adventures in the Holy Land, which he reached STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSfflP, MANAGE­ and entered on a boat manned by the group which MENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., required by the Acts of is actively engaged in smuggling Jews into Pales­ Congress of August 24, 1912, and March 3, 1933. of tine. It makes fascinating and instructive reading. FREE WORLD, published monthly at New York, N. Y. THE MASTERS AND THE SLAVES, A Study in State of New York >- ss. for October 1st, 1946. the Development of Brazilian Civilization, by Bil- County of New York berto Freyre. Translated by Samuel Putnam, Alfred Before me, a notary public in and for the State and A. Knopf, 600 pages, $7.50. A veritable mine of county aforesaid, personally appeared Samson Trop, facts about Brazil, written in a skillful and scholarly, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes as well as very readable style and translated in a and says that he is the Assistant to the Publisher of the masterly fashion. The book is absorbing, colorful FREE WORLD and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the owner­ and crammed full of facts and information. It is a ship, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for must for everyone interested in the South Ameri­ the date shown in the above caption, required by the can continent and Latin American life and afiairs. Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in section 537, Postal Laws and THE UNITED NATIONS: A Handbook on the Regulations printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: New World Organization, by Louis Dolivet, with a 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, preface by Trygve Lie, Farrar, Straus, 152 pages, editor, managing editor, and business manager are: $1.75. "It is the great merit of Dolivet's book, that Publisher, Free World, Inc., 144 Bleecker Street, New it substitutes a real and working United Nations, York 12 N. Y.; International Editor, Louis Dolivet; with living personnel and actual tasks, for the experi­ Managing Editor, Charles B. Gary; Assistant to the Pub­ lisher, Samson Trop: 144 Bleecker Street, New York 12, mental abstraction and that it reaffirms in specific N. Y. Editorial Board: Sir Norman Angell, William L. and convincing language both the ideal and prac­ Shirer, Orson Welles, Lin Yutang, Max Ascoli, Burnet tical character of the enterprise. ... It is because Hershey, Walter Millis, Edgar A. Mowrer, Freda Kirch- he attacks the whole question from that point of wey, Louis Lipsky, Michael Straight, J. Alyarez del Vayo, Basil Vlavianos, Wousaofong. view—from the point of view of the United Nations in action—that Dolivet's book is so valuable. It 2. That the owner is: Free World, Inc. Non-Profit will certainly be widely used. It is comprehensive, Organization. No Stockholders. Board of Directors: exact and readable. It answers questions in the Chairman, Dr. Li Yu Ying, 144 Bleecker Street, N. Y. C; order in which they are most likely to present Executive Vice-Chairman, Hugh Moore, Dixie Vortex Company, 24th St. and Dixie Ave., Easton, Pa; Treas­ themselves to the general lea-dei."—Archibald Mac- urer, Frederick C. McKee, 2216 Oliver Building, Pitts­ leish. burgh, Pa.; William Emerson, 107 Massachusetts Ave., Boston 15, Mass.; Louis Dolivet, 144 Bleecker St., New WHERE ARE WE HEADING? by Sumner Welles, York 12, N. Y.; Michael Straight, 40 East 49th St., New York 17, N. Y.; Dr. Wousaofong, 86 Riverside Drive, Harper & Bros., 390 pages, $3.50. The criticism by a New York 24, N. Y. career diplomat of the attitude of all the big powers. Mr. Welles is particularly critical of the conduct of 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and what he terms "so-called" diplomats, who are with­ other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or out experience, skill or understanding. He makes a more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. plea for cooperation among nations, particularly between the United States and Russia, and states 4. That the two paragraphs next above giving the that it is still not too late" it we are to avoid the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and secur­ heartbreak which goes with large scale disagree­ ity holders as they appear upon the books of the company ments. but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; Our Book Reviewers also that the said two paragraphs contain statements emhracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the DAVID S. MUZZEY, professor emeritus of His­ circumstances and conditions under which stockholders tory of Columbia University, and .well-known au­ and security holders who do not appear upon the books thor; MAX DELSON, attorney and authority of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in on labor problems; JOHN GOETTE, recently re­ a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and that this affiant has no reason to believe that any other turned from an extensive and searching journey person, association or corporation has any interest direct through the Far East, correspondent, author, lec­ or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities turer and reviewer; ALLEN HADEN, writer and than as so stated by him. editor, formerly Managing Editor of FREE WORLD (Signed) SAMSON TROP, Magazine; HARVEY J. BRESLER, writer and re­ Assistant to the Publisher. viewer, whose reviews have appeared in our columns as well as those of the New York Times; HENRY Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of A. ATKINSON, General Secretary of the Church October, 1946. Peace Union, whose work on behalf of minorities is SEAL manifold; HARRIET ZINNES, writer and book (My commission expires March 30, 1947.) reviewer, whose reviews have appeared in this (Signed) VITO A. DE LUCIA, magazine many times. Notary Public. 62 FREE WORLD PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED "THE WORLD OF FRIENDLY AND UNDERSTANDING MINDS WOULD BE A WORLD OF PEACE . MINDS ACROSS THE SEAS REPLENISH THE FORCES OF INTEL- LECTUAL, MORAL AND SPIRITUAL FREEDOM.''—Dean Lynn Harold Hough. This Christmas, the Perfect Gift is a Subscription to FREE WORLD An International Magazine for the United Nations Share with your family and friends FREE WORLD'S timely and informative articles by world-renowned authorities and partake in "building the defenses of peace" in the hearts and minds of menl SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT RATE $3.00 a year each for two or more subscriptions (Regular rate |4.00 a year) An attractive Christmas card announcing your gift will be mailed with each subscription. MAIL Christmas Order Form TODAY! FREE WORLD, Inc., 144 Bleecker Street, New York 12, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please send gift subscription for one year of FREE WORLD to my friends listed below at the rate of $3.00 each for two or more, n I wish to include my own renewal at this special $3.00 rate. My Name. Street. City. .Zone State LIST GIFTS HERE Name Name. Street Street City .State City .State. Gift card should read from. Gift card should read from. Name Name Street Street City .State. City .State. Gift card should read from. Gift card should read from. 12-46 Canadian and Foreign Postage JLOO a year additional PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED BOURJOIS mc, PARFUMEURS 55 WEST 34thi STREET NEW YORK QTY PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED '^'jj'j'^/w^fs^w^yy. w f PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ^ii^a^ "THE UNITED NATIONS" - by LOUIS DOLIVET InternMtond Editor, Free World Magazine A handbook on the New World, Orgmiizatiom With a preface by Trygve Lie This complete and concise guide book discusses, read­ ably and accurately the basic facts concerning the United Nations — its structure, aims, powers, and' limitations. The ¥olume contains graphic charts of the UN, the text of the Charter, the Statute of The International Court and lists of key personnel. Here are a few endorsements of the book by UN represen­ tatives and other leading authorities. AT ALL BOOK ST0RES'-$IJ5 FARRAR, STRAUS & COMPANY, NEW YORK TEYGVE LIE SecretaEy-Geoeral of th® United Nations "This handbook, on. The United Nations presents a highly interesting and understanding view of the organizatiow, as it mow exists and it seems to me to cafture the spirit of what we are doing -sni are going to do." HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON ANDREI A. GROMYKO Acting R^pr^Mntativs of She United States to iks UN. Chief Delegate of ih& V.S'S.R. to ths UN Secu^'it^ Counc.i. "The intelligene »nd ckriffiog analysis should go far "The book will help readers to form a correct idea uf fO'Ward laying the fonndation for an infotmed pnHic the work which is essential for the aaaintenante of a opinion. It should have as wide a reading audience as stable and durable peace." possible." ALEXANDRE PARODI Chief French Delegate to the Security Co\ ncil PHILIP NOEL-BAKER Ambassador of Emncg, Minister of Air, Delegate to the UN, "This book will help its readers to understand the CkaiftimM Briiiak Labor Party, complex mechanism of the Uaited --Nations." "This is a brilliant statement of the methoxis and aims DR. QUO TAI-CHI of Ae United Nations. I hope, that schools, nni¥ersities Chief Delegate &f Chm^ to the Security Council; and &e ordiuary citizens m ifianf cotiBitties will make Forwuef Minister of Foreign A^'mirs.
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