No. Townhouses And 5 No. Offices, Including Partial Demolition of Extension Former St John's Primary School, Grange Road, Alloa, Clackmannanshire Report by: Grant Baxter, Principal Planner 1.0 Purpose 1.1. The purpose of this report is to provide an assessment of and recommendations on the development proposals for the now vacant St John's Primary School site. The proposals involve partial demolition of an extension, conversion of the original listed school building to 8No. houses and 5No. small office spaces and erection of 12No. new houses in the grounds. 1.2. The Planning and Listed Building applications submitted by Hillfoot Homes require to be determined by Committee as the site is owned by the Council and there
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